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Questions for your Sona #65

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 15:01

Hey Flufflepuffs! Today's question:

Does your sona belong to a social class or niche?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Coming back to Reddit; wanted to share an art with y'all!

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 12:37

A cute doodle I'm pretty happy with. Critique and stuff welcomed! You can view more of my art here

submitted by cannabiskit
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Categories: News

/r/furry draws together!

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 12:09

So there's this pretty neat program called drawpile (download here: ) that allows multiple users to draw on a single canvas! Artists of /r/furry, lets draw together!

I've already setup a server for us to use. You can access the session by clicking this link (with drawpile installed): drawpile://

Or use this IP address if that fails:

If you're not an artist and still want to see the happenings, I'll be streaming on very soon!

EDIT: If you were having trouble joining before I believe some of the issues may be resolved

submitted by Thyself17
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Categories: News

Azra the fox goes para-skiing

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 10:33
Categories: News

I'd like to know- How can a person feel the appeal of wearing costumes of animals?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 09:47

I'm not a furry, so i'd like to know: Does you, furries' fetishes derivate from bestiality? Do you like wearing fursuits because it feels more natural to feel sexual attraction to animals while you pretend you are one yourself?

And if you don't sexualize it, I would also like to know: Then, what appealed you to be a furry? What made you want to wear fursuits actively?

Thanks in advance,

PS: No, i do not hate furries, i just think it's a bit strange.


submitted by Throwaway_3189319027
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Categories: News

How did you "get into" the fandom?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 09:29

I'm very sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm new to the fandom kind of and I just wanted to know.

I've had an interest in anthros for years but tried distancing myself because of the "rep" that seems to go along with them, but after fursuiting with a friend on a bet it kind of opened Pandora's Box for me. I honestly had a ton of fun and felt almost freer, which may or may not be pathetic on my part.

So, how did you get going?

submitted by KiriCat
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Categories: News

Utopia~Part 2 ~The Alliance

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 08:51

Part One

The Alliance Base. Year 2149 Month June

“Ugh, where am I?” The wolf asked as his mind cleared. He blinked several times to regain his vision and looked around. He was in a large room, the walls coated with metal. There was a door, but Horace decided not to try it. He was too tired. The wolf examined the metal table he was resting on. His clothes were still on but Horace could still feel the coldness of it. Then the door opened.

“Glad to see you’re up.” A dressed up human walked into the room.

“Where am I?” Horace asked nervous and afraid. He didn’t want to be back in the concentration camp.

“Where do you think you are? You’re with the Alliance of course. Follow me and I’ll show you your permanent living station.” The person waited outside the door until Horace had gotten the courage and strength to follow.

“So what did I miss?” The silver wolf asked. “And who are you?”

“Where to start?” The young human asked. “I am Steven Taylor of the Alliance. The Alliance is stationed somewhere in England and it represents the alliance between furries and humans. We look down upon the prejudice the world currently has now. We are a non-government agency that frees furries from concentration camps. One day, we hope to target the Baltimore group. And that day’s coming soon.”

“What about Adric? Where is he?” Horace asked.

“The dingo? He’s my second in command and he’s a pretty great actor to boot. He’s organizing the furries now.” Steven mentioned as he stopped at a door in a hallway. The entire place was so big; Horace felt he would need a GPS or one of those newfangled 3D maps. The human opened the door and let the wolf go in first. The white room was supplied with a comfy bed and a little bathroom. A door revealing the automatic closet was near the bed.There was a huge screen on the side of the wall facing the bed. Steven walked over to it.

“You can use this screen. Just press your fingers against it and think of what you want. It’ll read your mind waves through the fingerprints. It’s our newest technology.” He looked at Horace, seeming to feel a little awkward. “Well. Welcome to the Alliance. Feel free to rest. I’ll send someone to retrieve you for dinner.” The human walked out of the room, fixing his black hair.

Horace walked up the screen and decided to test it. He touched it with several fingers and thought of Vincent Van Gogh, one of his favorite painters. Within seconds, a bunch of his paintings showed up. Starry Night took up most of the screen. The wolf concentrated again, thinking of Lisa. The screen changed shape to show a dark house. It zoomed in on Lisa who was blubbering in her sheets.

“Oh, Horace! Where are you Horace? You told me you wouldn’t abandon me!” She wailed loudly.

“Shut up!” A voice cried from somewhere and threw a hard pillow at the lynx. She got the message and laid back down, still whimpering.

Horace took his fingers off the screen and it went black. Then he reached up to his cheek and felt the wet fur there. He had been crying. Sniffling, he went to bed and took off the covers. The wolf pulled the covers over his head, trying not to see the screen that had shown him his worst fear. Slowly, he was able to go to sleep.

~Several hours later~

A guard knocked on the door, then let herself in. Horace, who had been watching futbol in bed, turned his head to look at her. It was an athletic fennec who was garmented in camouflage.

"I've come here to bring you to dinner." She said simply. The wolf got off the bed, fixing his new clothes. The original ones had been scuffed up during his escape to... wherever this place was. Now he was wearing khakis and a light burgundy dress shirt. He had rolled up the sleeves to his elbows, baring his furry arms.

The wolf followed the furry down another complicated set of hallways. After several minutes, they stopped by a big door. The fennec opened it and let Horace in. Afterwards, she closed and stood guard by it.

"Nice to see you again." Steven greeted from a table in the room. There were humans and furries sitting together, oblivious to all of the prejudice outside the walls of this place.

The wolf walked up to him and sat down. A human came out somewhere and placed a hot bowl of carrot soup in front of the wolf's drooling snout. Horace hesitated, waiting for anybody to take it away and say it wasn't his. When nobody moved, he started to dig in. Several seconds later, he forgot he was supposed to use the spoon. He smiled sheepishly and ate the rest of the soup properly.

"You must be very hungry." Steven commented. "Still, I suppose it makes sense since you were in the ghetto. Why are you dressed up?" He asked gesturing to Horace's dress clothes.

"I prefer to look nice." The wolf placed the spoon in the now empty bowl. "Why am I here?"

"You followed us so we had to take you down so you wouldn't blather." Stephen explained. "Welcome to the Alliance." He made a little sarcastic jazz hands gesture.

"Bring me back." Horace said immediately.

"Back where?" Stephen asked confused. "I understand if you want to go to your bedroom or-"

Horace cut him off. "Back to the warehouse, you idiot. My girlfriend's there and it'll look like I just decided to leave her or died. I was her only hope."

"Why didn't she trust the Alliance? We are coming after all."

"Maybe you shouldn't have done it in in the form of a drunk dingo." Horace's voice was now a bit icy.

"Now, now, I understand the situation." Stephen squirmed a little. "But the thing is that we're going to invade your ghetto in a week. That's why we sent Adric in. To get the security protocols observed. And they're a bit weak."

"One week?" Horace asked with a hint of relief.

"One week. Then you can get your girlfriend out and I can relocate you two somewhere. Probably Paris, France. They're done with this furry racism." The two of them shook hands.

"Although, I warn you it will be quite dangerous. How old are you?" Steven asked.

"25. Why?"

"So you're halfway through your life." The human commented.

"What do you mean?" Horace asked as the beef came in front of him. He ignored the smells from it and instead focused on Steven. "What do you mean?" He repeated again with some fury edging his voice.

"Your doctor didn't tell you?" The wolf shook his head. "Guess they were trying to have pity." Steven took a deep breath and explained.

"You see, furries were first created as weapons. Biological weapons with all of the dangerous animal traits. But they made you more human so you can follow orders and so they wouldn't need to customize everything for the animal form. However, a group of furries and humans rebelled promoting peace. They eventually got what they wanted and furries were just made as a new species, not as weapons. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister didn't like this and started this entire prejudice thing. He died recently, but he made life a living heck for you furries. Anyway, the added animal features caused the body to burn out faster."

Horace was surprised at this. "You mean I have 25 years left?"

"Sort of. Fortunately, one of our scientists is a good fan of Doctor Who and he suggested attempting to renew your body when it died. What happened was that we found a way to use the extra electricity from the decaying brain to trigger the restarting of each cell, thus literally creating a new body from the old. The problem is that the brain gets scrambled, effectively creating a new mind and personality. You wouldn’t feel like yourself again.” It took a while for Horace to let it sink in. Finally, he picked up his silverware and started on his beef.

“It’s a risk I’ll have to take.” He said simply.

Baltimore Ghetto. Year 2149 Month July

The truck rolled down the dusty road as Horace prepared his rifle. It was one week later since he had arrived the Alliance. After some brutal training, he was prepared to head into the Baltimore ghetto and free every furry, especially Lisa. The wolf looked at the white dingo sitting next to him. He was on his laptop looking at a Facebook page of an Italian leopard.

“Who’s that?” He asked curious. Adric closed the laptop, blushing slightly.

“My boyfriend, Ignacio. I left him in to live in Italy while I joined the Alliance.” The dingo admitted. “Sometimes it’s hard telling others about my boyfriend. I can’t help it if I’m gay, can I?” Horace shook his head.

“Why did you join the Alliance?” The wolf asked him.

“We used to live in Cardiff. But others didn’t like us since we were a couple. And then this entire furry racism began and we decided to move to Ignacio’s place. I wanted to do something to end this racism so I stayed.” He sighed. “It’s been about a year, and it’s almost over. I wonder if Ignacio still remembers me.”

“I’m sure he does.” Horace assured him. "Do you trust Steven?" He asked.

“I have to. Although sometimes I wonder where his loyalties lie…” Adric thought aloud.


“Sometimes I think Steven isn’t doing it directly for furries. He was favored for Prime Minister although how Baltimore won, I’ll never know.”

“So you think Steven’s doing it for his personal gain. You think he may be corrupt.” Horace summed up Adric’s next words.

“He's a human. 3,000 years of absolute power. That's what it takes to truly be corrupt, at least for humans. Although I dunno about that. He’s still done some great things for furries. I have to ally myself with him.” Adric said.

“Have faith in him. Soon, this will be all over.” The wolf comforted the dingo.

The intercom buzzed. “All soldiers prepare yourself, we are approaching the ghetto.”

Adric drew Horace and the other soldiers in. “Alright, here’s the plan…”

Baltimore ghetto Year 2149 Month July

Lisa was crying. She had been here a week and there was no sign of Horace. She gathered up the bread she had kept and hid it in her purse. Over that week, she had decided that she had enough. If Horace was gone, she had no other reason to stay alive.

The lynx walked into the courtyard. She had traded her clothes to the humans along with every other furry so she had the privilege to walk around without a gun at point-blank. Now she was in her dirty t-shirt and jeans. Luckily, she was allowed to keep her purse since it wasn’t counted as clothing.

She walked to the nearby corner, the corner the farthest away from the gate and security guard. Lisa saw the black jackal standing against the wall.

“I have the bread. Where’s the vial?” She whispered.

“Here.” The jackal showed it in his hand.

The lynx gave him the purse. “The bread’s in here. 5 days worth.”

She reached for the vial but the jackal hesitated and pulled it back. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked.

Lisa looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to live anymore.” Her voice crackled.

The jackal gave up and handed it to Lisa. “One gulp. Painless.”

Lisa walked away and stopped a couple steps afterwards. “Do yourself a favor.”


“Don’t tell anybody, not even the nurses or doctors where I got it from.” The lynx put the vial in her jean’s pocket, careful not to break it. She’d always liked the first week of July. It was a shame she was going to say goodbye to it soon.

Meanwhile, the Alliance had just reached the gates. The toller looked through the window to check the driver’s identity but instead he got a swift hit in the head by Adric. He collapsed while the white dingo crawled through the window and opened the gate. The Alliance 16-wheeler truck moved on.

Horace was excited and scared at the same time. Today was the day he would find his girlfriend. They would move to Paris and live the rest of their easy lives together. But at the same time, danger was on the horizon. He could easily die. Sure he would come back to life, but he wouldn't feel the same way again. The wolf placed his hand on the left side of his chest, feeling his heart beating, counting down until…

Horace shook his head. He didn’t need to go thinking about stuff like that. Not when there was some rescuing to do. His eyes softened when he thought of Lisa, wondering how she felt when she found out he had disappeared. Won’t it be a surprise when she sees him!

The wolf ducked down to avoid the human guards' hard gazes as the truck rolled on. It stopped at one of the houses and a door opened up. Steven, in stolen Baltimore gear, sneaked out of the truck and went into the house while the truck backed up and lowered its trunk door. A couple minutes later, Steven was ushering a large group of furries into the truck. It closed the door and moved on. The Alliance did the same to several other houses. Eventually, it reached house P33.

Horace shook Steven for his attention. "This is my house. This is where my girlfriend is."

Steven looked at him. "You sure? Alright then, come with me." The wolf sneaked out of the truck with him and the two of them went into the house.

Lisa was sitting on the bed, looking at the vial on her desk. One gulp. Painless. The lynx took the vial and popped off the sealed cork with one of her canine teeth. She got a little taste of it then. It was brief taste of bitterness and sour, too small of a drop to do anything at the moment. She sniffed the smell as she laid in her bed.

Suddenly, the door the house opened. Every furry inside looked to the light of the setting sun coming in through. Lisa looked up quickly, spilling the poison upon her hindpaws. In the doorway was her boyfriend, Horace, who was dressed in army gear.

“Horace!” She exclaimed.

“Lisa.” Horace walked up to him as Steven explained the situation to the rest of the furries. "Come on. We're getting out of here. Steven will show us the way." The wolf herded the lynx and the other furries out of the house and they began to climb inside the truck.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" A guard yelled out. A spotlight shined upon the Alliance.

Steven gave Horace a signal and the wolf turned to face Lisa.

"Go inside. I'll see you later." The lynx nodded and went onto the truck. It closed its doors.

"There's too many to try to smuggle out. We're going to have to try to invade the entire ghetto. Send in reinforcements." Steven called on his radio. Horace looked around, shining his light everywhere. Suddenly, he saw something in the corner of his eye. He smelled the musk of a human making its way towards Steven, in the shadows. He reacted quickly and jumped, shooting a barrel of bullets. The enemy soldier went down after firing one shot. Horace was glad until he looked down. His army gear was covered with blood; the soldier's bullet having gone through the wolf's neck.

Steven looked at him with shock as Horace fell over and felt his vision go blurry. All sounds were muted as he looked at Steven shout, "Adric! Get him out of here!" Then everything went black.

Please comment for comments and/or reviews! Thanks for reading!

submitted by topaz-colite
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Categories: News

Flash animation, Not sure what method to use.

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 08:47

[b]Hey![/b] :3

Decided to finally get in to something new and there's a whole sea of sexual animations from Jasonafex and other artists. (No I'm not trying to beg for help to create my own porn, they just happen to be very prominent examples and really good).

I've been wanting to teach myself to animate some of my own or possibly my friends work. I've been searching for tutorials the past two months but my google-fu might be lacking because I'm having a really hard time finding good tutorials on how to do the same.

I'm also unsure to what kind of method these artists use to animate as most tutorials are just very low-res stick-men in choppy animations. Whilst theirs are fluid and the textures move smoothly and warp, etc.

Do they simply animate that by pulling the image frame by frame in Photoshop until they get 100-1000 frames? Seems a bit odd.

If anybody could shed some light on this I would greatly appreciate it c: Anything like what the type of method is called or software to help me in finding a tutorial. Maybe I'm just lacking the right keywords.

Or a guide or something. Really want to start learning this but I simply can't find the right tutorials >.<

EDIT: I know that the flash format is just for web usage and that the animations are done in other software. Sorry for the misleading titel!

submitted by Cylofox
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Categories: News

Are there any animators open for commission?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 07:21

I need some simple animations done for a virtual band I am working on. Does anyone know anyone or the best way to find some animators? I been looking through freelance animators sites but I would prefer finding people that have had experience doing furry animation. Thanks guys.

submitted by Metalmanage
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Categories: News

Inspiration ideas for writing

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 06:31

Hey y'all. I'm looking for some help. BUT I'm not into the furry scene so please forgive me if I use language you're not used to. Also please feel free to correct me on ANYTHING. The only way I'll learn is to admit I don't know anything.

So I'm writing a book and one of the characters will be an anthropomorphized bird. I have some ideas in my head how I want this character to look, (female, lanky by human standards but graceful in her own, unassuming beauty, more bird than human etc). I'm having trouble describing such features and was hoping to view some art or other writing for ideas. It's easy to write a description of a character that I will understand as the writer, but I want to ensure others will understand it too. I've been to r/feathery but the community seems smaller and I thought posting here would meet with more success. So are there any "classic" books or comics or artists that you feel do a fantastic job at anthropomorphic descriptions? I'm all ears.

Thanks everyone, hope you all enjoy your holidays!

submitted by fappenstein
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Categories: News

Leo the Sergal?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 03:47
Categories: News

Am I just naive?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 03:37

What's up fuzzbutts,

I've noticed a lot of random complaints over my years here, but one that I see come up again and again is the issue of "furry drama" or that "furries are a bunch of drama queens"... Now I'm really wondering if I'm naive, not identifying actual drama, or just subconsciously ignoring the whole issue because I've never really run into any drama. I've never once had an experience here, at a con, in some art stream, etc. where I've had flashbacks to highschool and the teenage hormone fueled drama I remember...

Am I missing something? If I am, I'm not sure if I want anyone to tell me tho :/

submitted by Jumbojet777
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Categories: News

Th-Th-That’s a Superhero, Folks!

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 02:56

And how did we miss this bit, Doc? As DC Comics have been the home of the Looney Tunes comic series for a while now, this last November they decided to go completely, yes, looney: More than two dozen of DC’s well-known superhero titles were released last month featuring variant covers where Bugs Bunny and his pals (some well-known, some obscure except to the True Warner Brother Aficionado!) invaded the world of Superman and Batman and their pals. And these covers were created by some of the best and most well-known DC artists working now. Fortunately for those of us who can’t afford to buy that many comics in a month (especially just for the cool covers!), DC has been kind enough to collect all 25 covers on their web site for you to peruse.

image c. 2015 DC Comics

image c. 2015 DC Comics

Categories: News

Sergal animation- still incomplete

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 02:38
Categories: News

Anyone here working at Ubisoft Montreal?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 02:15

So I've just started a new job at Ubisoft Montreal - I figure in a studio that employs ~2500 people, there must be at least a few furs. I'd be curious to meet and get to know them.

If you're working at Ubi, let me know!

submitted by Nitram_Hu
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Categories: News

Comm thread #17!

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 01:02
User Art account Offers Prices Link KitsuneKit Kitsunekit Christmas Carol YCH Prices/Order form Order form /u/ryuu_girl Ryuu_Girl Sugimori( Pokemon style) $5 to $55 Commission Order Form

Y'all know the drill! And If I forgot anyone from last time, let me know!

Edit: I'll do my best to get people up, but with christmas and traveling, patience would be appreciated.

submitted by LeatherHog
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Categories: News

Contact. 200 meters. Front!

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 00:50
Categories: News

Gaming Setups anyone? :P

Furry Reddit - Fri 18 Dec 2015 - 23:45
Categories: News