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Not enough discussion you say? Well lets change that starting with this!

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 11:07

Hello everybody, let me introduce myself! My name is Cookie, I've been a furry for a year and a half and I absolutely love it. I'm 16, 17 on thanksgiving, and despite being so young and having been in the community for such a short time you guys have really turned my life around.

Anyways, enough about me tell me about yourselves and how being a furry may or may not have changed your views on things! Also if you want to know anything else ask away! I guess this post is half of an AMA and half discussion... oh well it works!

submitted by DutchAngelCookie
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Categories: News

Cinebutts 01 Guilty Pleasure Movies - Until we can nail Alkali down to a chair to recor…

The Dragget Show - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 10:47

Until we can nail Alkali down to a chair to record another Dragget Show (MFF at the latest), enjoy an episode of Cinebutts! Xander and Draggor discuss their favorite guilty pleasure movies! Cinebutts 01 Guilty Pleasure Movies - Until we can nail Alkali down to a chair to recor…
Categories: Podcasts

A Game of Kitties: Catamancer

FurStarter - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 10:36


An online CCG with literally all the cats. 



On Kickstarter through 11/29/15

Catomancer1Catamancer, now on Kickstarter, isn’t specifically a furry product. If anything, it’s an internet culture product. Cats are natural meme-generators, and many of the ideas in this virtual collectible card game draw from the strange synergy between net.geeks and cats. But with tons of original art—no photography here, much of the funding for this project goes straight into the pockets of the art team—it’s got furry fandom paw prints running across its DNA. I suspect that if I were a member of the Northern European furry community, I’d be following more of these artists. There’s a lot of names from Russia and the Netherlands there.

Catomancer3At its heart, Catamancer is a simulation of a Magic: The Gathering style CCG, with some board game elements. You play a powerful wizard—a Catamancer—with summoning magic and strange feline-based abilities at your disposal. The source of your power is your Catalyst (kind of like the logo, above), and you must protect it. It’s a combination summoning circle and life bar.

Catomancer4Each round, you start off with a fresh pool of magical energy to summon critters—kitters, I guess, and send them scurrying across the board to attack your opponent’s minions and catalyst. Some of your cats have special powers and animations (when the powerful Cathulhu, for instance, throws down, devouring jaws open up under your opponent’s side of the board, chomping every minion they can.) There’s a pre-alpha match up on YouTube if you want to see game play. As the game progresses, your pool of magical energy gets larger every turn, so you can call up bigger, flashier cards.

Catomancer2The game is modeled after collectible card games, so if you’re into the game, you’ll probably choose to buy the occasional card pack—although the game is free to play and apparently it is possible to collect everything without spending a dime (or a Euro). Each card pack is themed, the game is launching with Intercats, Hell Cats, and Ninja Cats themes—and there are a few kickstarter-only cards.

With this one, “Artists” and “Business plan” seem to go hand in hand. Their artist’s pool covers a huge range of cartoony, fantasy, and realistic styles, with too many artists to do a guided tour of their work, But check the galleries of the team: Petr Passek Aleksandrovich, Autogatos, FlashW, JoJoesArt, Lhuin, MaquendaSceithAilmsharkie19Skirtzzz, TamberEllaTsaoShin, and Yel Zamor.

Catomancer5The project video and text suggests that most of the money realized from the kickstarter is going to be going to fund the art team’s work–that the game will be launched at €2,600 with sketch art, and as they expand their pool of funding, they’ll wrap each card in color and posssibly animations.

The team has some game development experience, as they operate the online game platform Board Game Online and have five years’ experience in the field.

Catomancer6Not surprisingly, the high-end rewards for the Catamancer kickstarter lean heavily on kickstarter-unique content and custom materials. One of the cuter cards they describe is the “Cat Conjurer,” a mythical cat that summons random cards from a stockpile of user-supplied kittens, a nearly endless supply of “Your Cat’s Name Here” to draw cameos from. But there’s also unique Catalysts, skins, and the opportunity to design your own card.

Potentially, this game has the potential to help a number of talented artists get their art into the world, and that’s exciting. At least three of the art team is on FurAffinity (search for “Catamancer” and see what turns up!) It’s well worth a look.


Categories: News

Otachi! ;by Malice-Risu

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 10:13
Categories: News

Artists, do you keep your NSFW and SFW art on separate accounts? Why/why not?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 09:52

Personally I do (but you can't really call me an artist). Some IRL friends know my furry username so I want to at least hide some of the porn I draw, I don't know if I could talk to them ever again if they found out about that.

I also already had followers and started off just drawing clean shit, and would feel weird if I suddenly started drawing really really weird NSFW shit. I know there's a NSFW filter, but I still feel weird about it.

And this one is kinda dumb, but I kinda want to see how many followers I can get without NSFW. I know that NSFW is a great way to get lots of attention, and it almost feels like cheating in a way, even though I know that's dumb.

So, what do you all think? Is having two accounts worth it? Should I just go back to one? Does anyone else have two accounts? Discuss.

submitted by Rainbolt
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Categories: News

I love you guys, but you're being stupid

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 07:38

People are leaving because there are fewer discussions. Yet whenever people post discussions other than the exhausted "what would you do if you were your sona for a day" type questions, you downvote them. As a sub, you downvote them.

Then, you try and stir up a lot of drama by saying you're leaving because of there not being any original discussions happening.

So you can either leave or help make the sub what you want it to be. We all have a vote. Just enough with this stupid "it ain't what it used to be" drama. End rant

submitted by Gshep1
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Categories: News

What are your thoughts on the future of the furry fandom?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 07:30

The distance ahead can be up to you. Will it die out? Grow in population? Could new methods of expressing your furryness be created? Those kinds of things.

submitted by thecowardlyfox
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Categories: News

A shoutout for everyone

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 06:18

I wanted to try something out, so here it is. Give a shoutout to anyone on this sub and include a message to them. Maybe it's someone you're friends with, maybe it's someone you want to get to know. Or maybe you just have to say something to someone. Give them a call with their /u/[username]. Just remember that you are limited to three users per comment. Three, not four, five is right out. They won't get notified otherwise.

(I'm aware people can turn this feature off, so hopefully they'll hear about this thread somehow)

Edit: Whoops, just remembered, but please be civil and respectful. At the very least follow Rule 6 down there:

No personal attacks, no aggressive name calling, no following users from post to post, no harassment.

submitted by Jakkor
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Categories: News

Me as a my fox sona [art by me]

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 05:05
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 04:30

Hello hi hi! My name is Atena! I'm a white bun with hooves and a splotchy brown pattern! I've hung around reddit for a while but I finally made an account and I really wanna make some friends! I am also pretty new to being furry but bunnies are cute and I hope this is a good place to start! Please be kind with me! /(❀= ^ + ^ =❀)\ I am sorry for the short baby post! It is late and I tire /(❀= * + * =❀)\

submitted by bunliebe
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Categories: News

When you're feeling down, what is something that instantly makes you feel better, furry or not furry related?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 04:02

Hey fuzzybutts, how's it going? I hope you're all doing well today.

I gotta admit that I'm not feeling too hot tonight, so I was hoping that sharing some happy stuff might help cheer up some of us who aren't feeling too good, whether it's something in your personal life or something else.

So what cheers you guys up in sad times? Please feel free to share!

submitted by FurryInitiateJones
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Categories: News

A short pre sleep post. (pardon stupidity)

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 03:25

3 am posts yaaay Hey guys, just wanted to ask y'all a question, stir up some discussion.

If your fursona was transported into the world of your favorite video game what would he do and what powers or skills or even new rules of society in some cases would he play with?

(I'm sorry if this is a bad post >_<)

submitted by Billy6549
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Categories: News

Times New Sergal (WIP)

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 01:57

Well well well, I suppose it was gonna come to this eventually, and I'm surprised I got around to it this soon.

On top of tackling a fan-made conlang for sergals, I'm hopefully going to be designing a fully usable font that is compatible with a number of languages and scripts!

The scripts that would be most likely to get this font

  • English/Latin
  • Cyrillic/Russian
  • Traditional Mongolian
  • and/or Arabic

And if you go over to the /r/sergallanguage subreddit, you can see more information on it, as well as updates for progress on the font design (in the form of a dropbox link that will be updated as I work)

submitted by MaceSergal
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Categories: News

Free sona doodles!!

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Nov 2015 - 01:43

Just for fun :3 just little doodles!! I certainly will not get to all of you but I'll do what I can. just one per person, please!! if you want more than one, idk, you could commission one I guess? maybe like $1 per extra doodle. idk! they'll look something like this! comment with a ref! <3 ~sfw only~

submitted by FluffPaws
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Categories: News

FC-216XX FurCast Extra Life Charity Gaming 2015 Part 2

FurCast - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 23:59

This is a continuation of Part 1, which can be found here.

Check out the part 1 page for more info about this campaign so far.

Thanks again for helping us raise over $2,500 for charity!!





Part 9 – Board Games:

Betrayal at House on the Hill. What a mind job.

Watch Video


Part 10 – Mario Maker:

Because we missed it the first night, we wanted to make sure to get to this game. It was worth the wait. Every person in the room takes a shot at one of the hardest mario levels!

Watch Video


Part 11 – Kung Fu Rider:

Because racing down city streets of Hong Kong in a computer chair sounds like a GREAT VIDEO GAME.

Watch Video
Categories: Podcasts