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S4 Special 4 – FWIW LIVE! @ Biggest Little Fur Con - At long last, the cast has finally made a new FWIW LIVE! Join the audience and relive the fun of Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno, NV as we explore the topic of....Perfection! What makes a perfect fandom?
Show Notes
Special Thanks:
Those of you who attended the show!
BLFC and the wonderful staff for a wonderful event!
Our game show contestants and panelists!
Husky in Denial, for making such an incredible remix special for BLFC!
Special Opening and closing theme: Husky in Denial - Cloud Fields (1984 Mix), based on Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA, Not released 2015. ©2015 Husky in Denial & Fur What It’s Worth.
Next episode: Our next episode takes a different twist as we talk with a British expatriate living in the United States. How are these two cultures different, despite being tightly intertwined? Is she tired of being asked if she watches Doctor Who? How does she feel about the use of British accents in advertisements to sell products? What does she miss the most? We'll ask her all these, plus your questions! S4 Special 4 – FWIW LIVE! @ Biggest Little Fur Con - At long last, the cast has finally made a new FWIW LIVE! Join the audience and relive the fun of Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno, NV as we explore the topic of....Perfection! What makes a perfect fandom?
found some of you at MCM Comicon in London today
Leezard reporting in.
Three great days here... And many more.
I've only been on reddit for three days and I already feel like this is like a second home... A very fluffy second home. In just three days I've seen more kindness out of you guys than anywhere else I've been on the Internet. And I know at this point you've all seen many posts like this... But I felt like after how supporting and kind you've all been, that I owe you this. I know that you didn't help me get out of depression or save my life or any of those things... But you were all kind... And kindness is hard to find these days especially for a furry. We all have something in common here, we're different, and most people see that as a bad thing, they see us as bad people... But you all are the kindest people I've seen... One of my friends here made me something recently... I asked him why he did it and he said that it was because he wanted to help... And then I realized just how great this community was... How great everyone was... And I just wanted to take the time to thank you all... For being there for eachother. Because some people really need it, and you all always seem happy to help... So thank you... I'm not very good at comforting people so I probably won't be able help others nearly as good as I've seen some of you helping others so this is the least I could do give back to the amazing community of /r/Furry.
submitted by Lucario117[link] [43 comments]
Why am I still here?
Hello /r/furry! Its me again. I have must to answer this question. It has been asked about 420 times.
I like you people.
I enjoy watching art.... and streams.
I have to have my dose of drama.
I'm somewhat bored.
You people are funny/have a weird but cool sence of humor.
Relevant, but only if you think about it
submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun[link] [67 comments]
Who is your favorite furry cartoon/video game character?
Loads to pick from, like pokemon, the pink panther, sly cooper, courage, fantastic mr fox, etc.
submitted by MRjarjarbinks[link] [74 comments]