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Stacy's Furry Mom NSFW

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 23:02
Categories: News

If you did, how did you come out to family and friends as a furry?

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 21:25

I haven't come out yet but I've been dropping subtle hints. I've been dropping so many hints im surprised it isn't obvious now.

submitted by scamer38
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Categories: News

Testing the waters: my brother's (and aunt's) reaction

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 19:24

So I am visiting family that lives 40 miles (~65 km) outside of Pittsburgh this weekend. As a few of you may know, Anthrocon was this weekend at the convention center downtown sorry to bring it up. I never planned on attending since I only very recently decided to get involved with the furry community and didn't feel ready. So I hatched a plan: get as close to the convention as possible while acting completely oblivious to it.

On Saturday, I rounded up a few family members and took them down to the Strip District (right near the con). After we spent time there, I suggested a route home that went right outside the con center. They agreed! yes! my plan is working! We passed our first 'suiter. here we go. My brother was the first to chime in by saying "What is that?" and "What are you, a fox, or..?" (We were driving by with the windows up, so the fox didn't hear him). Then we saw a few more 'suiters, and my aunt said "Why are these people wearing masks and stuff? It looks like the Purge." XD I played dumb the entire time, acting like I didn't know anything about. That was all we saw that day, but I wasn't satisfied. I wanted moar!

I decided to take my brother back into Pittsburgh to do some sightseeing this morning (Sunday). After we walked around downtown some, we headed towards the con center. Round two, herewego. We turned the corner, and suddenly walked into the thick of it all, fursuiters were walking, it was bustling, the furry car show was letting out, it was like a dream. I loved it and found it very hard to keep my composure, but I again acted completely oblivious. My brother just stood still and said "What the hell is going on?" "Is this comic-con?" lol noob The rest of his commentary was somewhere along the line of "This is weird/creepy," and "Why does everyone have tails?" and "I don't understand this," and "OMG, that fox is adorable!" Okay, maybe that's what I was thinking. One thing he didn't mention was the typical "dogf*cker" or yiff argument, which made me happy that he wasn't tainted. So his reaction wasn't very positive, but he wasn't completely repulsed by it all.

This was a good experiment to gauge how my brother would react if I told him about my interest in the furry community. I might just keep it under wraps for a little longer.

Thanks everybody for not acting too wild. Your suits were awesome. I can't wait to join y'all soon!

TL;DR: In Pittsburgh while AC is happening. Bring my family outside the con to see their reaction while I acted oblivious. Reactions weren't positive, but not totally negative. Now I really want to attend.

submitted by adamc4
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Categories: News

So Long AC!

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 19:09
Categories: News

I have no clue

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 18:48

Im New to this furry thing so please don't kill me

submitted by scamer38
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Categories: News

A *dog* convention! <3

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 17:50
Categories: News

The Furries Have Landed — And Pittsburgh Is Giving Them A Bear Hug

Furries In The Media - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 17:40

Here is an article about Anthrocon on the NPR website:

It was a warm, humid day in downtown Pittsburgh — and it was even hotter for the more than 1,400 people who were wearing animal costumes. Adults and kids trekked the city's streets wearing ears and tails, paws and full-body animal suits, much like the ones you'd see at Disneyland.

Long the butt of jokes, the worldwide population of anthropomorphic animal enthusiasts known as "furries" continues to grow. And every summer, they gather in Pittsburgh for the world's largest furry convention, dubbed Anthrocon.

Before this weekend, Anthrocon's annual "Fursuit" parade was always held indoors, open only to convention attendees. This year, though, they took it outdoors and into the public. Fans of all ages showed up.

"I love it more than anything in the freakin' world!" exults 10-year-old Mia. "There are unicorns and I'm about to be all, 'Oh, my God!' "

But what exactly is a furry?

"A furry is either a cartoon animal or a fan of cartoon animals," says Samuel Conway, Anthrocon's chairman. "We use the terms interchangeably."

OK. But is being a furry a hobby? A lifestyle?

"We create our own fandom," says Conway. "Every person here is an individual dreamer, has made their own world."

Take Vitai, a white tiger from Jacksonville, Fla. Underneath the elaborate tiger suit is David Kanaszka. He's a regular at this conference and participates in online forums. He is a furry, he says, in part because of the open-minded and accepting nature of the community.

"You can be yourself," he says. "You don't have to worry about what they're going to think of you because you're dressed up like a giant animal."

Furry conventions are held in the U.S. and around the world. Anthrocon started in Albany, N.Y., in 1997 and has been held in Pittsburgh every year since 2006. It is scheduled to continue there through at least 2021. Attendees come from more than 34 countries.

"They've embraced us, and we've embraced them right back," says Tom Loftus, with Visit Pittsburgh, the city's convention and visitors' bureau. He says the furries have had a positive impact on the city.

"From an economic standpoint this year alone, it's going to be $5.7 million in direct spending," he says.

And Anthrocon donates every year to a local animal-related charity or organization.

Still, the furries do have to battle some big misconceptions. The biggest one is that it's a sexual fetish.

"I could probably go on all day. 'I heard the furries this, I heard the furries that!' The only real statement is, 'I heard that furries are some of the most creative people on the face of the planet,' " says Conway.

But, he concedes, there is one drawback.

"Do they shed all over the hotel rooms? Yes. I'm sorry, they do."

That's not stopping Pittsburghers from talking to furries, petting them, hugging them and taking selfies with them.

But Conway cautions:

"Please don't pull the tail. It's very, very rude."
Categories: News

Bravely Default

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 17:26
Categories: News

RACKED: The Fursuit of Happiness: High Fashion in Furry Fandom

Furries In The Media - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 17:03
Looks like this article was totally missed on here:

Its a very nice article.
Categories: News

Need a reference sheet? I might be able to help out!

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 16:54

I've recently discovered the RadPanda's ultimate reference sheet, a very useful tool for giving some of my characters a more definitive look. It's totally free, very customizable and well sorted.

I understand, however, that it has it's limitations especially for people not exactly well versed in the mechanics of Photoshop. Therefore, I would like to take a few requests for using this template to help someone else give their characters a look! I've already made two sheets for some of my own characters, (99% of the line art is credit to the original artists, but I have modified them considerably).

If you have a written description for your character, (or even some visual references would be nice), please leave them in a comment and i'll see what I can whip up. Be as descriptive as you wish, but remember that there are limits to what I can do as a very inexperienced artist. Templates exist for most common species!

Tl;dr if you want a reference sheet but aren't good with Photoshop, leave a character description and i'll try my best to finnagle one up for you using a template.

PS:I really hope this doesn't violate any ToS...

Edit:RIP my free time and your expectations. I cannot promise i'll get to everyone or a date to expect stuff, so I do hope for your understanding and cooperation. I am but a lowly deer and using a pen with hooves is hard.

submitted by Shepettan_Pride
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Categories: News

Its hot, so enjoy my surfing panda

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 16:48
Categories: News

A short message from a first-time Anthrocon attendee.

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 16:44

I'm a native Pittsburgh (Area) resident. I've been building costumes for an amusement park here since 2008, but have never attended Anthrocon until this weekend. It is usually the July Fourth weekend, and I'm always away, so this was a great opportunity to attend.

Thank you, everyone, for showing me such a fun time! I wore my Cheshire Cat costume from the park, and had a lot of positive comments. I learned a bunch of design elements that will help me make my costume better, and got information from vendors to source some awesome building materials. The Fursuit Parade was something magical!

Thank you, furries, for showing me how much fun you "Weirdoes" can be! Hopefully I will be able to attend Anthrocon '16, for more than the one day I had this year.

P.S. A special thanks to everyone who drew on my van, the Art Astro! You guys are awesome!

EDIT- Strange, I've never had a problem with my images not being available. I fixed it. Sorry, I don't hate ya!

submitted by Phantom_Scarecrow
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Categories: News

Does anyone know this suiter?

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 16:25
Categories: News