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Is the furry fandom "too tolerant"?

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 23:06

This is a question I've been pondering since the last rainfurrest, which did not go very smoothly as I'm sure those of you who attended might have figured out. The last I heard, The Hilton has officially refused to host RF next year, and it is entirely because of the behavior of certain attendees.

Now listen, I'm all about having a good time, and believe me, I'm the last person to judge somebody, but I feel like there comes a point where a line has to be drawn. The fandom is far too tolerant of inappropriate behavior, and we have a penchant for flaunting our fetishes in public, which reflects poorly on the fandom as a whole. Are you guys tired of our reputation as weirdos and perverts? Are you tired of our fandom being dismissed as a fetish and nothing more? I sure as hell am.

Maybe I'm just salty because I feel like this is going to set a precedent for hotels and venues everywhere to refuse service to furry cons, events which I love dearly and don't want taken away from me, but c'mon guys, we can do better than this! Trashing hotels? Not cool. Behaving like insufferable manchildren and condoning that behavior? Not cool. Wearing fetish gear (SUPER NSFW IF YOU SCROLL DOWN FAR ENOUGH) in a public space that kids are allowed in, also pretty uncool! And people wonder why the rep of furries doesn't really seem to be improving!

I'm not trying to be a dick or accuse anybody of anything, in fact most people on this sub are pretty awesome members of the fandom. I just think this is some food for thought. I just wanna make the fandom the best it could be, and maybe live in a world where I can rock the tail every once in a while without being looked at like a freak. I dunno, feel free to call me out if i'm just being a prude or a kurmudgeon or whatever.


Edit: I sort of regret making this post last night. I feel like a lot of people missed the point of it. It wasn't to shame furries who like diapers and fetish gear and it wasn't to convince people that cons should be avoided or anything like that. I'm especially sorry I posted that imgur album. It was just cathartic for me because I was upset that RF might not have a venue next year and that it seemed like no matter how hard we try, there's just enough furs hellbent on making all the rest of us look like dicks. I'm sorry for causing a fuss.

submitted by stonerhippiemutt
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Categories: News

Weird question.

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 22:25

Does anyone here wanna Roleplay? I mean a good old fashioned RP with characters that have personality and depth. I wanna Roleplay something where I can learn about a character by experience. Any genre, any setting. I wold like one where I can make friends with any of your assorted characters learn about then from interaction, have a good time. Anyone interested? I'd look on /r/furryRP but 99% only want the NSFW. Also I don't care weather it's SFW or not but I want to have focus on the regular content, not make it a glorified Pr0no. Sorry for the ramble. I'll reply as soon as I can, my weekend schedule is up in the air.

submitted by Billy6549
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Categories: News

What kind of pets/ companions do you guys have? Just curios...

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 22:16

I just wondered what you other furs had for pets/ companions. I have an 11 year old Papillon names Scamp. The best thing about him is that his birthday is the same as mine! I didn't realize how much he loves me till I went to college for a year and could not bring him but, when I came home for christmas He was so excited that he jumped up and down for 5 full minutes then snuggled next to me on the couch and fell asleep.

submitted by TylerakaNetail
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Categories: News

Please help! Fur Affinity Bug

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 21:12

So for some reason, I always have a notification about having a journal to look at but once I click on "1J" it pops up "you have no messages"

A little bug to say the least but I is driving me crazy xD

Plz halp lol..

submitted by HoyoTheFox
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Categories: News

Doing some sketches if any one is interested.

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 20:12

I'm bored, So I thought I might do some sketches of people's Fursonas if you are at all interested.

These are two sketches i did tonight Just to give you an Idea of my skill level so you aren't too disappointed. The sketches are just going to be ink on paper, nothing fancy.

If your interested, I'll try and get a few done tonight, and I'll finish as many as I can tomorrow.

Edit 4 - Update with all Requests I've Done

Also, for those who are afraid they are too late, You're not. I'll be awake until 12:30 am Eastern standard time, and I'll probably continue doing the requests when I get up (Around 9 am)


submitted by Your_Fluffy_Pet
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Categories: News

The Wave by Maquenda

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 19:44
Categories: News

Dance of the Blood Moon: Ferris Argensis - Chapter 3!

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 19:35

Well, with finals and getting a job this chapter took longer than expected. Now I can finally present the finished product of the third chapter for all of you to enjoy. Brace yourselves, because this is the longer chapter so far.

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 in case you missed it.

And chapter 1 for those of you who want to start from the beginning.

This is the story of a fabulously wealthy stag who finds his city and his people threatened by a devastating plague.

submitted by IWishIWasATurnip
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Categories: News

But... I followed the instructions

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 18:56
Categories: News

In dire need of digital art advice. =/

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 18:34

Hey guys, I would love to start making digital furry art, but i'm new and have no idea what programs I would need, good useful programs along with advice for beginners would be very appreciated. =P

submitted by TrevCat666
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Categories: News

Boop ;by Nakoo

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 15:52
Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #63

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 15:05

Hey fluffs and puffs! Today's question:

What is your 'sonas secret?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Tail accessories!

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 15:02

So I need some help. Where would a snow leopard find a decent and appropriate tail accessory for a reasonable price. In other words, what kind of tail accessory is appropriate for a snow leopard such as me, but doesn't necessarily have to be a snow leopard tail, and where would I find it?

Thanks r/furry! Love ya!

submitted by Arcastraeus
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Categories: News

My second set of free chibis!

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 14:45
Categories: News

Ken Ashcorp - On The Rocks NSFW

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 14:42
Categories: News

All these furries with long flowing fur around their necks...

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 14:34

Doesn't that make them neckbeards?

submitted by VentKazemaru
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Categories: News

Get guys! It's been a while since I've posted so....

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 14:07

Question time :D

1.What is your fursona's phobia and why?

  1. How is everyone doing on this fine day? Hugs

  2. Why are you all a So awesome??

submitted by Billy6549
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Categories: News

I need something more ~ Hoot

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 12:30
Categories: News

Hoosky by KristKC

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Dec 2015 - 11:42
Categories: News