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Venus (by me)

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 12:07
Categories: News

Baby Potato Burrito

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 11:58
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 11:57
Categories: News

Metal Gear Solid - Even the playing field

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 10:35
Categories: News

Convict by Parthelus

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 10:09
Categories: News

‘Tail!’ – The party for So Cal Furs gives a Q&A for the Furclub Survey.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 10:03
Furclubbing: “A repeat/regular nightclub event by furries for furries.”  It’s a New Thing that’s been spreading since the late 2000’s.  This kind of dance party is independent from conventions.  This builds on the growth of cons, and takes things farther. It’s more ambitious than events that happen once, house parties, or informal meets.  Those can stay inner-focused for friends who already […]
Categories: News

Simply A Question

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 10:02

So, I recently started talking to a person, in real life, I mean, and they seem like an alright guy. I found out a few things they like, such as anime. However, I was rather surprised with a conversation that came up today. Let's call the person Josh for the sake of me writing less.

Josh: If you had a baby, and it was mixed with one animal, what animal would that be?

Me: What, would the baby be anthropomorphic?

Josh: Yup.

Me(Kinda shocked): I guess it would be a wolf or something.

Josh: Finally, someone that understands how great the wolf is.

Now, excuse me for typing that out in such a long way, but I couldn't seem to get this down through shorter amount of typing. The question is: is this common for non-fuzzy people to talk about, or is it likely that me and this person share an interest on anthropomorphicism?

TL;DR - Person irl talked about an anthro wolf, are they likely a furry?

submitted by AnonUserAcc
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Categories: News

Bird of War ~ Hax

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 09:48
Categories: News

My Fursona is now a year old!!! =w=

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 08:07
Categories: News

Formal Invitation ~ Hax

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 06:11
Categories: News

I'm A Fox And You Are Not ~ Kenket

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 06:08
Categories: News

Disney Jungle Book Trailer

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 03:41
Categories: News

Birthday Game Giveaway!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 02:38

Hi, it's my birthday, and since I can't draw, or do anything creative, I'm having a giveaway on my favourite subs!!!

(feel free to find my other posts and join those)

Here I'm giving away the Game
Gun Monkeys (on Steam)

All you need to do to participate is post a reply, I'll let the goddess of randomness decide a winner.

submitted by mirrorspock
[link] [8 comments]
Categories: News

The Lion Matures

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 01:57

Renee Carter Hall has released a new preview of her upcoming book Huntress. “All her life, the young lioness Leya has dreamed of becoming one of the karanja, the proud huntresses of her people. But there’s more to being karanja than just learning to throw a spear. Life among their tents means giving up family, safety — even love. How much is Leya willing to sacrifice for a place in the sisterhood? Does she truly have the heart of a huntress? Author Renee Carter Hall takes readers into the veld for this coming-of-age anthropomorphic fantasy for teens and adults. This edition includes the novella “Huntress” (nominated for the 2014 Ursa Major Awards and Coyotl Awards), as well as three brand-new short stories set in the same world.” The e-book version is available to order now, and can be downloaded beginning September 20th. The print version will be released at the RainFurrest convention, with online orders from FurPlanet shipping in October.

image c. 2015 Renee Carter Hall

image c. 2015 Renee Carter Hall


Categories: News

He's one helluva specimen!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 00:49
Categories: News

Any of you nerds going to Rainfurrest this year?

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 00:46

I'm fairly certain the only thing that would stop be from going this year is if I miss the bus our of town. So which of you nerds am I going to see there?

submitted by Terwin94
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News