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Attack Mode, Enabled...

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 02:06
Categories: News

I mean my username is pretty self-explanatory

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 00:09

I just sort of came to terms tonight with my being a furry, and I just need someone to tell me that I'm not a crazy person

submitted by SomewhatConfusedFur
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Categories: News

New Love

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 23:42
Categories: News

Silly Artist Challenge: Draw your sonas awkward High school yearbook photo.

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 21:08

If your fusona didn't go to school, lives in a different universe/reality/timeline. Just make up a version where they did go to Highschool

submitted by Vexthra
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Categories: News

Doing FREE 30 minute sketches of your characters! ANY POSE! (I will also do suggestive themes, but no yiff!)

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 18:25

Currently streaming, and there's no one around. :/ I'm not really feeling it with my comic at the moment-- I want to draw a bit more before I start. I also want to work on figure drawing a bit as well! Which means FREE CHARACTER SKETCHES! Possibly even colours if your design is simple!

Come swing by. I need a HELL of a lot of practice.

Conditions: Free. ***You need to be actively in the chat or watching, preferrably. Otherwise I'm probably not going to bother saving the drawing for you. These are supposed to be somewhat quick and disposable, but i try my best! You give me a reference sheet or ten, and I draw what you say. No revisions unless it's under the 30 minute time! I will draw any pose if I can do it feasibly, or if you provide a good reference pose. No sex or any hard porn. Topless nudes are about the extent I'll go. Nudes are good for anatomy, but I also want to practice cloth.

So come hang out!

submitted by Essjay-C
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Categories: News

Hot Headed

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 18:03
Categories: News

An emblem I made on COD BO2.

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 17:40
Categories: News

WARNING! Incoming Cuteness Overload!

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 16:28
Categories: News

Hangin' Out ~ ThayRustback

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 15:51
Categories: News

Assassin's Kitty ~ Hax

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 15:23
Categories: News

Comm thread announcement!

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 15:00

The comm thread will be held monthly now!

I will do one last weekly one, as I promised I'd put someone on this week.

While it'll still be saturday, I'll find a good weekend for it, and put up another announcement. Thinking about doing it in the middle.

submitted by LeatherHog
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Categories: News