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Red panda wallpapers?

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 04:11

I've been looking for some SFW Anthro Red Panda wallpapers for a while. I made a post on /r/furrywallpapers last week but didn't get much of a response. Any help?

submitted by GiveCatsPls
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This sub vs the IRL fandom. What a difference.

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 01:54

I joined the fandom over 10 years ago. I have or had a fursona. Used to participate on FA's boards. Yeah this subreddit has it's problems. We also have power users which are like online popufurs I think. Despite it's flaws there are some really awesome people. Overall the vibe is mostly welcoming and more accepting than most.

I figured this was just how the fandom is. Boy did I make the mistake of trying to meet furries IRL. Out of all the furs I've met up with I've had literally two good experiences. The rest was just awful. So awful I don't know I even want to be a furry anymore.

I still won't judge you all for the many bad furs. I do need to get this off my shoulders. I'm so disheartened after my latest awful experience with rude, crude, self entitled furries. Most of you guys seem awesome. So I don't get why the offline experience has been how it has been.

You know those stereotypes? Yeah. I didn't want to believe it either. I wasn't like that, my best friend since childhood who's a furry isn't like that. Pretty much every fur I've met since falls into more than one of them.

Most times when I meet a new fur they immediately want to show me porn. Or talk about sex or hard drugs. Including in front of children. Literally with kids right there. WTF. I don't really care if people like furry porn but dammit people there's a time and a place. Around children or in a public place where non furries can easily hear you isn't. The worst part is sometimes it will be things like Lion King or My Little Pony porn..please god no. No wonder outsiders think we are all perverts.

The cliques. The cliquishness of this fandom is worse than any other interest group I've been part of. To the point of being nasty to new comers because they aren't part of the clique already.

The social ineptness. Yeah yeah I get we're nerds and nerds are socially awkward. There's levels of social awkwardness then there's just being completely socially inept. I've already talked about the awkward sexual stuff and talking about getting wasted and some doing hardcore drugs casually in public. But there's also the furs I've met who go around making animal noises at random people in public not even while in costume. The furs who won't take no for an answer in regard to dating or sexy times.

The fact that the community puts up a face of being welcoming. These are some of the most unwelcoming people I have ever met. Ever. In all the furry groups I've been in new comers are pretty much shunned. They don't even get to know you unless you're internet famous or brown nose like crazy.

All the moochers. I know a someone who stopped doing art for furries and altogether later. Other furries would befriend them just to get free art or just message them randomly asking or somewhat demanding free art.

Met a few sexual predators and three ended up being sex offenders for harming children. Got sexually assaulted by some furry who put something in a drink they gave me.

First joined. Got told females don't belong in the fandom. "It's a gay male interest."

I wish I could say this all was only in my home town. I've experienced it in three different states and major cities too. All of it from interacting with furries IRL.

submitted by fedupfuzzbutt
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Guardian Of The Archives

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 01:34
Categories: News

Look what came into the store

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 01:18
Categories: News

Amil the sergal eating dinner

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 01:00
Categories: News

Zootopia Review (HILARIOUS)

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Jan 2016 - 22:55
Categories: News

Casual Confursation #6

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Jan 2016 - 22:42

Hey Fellow Furs! Welcome to the thread series where we talk about the "normal" things in our lives with a uniquely furry twist. Everyone here has different interests and differing levels of activity within the fandom, and that provides a really interesting setting for discussion. We're an overwhelmingly receptive community, and we have a lot to share that often doesn't get discussed here in the sub, so take this as an opportunity to do so! Don't let two people have all the fun - if you have an interest in their conversation hop right in - it's a fun and easy way to learn about new people and interests.

Answer as yourself or your fursona - just keep in mind both the rules of reddit and the sub - and above all else be casual! Be willing to discuss and learn about others or about new topics - whatever they may be.

Please remember that this thread should be driven by you, the members of the community! Do not feel restricted by just what is being discussed - if you want to talk about something - shout it out!

For this thread, the icebreakers are:

  • What are the most important aspects of someone's personality for you? Humor? Honesty? What does it for you?

  • What do you want to learn more about?

  • How'd your weekend go?

  • Your own topics!

Please remember to look around after posting and see what our other sub members have discussed! Hop into the conversation and mix things up!

submitted by TheRealWooper
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Categories: News

self portrait of my dragony self

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Jan 2016 - 21:59
Categories: News

New commission by Corycatze

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Jan 2016 - 21:32
Categories: News

Cyber Fox - by Cyantler

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Jan 2016 - 19:51
Categories: News

me irl

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Jan 2016 - 18:39
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Jan 2016 - 16:19
Categories: News