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Anyone on here got kik?

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 12:06

If anyone here has kik and would like to chat, please send me your username as a pm so I can message you ~^ thanks!


submitted by wulvsbayne269
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Wounded by Pollo-Chan

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 11:47
Categories: News

Furry youtube and podcast stuff

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 11:27

Hello! I'm searching for some good furry yt channels or podcasts. The only one I've menaged to find was Majira Strawberry , but I bet theres more. Would you kindly help me?

submitted by InsaneLogicc
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Categories: News

Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions, by Jonathan Goh – Book Review By Fred Patten

Dogpatch Press - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 10:45
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions, by Jonathan Goh. Illustrated, map, by Anya Ewing. Singapore, Partridge Publishing, December 2014, hardcover $48.38 (877 pages); Bloomington, IN, Xlibris, February 2015, trade paperback $32.25 (868 [+ 1] pages), Kindle $3.99. (As far as I […]
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Aries and Anubis

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 10:39
Categories: News

Need serious advice on diving into the furry fandom...

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 10:38

Hi, I am posting here due to my mother pushing me to post somewhere in the community for help. She is my very supporting mother who has personally never been accepting of the fandom, but wants me to pursue what will finally bring happiness into my life and go for it with all my heart. I have been awake for over 24 hours doing nothing but panicking over this whole thing, so forgive me if I’m a little incoherent here and there. Anyway… okay… where to begin. I guess we can start with a little background. I am a 20 year old girl with a severe case of clinical depression and anxiety. I never leave home unless it’s for my many doctor appointments, I have never had the pleasure of having face-to-have friends, and I generally live my life in constant fear of anything and everything; even if it all doesn’t make any sense at all.

But, let’s go back to the main topic… I have always been interested in the furry fandom. I have researched it diligently for the past 8 or so years. And before I knew what it was, I was completely obsessed with things like Sonic, Pokemon, Klonoa, Disney, and collecting things like plushes. I’m still a huge collector, but more in the ball-jointed doll sense now. But anyway… ! I have especially always found fursuits fascinating and adorable, but have never had one ‘click’ with me, you know? But one day I stumbled upon this absolutely gorgeous Japanese kemono fursuit, I think the character’s name was Rufen? Anyway, it was the most adorable, beautiful thing I have ever seen. One day I stumbled upon the picture again, and got a click of inspiration to finally make my own ‘fursona’, too. I ended up making this cute little pastel kemono-styled goat character on a whim. I was happiest I have been in a long time. I was proud of myself for making such an adorable character with all the traits I adore all mixed together. I loved her so much, and I wanted to do everything I could to bring her character to life. I thought she could help me during this dark period in my life. So much so that I immediately went to go search and ask artists for art commissions and such of my character so I could properly get into the fandom. One of them even being a professional fursuit maker that specializes in the kemono style I love dearly. They even happened to open for a single commission on that exact same day. I got very, very lucky and snagged the slot. I thought it was meant to be, that this could be my calling to get me out of my shell and embrace a happier world than my pathetic everyday life and actually make friends… that is what I want more than anything. That being friends, and… even a husband! I think a furry husband would be the most fun thing in the world, too! Imagine all the convention hopping and silliness! I made new accounts on social media to interact with other furries and everything and, well… this is where I hit a brick wall. I don’t know how to properly explain everything that I’m afraid of, but one of the things is thinking about the social stigma behind it all. It’s really scary to me.

Anyway… I never ask for help and always try to manage it all internally. However, I think that I truly need help this time before I send myself completely over the edge. I could still get out of all of this, but I fear that I would be doing what I do with everything… and that is to run from everything. Run the moment that things get scary and real. But this could really, truly be the thing that brings me everything that I have ever wanted; the sense of a close-knit community that I have always yearned for. So, that brings the question… what do I do if I decide to go through with this? Do I dive head-first into the fandom as much as possible? If so, where do I begin? I’m lost on what websites to frequent for this. I’m not ready to post art or anything on websites and I’d need to regain the spirit to get back into drawing, so those are out for now. RP sites, too, as I’ve never been able to immerse myself in it like other people can so I’m pretty terrible at it. So are there any social media sites, forums, chats, etc. that would be good for me to meet people? I finished making my Twitter all pretty and ready to go, but I’m worried about being too shy to follow anyone… it would be most convenient for Twitter to be my main gateway into the community, but… yeah. Also Tumblr to an extent, too, but I still have a ways to go before I’m ready to use it.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, and I am sorry that it was so long. I’m just so lost and had to ramble a little!

P.S. The conventions I would love to go to are Anthrocon, Midwest Furfest, and Furry Weekend Atlanta!

submitted by onewingedeagles
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Merry by NekoCrispy

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 10:17
Categories: News

Simply Gorgeous -By Caraid

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 08:37
Categories: News

Looking for a long lost podcast

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 04:26

Hello everyone!

I have been on a current wild goose chase recently looking for an old furry podcast i used to listen to called "Fursonapod". Does anyone have any information on where I could find the episodes again or anything like that?

Feel free to inbox me if you have any information!

submitted by sayrah_
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Categories: News

Doggies and Dragons for You

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 02:58

Ed Swanson and his wife Nitha Swanson are crafters from Southern California who specialize in making various cloth items for sale at street fairs and conventions. Items including: Life-sized dachshunds and not-life-sized dragons (well, unless your dragons are very small!) in various colors. Including some rather psychedelic-colored leopard prints. Head on over to their web site and see what else The Dragon Flame Shop has to offer.

image c. 2015 The Dragon Flame Shop

image c. 2015 The Dragon Flame Shop

Categories: News

Kissing Wolf Mandela

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 00:58
Categories: News

Practicing some expressions!

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 23:25
Categories: News

My grandma makes beaded jewelry.

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 22:52
Categories: News

Finally created my own ref sheet!

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 22:03
Categories: News

[NSFW] Knox At the Gun Show

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 22:02
Categories: News