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What's your favorite furry pun?
It can be anything from the name of a convention (confurgence, for instance), any word that can be mutated to include 'fur', etc. Try to be creative, and please do knot use knot jokes.
submitted by hjake123[link] [17 comments]
submitted by foxes_suck_lolipops[link] [46 comments]
Is it weird that I only consume furry porn?
Not sure if this is the right subreddit for this.
So for whatever reason, the first porn I ever encountered was furry porn. I don't remember how this happened - it was a long time ago. But ever since then, normal live human porn does almost nothing for me. It just looks gross and I'm not attracted to it.
The weird part is that I feel this may be hurting my sexual growth (I'm 18 right now). I just... don't feel sexually attracted to anyone. Like i may fantasize it and desire it, but I have never seen anyone and thought, "I'd like to fuck you."
I've been in relationships before, and the sex has always been weird and awkward. I just find genitals gross. I'm pretty sure I'm not asexual (I masturbate like every other day), but I certainly don't feel normal.
submitted by Ayzon[link] [15 comments]
Jokes thread! Throw all and any jokes at me!
Okay, after seeing the last few posts meant to be jokes being downvoted to hell, as well as a few people just making jokes being attacked, we need to all take a break and stop. So why not make a thread for jokes? Totally the worst idea ever but who cares.
These can be any jokes! Ranging from Puns to Dad jokes even to Offensive jokes, which are my personal favorite. So come on! If you don't like it or the jokes move on, don't be a brat and threaten or complain because they're "a bad person."
Anyways, jokes! Here's one of my favorite my ex/best friend tend to use a lot, its like a game. Just say "Spot the [whatever]." And wait for them to be slightly offended or full on defensive.
Spot the Roleplayer!
Quick Edit: No joke is too offsneive or too bad! Give me your worst all!
submitted by RhettWolf[link] [71 comments]
Guess who's going to confurgence?
Anyone heading to ConFurgence 2016?
Wanna know if anyone's heading to ConFurgence, just wanna know
submitted by -Whyamistillhere-[link] [6 comments]
Anyone got an ID on this suiter? Finally got a good picture of him from Seattle Pride '15 --
Going to my first ever con at the end of the month. I don't have a fursuit or anything, but that doesn't mean I have to come unprepaired.
I'm streaming once more ! Gotta get that comic page done! :D [NSFW]
I'm finishing up a page in my webcomic Decomposing Bodies in the Shower if anyone is interested in coming and hanging out during this late night stream! Come chill with us!
submitted by PrincessAloria[link] [5 comments]