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How furries should react to mean people
Opinion on my art / Possible badge commission
Hey all! I was thinking of maybe posting my commissions here because I am in need of cash. I was wondering what you all think? Example of my badge This is a badge I made for my first fursuit. If you're interested in perhaps commissioning me, send me a PM on Reddit please! These run for about $25 ! EDIT: forgot to mention, badges are $25 with lamination, badge clip, and shipping. Without all of this, my price is $10 a drawing.
submitted by hellhoundprince[link] [4 comments]
Should This Zoophile Consider His Dog His Mate?
Thanks for the great advice for that previous question, I feel a little better about it now and will do my best to follow it and get rid of my hate. Now I'll ask you about the touchier subject that is not really related to the issue just discussed (although possibly a tiny bit, but nothing to do with hate).
So, a few years ago after I first learnt of being a therian and 'awakened', I had begun to feel a much stronger connection towards canines (being a wolf therian) and even other animals in general that aren't human. And then I started to see dogs differently, getting various lustful and romantic emotions until for a time I was much more interested in canines than humans, I even had a massive crush on a relative's dog (but didn't do much other than let her lick my face as much as she wanted). It elevated though when I begun to feel lustful towards one of my own dogs (I had two) and well, this is hard to admit, but I ended up rubbing her and performing oral on her, and letting her lick me in return (I think I was 16 or 15 at the time). I very stupidly told some 'friends' when we were all sharing secrets and then they spread it around the school, which I then had to cover up as a false rumour that they made up (in order to protect myself since such a thing is illegal in my country, Australia (I hope my parents never read this, they might recognise the story about the 'rumour')).
Sometime after that I also learnt that I am bi, and then I got a boyfriend, causing things to simmer down a bit (although I still did get turned on by dogs). After about a year I broke up with my boyfriend since it was a long distance thing and we had never physically been together. I was really upset at the time, I felt bad for breaking up with him, but I knew it had to be done since it wasn't working for me. Over time I got better and things gradually relaxed as I adjusted to not having any mates. However, not long ago I have begun to feel much more strongly towards non-human animals again, but this time I seem to be turned on by any large mammal, male or female, as long as it isn't a human. I mean, whenever I go to places and see a large mammal, I always try to get a look at (from a distance, no actual contact) whether they're male or female as long as I can do it unnoticed.
Now we have a new dog at our house (since my previous two died) that is male and I ended up getting a crush on him. I always cuddle with him when I can, and it feels amazing when he licks my lips (like the best thing I've ever felt), I am also eager in waiting for whenever he may get an erection. I also strip nude when I'm home alone and let him lick me, but I don't force him to do anything, if he isn't interested I accept it. So um, I guess I'm wondering about whether I should let this continue or not?
* * *
Hi, Fellow Furry,
I wrote an article about zoophilia a while back. Take a look here http://www.askpapabear.com/letters/papabear-chimes-in-on-a-touchy-topic-zoophilia and see what you think. Then get back to me.
* * *
I have read that article before, and I guess it isn't morality that's the issue, since I have already accepted it as all right, provided neither me nor any animals are harmed. However, my issue here is what to do about it, since I'm beginning to fall hopelessly in love with my dog. I do feel kind of restricted, especially because of my parents and the law. I don't think I could explain it to my parents, since there was one time when I tried to approach the subject very neutrally with my aunt (who is more open and progressive than my parents) and even she said that it was disgusting and wrong.... I mean, I'm essentially closeted all over again, this being my fifth and worst time closeted. First it was therian, then furry, then being bi, then being brony, and now it's being zoosexual/zoophilic....
So the questions here are, should I actually view my new dog as my mate? And is there any way for me to loosen up a bit around anybody?
(I also wouldn't mind you putting this on your column if you deem it worthy, since I would like to contribute to helping other zoophiles/zoosexuals in a similar position, as long as you use the previous pseudonym that I used)
Agitated and Confused Therian (age 18)
* * *
Hi, again, Agitated,
While I understand, intellectually, zoophilia and sexual attractions of this sort, I think you need to recognize that dog (and other animal) behavior and psychology is very different from those of human beings. Most people, when they find a loving mate, have someone with whom they share many commonalities: interests in work, hobbies, spiritual and religious issues, sharing a life. While you can have sex with a canine, and even have a loving relationship of sorts, it is not the same as having one with a human being; you can never have a well-rounded matehood with a dog, in my opinion.
I caution you not to anthropomorphize your dog. He is not human, and not just in the physical sense. He will likely see you as the alpha male, a leader of a very small pack, and he will be very loyal and true, but still, it is not the same. He will not share your intellect, and his behavior will always be that of a dog. Also, add to this that your pet will have a very abbreviated life in comparison to your own, which is hard enough when one considers a dog a pet, but much much harder if you consider the dog a mate. You are in for some heavy emotional pain in a few years.
But I will not tell you what to do here. This is your life, and I have no right to judge you. I can tell you that I, personally, would never consider a creature of another species as a mate, but that’s me, not you. My psyche is not the same as yours.
I can tell you, of course, that if you go around telling people that the dog is your mate you are going to be severely ostracized by friends, family, and society as a whole. That is a fact that you are well aware of. Therefore, it is in your best interest not to publicize this, the alternative being to live a hermit’s life far away from other people.
Papabear fears that this is one area that he has little personal experience in, and I don’t think I can give you the best advice on what to do. I would recommend a few websites for you to check out and that you try to connect to other zoophiles who can probably give you better input. Here are two sites: https://www.zoophilia.net/ and http://www.zoophile.net/.
I’ll invite my readers to chime in, as well, so follow this column and see if some people contribute comments.
Hugs. Wishing you luck.
Trying to stream for 24 hrs to celebrate
Escape from St. Arned, by Rose LaCroix – book review by Fred Patten.
Please, Don't bandwagon this much.
Seriously, just lok at /new. I hate megathreads, but maybe we should get one. Sorry, but no one cares about what you've got on your phone. And no, you're not the only one who's afraid to do it.
submitted by Midnight_Gear[link] [40 comments]
Phone wallpaper / home screen / lock screen mega post.
Instead of all of you posting separately - post all of your phone wallpapers here!
I would also like to shout out /r/furrywallpapers
This is my phone background (art by Orlando Fox edit by me)
edit: noticed another mega thread after making this one. It was buried under many many many wallpaper posts.
Edit 2: +Points if you give the artist credit!
submitted by iTo[link] [71 comments]
Look at my lockscreen/homescreen/wallpaper! :3
Furries eXchanging Cards. CaH game today at 22:00 UTC.
Rules are the usual.
- Check what time is 22:00 UTC on your local time.
- Join fa_mirror's game. [Link to the game will be posted minutes before].
- Password is 'death_by_yiff_yiff' (no quotes)
- Custom cards will be used.
- You will NOT be able to log in until 22:00UTC!
- Even if you cannot join the game, stay for the chat, I promise it will be awesome, sometimes even better than the game itself
You can make your own cards! make a post below!
White: *Really* liking Digimon.
Black: Honey, I ______ the cubs.
PyX protips:
- Play using the browser in fullscreen
- If the game starts acting funny, refresh the page (F5)
- Make the text smaller by pressing CTRL + - (Control key and dash key together)
- Be very politicaly incorrect. Nothing is too soon nor taboo.
Eurofurs might want to also play Eurovision song contest Drinking Game.
Damn you Pogo! I cannot take this song off my head! submitted by fa_mirror[link] [19 comments]
Today is Eurovision. Europe's guiltiest pleasure. Whatcha doing tonight?
If you want to mix cringey performances from the southern countries and get absolutely wasted at the same time, here's eurovison song contest DRINKING GAME
Some backstory for non-euro/non-autralians.
Anyone up for a game of CaH?
submitted by fa_mirror[link] [13 comments]