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The Sergal is ready for the holidays

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 13:29
Categories: News

Eevee anthro commission~

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 11:45
Categories: News

Am i the only one?

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 11:35

I see posts daily talking about what would your sona do or how would it handle different situations. I see back stories and entire alternate lifes for them. Am i the only one whos sona is exactly as i am but anthro?

submitted by campitor
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Happy Fursuit Black Friday

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 11:34
Categories: News

In a Dog’s World, by Mary E. Lowd – Book Review By Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 10:52
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. In a Dog’s World, by Mary E. Lowd. Dallas, TX, FurPlanet Productions, July 2015, trade paperback $9.95 (181 pages), Kindle $6.99. This novella is the third book in Lowd’s “Otters in Space” series following Otters in Space (2010) and Otters in Space II: Jupiter, Deadly (2013), […]
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[Megathread] Fursona Friday -- Show off your 'sona in here!

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 09:42

Welcome to Fursona Friday! Strut your stuff! Show us your new art or writing. Give us a written description or share your ref sheet.

Tell us all about you and your fursona!

Additionally, feel free to use this thread to solicit feedback on designs or to ask general fursona-related questions of others.

Please keep all posts related to Fursona Friday in thread. Thank you!

submitted by AutoModerator
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The New Wolf on the Block By ryelletibun

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 08:53
Categories: News

Papples: Black Friday Bust

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 08:32
Categories: News

A pizza loving fox for fursuitfriday

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 08:26
Categories: News

Underwater~ Part 4~ Conclusion.

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 07:15

Hey guys, sorry this took a while to type up. I had tests and Thanksgiving to take care of. Anyway, here's Part 4! Sky is the fursona of /u/scamer38 and Lucario is the fursona of /u/Lucario117.

Outside of the lab was the Kras along with a small submarine where the Venetians were. The Kras swam backwards, then flew forwards, ramming her head against the lab.


The cheetah fell over on the first impact but he got up quickly enough. Sky got to Los’s lab with the others following him and he opened the door. The group stood there, shocked.

Inside was Los covered in green blood, a knife in his hand. A small blue sea monster resembling the Kras was on the floor next to him crying out quietly. Eventually it stopped and laid still.

Sky looked at the canine with fury. “You bastard! Do you know what you’ve done?”

Los laughed, “Yes. Now they can’t take the oil and Earth’s future is saved.”

“More like doomed.” Sky foreshadowed. He started pacing. “The question, is how do we stop the Venetians from destroying this lab? This lab holds the key to the future Earth needs.” He mentioned to no one in particular.

The other furries came to inspect the scene.

“Oh my One!” Sal exclaimed when she saw the dead baby Kras. “H-how could this happen?”

“Ask Los. For now, I’ve got my future to secure.” Sky picked up the Kras and went into the kitchen of the lab. After taking a tablecloth and wrapping it around the Kras, he took a jam dodger from a box and put it in his pocket. “I’ve got a plan that’s so crazy it just might work.” He ran back to the living space and yelled, “Hey Venetians! I’ve got your baby here!” Silence happened.

Prepare to board…” the Venetian commanded. Light began to grow around the cheetah.

As the cheetah started to disappear, Lucario decided he couldn’t wait with the others and jumped into the light as well. Much to the scientists’ surprise, the two of them disappeared.

Sal turned to Los wjo looked at her nervously. “So Los, is there something you want to explain to us?”


Sky and Lucario arrived in a room covered in moss and rocks. They assumed they were on the Venetian submarine.

“What are you doing here Lucario?” The cheetah rebuked the pokemon.

“I-I was wondering if I could help you. If they have the DOSAT, then perhaps I can get it.” Lucario asked shyly.

As much as Sky hated to admit it, he was right. “Very well then. Here’s the key.” The cheetah managed to fish the key out of his pocket and give it to Lucario. “Handle it right or I’ll drop you off at the Big Bang.” The pokemon gulped and sneaked away into a corridor.

Another corridor opened. A Venetian came in and took off its helmet. Its head looked remarkably similar to that of a snake.

Iss that the Krasss?” It asked.

“Yes and no,” Sky tossed the creature on the ground, allowing the tablecloth to roll off and show the dead Kras.

Nooooo!” the Venetian fell down and examined the Kras. It crouched over it hissing, its fom of weeping. “I cared for her from an egg… And now she’s dead!

“That’ll teach you to make deals with a crazy canine. Why did you do it in the first place anyway?” The cheetah asked.

We did no such thing,” the Venetian was now standing. “We found a sick abover and we cured him. We gave him the gift of perpetual energy. And he took our baby!” This last part ended in a loud hiss.

Goodbye strange creature.” It began to take out a gun.


Lucario wished the Venetian would just go away. He was hidden behind a wall and around the corner was a guard. The pokemon assumed he was guarding the DOSAT and hopefully he was right. But he couldn’t figure out how to get the guard away.

Then an idea came to mind. What if he treated it like a pokemon battle? Lucario remembered fighting with his siblings as a Riolu and figured he could use the same moves here.

He faced the Venetian and after it noticed him, the battle commenced.

*Venetain used Hiss! It decreased Lucario’s Confidence!

Lucario used Sword’s Dance! His Attack and Defence increased!

Venetian used Shoot! Lucario barely dodged them! Attack ineffective!

Lucario used Aura Sphere! It’s super effective! Venetian fainted!*

The pokemon jumped over the Venetian and opened the door to find the storage room. And there was the DOSAT!

Lucario opened the car door and sat in the driver seat. Then he realized he had no idea how to drive it. He grasped the steering wheel and was barely able to reach the pedals. When he finally pressed the gas one, he jerked forward. Finally figuring it was easy like riding a horse, he drove the DOSAT out awkwardly.


“Wait!” Sky took out his jam dodger. “I have this button that will explode the lab next to us. We’ll die of drowning.” (To the reader, a jam dodger is a British cookie with a center of jelly shown. It can be used as a fake “button” like Sky is using at the moment.)

What do you want?” the Venetian’s hands moved from its holster.

“What I want, is this lab to be left alone.” Sky demanded. The Venetian looked at him in silence.

“This lab holds the key to a better future on Earth. The future I come from.” The cheetah tried to explain.

Then who are you to messs in thisss?” The Venetian asked.

“That’s a very good question. And I have the answer here.” He motioned to the “button.”

Why must we let the aboversss live? They ssstole our child and killed him!” The creature said.

“Because if the world above doesn’t heal, nothing will be safe from endless chaos. Not even the waters.” Sky warned.

The Venetian seemed to accept this. It moved forward until Sky shouted, “Stop! Give me your gun!” It had not choice but to do so at the threat of the button.

Very well, abover. But know thisss. If I, the leader, die of a punctured sssuit, the othersss will know and desstroy the lab.” The Venetian informed, making reproachful looks at the cheetah.

“Well guess what?”Sky finally ate the cookie. “It wasn’t a button. It was a jammy dodger.” Before the creature could react, the cheetah ran from the room and into the hallways.

Meanwhile, Lucario was still trying to navigate the DOSAT. Luckily, he’d been able to shield himself from other shooting Venetians and they’d fleed when he would speed towards them.

In the next hallway, Sky was shooting every Venetian he came across, figuring it would be easier to do so rather than dodge them. He finally saw Lucario in the DOSAT and looked at how he was driving it and shook his head.

The pokemon was happy to see him and get out. “I have the DOSAT! Now we can help Har and the others!”

“No we can’t. We’ve already done too much.” The cheetah took the pokemon out of the driver’s seat and put him in the passenger seat.

“But why?!” Lucario asked. “Don’t we need to guarantee their safety?”

“Because I’m the driver whether you like it or not.” Sky replied calmly and started the machine. The DOSAT zoomed forward and disappeared in a flash of blue electicity.

The leader Venetian meanwhile walked around, examining his dead siblings.

It told one of his advisors, “Take note, next time a cheetah of SSky appearss, dessstroy him.

What of the lab?” The advisor asked.

If what SSky ssaid was true, then they perhaps need our help.” The leader Venetian thought in silence. “I shall meet in peacce one time. If the agree, we will help them. If not, we sshal desstroy him.” The Venetian looked out of a nearby window at the Kras.


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

submitted by topaz_colite
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Wolfa (Wolf/Red Panda) Poof!

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 05:44
Categories: News

Answer a question for me, please

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 04:51

What makes you happy?

Could be anything. Doesn't matter if it's inside or outside of the fandom, if it's a thing or a person, if it happens every day or just once in a blue moon. As long as it's something that makes you happy.

I guess I should be the one to start - For me it would be the feeling of belonging somewhere.

submitted by White-Deer
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Categories: News

Pre-furry encounters?

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 04:12

I was wondering, how much of the fandom, if at all, did you see before joining it? Share a story if you like.

I myself was in theatre one year ago. I was in the production for Much Ado About Nothing, and I had a grand total of two lines. Obviously I was backstage most of the time. So I had a friend, and it was Halloween, and we were practising for the play. Most of us were in costume. My friend, a shy fellow, was in and out of a dog costume, that people were talking to him about, and he had apparently made it himself. Our other friend kept calling him furry, and uneducated me thought of ASFJerone and how he is referred to as a furry, so I thought it was a joke. I still didn't know what furry was. Then that summer, someone has a sketch of a human with ears, and they say they like mutation. I said, "I always thought it would be cool to turn into a husky." And they said "oh god, don't be a furry." I asked what it was and was told I could look it up on their computer. I asked if it was something sexual, and I was told, "its like a butt, it can be made sexual." I didn't look it up, and I forgot about it until two months ago when my friend was telling his friend that he was a furry. I asked what it was and FINALLY got an answer.

submitted by ShirokuTheHusky
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Categories: News

FoxFireInc Poof

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 04:02
Categories: News

An Indoor Cat Goes Outside

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 27 Nov 2015 - 02:32

Another MIPCON discovery: Nature Cat, a new 2D animated TV series produced by Spiffy Pictures. “Nature Cat follows Fred, a house cat who dreams of exploring the great outdoors. In each episode, once his family leaves for the day, Fred transforms into Nature Cat, ‘backyard explorer extraordinaire.’ Nature Cat can’t wait to get outside for a day of backyard nature excursions and bravery, but there’s one problem: He’s still a house cat with no instincts for nature. Like many of today’s kids, Nature Cat is eager and enthusiastic about outside activities, but is at times intimidated by them. With the help of his animal friends, Nature Cat embarks on action-packed adventures that include exciting missions full of nature investigation, aha discovery moments and humor, all while inspiring children to go outside and ‘play the show.’ Through Nature Cat co-creators and brothers David Rudman (Sesame Street, The Muppets) and Adam Rudman (Tom & Jerry, Sesame Street, Cyberchase) have teamed up to inspire viewers to get outdoors and develop connections with the natural world.” Good news, everyone! Nature Cat has been picked up for distribution by PBS Kids. They have an interactive web site for the show.

image c. 2015 Spiffy Pictures

image c. 2015 Spiffy Pictures

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