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I'm really bored. Tell me to write something.

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 23:15

I don't care what it is. I'll pick anything that sounds either easy or fun to do. Can be fiction or just weird.

Give me your best and/or your worst.

submitted by AdvancedAzrielAngel
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Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 22:24
Categories: News

Longtime furry looking for friends :3

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 21:56

Hey everyone, just decided to get a Reddit account and check out the furry fandom here. I'm 20 years old going on 21. I have always loved anthropomorphic animals for as long as I can remember but hadent started identifying as a furry until about middle school. Anyway, I moved away from my home town two years ago and lost all of my friends. Granted I only had about 3 but we lost touch with each other and how everyone is on to better things. I don't have any friends outside of work anymore and I would like to change that. It's so hard to find people who want to talk to you nowadays. I am open to chatting about anything and everything. Tell me all about your fursona, about your interests, your pets, what music you like. Everything! So if you're ever feeling a bit lonely, please just give me a shout because I would be tickled to death to talk!

submitted by Garbagethegoat
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Categories: News

Zootopia Selfie Promo [No Sound]

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 21:45
Categories: News

Selfie (Now in motion!)

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 20:00
Categories: News

My friends are leaving, and it really feels like they're the one thing keeping me happy

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 19:42

I don't mean to make this a support subreddit. That's not what this sub is really here for, but you can't really. At least I cant, just vent to my friends about pursuing further education.

I only really have two friends. I don't just make friends. I mean I don't even know how you're supposed to do that. No one goes out alone because it depresses you even more. It's not as if a random stranger approaches you and wants to be friends. Most friends you make through an event you are attending with friends; or you're forced together through school or some work project.

I have trouble meeting people. I don't want to go out alone. I'll look alone and feel even more alone than I do. The more I sit here and half convince myself that everything will be okay, the worse it gets.

I've never been alone without something to distract me from how alone I really was. I spent lots Of my time playing WoW when I was out of state. It sidetracked me from my internal feelings.

I don't even have a pc anymore, so I feel like I'm really stuck this time. I'll have to deal with the fact that I'm alone.

Honestly, I think when I listen to sad songs it makes me feel okay because someone else has felt the same despair I have. I'm not trying to make myself out to be someone anti social, weird and unlikeable.

At heart im quirky, but I'm really fun and caring. I just, I know inside I have one month to enjoy my current life. After that I'll slowly sulk until every day in depressed again.

It's not as if I can wake myself up and realize that you don't need friends to be happy. It doesn't feel like that's a reality. Without friends I have all this free time alone.

I don't have a mate, and without friends I'll just be another person that spends their days by themselves. My only happiness will be coming home from work to watch tv and sleep. What kind of life is that? I keep falling into it.

Just when things picked up, they got taken away again. No matter who it is, everyone leaves my life. It's not even something I do, it's just lifes circumstances. People have to go to school. It's just reality that you can't keep things the same way they are.

I wish they were, because I keep trapping myself like this into a whirlwind of negative emotions and daydreaming of a better tomorrow. Like, somehow I'll wake up and meet a new group of friends to fill the void. Magically I'll meet someone that I actually get along with, and who won't lie or fuck me over. It's these little tangents of hope that keep me moving, and at the same time coalesce into my heart leaving drops of despair. Every time those hopes fail, it gets worse and worse.

As I sit here at the bottom of a bottle, it really makes me think about my life. Where did I go? I lost everything that made me who I was. I lost the happy to lucky kid that I once was. Do you really call cynicism a synonym for maturity? That's how it feels for me. The older I've gotten I've been able to see clearer that life is just..worthless. without people around you that love and care for you, you're just another lonely person that is passed by without a thought.

I couldn't be more upset and happy with how I am. On one hand, I've confirmed my beliefs that I would turn out just like this. No matter how hard I try to be likeable and a fun character, no one ever asks if I would like to hang out sometime. People are always laughing with me and love my positive energy. That's not how I feel when I'm doing that for you. It's a cry for help. A cry from someone who just wants people who won't leave when they are needed most.

I tell mysel I'll keep these things short, but they never end up like that. I bottle things up until I can't handle It anymore. Then I tell people how I feel all in one burst.

"That's why this guy doesn't have friends." "You should know how to meet people." "Just go out and do things, friends will come."

Yeah. It's easy to say that when you really don't know the feeling. That's not to say others can't relate, but when you try your best and always get beat down, it starts to take effect. I don't know how I'm still standing anymore. Between the dreams of unattainable realities and the letdowns of current reality, I'm on a boat that's sailing through rough seas.

I have my ups and have my downs, but a v8 can't change that. There's nothing magical I can do to make myself have friends. All I'm good for is support. People just think I'm happy and friendly because "I just am", well that's not the truth and no one seems to understand how upset I am to have everything collapse in what will be a short time. When all you have known is two people your whole life and they leave, it's a terrible feeling of helplessness. It's what I have to deal with right now. I never thought I would have to confront this reality, and I'm not equipped for it.

I'm just going to let myself spiral. It will end up happening regardless.


submitted by Karbairusa
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Categories: News

Am I Cute Yet?? :3

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 18:34
Categories: News

FARR #10 for Vadhalal!

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 18:10
Categories: News

Am I the only furry that just... doesn't like fursuits at all?

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 18:00

Title says it all, really. And yes, it's true. I love furry stuff as much as any of you guys, but I just can't seem to like fursuits, I just find them odd, and even a little disturbing looking if I'm gonna be totally honest. Am I alone in this feeling? It's not just a feeling of "I wouldn't wear them", I just don't like them at all. I think it's mostly the face, they just look too derpy and expressionless and stiff. Plus I've always thought any form of masquerading in general to be a little odd.

submitted by GoldenTerrabyte
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Categories: News

Facedesk ~Tirrel

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 17:28
Categories: News

ELI5: Zootopia overhype

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 17:11
Categories: News

Tyra - A Hero and Mother

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 16:31
Categories: News

Falvie's Brush Settings

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 15:20
Categories: News

Questions for your Sona #40

Furry Reddit - Tue 24 Nov 2015 - 14:59

Hey fluffles! Today's question is:

What is your 'Sonas weakness?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News