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Vallhund commission

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 05:10
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 03:35
Categories: News

FA commission for A_Spacefox

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Sep 2015 - 01:59
Categories: News

You and your fursona.

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 23:57

I like seeing photos where a furry's fursona in shopped (skillfully) into the frame. Anyone have any of these laying around?

submitted by ColdHooves
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Categories: News

Art, now with shading and background

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 23:40
Categories: News

Fursuit photo edit ~ Kaiden Vega

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 23:35
Categories: News

Younger sister decided she wants to be a furry.

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 23:14

So my younger sister decided she wants to be a furry, after I told her the only "requirement" was liking art or literature with anthros in it she was all for it. I then told her she can have a character if she wants to (fursona) and she seems to be decided on an All Time Low (blue and purple) colored wolfgon. She seems interested in rp as well, so I'll have to find some SFW rp for her. So anything you guys think I should show her or tell her off the bat? Opinions? Edit: Age is being asked. I'm not comfortable giving her exact age, so let's go with preteen.

submitted by Mattorr
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Categories: News

Untitled doodle. [Ratte]

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 23:11
Categories: News

Tunnel Bat by Blinxis

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 22:39
Categories: News

46 Days and Counting!

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 22:19
Categories: News

Just got $30 in my steam wallet...

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 22:18

...After refunding the games I bought for my "friend's" birthday after he said furries were degenerates and hated by society and that I was an idiot for being one.

submitted by I_Am_Rainbow-
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Categories: News

Oh, happy days! [FALVIE-APOCALYPSE]

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 22:06
Categories: News

Free Sketch Requests!

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 20:51

I'll need something to do this week, and I thought to offer some free drawings :)

I Specialize on Dragons, Guns and Space rockets and infrastructure, because those are the things that got me drawing, but you can ask for anything!

I'll probably take a while to make them, because I am a lazy ass Perfectionist Student and also have to study sometimes, but I'll make all of those which I accept in comments :)

Go ahead Fuzzbutts! (I love that word)

[Edit] i have taken a lot of requests by now, that would be enough. But i'll open some more in two weeks after exams. Thank you!

submitted by nike1155
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Categories: News

I've been here for a while, but i feel like doing an introduction tread, i guess i just need someone to talk to. (Long post ahead)

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 20:43

So, i've been here on /r/furry but i never really did that much chatting with you folks , Im kind of having a hard time now, and i really just felt like a little chatting would help. Having severe depression (i may be bipolar as far as i know) and anxiety disorder, i was always very stressful ,but i'ts been getting progressively worse in the past few mounts. Ton's of panic attacks, and just really bad mood in general , i just kind of had a bit of a breakdown. So i felt like making a tread like this, where i talk a bit about myself/the things that bother me and just chat with you guys, maybe get a few online friends or something.

Anyways, onto the introduction part. I really suck at writing (english is also not my main language), so beware.

So yeah, I grew up in a pretty bad neighborhood, where you couldn't even leave the house without someone harassing you or in worst case taking your bike (i can't even count the times this has happened to me lol) living in my abusive grandmas house with my mother who even constantly took medicine because of her. I also didn't have a lot of friends. So it seems obvious i feel a bit closer to the things that give an escape from reality, and just generally spending a lot of time in my head, thinking up worlds and stories in my room. And also feeling closer to fluffy cartoon animals than your average joe. luckily we managed to move out a few years ago, we're still in the same town, but at least in a better area and without someone constantly abusing us. So yeah, i had a pretty bad childhood. Probably the source of a lot of things that left a mark in me. Other than that, things got better.
Im 18 now. I usually go out with my friends at weekends. So i at least have something to get my mind away from my problems, But even tho all this i really can't help but feel like an absolute failure, as i said i have pretty bad anxiety, so much so that i had to leave my school, and now i'm going to a night school, which is thankfully much better (no social pressure since most of my classmates are adults much older than me). Anyways, i constantly think about my future. I always had a little dream, This might sound stupid or like some generic 'teenage talk' but the hope that i can make it real was one more thing that helped keeping me away from actually attempting suicide or do other terrible things to myself. So yeah, it's a bit more personal, so i might need a bit more courage to talk about it, PlusI i have other problems too, but this was something i always wanted to talk about.

Whelp, other than that, I guess i just try to lighten up the mood, sweep the tears away from my eyes, and just give some info about me. I also obviously play a lot of games. especially on steam. annnd i don't really know what else to say, maybe just ask or i'll edit it in later. Also this post took me like 2 hours to make and to gather up the courage to post so its pretty late now, i might only be able to reply to the later comments tomorrow lol. yeah,, even through i kind of just managed to slap some terrible block of text here, and i really hate to talk about myself, especially in this 'feel bad for me' tone, but i really just felt like posting something like this, so plz don kill me ;__;

EDIT: Sleeping mode activated, sorry if i don't reply, bit feel free to comment, since i probably will when i wake up. And thank you again. :)

EDIT: woop, i just woke up. another sneaky thank you for your kind replies. i really hope i can finally get a bit more social here.

Another EDIT: Off to school now, i'll start firing up the chatting replies i get home. C:

submitted by retardcookie
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Categories: News

A Transparent Kouya

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 19:19
Categories: News

My furry friends, I'm saying goodbye to the life im living in one year, and starting a new one.

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 19:18

If you don't like to read, this isn't the post for you. I don't want someone to halfway read this and give a halfhearted reply. If anything, I want someone to understand..truthfully understand.

I will miss this community more than any others. You all have helped me an innumerable amount of times. No matter what the problem was, you all were there for me. You may all be strangers but sometimes it feels like we are all family. I feel that this is important to start off with.

I don't think I'm happy. I'm not really sure what happiness is. I've been thinking that maybe I'm not really happy. I still feel the same as I have for years. How exactly do I feel? I can't always tell. Most of the time I just feel nothing. It's not a bad thing I suppose.

Happiness: the moments in life when I get a taste of how others must feel most of the time. It's brief..usually when I'm with friends or having a good day I can recognize it. Most of the time my life is just..there. I go to work like everyone else, come home and eat. I stay up for a few hours and wait. What have I been waiting for all this time? Is it a person..a thing? Is it a stroke of inspiration? I've been searching for years. I just can't grab it. It's not something I can really stop doing either. I do it every single night. You probably think I'm crazy or something.

I wonder if anyone actually will look at this, jaws agape with disbelief. Feeling a sense of bewilderment..excitement that someone else is just like them. I've often thought about that as I lay awake just thinking. I never think about anything in particular.

My name isn't important. I'm not important. I'm struggling to grasp the meaning of life. There is no point in all of this. I won't keep doing everything like everyone else. Everyone walks around with a smile on their face like everything is okay. Like they don't see that what we are doing is futile. We all are going to die. I won't die working a 9-5 job. I'm not going to waste years getting a piece of paper that signifies im proficient enough to do a job. I don't think anyone has been as lost as I am in this world. I'm walking through crowds of the same person. The same drive to live and provide for the cycle that has been going on for a vast number of years.

When I was younger I thought that the purpose of life was the journey, and that part of the journey was spending most of your life working to survive. To form memories, friendships, relationships that we all share as a collective whole. We don't know what happens when we die. Spare me the pearly gates, the eternal happiness. Imagine, you the reader of this; religion does not exist. There is no promise of an ending. There is only the unknown and uncertainty of a fate that we all share. We all will eventually end our journey, and truthfully you must understand that.

When I was just a few years younger, I came to realize this. I am not special. I will die, and with me every memory, every achievement down to the last iota of my existance will dissappear. Let's face it, most of us don't end up in the history books. We might end up in a book thats on the shelf gathering dust. Family History..that book..that's where I will be. All I ever was might end up being a small paragraph on a piece of paper, if I'm lucky.

I don't understand what love is.. is it a feeling I should have? No, really.. I'm serious. I can't remember what it's like to recognise that I care for someone. It's been at least 5 years since I could say that in confidence. Life was easier back then, when I could confidently tell someone devoted to me that I loved them and not feel like I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm not convinced that there is someone out there who feels the same as me when that exact attempt to feel normal leaves their lips. You don't really know what you're promising. You're saying it to be normal. It hits you as soon as you say it that you're as devoted to the idea of love as they are truthfully devoted to loving you.

I have no skills, no drive for anything but to keep moving. The only thing I am good at is games. I have no other hobbies- no other aims in life anymore. Everything I ever wanted became meaningless it seems. I don't need to be like everyone else to be interesting. I don't need any hobbies. My one true fascination is nature. It feels like the only time that I'm happy is when I'm outside. That is when life seems to be more than okay. The only time I feel like I really understand why we are all here. When I can breathe easy. When my head actually feels clear. When I'm not feeling anxiety. When I'm truthfully alive. That's what I'm here for.

So, I rear my head one final time. This is it-this is my last attempt at understanding what keeps everyone else moving. My last attempt to reclaim the emotion that I've lost. I'm giving myself one more year to find what I've been waiting for. I can't exactly go searching if I'm unaware of what my target is. I'm extending my hand to everyone. An invitation to you on the street. An invitation to the people I interact the people that don't interact with me. To show me what-or whom I'm missing. I can't keep doing this for any longer. This is not how life is meant to be. I'm not meant to feel this way. Like a cooped up animal with no purpose. We live our lives the same..we see friends, we see family. We get drunk; we get high, we trip, we stumble and get back up again. We go to work, we have a family, and then they do the exact same thing.

I can't even get my sexuality pinned down. I yearn for a connection with someone, and it feels like that's all I want. To connect, to actually share that feeling with someone. To hold someone's hand and not have to have a single thought going on in my head. I don't care about sex, I just desire someone by my side.

You know when you and a friend think of each other, or the same subject at the same time? I was thinking that maybe conciousness is like a river and everyones thoughts are connected. Perhaps when those coincidences happen its because the subconscious takes the same turn as someone elses. Like we are all in a boat in our heads, paddling around. Perhaps we just take the same river or stream occasionally . Maybe the reason why people are afraid to be different is because we all are going down that same river. We don't want to break rank..being different is hard. I mean, actually and truly being different than most people. Think about how traffic jams start if one person gets in an accident a mile ahead of your lane? I'm thinking that as a species it takes many people to change.

I've been thinking about how I'm going to tell everyone that I'm leaving. How I'm going to say my goodbyes. I'm not sure how one is really supposed to do this. There really isn't a guide or a manual for these types of things. I don't want anyone to be upset or saddened. I don't want anyone to feel responsible. I don't want anyone to feel cheated. I want there to be no regrets when I leave. I want people to understand that my choices are not easily made. It's taken me a while to come to this conclusion. This isn't something I came up with in a day, in a week, even a month or a year.

I've made my decision to leave. I'm saving up money for a year and going. I don't know where, I have no destination. I just know that this isn't the kind of life for me. I want to see everything. To have an incredible journey and meet many people. I will have met people from around the world. No matter where I go, at some moment in any figure of time I will be remembered. I will have finally commited to something and stuck with it. This is truly the only fate that I can choose happily. There are no rules. There is only possibility without limitation.

I think I've finally reached a point in my life to where I'm at peace knowing that I will follow through with this. There is a certain sense of excitement that comes to me knowing that this journey is coming to a close. I will cherish every moment with my friends and family. I don't ever plan to return. I will write so they know I'm okay occasionally. I will make memories that I Will hold close to me until I finally do die. When I do pass, I will be in the thoughts of many. Someday, perhaps my life and values will be told to someone else young and I will live on in the memories of others.

I never write like this. Most people are too busy with their own lives to consider someone elses true thoughts and feelings. I can't discuss these things with other people. I can't describe all of this in a conversation. It's hard to let any of this out in the first place. Why does everything in my life have to be suspect? I'm done rambling, I think I've taken enough time to write this.

I'm seeking a friend for the end of this life, and the beginning of another.

If you're willing to join me, we have to get along. I'll be waiting for you, wherever you are.

submitted by Karbairusa
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Categories: News

Tail Hugs~

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Sep 2015 - 18:18
Categories: News