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Bird Is The Word! ~RyelletiBun

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 19:02
Categories: News

Stream B&W glow request for Lyze :>

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 18:12
Categories: News

Who's going to FC this year?

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 17:28

Quick show of paws, who all is going to FC thus year? I'm curious about redditor attendance.

submitted by Sovereign42
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Categories: News

So guys, I may have a problem...

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 17:11

So here's the deal. I may be coming out as bi to my mother in about a hour. I won't say the details but can anyone give me some tips or lend an ear? I really need to go over what I say.

Edit: We will already be having an awkward conversation when she comes home so trying to be calm won't really help.

From a Troubled Topaz.

submitted by topaz_colite
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Categories: News

Hey guys! I'm that guy that made 3.5 whole discussion posts! (I count that as active since its the most active ive been on here in my life) I wanted to see if anyone wanted to be friends :3

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 16:30

PM me if you wanna dd me on skype steam xbox or telegram. If you dont wanna, leave a comment and Ill get to ya. Or just say hai :3

submitted by Billy6549
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Categories: News

Freezeframe ~ Oonua

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 16:27
Categories: News

Drunk snakey ;by Skink

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 16:10
Categories: News

Any LA furs interested in hiking/ camping?

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 15:16

Following in the sudden wake of any local fur posts, I was wondering if there's any furs around the la/glendale/burbank area that are interested in the outdoors, preferably around their 20's.

submitted by Patchesthelurker
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Categories: News

Naming your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 15:04

Im not sure how to name my fursona. I have their look and species down, but I don't know what to call them. How did you guys name your furs?

submitted by gammaAmmonite
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Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #34

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 14:57

Today's token question:

What is your ‘sonas prized possession? What happens if they lose it?

Edit: Mods is one letter away from Gods, and Pin is one letter away from Pig. Piggies! :D

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Cream City Furs? (Any Milwaukee, WI furries? WI furries in general?)

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 14:56

Literally, the only furries I know all live in Minnesota. That isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong. It's just a bit of a distance if I ever intend to do anything. It doesn't seem anything happens around Milwaukee. I'm situated about ~30 min. out from where Fur Squared takes place. Is anyone here local and planning on going? non-local but still attending? Local but not going? Wants to attend but can't?

submitted by Philco-Predicta
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Categories: News

Fur gamers

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 14:52

Any furries out there on Xbox 360 that are 14 and up want to get together on xbox

submitted by FurryWolfJakeHenry
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Categories: News

Shrine Vixen -3doss

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 11:54
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Nov 2015 - 11:23
Categories: News