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Questions for your 'Sona #21

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 15:09

Today's totally not mislabeled question:

Who is your sonas best friend? Are they a loner or a herd animal?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Regarding Zootopia [NSFW blurred]

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 15:05
Categories: News

Furry Site Content Statistics

[adjective][species] - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 14:00

Visualization of Fur Affinity, Weasyl, SoFurry, InkBunny & e621 site content by Garek Maxwell.

garekmaxwell-furry-content-site-statistics-2015Click for full-sized version

Data sources:
FA submission map 2015-01-14
FA submission map 2014-04-24
FA submission map 2012-01-11
FA submission map 2011-04-29
FA submission map 2010-04-29
FA submission map 2009-01-27
FA Statistics 2011 (FA forums link no longer active)
FA Statistics – 2014
Weasyl Statistics – (Accessed 12-31-2014)
SoFurry Statistics – (Accessed 12-31-2014, June 2013)
InkBunny Statistics – (Accessed 12-31-2014)
InkBunny Additional Statistics – Data sources: Safe/GeneralQuestionable/MatureExplicit/AdultSpecies Tags, In Descending Order

Traffic Statistics, mostly for Weasyl and SoFurry:

"Really~? you think so?"

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 12:05
Categories: News

Trash Panda

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 11:54
Categories: News

Do you prefer your 'sona having digitigrade or plantigrade?

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 11:34

So it has been since 2007 when I discovered the furry fandom and always been a part of it. Sadly I have yet to go to a con (Of any sort for that matter). So I want to change that, starting with finally getting my fursona commissioned. However my question is, should she be digitigrade or plantigrade?

submitted by OkamiIndustries
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Categories: News

Wild Dog City, by Lydia West – Book Review By Fred Patten

Dogpatch Press - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 10:42
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Wild Dog City, by Lydia West Raleigh, NC,, September 2014, hardcover $35.99 (iii + 264 pages), trade paperback $17.99, Kindle $5.99. The opening of Wild Dog City is deliberately confusing. “It was utterly dark, the cold air sinking in the high concrete tunnel with a […]
Categories: News

What happend to the "hiring new admins" for r/furry?

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 10:19

Ok. So this is the huge elephant in the room (or subreddit, if you will). I can't be the only one wondering what came of it. An update from a moderator would be appreciated! Was more mods deemed "unnecessary"?

K that is all go back to your regular scheduled fluff. Or not. Let's talk subreddit meta. What else could "improve" your experience here?

submitted by marshykip
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Categories: News

(x-post from /r/fursuit) Looking to buy a custom partial (toony)

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 09:25

Hey. I'm looking for a partial in the price range of $400-$550. My fursona is nothing too wacky. He's just a spotted hyena.I don't have a reference for him right now, but I can draw one. I've started constructing my own head but it looks terrible so far and I'd rather pay someone else to make me something better. I don't need it super soon. Honestly, anytime in the next 6 months is fine. Thanks a lot!

edit: My fursona, Mean the Hyena-

edit 2: Sketch of my head idea-

I'll post more images of him for reference

submitted by ldiotbox
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Categories: News

How have YOU made your furry friends?

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 08:53

Hello everyone,

I am just curious what methods you all have used to make friends in the fandom, particularly online (I don't live near many furs, though I do live near some). I've found it hard to do so, and am recently going through a really lonely time and am trying to meet people.

The 2 best friends I've ever had (both gone now) both came from just randomly happening upon then on FA. When I intentionally try to make friends on FA, I usually only find people who only care about "yiffing," or even just roleplaying, and sometimes it's hard for me, with that superficial stuff - I want people who truly take an interest in me, as a person, and allows me to take an interest in them.

I've tried Omegle as well, but same problem - a lot of the people I meet end up only giving one-word responses, poorly typed, like they're talking to 10 other people at the same time. Which, I mean, is fine - but how am I ever supposed to become close with them like that?

I just feel like I must be doing something wrong, and I want to know how others out there have made their true/best friends in the fandom. Not just those you can "be all furry" with or even go out drinking with, if you know them personally, but the friends who you would trust with anything and who are always there for you (I know that takes time - but I'm wondering, how did your friendship start?)


submitted by zarfytezz1
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Categories: News

Well. This is a thing

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 08:07
Categories: News

Book of the Month: Inhuman Acts

Furry Writers' Guild - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 07:30

InhumanActsCoverNovember’s Book of the Month, Inhuman Acts, is edited by Ocean Tigrox and features stories from several FWG members.

Stalking the streets after dusk is risky business, but some tales are only told in the depths of night. Crime pales against the cold, murderous motives of those behind it. Claws and fangs open doors for a twisted soul to find a means to an end. It’s a deadly road spiraling downwards when the deeds done are Inhuman Acts.

Explore thirteen anthropomorphic noir stories about betrayal, corruption and deceit from award-winning authors and up-and-coming writers. Pour your favourite whiskey and light up a cigarette as Stanley Rivets, PI shares with you his collection of case files from dim to dark to downright ugly.

Features the following stories:

Muskrat Blues by Ianus Wolf
Fixer by Watts Martin
Danger in the Lumo-Bay by Mary E. Lowd
River City Nights by Tana Simensis
Every Breath Closer by Slip Wolf
Ghosts by Solus Lupus
A Blacker Dog by Huskyteer
Crimson on Copper by Tony Greyfox
Vermin’s Vice by T.S. McNally
Scorned by K.C. Alpinus
Bullet Tooth Claw by Marshall L. Moseley
Guardian Angels by Nicholas Hardin
Brooklyn Blackie and the Unappetizing Menu by Bill Kieffer

Cover art by Seylyn.

Parental rating PG-13. Available in print format from FurPlanet and as an ebook from Bad Dog Books.

Categories: News

Underwater~ Part One

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 06:50

Here it is! Sky is the fursona of /u/scamer38 and Lucario is the fursona of /u/Lucario117.

A green avian ran into the lab, carrying the newest results of the sonar they just conducted. Har was garmented in a tight blue suit and his face was one of fear.

“Los! You’ve got to stop tests! It’s coming closer!” Har showed the annoyed canine the papers. “It’s several miles away and it’s five miles wide! If we stop the tests, we can avoid the beast!”

“Get away from me!” Los screamed. The brown canine pushed Har away as he pressed more buttons on the console. “We’re almost done!” A loud screeching came through the air.

A black cat raced in, looking surprised. “What is he doing?”

“Doing the experiment despite how dangerous it is!” Har replied. Together, the two of them managed to grab Los’s arms but not before he pressed the final switch.

Outside, another patch of oil spilled out of a spout. A shadow flew over it, then disappeared, leaving the oil to do whatever it wanted.

The three furries stood still, listening for the sound of a ruptured wall.

“Well that was stupid.” Sal complained. “Did you really have to do that with another creature outside? You’re lucky it was so big or you could’ve hurt it permanently.” The black cat shoved Los.

“It doesn’t matter,” the canine said, looking at the screen, “Data’s coming in and that’s all we want… Yes! The oil’s absorbing the light that we can use. Soon enough, we’ll be able to create a new energy that will solve all of our problems.”

“Still, that was mighty dangerous Los. We could’ve easily died.” Har worried.

“Death? The only thing worse than death is not turning in our weekly quota of research. This was supposed to be a two-week mission but here we are, a month underwater. Our only lifeline is the ship that brings us food, fresh water, and oxygen!” Los screamed. “I don’t want to be down here another blasted month!”

“Calm down.” Sal grabbed Los’s arms. “It’s getting to you again. Just take deep breaths.” The canine did so and after a couple minutes, did feel much better.

“Let’s just go over the data and see if it help us.” Har ordered. The others agreed.


The ship several fathoms above them was cruising steadily, carrying its foods to take downwards to the underwater facility.

A flash of electricity flew from one of the walls in its cargo hold, making the appearance of an orange minivan. It flew through one of the big empty crates and stopped in it.

“So we just wait?” Lucario asked as he opened the car door. The pokemon looked around, the inside of the crate illuminated by the DOSAT’s headlights. Of course, this vehicle was no ordinary 80’s car but it was in fact a time machine that could travel around all of time and space.

“Yep, the ship will be dropping us pretty soon.” A cheetah got out of the other end, wearing his usual outfit of a black t-shirt, jeans and red scarf. This was Sky, a cheetah who’d come into possession of the DOSAT from a friend. He had picked up Lucario from the 1800’s and was now showing off what the machine could do.

“How did it do that?” The pokemon asked, shocked of the quick change in scenery. One minute, they had been in a desert, now they were in this crate.

“Remind me to give you a mind transfer. You’re a couple centuries behind on knowledge. But either way, here we are. We are on The Fortunato, the ship that transfers crates down to the famous Edinburgh lab. Down there, they’re developing a new kind of energy.” Sky explained.

“What year is this?” Lucario asked.

Sky looked at the dashboard. “2077. So that’s how long it takes…” He muttered.

“What did you say?”

“Never mind. Let’s just go back inside the DOSAT. There’s one more thing to show you.” The cheetah climbed into the car, then the backseat. Lucario followed suit. Imagine his surprise to find a door there.

“Sorry if it’s a bit small. My mate had to modify the outside so it could fit in here.” Sky opened the door and climbed into it. He found a banister, revealing to Lucario there was a staircase.

The pokemon was shocked when he entered the stairwell. Sky took him down further until another door appeared. Sky opened this one, revealing a fully furnished set of rooms.

“You don’t think I sleep in the car, do you?” Sky leaped and fell upon the couch in the middle of the room. “We’ll wait here until the ship drops us. Then we can visit the scientists.”

“H- how is this even possible?” Lucario asked. “This is bigger than the outside!”

The cheetah thought for a couple seconds. Then he got two cubes out a drawer, one big and one small.

“This is how my friend explained it to me. Which one is bigger?” Sky showed the two cubes.

“That one obviously.” Lucario pointed at the bigger one.

“Correct.” Then Sky walked to the other side of the room and placed the big cube there. Afterwards, he returned to Lucario, holding the smaller one. “Now which one is smaller?”

“The box you’re holding.” The pokemon said.

“No. The one on the other side of the room looks smaller.” The cheetah corrected.

“But that’s just because it’s far away, in the distance.” Lucario was confused.

“But what if you brought that cube to the same plane as this one while keeping the distance? It would be smaller and thus able to fit in the small cube.” He saw Lucario’s confusion. “This kind of stuff can be tricky.”

Suddenly, the room around them was rumbling.

“Here we are. We’re going down.” Sky grabbed a couple oxygen converters and gave one to Lucario. “This will help you breathe underwater. Just do it though your mouth.”

The pokemon put the converter in his mouth. Soon enough, water began to leak into the cargo. It wasn’t a lot but it managed to cover their ankles. After a period of about five minutes, it leaked out.

“We’re here.” Sky said, taking out his converter.

“Why did we wear these?” Lucario asked, puzzled.

“Well, most times, the water goes above your head in one of these crates. Sure there’s an air bubble but it’s more efficient to just breathe the water.” The cheetah explained.

Suddenly, a bright flash presented itself to them. The door to the front of the box had opened. Standing there was a brown canine. And he seemed surprised to see the travelers in it.

“W- w- who are you?” He finally asked.

“I’m Sky and this is Lucario.” The cheetah put the converters in the canine’s hands. “We’re here to visit like I did last time in say… 10 years?”

The canine finally got himself together. “Fine. But go into the waiting room please.”

“There wasn’t one last time.” Sky raised an eyebrow. “New rules. Follow me.” The two travelers had no choice but to follow the canine. During the journey, Lucario was awestruck at all of the technology that surrounded them.

“This is- this is- this is amazing!” He exclaimed.

“Try not to faint.” Sky merely said. Eventually, the canine had led them to a chamber.

“Go inside and I’ll get the papers. This kind of things have to be accounted for.” The canine opened the door. Cautious, Sky and Lucario stepped in it.

“It’s funny. It wasn’t like this last time I was he-” Sky’s sentence broke off when he heard the sound of the lock clicking. The canine was turning the wheel outside, trapping the travelers inside.

Lucario raced up to the door and pounded on it. “Let us out!”

“Never! I don’t have to deal with your sucky company anymore!” The canine shouted, obviously mad. He then went to a panel next to the door and pressed several buttons.

Water started spewing into the chamber, shocking both Sky and Lucario. The pokemon screamed while Sky thought fast.

The cheetah grabbed Lucario’s head. “Look at me in the eyes.” The pokemon did so and Sky pressed a certain point on the neck. He took a deep breath and the pokemon fell asleep. The cheetah did the same himself, and the two of them laid on the ground, unconscious. The water rushed into the chamber, covering the two of them.

submitted by topaz_colite
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Categories: News

Animal Conservation - It isn’t easy to save a species. It’s just as hard to convince your neighbors of the need to do so. Join us as we discuss the plight of the red wolf in the eastern US, and the troubles of other species throughout North America.

WagzTail - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 06:00

It isn’t easy to save a species. It’s just as hard to convince your neighbors of the need to do so. Join us as we discuss the plight of the red wolf in the eastern US, and the troubles of other species throughout North America.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 95

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Braniff, Eli, Firefoxkac, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2015 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Animal Conservation - It isn’t easy to save a species. It’s just as hard to convince your neighbors of the need to do so. Join us as we discuss the plight of the red wolf in the eastern US, and the troubles of other species throughout North America.
Categories: Podcasts

Reminder for all you Lucario lovers out there

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Nov 2015 - 03:36

Just a small reminder that the /r/Lucario subreddit exists. There's very few people there, which is quite surprising! If you like Lucario, wanna talk about things Lucario, or simply want to find Lucario art (there's a ton of it there), go take a look!

submitted by CrimsonFluff
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Categories: News