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Bad Dog Books releases new FANG and ROAR anthlogies, three new novels

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Bad Dog Books has released five new books: FANG Volume 3, ROAR Volume 1, White Crusade by Ben Goodridge, The Hero by Teiran, and El Burrito de los Muertos by André Blaireau.
These will debut during Anthrocon '07 and are available from BDB directly and from FurPlanet for $19.95 each. At Anthrocon they will be available from the FurNation table, where a book-signing will also be organized with all three novel authors in attendance.

Bad Dog Books new releases at Furry Weekend Atlanta

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Bad Dog Books has released new pocket-sized paperback editions of FANG Volume 1, FANG Volume 2 and FANG Presents: Everybody Loves Luther, which will be available at the FurNation table during Furry Weekend Atlanta. All three books are priced $19.99.

FANG Volume 1 (pocket edition) now available from Bad Dog Books

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Bad Dog Books has released the pocket-sized edition of FANG Volume 1, which collects a selection of high-quality m/m erotica written by K. M. Hirosaki, Kyell Gold (also known for Volle, Pendant of Fortune, and the Volle and Pendant of Fortune novels at Sofawolf Press), Badger, Whyte Yote, Stormcatche, Red Swampwulf and others. FANG Volume 1 is available directly from Bad Dog Books at More information is available at

Halloween story anthology: FANG H05

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Now available!

Pre-empting the Little Black Book of Furry Fiction's second issue, the special Halloween issue bundles stories from some of the fandom's most talented writers.

Furry Fiction Anthology Published

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FANG, the Little Black Book of Furry Fiction, edited by Alex "Osfer" Vance, has published its first issue, available here at an RRP of $19.99.

New small-press furry fiction anthology open for submissions.

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FANG, the "little black book of furry fiction", is an ambitious new project that aims to make quality furry fiction available in comfortable paperback format, slated for an August release to coincide with Camp Feral.
As much an attempt to galvanize the amateur furry fiction community into striving for a higher standard in their work as to provide furs with an anthology of some of the best work currently available, FANG takes a rather unique stance toward material that's been previously available on-line. Not only does FANG not have a policy against previously published material, readers are encouraged to mail their favourite authors, to urge them to submit their work to FANG.