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Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 08:23
Categories: News

I really need more people to talk with

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 04:08

Hey ya there. I have been thinking for a long time that I might need more pals to talk with and after the last nights episode I finally realized how much I need em. So feel free msg me your kik/skype/steam details and we'll see what kind of wacky conversations we can come up with.

submitted by Yuppie2
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Categories: News

The Boy and the Bears

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 02:57

Caught this one coming out! Fresh and new for 2016, this book describes itself best: “It starts with a chase. When Spencer Plain is pulled out of school in the middle of the day, he never expects to be speeding down the highway with his uncle, trying to outpace the car that’s tailing them. And he certainly never thought he’d find himself fleeing from a bear through the woods. And when he hears the bear say ‘We’ve been expecting you’, Spencer knows he’s just uncovered a whole world he’d never imagined. He’s brought to Bearhaven, a secret oasis his parents created for bears. But there are depths to Bearhaven that Spencer and his new bear cub friend, Kate, start to uncover. Spencer finds out he’s been there before, even if he can’t remember. He also stumbles into a rescue mission being planned, to save a bear in danger. He knows he can help, and he’s desperate to find clues to his parents’ whereabouts, so he and Kate decide to take matters into their own hands – even if they discover a secret that could threaten Bearhaven’s future!” The Secrets of Bearhaven by K.E. Rocha is available now in hardcover and paperback at Barnes & Noble — and check out this review site as well!

image c. 2016 Scholastic, Inc.

image c. 2016 Scholastic, Inc.

Categories: News

I'm not a morning Sergal

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 01:44
Categories: News

Lyme Disease Has Affected Her Ability to Work

Ask Papabear - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 00:54
Dear Papabear,

Hello, again. I just want to start off by saying my deepest condolences for your loss. I can't imagine what it's like to lose someone you care for so much and thank you for continuing to do this in spite of it.

I'm not entirely certain how to work this question, so I'm really sorry if it's confusing.... I used to be really smart, but not anymore, so I lost a lot of my vocabulary. Anyway, how do you know when to give up on something? I mean, does a person get a great realization or something? It's just I've wanted to work in veterinary medicine since I was 6, and now that I'm doing it ... I'm positively awful at it.... I can't do anything right. I'm just shy of a year at my job and I don't seem to be getting any better at it. I'm always being yelled at for my screw ups and I'm trying my very best but it's pretty clear it's just not enough.... I've had two panic attacks at work already. Thankfully, I was able to keep it hidden both times, so at least I didn't get fired. But I'm starting to think my mom was right, I'm just useless and not good at anything. That I should just find a dead end job that requires no skill or brain power and that's it. But, I'm just not ready give up.... Am I, as the expression goes, not seeing the forest for the trees?

Once again, thank you for your time.

Galileo (age 27, New York)

* * *
Hi, Galileo,

Before I answer in more depth, what do you mean "I used to be smart but I've lost a lot of my vocabulary"? Did you suffer an injury that caused you to forget words? What's going on there?

* * *
Not an injury, but couple years ago, I terribly sick and it really messed with my mental facilities.
* * *
What was the illness, please.
* * *
Would you believe Lyme disease? I was in the that lucky percentage that it affects brain. I haven't been right since.
* * *
Hi, Galileo,
Okay, I believe I have enough information now, thank you. Let’s talk first about the Lyme disease. Very sorry that happened to you. If you haven’t already done so, I would apply right away for social security disability ( and confer here, too: and here You are probably eligible for government assistance because of your condition. You need to get documentation from your doctor and go through an application process, of course. Sometimes, sad to say, you also need to call an attorney to get what you deserve (our lame government often fights tooth and nail before it gives money to people who qualify, but it is worth the effort).
Okay, next: your job. Do your bosses at work know you had Lyme disease and it affected your mental faculties? If not, they really should know. Perhaps they can change your workload in order to compensate; if they do know and are still treating you this terribly, shame on them.
It’s not your fault that you are having these problems. Please don’t blame yourself and put all the guilt on you. You had a disease and it hurt you; would you blame yourself if you had fallen, struck your head, and suffered some mental impairment? No, you would not, and neither should you for this. Also, shame on your mother for calling you useless. I wish I could hit her on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. “Bad, Mom! Bad! No! No!”
What you need is a supportive voice or two or three in your life. I suggest you take a look at the following links for resources and advice:
Galileo, before you go worrying about your career, you need to take care of yourself and learn how to manage what has happened to you because of this disease. Please take some time to do that, and then we can talk again.

Final Boss [Jagzcat]

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jan 2016 - 23:39
Categories: News

Morning Hike :3

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jan 2016 - 22:33
Categories: News

Is this actually a good idea?

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jan 2016 - 21:05

So this story I want to write and hopefully have published somewhere is about furries. That's not the issue though. The issue is that the furry parts of it come when someone dies. Their spirits given the option to go to normal heaven/hell or to go to a furry heaven/hell. By its self that shouldn't be an issue, but given the amount of unstable people in the fandom having issues with self harm, I don't know if it would be a good idea to give them something that could push them into doing worse things to themselves than what they may already do.


submitted by k-swee
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Categories: News

How Do I Get Exposure as a Furry Artist?

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jan 2016 - 20:39

Hey. I'm something of an artist and I am looking for some advice from people who've been where I am now.

Art that I work very hard on seems to get very little attention. Posts get very few views and favourites and watches are even rarer. It feels like sending out a text and getting no reply.

I've tried giving back to the community, i.e. freebies, commenting around, etc, but it really doesn't help.

Here are some examples of things I draw :

All advice is appreciated! c:

submitted by greatgoatsby11
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Categories: News

First Attempt at Fur Paint!

Furry Reddit - Wed 20 Jan 2016 - 20:05
Categories: News