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My crazy weekend!

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 11:06

Hi folks! Ringgar here again :3! I figured I'd just talk a little bit about my crazy weekend and how it was, like a casual talk, since I'd been away from the sub.

First off, I'd just like to say sorry for not being here as much this weekend. A number of circumstances contributed to that, some good, some bad, but I'm really honestly sorry that I wasn't there to help those who needed it. And I missed all the Anthrocon posts it looks like. a bit much to go through and look at it all again too, it seems. Oh well. I'll just start again from here, like I normally do :).

Well, first off my phone started bugging out. The screen kept spazzing out and clicking things on its own, essentially making it unusable for the weekend (its better now, it seems,) So that I wasn't able to get on the sub. Oh well.

I went to the beach on friday, had an enjoyable time, despite getting a sunburn, but not a bad one. The highlight of my weekend was probably the MTG Origins prerelease event! I had a great time with some of my local (nonfur) friends! I didn't do too spectacuarly, but I met this amazing guy who helped me out a lot! His name was Xopher, of all names! He changed it himself, he tells me :P! He helped my dip my fingers into a control deck, the first one I've ever played, and even gifted me an awesome playmat! If you ever see such a guy around Ice Imports, my LGS, please tell him that he is a shining example of what makes a community like the MTG community so great! He's the kind of person I hope to encourage here, too!

Yesterday I was at a local town green event to help support one of my cousins in his new buisness, called S.H.T.F Tactical (Shit Hits The Fan.) He makes paracord survival gear, including bracelets, emergency kits, keychains, knife hilts, etc. I'd check him out if you can!

And now that I am back on my usable laptop, here I am! And I'm glad to be back with all my furry friends! Shame that I missed all of the anthrocon posts, but I hope that those of you who went had a good time!

TL;DR I was away for the weekend because of a number of events and circumstances. I'm sorry for not being here. I'm back now!

Remember to smile folks! You deserve it!

Edit: Changed flair to Chats, because this is a casual chat.

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News

Weekly /r/furry Art Prompt #4

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 10:58

Woo! Art prompt time! Sorry for being slightly later than usual - I've been sleeping off a hangover. I hope those of you who went to Anthrocon enjoyed it - I loved seeing all the pictures and stories!

This week's prompt is fursona shaming, inspired by this. Nothing too serious please, it's all just for fun! I'm curious as to how this one will turn out because it's a little different to what we normally do.

Some inspiration can be found here and here!

Week 3

submitted by CeresSergal
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Categories: News

Allen's gonna cameo in a comic!

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 10:28

This guy I follow has a comic about his fursona and ran a contest to get some people to cameo, and my rhino, Allen, was chosen to be a security guard!

Can't wait to see who else gets picked!


submitted by LeatherHog
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Categories: News

If you visit New Orleans, see the anthropomorphic sculptures at Mardi Gras World.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 10:17
New Orleans is a renowned party town.  In the French Quarter, on Bourbon Street, you can get potent drinks like a Hand Grenade or a Resurrection in to-go cups, and walk around the neighborhood as boldly as you dare.  A walk into some of the restaurants can make you sneeze, because the crawfish boils have so […]
Categories: News

Stage Fright

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 09:30
Categories: News

Pudgy gryphon in need of exercise advise.

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 09:25

Hallo fuzzbutts! So I'm getting a little tired of being on the heavy side, so I need to start exercising. The problem is that I work nights so I'm most active when everything is closed, as I live in a small town. My best bet is to exercise at home, but I have no idea where to start. Would any of my fellow furs here be able to share any videos or routines? Preferably without equipment as I lack the funds to purchase that, currently.

submitted by pretzelbagel
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Categories: News

Something a bit serious

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 05:01

NOTE - If this turns into a drama thread I will delete it.

So, I want to ask this question which has buggered me for a few days now.

Why is sex (both sexual orientation and sexualised content) so "thrown" around here on the sub? Like it doesn't matter.

Edit - In some parts of my comments I didn't know how to express myself in english. Sorry.

submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
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Categories: News

Some of you might remember that I had a talk at Uni about Furries a while back - Finally got the video!

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 04:26 -

(Need to download to get the whole thing)

This is a superb talk and well worth a watch - Furry content starts around the 20 min mark but anyone with an interest in photography would enjoy the whole thing. I am the final question right at the very end - I don't make a hell of a lot of sense as I was super nervous!

submitted by MarcusH26051
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Categories: News

[NSFW] Fifth Time Practicing Furry Art :3c

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 03:29
Categories: News

[OC] Never stop trying; any progress is good.

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 03:06

Posted some artwork ages ago seeking criticisms and the feedback I got helped alot, so I wanted to show thanks and show how far I've come.

No one is a harder critic than yourself.

submitted by lljkotaru
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Categories: News

I'm a Steam-Fox AMA? (NSFW possible)

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 02:33

Just recently changed my sona, decided to do something a bit different. Will answer anything.

submitted by AliasWolf
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Categories: News

Everybody Knows That the Dog is the Word!

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 01:59

The Wave Houndz is a brand new all-ages comic book series by Kerry Kirksmith and Kevin VanHook, with full-color art by Tina Francisco and Mae Hao (whew! Quite a team!). “WaveHoundz are three lovable dogs who live in a world filled with fun and excitement. What makes it all that exciting, you ask? Good Question! Let me tell you!! They can talk! They can surf! They’ve got psychic powers that link them to the kids! And you know what makes them even MORE special? They’ve got a pretty good idea about what’s right and wrong. They stand up for the little guy and make sure that they do their part to keep the beaches, water–and the whole WORLD for that matter– clean and safe.” Oh is that all? Well no, there’s a lot more, as you can see by visiting the official Wave Hounds web site. The “awesome first issue” is out now from Pup Comics (!).

image c. 2015 Pup Comics

image c. 2015 Pup Comics

Categories: News

This ever happen to any of you guys?

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 01:46

I invited a buddy (non-furry who does not know I am) to come up in the mountains with me to get some firewood for next winter, and after working with me for a while, he said, "You're a god damned grizzly bear, man, geez." I didn't talk about my hobby, I just laughed.

I never realized I come across to people as my fursona.

submitted by athramir78
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Categories: News

Episode 286 - Anthrocon Losers Party

Southpaws - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 01:13
Savrin and Shiva are joined by Avery this week while Fuzz is off at Anthrocon having ~fun~. We talk 4th of July, holdout county clerks, LEGO Dimensions having Doctor Who, and Avery shares a few Dong Store Stories. We have a few emails too, including some fresh hot twitter drama that really made people roll their eyes this week. Support us on Patreon for as little as $4 a month! Episode 286 - Anthrocon Losers Party
Categories: Podcasts

My Birthday is now.

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 00:39

I'm officially 18 years of age today and I'm giddy, really giddy.

submitted by MonoDragon
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Categories: News