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Furry.Dj Announcement: Christmas Party!!!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 18:18

Attention All My Party Peoples!

A Kick Ass Christmas party Will Be Held At Furry.Dj Sunday Dec 20th!!! All Day Non Stop Party Action From Dusk Till Dawn, Break Out Your Best Mix tape And Party Suit Cause Its Going To Be A Wild Night!!!

Join Furry.Dj:

submitted by KasperFox
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i drew a bun for /u/pakarido c:

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 17:09
Categories: News

When it's your cakeday on /r/furry

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 16:57
Categories: News

What do you think?

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 15:05 First off I am no artist, so excuse my attempt.

I wanted an idea for when I get a commission done so I found a CREATOR on deviantart that I liked and went from there. Just wanted to see what others thought of him. I made other variations but this is the one that I will likely base my ideas off of.
this is the link for the creator I used

submitted by TylerakaNetail
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Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #62

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 15:00

Hey Fuzzies! Today's question:

What is your sona willing to fight to the death for or about?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Finished my suit in time for MFF!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 13:44
Categories: News

[Video] MFF2015 Video Up!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 13:06
Categories: News

Just a quick PSA to my fellow furs.

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 12:10

This is kind of a long rant so I apologize in advance.

Be careful about how you go about commissioning any sort of art. Last month I found someone through my local Facebook group of an artist making badges for a reasonable price. I got into contact with them, arranged payment to be setup after the sketch was made. The next day they showed me a sketch, looked great and I paypal'd them some money and the finished badge was shown to me 2 days later.

Now begins where things get stressful. A week after the initial day they said they were shipping I still hadn't received anything in the mail, so I sent them a message and right away they apologized and said they had to send it later than expected, and the only delay should be Thanksgiving post. Thanksgiving and the following weekend came and went, but I decided to give it another few days, but still...nothing. Got back in touch, quick response back saying there was a postage issue, though the address was correct the issue is unknown to me, but they assured me it was back on it's way. It was a good thing some things came up the weekend of MFF because I would have liked it by then, and that weekend came and went with nothing. Same deal, postage issue, and this time they promised next day or they'll hand deliver it themselves...again, nothing. And now I can't even get a reply back.

Sorry for the winded post I just needed to rant, and I plan to post this same thing up on the board I found the artist on in hopes of warning others. I'm going to use this experience and make sure I go with reputable artists with official sites on F.A or Tumblr.

submitted by ThatJKmol
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Categories: News

Final version of portrait.

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 11:48

Aaaaaand it's amazing. I can't even express it in words. It's... me. ;w;

Art is courtesy of /u/pulexote

submitted by shibbzs
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Categories: News

Crosspost from r/AskWomen-You receive a magic remote in the mail that will allow you to change the size of anything, be it alive or not. What do you do with it ?

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 11:05

The remote will not run out of batteries and it only works with you.

There is no limit to the number of times it can be used but requires a cool down of about five minutes after protracted use.

If you change your own size, the remote will change with you.

The remote is damn near indestructible.

The remote only works with physical objects, nothing metaphysical here.

That is all.

This received a really good reception in AskWomen, so wanted to see how it'd do here!

submitted by Kibbly
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Categories: News

Just a reminder: please do not give puppies for Christmas

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 10:43

A lot of people who've worked at pet rescues around this time of year will tell you the same thing for a few of the same reasons. Here are a few:

  1. High-volume, exciting things frighten puppies, especially when first being exposed to its new family. Shrieking children, flashing lights, and big crowds can not only scare them, but permanently affect its ability to bond with its new family. Quiet, relaxing times are far better.

  2. Puppies have needs. They grow up. They need to be trained and socialized to be the kind of companion they're meant to be. Ignoring these needs can be harmful to their mental and physical health and cause serious behavioral problems later on.

  3. IT'S A LIVING THING. Whoever you're giving this to will likely be responsible for this living thing for years. Make sure they're ready for this kind of commitment. Puppies are often an impulse gift. This is the worst kind of impulse gift. People get them, fall in love with them, and send them back to the shelter they came from because they actually need love, care, and work.

But if you do decide to get your loved ones a little fluffball, at least make sure it is an informed decision where everyone fully knows and accepts what that decisions entails. If you're getting it for your kids, maybe just get them some basic pet supplies and make sure they're ok with the idea even after the excitement is over. It won't be any less exciting.

Please just do the responsible thing.

Edit: didn't mean to say cats didn't need training, so stop getting all overly offended about it. Poor wording is all.

submitted by Gshep1
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Categories: News

Mad Dogs and Englishmen, by Paul Magrs – Book Review By Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 16 Dec 2015 - 10:40

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

Mad_Dogs_and_EnglishmenMad Dogs and Englishmen, by Paul Magrs.
London, BBC Books, January 2002, paperback £5.99 (249 pages).

Doctor Who is massively popular, but his adventures do not seem to offer much for furry fandom. But they do overlap in “The 100th Novel in the Record-Breaking BBC Worldwide Doctor Who Series”, to quote the back-cover blurb. Mad Dogs and Englishmen features the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann, 1996-2005) and his Companions at the time, Fitz Kreiner and Anji Kapoor. The novel is also a parody of J. R. R. Tolkien’s writing of The Lord of the Rings.

The first chapter is about Professor Reginald Tyler, a reclusive British university don who spends his life from 1917 to his death in 1974 writing and rewriting his magnum opus The True History of Planets, “an epic of dwarves and swords and wizardry. And definitely no poodles. Or at least there weren’t when the Doctor read it.” (blurb) When Prof. Tyler dies, his widow takes his towering manuscript to a publisher.

“She was the one who had hoiked out the dusty manuscript of the ongoing book and promptly sold it for a bomb.

One that set off reverberations everywhere.

Up and down the length of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries on Earth, and other worlds besides.

Notably the dogworld.” (p. 3)

Chapter Two begins, “In another hotel, one hundred years later and off-world, a conference was underway.

The hotel was built into a small, rather tatty-looking asteroid and it was, for one weekend, playing host to an academic conference and a motley collection of academics, all of them concerned with Terran Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century.” (p. 9)

One of the attendees is Professor Alid Jag, a tiny but loud literary critic from a people that “were tantamount to aphids” (p. 10). He believes that, “You have to learn to despise what you analyse” (p. 11) to be a proper critic. Prof. Jag is pontificating in the hotel’s foyer when the TARDIS materializes on top of him, crushing him. The Doctor has arrived to hear Prof. Jag’s paper, and is nonplussed to learn that he is responsible for the crypto-aphid’s death. He and his Companions, Fitz and Anji, are taken in charge by the hotel’s manager – “The manager was a boar, standing erect on his two hind legs and wearing a smart uniform adorned with all manner of medals. His humped back stood almost as tall as the TARDIS itself and his rancid breath came steaming out through a snout that quivered and dripped in annoyance.” (p. 16) – while waiting for the police to arrive.

Chapter Three reveals what really happens to Prof. Tyler when everyone thinks that he died. He was abducted into an alternate timeline by a bright blue anthropomorphic French poodle.

It turns out that Prof. Jag was more sinister than he seemed. He was trying to murder an expert on Reginald Tyler. When the expert is murdered, after all – after Prof. Jag’s death – the Doctor, Fitz, and Anji are blamed for it. Meanwhile, the Doctor has discovered that The True History of Planets is no longer about dwarves and swords and wizardry.

“‘Poodles,’ said the Doctor.

‘That’s them.’

Anji raised both eyebrows.

‘With hands!’ Fitz laughed. ‘In the book, they live on this planet where they’ve clambered their way to the top of the evolutionary ladder with their perfectly manicured five-fingered hands and by making full use of their opposable thumbs. They have a very luxurious world with a corrupt monarchy and the book’s all about their various skirmishes and how one of them manages to depose the queen of the dogworld and set himself upon the throne…’” (p. 34)

Well, obviously there’s nothing for it but to be off to the dog dimension. With Flossie, the asteroid hotel’s disgraced cook:

“‘I fell from grace during the greatest of my challenges and honours. Oh my, but I did. Oh yes. That was a terrible story. It was a banquet for the Child Emperor of Karim. They’re a kind of… well, there’s no nice way of putting it. Lobster people. It was all some kind of peace treaty thing going on. Well, no one told me they were like lobster people. And you can guess what I’d spent all night preparing for their main course…’” (p. 50)

On the dogs’ space station:

“Look at those pictures!’ the Doctor called out.

Each one showed a dog staring straight out at the onlooker, baring its fangs. They were beribboned and titivated. Some of them were wearing elaborate bonnets.

Fitz burst out laughing and the Doctor shushed him.

‘These,’ he said sternly, ‘are probably the great and good of this civilization.’

‘It’s like an Intergalactic Crufts,’ Anji said. ‘Or like some mad version of Planet of the Apes. .. with, um, poodles instead of monkeys…’” (p. 63)

The humans are present at the beginning of the dogs’ civil war:

“‘Grrr,’ said the guards. It was their ceremonial greeting.

‘Grrr,’ said the archivists dutifully. Having been here for so long, they were unused to such formalities. The lack of ritual arse-sniffing was a definite snub. Fritter and Char were evidently inferiors, and not to be sniffed. Char felt this like a slap in the face.” (p. 65)

The Doctor, Fitz, and Anji, who have all their clothes confiscated while on the dogs’ space station, re-dress and escape into time-travel: Fitz and Flossie to Las Vegas in 1960; Anji and Fritter (disguised as an ordinary dog) to Hollywood in 1978; and the Doctor and Char to 1942 Bournemouth where they must prevent Prof. Tyler from being influenced into throwing out his manuscript about dwarves, swords, and wizardly and writing about a world of poodles instead. Fitz and Flossie encounter an entertainer singing the Beatles’ songs before they’ve written them; Anji and Fritter encounter an obvious pastiche of Ray Harryhausen; and the Doctor and Char find Prof. Tyler at his literary club, the Scribblings, arguing with his friend Cleavis who tries to persuade him to finish his book and publish it. (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.)

“Six Imperial poodles, armed and dyed red, had emerged from the copter. They gave the ceremonial greeting as one.

‘Grrr.’” (p. 181)

The poodles of the monarchy are dyed bright scarlet. The rebel poodles are dyed bright orange, green, purple, and other colors. There is a battle between stop-motion monsters and CGI monsters. There are the Mob, dozens of Nöel Cowards, and MIAOW. And more.

The TV program doesn’t have the special-effects budget for stuff like this. This paperback does. Mad Dogs and Englishmen is over a decade old, but it’s still available through Have fun.

The cover is only credited to Blacksheep Design Ltd., a London art agency. What appears as bright yellow lettering in its illustration is in gold foil on the book (which unfortunately doesn’t photograph well).

Fred Patten

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