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So I'm actually kind of new to being a furry.

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 21:18

I want to say I'm a wolf, but I'm not sure. How do I tell what my fursona is?

submitted by BrandoCalrission
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Categories: News

What do you think about romance?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 21:12

So in this area I have realized than I, yes me, am the odd one out. Romance is something that most people can feel, but I can safely say that I have never one felt romantic urges towards someone, or something, in my entire life. Now, don't get romantic urges confused with sexual ones, because there are plenty of those. To me all romance seems like a waste of time; I get friendship, and I find that romance would just ruin what you have and make it something different. I was wondering what your guys' thoughts on the subject are. I, personally, do not see any appeal in it.

submitted by Sadiebubs
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Categories: News

I may have a problem

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 19:49
Categories: News

[Intro] A brief history on my furriness

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 19:43

Hello! So, here goes my introduction.

I've been into furries for as long as I can remember. For whatever reason, I always much preferred the movies with animal characters over the human movies when I was younger... Heck, I still do :P Even my imaginary friends (we all had those, right?) were dogs and wolves. That one might be a little weird, but w/e. However, it was always something that I kept hidden. No one else around seemed to be the same as me, and then the two times I was the new kid at school, the last thing I wanted was to be different. I couldn't ever leave furries, though, because there's just something about them that draws me to them. Also, since I struggled with depression (and still do a little bit), this fuzzier world was always something I could surround my mind with, and that brought comfort.

As I grew older and went through middle and high school, things kinda just remained the same. I eventually found out that this fandom existed, but I honestly had those common misconceptions about the people here, so I never had any desire to actively participate, even online.

Through the latter part of high school, I had a couple experiences that pushed me further into the closet about furries, for lack of a better term. I can’t remember what I said, but something led my friend to make fun of me for being a furry one day. He was joking and finished with saying “Nah, it’s cool, I know you’re not a furry. You’re better than that.” Ouch. Then, I started dating someone. I told her, and she hated it. Freaked her out. Granted, it came up in probably the worst way possible (talking about fetishes), but it made me hide it even deeper. Alright, now I can’t even talk about it with people I love.

Fast forward to this summer, when I’m about to start my second year of college. I’m living away from home, feeling more independent, and starting to find and accept who I really am. I’m still together with my high school girlfriend in an amazing (albeit now 1000 mile long distance) relationship. Not wanting to hide anything anymore, I brought it up with her again. For whatever reason, there was a lack in communication between us, and she thought the conversation was just about the fetish again, which wasn’t what I intended, and I only realized this after we were done talking about it. That wasn’t rectified until last week when I told her I was going to a Halloween party and she asked who was hosting it… a group of local furs. After convincing her it was just a normal party with no weird, perverted, adult pastimes going on, she agreed to let me go, and she genuinely seemed ok with the whole thing.

I’m still in the process of opening up about it, but it’s moving pretty fast relative to how long I’ve hidden this. For the time being, I feel the happiest that I have in a long time, since I’m not hiding anything anymore. I had always said, “Ya IDGAF what other people think about me…” But now it’s actually true.

(My roommate is now the second person to know, since by no mistake did I leave a Skype chat open full screen with “Furry Lobby” written across the top on my second monitor while doing other things. After talking about it and convincing him that I was just in that chat for no reason and that I’m actually a furry, he seems ok with it, too. I royally messed up that conversation, too, but in the end I think it turned out all right.)

Anyways, thank you if you made it all the way through reading this, and hopefully I’ll get to know you!

TL;DR Long time closet fur now opening the door

submitted by idokamaroq
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Categories: News

[NSFW] Streaming! Drawing a gift art for someone, and then drawing my comic! Will be NSFW for the first few hours or so.

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 19:34


Streaming some uh... yiff I'm drawing for a friend. Not my thing really, but it was good anatomy practice. I'm going to be colouring that and shading it quickly, then going to concept design for my comic, Project Blackhammer!

Come hang out in chat! :)

Edit: Can you not downvote? I can't repost this, I'll get spam filtered. :( If you don't like it, just don't click please.

submitted by Essjay-C
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 17:37
Categories: News

Episode 299 - Bucket of Shame

Southpaws - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 17:29
We survived! Nobody died! Yay! We've got con reports, episode 300 announcements, and other emails! Also, y'all should bookmark this: since it'll maybe likely be used on episode 300.. and stuff! Like the show and want to contribute? Support us on Patreon! Episode 299 - Bucket of Shame
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 9 Episode 16

TigerTails Radio - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 17:20
Categories: Podcasts

Making friends at cons and talking to fursuiters, help?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 16:18

Hey there guys I had a quick question, so I just got back from my first real con-Furpoc and i had a blast, I took a ton of pictures of suiters and got a bunch of hugs. Besides asking suiters for pics and hugs I really would have liked to have made a few new fur friends or hang out with then during the con and wanted to ask you guys for some advice on how to do so.

Im still kind of shy so that doesn't help( and i hate it) and i'm new, maybe a little intimidated by some of the suits. It also seemed like after i would get a pic or hug they would take off faster the i could ask for there name or FA ( i understand it gets hot in them from personal experiance ). I also know that i'm really not memorable at all unless im a little buzzed then i can be a little bit so even if I saw the same suiter later and did say hi they would not remember me. So any advice to help a Kangroo fox is appreciated.

submitted by Shadowwolf67
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Categories: News

Friendly Furries?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:37

I'm wondering if friendly furries exist outside of Reddit. The reason I'm wondering is because of my jump from lurker to fursona. I'll say right here that I'm not the easiest to talk to or befriend.

I frequent sites like Fur Affinity and Facebook. But what I've noticed is furries (or maybe people?) are significantly less friendly on those sites. On FA people do not really want to talk at all, wether through Skype or Notes. It's usually just business and they tend to ignore things I've sent (I'll chalk that up to me being new and not interesting).

Facebook a lot of people there seem to be collectors or just give you the cold shoulder if you aren't into the RP sex scene. Least that's what happened to me.

And there's the hug-thing I encountered on both sites. I'm not huggy or into hugs. Furries have flipped at and labelled me as douche when I politely avoided the hug.

So I ask are furries friendly outside of here, or is this just because I'm new?

submitted by CypressDraco
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Categories: News

Episode -61 - Halloween!

Unfurled - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:25
We're back again with more shit. Today we talk about progressivism, SXSW, and the dangers that the current trends in social justice pose to their own movements. We also talk about Halloween candy and halloween memories, and the dangers that halloween candies poser to kids and your drugs. Episode -61 - Halloween!
Categories: Podcasts

Episode -62 - Welcome to the Canadian leftist utopia!

Unfurled - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:17
We're back again, we're late, but we're back. Today we talk about the election, some plastic people, stancenation, and charity! Episode -62 - Welcome to the Canadian leftist utopia!
Categories: Podcasts

Rooming at cons

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:14

I wanted to ask you wonderful people something. I was hoping to go to Further Confusion in January for my first con and as most of you know hotels are quite expensive. I'm planning on going alone so I was thinking someone should share a room with me to split the cost and make it easier. How normal is it to share hotel rooms with people you have never met at cons? Is it common or am I just crazy? I have no problem with it personally. If I wanted to find someone where would I go to look? Hopefully someone could shed some light on this for me.

submitted by w0lfr4m747
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Categories: News

Happy Birthday, [a][s]!

[adjective][species] - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:00

[adjective][species] turns 4 today!  Art by the fantastic Redacteur, whom we have featured here before! You can find more of his work at his tumblr. Here’s to another year, thanks for sticking with us!

Rotary phones work well with claws.Rotary phones work well with claws.

How did you find your mate?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 13:32

I've been dreaming alot about life with my future mate recently, and it got me thinking. How/where did you meet your mate? Do you have any advice for someone who's never dated/experienced love before? Thank you all for the stories <3

submitted by Akpil
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Categories: News