Feed aggregator
I think /r/furry will appreciate this dogs sacrifice in France, she deserves the respect that any other member of R.A.I.D. gets.
I think I did the "catsnake" thing wrong...
Who's going to FC this year?
Quick show of paws, who all is going to FC thus year? I'm curious about redditor attendance.
submitted by Sovereign42[link] [1 comment]
So furry dubstep/electro is a thing :o
So guys, I may have a problem...
So here's the deal. I may be coming out as bi to my mother in about a hour. I won't say the details but can anyone give me some tips or lend an ear? I really need to go over what I say.
Edit: We will already be having an awkward conversation when she comes home so trying to be calm won't really help.
From a Troubled Topaz.
submitted by topaz_colite[link] [49 comments]
Hey guys! I'm that guy that made 3.5 whole discussion posts! (I count that as active since its the most active ive been on here in my life) I wanted to see if anyone wanted to be friends :3
PM me if you wanna dd me on skype steam xbox or telegram. If you dont wanna, leave a comment and Ill get to ya. Or just say hai :3
submitted by Billy6549[link] [6 comments]
Any LA furs interested in hiking/ camping?
Following in the sudden wake of any local fur posts, I was wondering if there's any furs around the la/glendale/burbank area that are interested in the outdoors, preferably around their 20's.
submitted by Patchesthelurker[link] [2 comments]
Naming your fursona?
Im not sure how to name my fursona. I have their look and species down, but I don't know what to call them. How did you guys name your furs?
submitted by gammaAmmonite[link] [53 comments]
Questions for your 'Sona #34
Today's token question:
What is your ‘sonas prized possession? What happens if they lose it?
Edit: Mods is one letter away from Gods, and Pin is one letter away from Pig. Piggies! :D
submitted by HonorInDefeat[link] [109 comments]
Cream City Furs? (Any Milwaukee, WI furries? WI furries in general?)
Literally, the only furries I know all live in Minnesota. That isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong. It's just a bit of a distance if I ever intend to do anything. It doesn't seem anything happens around Milwaukee. I'm situated about ~30 min. out from where Fur Squared takes place. Is anyone here local and planning on going? non-local but still attending? Local but not going? Wants to attend but can't?
submitted by Philco-Predicta[link] [8 comments]
Fur gamers
Any furries out there on Xbox 360 that are 14 and up want to get together on xbox
submitted by FurryWolfJakeHenry[link] [6 comments]