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Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 02:31
Categories: News

A late night pondering...

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 01:20

I know that what makes someone a furry is still debated today, mainly because of how broad the fandom is. From my understanding, it's come simply to mean someone who has an interest in anthropomorphic animals. However, in my case, I didn't have the interest. I liked them when I was younger, but, for the most part, I grew out of it. Thinking about this now made me question myself: "Am I really a furry?" I know, the question's pretty stupid, but I still ponder over it anyway. Here's why.

First, a bit of a backstory (how fun!). I've known about the fandom for quite some time now (a good estimate would be when the "Single Furries" video came out). When I first learned about them, I didn't pay much attention. I thought "that's pretty weird and specific, but hey, to each their own I guess". However, it wasn't until I saw a video last month about furries that I found the whole concept fascinating. Why did there have to be a fandom dedicated to this specifically? Despite popular internet stereotypes, I did some research: looked up information on what the fandom is actually about, looked at statistics, visited this subreddit, browsed through it, found the subreddit to be unique, started thinking of a fursona, and realized that I was basically indulging in the culture itself without having the actual "interest" in anthropomorphic animals, if that makes sense. Now whenever I see anthro animals, I automatically make a connection to the furry fandom in my mind and appreciate anthro animals a bit more.

So why am I typing this? Well, maybe this can serve as a fun and friendly (hopefully) debate. Or (more likely), as the title implies, it's late, and I'm pretty sleep deprived, meaning my sense of judgement is pretty off, and I'm typing this without thinking about whether or not it makes sense to post it :p Who knows? I might end up regretting this post. Oh well.

So... Am I really a furry? Is it even possible to indulge in a fandom without having an initial interest in the concept of said fandom? Am I being over analytical? Am I making sense? (I think the answer is ‘probably not' for the last one :p)

TL;DR I didn't join the fandom because I have an interest in anthro animals, I have an interest in anthro animals because I joined the fandom. In other words, I felt that I had an interest in the fandom itself rather than the idea behind it. Would that make me a furry?

submitted by hyphens-suck
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Categories: News

So, I've been thinking.

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 00:35

A recent post suggested that fursonas are the us that we strive to be. And that really got me thinking. Life is hard, and we all have something dark going on. Me, I'm an antisocial schizophrenic college dropout. But I don't want to be that. I want more out of life. My fursona was always the me that I strived to be, even if I didn't know it yet. So I did what I thought Dag would do. I got help for my schizophrenia from family and a doctor, I registered for classes, and Ive been more social lately. This might seem dumb, but it makes making decisions easier. I don't own a fursuit, but now I see the appeal. Not for being able to be someone else who doesn't have these problems, but to be a me who is strong enough to push past them, and maybe help some other people going through dark times along the way. Food for thought.

submitted by DagtheBulf
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Categories: News

What's that art that just make you want to hug/cuddle (NSFW is allow)

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 22:24

Since I joined this community I've seen 2 "art feels" post, and though those are all good and well, I want to see: What are those images that just make you feel good and wanting a hug?
I'll stat. This always gets me <3.

BTW. NSFW is allow, but let's keep it yiff-less. Those are for other kind of hug.

submitted by Zeggat
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Categories: News

Tell me somehting nice or funny that has happened to you while being a furry :)

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 22:01

I just had a horrible day. I lost my scholarship, i had a fight with a neighbour, i was about to creash in my car (twice), i fell down while riding my bicycle and my housekeeper took my popcorns :( All this happened in the same day.

I just want to smile and a little laugh reading something that has happened to you while being a furry. Help this little stressed otter to relief a little :)

submitted by Blutcher
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Categories: News

I've been curious lately how many of you have more than one 'sona.

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 21:14

I've been thinking about making a second 'sona lately, and that sort of lead me to wonder how many of you had alternate 'sonas, and how many you guys had, what they were, etc.

I'm curious! :U

submitted by Traedon
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Categories: News

How is your Thanksgiving going?

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 20:29

Mine was ok, not the best. The mashed potatoes were basically liquid and the turkey was dry, but im hoping you guys had a good one. How was yours?

submitted by FurryThrowawayAcc
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Categories: News

You ever see something cool on FA and think "wow I want one!" then remember how IP works?

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 19:54

I just wanna halfway make a bunch of really exotic characters guilt free damnit.

submitted by Yetanotherfurry
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Categories: News

Little GIF I made

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 19:12
Categories: News

Catbird. The ultimate predator.

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 19:07
Categories: News

Just got my 'sona a shoutout on BBC Radio 1

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 16:59

Anyone else tuned in and hear that? UK station.

edit: Found it: (

"He'll be president one day, ol' Foxiehkins McFloof!"

And to make this thread useful: Have you ever had something similar happen? Maybe a brand or celebrity? Radio/TV show? Etc...

submitted by foxiehkins
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Categories: News

Hello everyfur!

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 16:10

I hope you all have a good thanksgiving and if you don't celebrate it I hope you have a lovely day! How's everybody's day going so far?

Also happy birthday to me.

submitted by DutchAngelCookie
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Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #42

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 15:02

Happy food day, Turkeys!

Today's life, the universe and everything-affirming question has two parts:

What is your 'sona thankful for this year


What food are they bringing to Thanksgiving Dinner? (If your ‘sona does not celebrate Thanksgiving, substitute with another local holiday that involves feasting)

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Sneksgiving ;by akeboshiwolf

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 14:35
Categories: News

New Zootopia selfies

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 14:14
Categories: News