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Kauwi's Ancestry

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 20:16
Categories: News

The City

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 19:21
Categories: News

New to furry. Hello!

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 18:51

Hello all you wonderful people!

I've been lurking for the past few days to see what's up and figured that maybe it was time that I tried speaking up.

I new to the whole furrydom but recently I've been wondering if I identify as one. I love animals, am obsessed with tigers, and I do like anthropomorphic characters. If we ever get to the point of DNA splicing and genetic modification, I'll see you all in line!

What I really like so far is how passionate and invested everyone is. You create characters, artwork, stories, roleplay, and even make costumes and fly out to conventions hundreds of miles away. Props to you people.

As a professional artist myself, I want to find that passion and dedication again to commit my free time to making things once again for fun and not for work.

Further Confusion was the first convention that I went to. I decided to drop by on Sunday just for funsies to see what goes on. I had a lot of fun, ended up buying a set of tiger ears and a tail, and was motivated to want to make a mask.

Sadly everyone is now gone, but that led me here!

submitted by koager
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Categories: News

What are some good "furry" movies, books, etc?

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 18:31

Like the title says, I was wondering if there was anything that you guys would recommend watching/reading.

submitted by Soccer_Fam
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Categories: News

Sketch Requests Round 4: First four comments get their requests drawn!

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 17:45

Here's a link to the sketches I've done thus far.

I can't promise this will be a weekly thing, but I've kept it up so far and hope to keep it up going forward! SoOOo... like it says in the title, the first four get their requests drawn. I'll get some practice and you'll get a drawing! Any species/gender/body type is fair game.

I'll be getting started on these late tonight when I get off work, so I may not be able to respond to anything until then (about 8 hours from when this was posted).

Have a good evening guys ;3.

submitted by BowkerBowker
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Categories: News

Relaxing (art by me)

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 17:07
Categories: News

Did some Furry Stencils

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 16:51
Categories: News

"That" episode of CSI...

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 16:49

With all this hype, I gotta watch it at some point. Where can I watch it? I've been searching for like an hour. Anyone else have any luck?

Edit: I have been enlightened. I now have a new favorite episode of CSI.

submitted by crookedear
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Categories: News

Was bored one day...then I kinda became a bit popular

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 16:35

Wensday, I saw some of the normal hate towards furs, so I made a comic piece that is both supportive and truthful. Note, I had 82 subs when I fell asleep, and my highest smile count was a whooping 200 for a whole day and a repub record for 27 repub for something I made myself

This morning, I woke to have over 300 smile in one night and have more than 160 repubs. Top it with a new sub count of over 110 people and a very minimum negative reaction of a few people. The best part is the fact that its still growing in size of response.

Here is the link:

Its kinda a cheesy design, but i had no idea that i would get a reaction like that...

submitted by Wolfman176
[link] [11 comments]
Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #98

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 15:00

Put up your feet and relax furries, because it's time for the daily 'Sona question! Today's question:

If your ‘Sona went missing, what would happen?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
[link] [80 comments]
Categories: News

Nick Wilde or Robin Hood?

Furry Reddit - Thu 21 Jan 2016 - 13:21
Categories: News