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Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 03:41
Categories: News

Birthday Game Giveaway!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 02:38

Hi, it's my birthday, and since I can't draw, or do anything creative, I'm having a giveaway on my favourite subs!!!

(feel free to find my other posts and join those)

Here I'm giving away the Game
Gun Monkeys (on Steam)

All you need to do to participate is post a reply, I'll let the goddess of randomness decide a winner.

submitted by mirrorspock
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Categories: News

The Lion Matures

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 01:57

Renee Carter Hall has released a new preview of her upcoming book Huntress. “All her life, the young lioness Leya has dreamed of becoming one of the karanja, the proud huntresses of her people. But there’s more to being karanja than just learning to throw a spear. Life among their tents means giving up family, safety — even love. How much is Leya willing to sacrifice for a place in the sisterhood? Does she truly have the heart of a huntress? Author Renee Carter Hall takes readers into the veld for this coming-of-age anthropomorphic fantasy for teens and adults. This edition includes the novella “Huntress” (nominated for the 2014 Ursa Major Awards and Coyotl Awards), as well as three brand-new short stories set in the same world.” The e-book version is available to order now, and can be downloaded beginning September 20th. The print version will be released at the RainFurrest convention, with online orders from FurPlanet shipping in October.

image c. 2015 Renee Carter Hall

image c. 2015 Renee Carter Hall


Categories: News

He's one helluva specimen!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 00:49
Categories: News

Any of you nerds going to Rainfurrest this year?

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 00:46

I'm fairly certain the only thing that would stop be from going this year is if I miss the bus our of town. So which of you nerds am I going to see there?

submitted by Terwin94
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Categories: News

Chapter 1 (Akari) of the book "Untitled".

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 00:26

Disclaimer: I am open to criticism, praise, and cuddles. I wrote this off the top of my head in an hour and thought I would share. I haven't written any stories for 5 years.


"One last thing. Make sure he gets this on his 18th year. Shove him out the door and hand him this."

A pile of coins fell into Dusk, the orphanarium owner's hands. The cries from the blanket grow louder as the slow walking hyena mother steps into the rain.

The rainfall matched the feeling in the air. A damp mood spreading into his soul as dusk looks at the seemingly blank journal. Not much was really said to Dusk as he was thrust a swaddled furry bundle, and a bag of coins.

"You will be kept safe as he will be. I'm sorry I've no more time", Bowing her head as she departed.

Dusk followed through with the bizarre request. He raised the baby until it was a boy, and within time he was a boy no longer. Time had flew by faster than Dusk had imagined. It seemed only yesterday that he had agonized over the morning coffee about what to name the child. The stupid woman never bothered to give him a name. He scratched his ears and looked up at the sky. It was a suprising dark blue that morning. The name had come just as easy as the word left his lips..Blue.

Blue was the oldest orphan in the house. Everyone was far younger than him, at least by 7 years. He groggily rubbed his eyes and sretched his body, his tail straigtening for a moment before curling slightly once again. He heard the knock at his door and Dusk walked in.

"We need to talk..about something you might want to hear." Dusk sighed sadly as he spoke. It was painful to speak all of the sudden.

"Oh, this should be great" Blue muttered sarcastically. Dusk was always so serious about everything, he didn't expect to hear anything good from him.

"It's time for you to go. I'm sorry, but you just have to leave. It's what your mother wanted, and I'm following her words." He silently handed a wrapped package to Blue.

"So you don't want me here after all? I'm just one less thing to worry about. I haven't heard a single thing about my mother. She didn't care when she left me here, just like you don't care telling me to leave here." Blue grabbed his jacket and the package angirly, slamming the front door as he left.

"Damn boy." Dusk sighed walking into the kitchen, watching Blue was raining.

Feeling the bricks under his paws on the old style road, Blue walked down the street as he did every day. This time with anger on his mind, thoughts swimming through his head and talking to him as he walked. He stopped at the nearest inn and sat under the awning. At least an hour had passed and the rain was slowly falling. The bench was old and has small spaces. His tail was scrunched uncomfortably , unable to hang between the bars. Still fuming from earlier, he clutched the package Dusk had handed him earlier which he had snatched swiftly. With nothing else better to do, he untied the twine and threw the paper into the nearest missed and lifted into the slight wind. It was an old journal, but seemed to be in perfect condition. Blue opened it, and a small smirk appeared on his face. On the first page, written in blood red ink was a single word which seemed to ignite a small spark within him: Son.

Thats all for now.

This took an hour to type and I still have a whole front and back page to deliver to you guys (if this is even good enough to continue).

I would keep going but all of this was embellished on what was just 7 sentences. I'm afraid that if I keep going I will be up for another 4 hours seeing as I have 6x that already on paper.

Thank you for reading (if you do)!

submitted by Karbairusa
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Categories: News

Does this red panda belong to anyone?

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 22:00
Categories: News

Opposite gender sona's?

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 21:29

Hallo fuzzbutts! I thought of this question a little while ago and thought I'd ask. Have any of you ever had, or currently have, a 'sona that's the opposite gender as you irl? Did you like it? Did it affect your online personality or interaction with those within the fandom?

submitted by pretzelbagel
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Categories: News

He Feels His Life Has Been Ruined by a Website's Criticism

Ask Papabear - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 20:06
I like to first ask to censor my First and Last name, but I do not mind if you say 'wwwarea'. But it's NOT a furry name. Anyway, I planned to write before, saved the document, etc. But I might write again and THIS time send it. But because of major drama I been dealing with, I am very open to the world ending even more, the desire to suicide (maybe), etc.

I been attacked by some cyberbullies online (Users such as Channeleven/REMRadioheadfan96 on Deviant Art, FunnelFortex on Deviantart, etc.). The worst enemy I've dealt with was REM (The basic nick name I used a lot of him). His history here:

He (and his friends) always cause trouble, attack people for disagreeing, etc. One final thing so far is that I was attacked for being open about spirituality, and wondered about what 'Otherkin' mean here:

And, of course, Funnel started it, and etc. I stand up against their offensive prejudice biases, etc. They attacked me for it by pretending their prejudice opinions were "fact" (They clearly don't know what spirituality, multiverse, etc. mean.). I kinda ended it by making more general journals back, etc. Anyway this drama was bad.

During another time, REM wrote an ED article about me, and that's where (I think) I was planning to ask for help. But then I canceled it out. However, after this major drama here, they updated it:

Because of this cyberbullying article on how easy it is to find it with the name of 'wwwarea', etc. I am very open to the desire to die (again), the world ending, and etc. I am a major misanthropic, and I no longer have as much faith I used to have for humanity anymore.

I don't know what to do...

My RL friends never found that article, nor my family, etc. Like I don't want them to know about what I do, etc.

My questions are, what do you think of this article? How can I get it to not show in Google, and are articles like these accepted by many people online? This article strongly affects me, gives me anxiety, ruined my life, and etc. They say it's bad to have an article on ED even though it's nothing but a bunch of bulls***. I know it's more than one question, but I don't know what else to write.

I was attacked publicly for my possible mixed religion, spirituality, as a furry, for my sexuality, for what I defend, etc. All for cyberbullying humiliating, mock, etc. purposes. ALL PUBLIC.

I don't know what to bloody do anymore. I hope I die in my sleep and wake up in heaven.

* * *

Hi, Wwwarea,

I’m always disturbed by those who threaten suicide. If you are seriously contemplating it, please stop reading this right now and call the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255 and speak with a professional counselor.

If you are now returning to this letter, I will proceed. Nothing in the links you provided that I read looks like something you should kill yourself over or that has “ruined your life.” I really think you need to gain a bit of perspective here and realize that someone ranting about you online happens all the time. Heck, I’ve been called a fraud, a popufur (not in a good way), a simpleton, an idiot who thinks that all furries are gay (not true, of course), and someone who is just out to make money off of troubled furries (I actually lose money on this website). One guy on a furry podcast made fun of me a lot, mocking my name and portraying me as an egotist (then I found out that it was his job on the show to act like a buttmunch to gain listeners—sheesh).

As for people making fun of your explorations about Otherkin—people have been mocking others for ages for their spiritual beliefs. Worse, they sometimes kill each other about it. If you firmly believe in something, then who gives a rat’s patootie what others think? 

Remember to consider the source, which brings me to the Encyclopedia Dramatica. I took a quick survey on one of the Facebook pages I run and found out that 98 percent never heard of ED or, if they had, they didn’t consider it an important site. Only one person said they heard of it and that if you get trashed on it that it was a bad thing.

I really doubt that anyone is going to look at it. Since I doubt your family knows you go by the name wwwarea, I sincerely doubt anyone you care about will read the ED entry.

Papabear prescribes the following: one giant chill pill gulped down with a glass of cool water.



* * *

Thanks for trying to help.

But I've heard criticism that ignoring the hate isn't always the best thing to do or something. I can see possibly one reason: While we both know ED is a shit site, and that it's clearly possible to ignore it, the problem is that many people actually consider it a real serious site (and a "smart" site) in some way (or partly real), and that the subjects against me are somewhat widely accepted by many people, etc.

If someone were to search 'wwwarea' in Google, they would find it and most likely agree to it or some of it, or believe some of it's slander, etc.

Another problem is that some furries, non-furries, etc. consider it a dangerous and effective site, etc. E.g. Some worry about being on it, and suggest things like: "You might get an ED if you say that!" <Not exact, etc.

I do not have RL friends (except 1 that moved out) and there are no person out there in RL who knows anything about me accept the basic what's considered "normal" or "normal enough" (some gaming, etc.). No person (maybe) openly accepts furry of much in RL here, it's basically just that crappy 'big media' garbage.

It can cause other people to see it, and worse, agree to it to me, etc. This can possibly happen with anyone, etc.

Sorry about the furry radio thing, that guy was a dick. I think people should sue that person.

Anyway, the reason why I am trying to stand up is because I am trying to self-defense myself because these people are actually serious about labeling me as "bad" and "delusional", etc. Example: I had to make this:

* * *

Sweetie, listen to Papabear. 

You are trying to fight a website that has the sole purpose of offending you and anyone else it feels like. It is a satire site. It is a troll site, OK? Arguing against it is like being the subject of a roast and being offended when people make fun of you. The purpose of the roast is to make fun of you.

The more you fight them and argue with them, the more they will make fun of you.

So, stop posting about ED. Stop reacting to ED and its creator, Julian Dibbell. Stop worrying about what people think of posts on ED. It is a fruitless exercise.

Now, when you wish to talk about things like your explorations into spirituality, there are lots of websites and discussion forums where you can do that with open-minded people.

Do you understand?



* * *

Sorry if I am bothering you. I have a feeling you are too busy on handling other things. If you want time to focus on other things first, then go for it. My 'suicidal' desire to die early is very, very strict, to the point that I'm only open to dying in my sleep by random unexpected action from the 3D awareness. Example: I could pray to die in sleep, but not knowing for sure if that will even work.

But here is my message:

It's not really a 'joke' site or much. The ones who wrote it are actually serious about me (They say, don't take it seriously, etc. but that's false), they do this for cyberbullying purposes and many people actually depend on it (It's all serious). When I asked about the Google thing, I was wondering if it was possible to shift my 'ED wwwarea page' name to at least the second page or something? - I care less about taking it down.. maybe. Though arguing it and showing people that it's not a real satire site could help let people be aware.

Anyway, it's proven very well that it's a harmful site. Example:

I don't agree about the "deserve" part, nobody still does and shouldn't depend on what others think, etc. but the rest is very interesting.

I also found out another article showing a quote showing that someone was effected due to a similar effect of people finding my name with that.

My main concern was the effects of the site and my 'wwwarea' name due to what I already tried to explain.

I don't want my RL friends, and family to see this! I don't want them to see what I do (Not that I agree it's bad or anything, it's personal), I don't want some of my online friends to see this either. And I don't want more people to see that article and agree to it. (YES, some really do take it seriously as a tool for cyberbullying, etc.)

Now also, I am now stalked, every 24/7 sometimes. Meaning that no matter what I want to express, they will find me, and update that article; causing me to hide my identity.

I may be hated by more people.

So no matter how I ignore it, that's not going to stop possibly.

Now do you understand?

I'm not expecting your help of 'taking down' ED, it's not exactly that way (But man I do wish the law did. Haha).

Again, if you need some time reading this, please have time...

* * *

Hi, there,

Here is Papabear’s opinion on Encyclopedia Dramatica’s purpose of “in lulz we trust” (if readers don’t know, “lulz” means doing thing to deliberately upset other people emotionally): there is a valid reason for satire in our society, especially political satire and political criticism. Such satire is aimed at making people aware of political wrongdoing in a humorous way because that can be very effective in making a point. Free speech is extremely important in our society; it is the foundation of freedom to be able to say what you think without being persecuted for it.

Some of what ED does is to point out products and companies that are pretty crappy. Okay, point taken. It’s different, though, when you are attacking individuals on a personal basis. What ED frequently does is simply try to hurt people’s feelings when they feel they are being foolish. The reason they do this is to attract traffic to their website, obviously, because traffic translates into advertiser money (or donations, which they ask for). I could go more deeply into the psychological reasons why people do this, but let’s just say that what they are doing is not very admirable; it’s just mean and petty. The author of the page compares the mission of ED to Ambrose Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary. Lemme tell ya, Mr. Dibbell, after reading some of your articles, it is safe to say you are no Ambrose Bierce.

One thing we do not need in this world is people causing more hurt and pain and hard feelings. There is too much of that already.

Wwwarea, there are a couple things you can do, if you wish, at this point: 1) you can stop using the name wwwarea and start fresh with a new online name and identity; 2) you can sue ED, and any other parties you feel are involved, for libel. To successfully sue for libel in court, you must prove the following:

  1. Someone made the statement (yes)
  2. The statement was published (it was)
  3. The statement caused you injury (this usually means something like you lost your job or had some other financial setback or, perhaps, that it, say, caused your marriage to end or some other disastrous thing in your life; in your case, you have not stated exactly how you were injured, other than your feelings were hurt, so I see this as problematic)
  4. The statements made about you were false (were they factually incorrect? And calling someone names does not apply in this category)
  5. The statements made were not privileged information (that is, you can’t sue someone like a doctor or lawyer who has said something to you that is privileged information; this is not an issue in your case).

Currently, the biggest problem in the above that I see is proving #3, but if you feel you can show this, you might want to consult with an attorney.

If I were you, I wouldn’t bother with a lawsuit. They can be expensive and time consuming and emotionally draining. Far easier just to change your name online and start over again, if it is bothering you that much.

If it were me, though, I would just let it be and ignore it. Bullies like Julian Dibbell wither and die when they are ignored just like a plant without water or sunshine or, in his case, manure.

Take Care,


Ceres, I'm already a demon

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 19:37
Categories: News

Don't I look cheery

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 17:39
Categories: News

High five!

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 16:23
Categories: News

Archeops-ified [Art Prompt]

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 16:18
Categories: News

Describe yourself on the subreddit in ~4 words

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 15:34

Uff, the derp title.

I meant "Explain who you are on the subreddit in ~4 words."


/u/randomuserwithasong - regular, derpy, folf, fursuiter

/u/padajsiloinepravdo - [random text]

It doesn't have to be exactly 4 words. You can be a rebel and post 5, 6 or 3.

submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
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Categories: News