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Sythyry’s Journal: A World Tree Chronicle of Transaffection, Adventure, and Doom, by Bard Bloom – review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Fri 10 Mar 2017 - 10:00

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

9781451562934_p0_v1_s192x300Sythyry’s Journal: A World Tree Chronicle of Transaffection, Adventure, and Doom, by Bard Bloom
Seattle, WA, CreateSpace, April 2010, trade paperback $25.00 (626 pages).

The opening paragraph of this dense, 626 pages of small type is:

“My exceedingly old and exceedingly famous grandparent just gave me this notebook as a going-to-school present. Zie says that zie wishes zie had had one when zie was growing up, but of course nobody knew how to do enchantments then, and there probably wasn’t time to do a lot of writing, what with all the fighting cyarr and nendrai and everything.” (p. 5)

Sythyry is a small, pale blue dragonet (actually a Zi Ri) “of impeccable lineage, considerable wit, and overwhelming inexperience, off alone at college for the first time. Zie must face terrible dangers: roommates, friends, courses in enchantment and flirtatious dance, deadly monsters, minor nobility, war, and, most dreadful of all, romance.” (blurb). The Zi Ri are hermaphrodites with pronouns to match, avoiding the “him” or “her” of the single-sex genders. The cover by Tod Wills shows zir at an Academy Buttery party surrounded by zir roommates Dustweed the Herethroy (the green grasshopper-like being at lower right) and Havune the Cani (the overdressed dog-like being at upper left), and friends Oostmarine the Orren (the otter-like being at upper right) and Anoof, another Cani (at lower left).

When Bard Bloom and his wife Victoria Borah Bloom created the World Tree role-playing game in 2001 (its cover by Mike Raabe was a finalist for the first Ursa Major Award in 2001 for Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration), LiveJournal was just getting started. Bloom explains in his “Author’s Forward” [sic.] that his own life made uninteresting reading. “So I decided to write from the point of view of a World Tree character.” – Sythyry the young Zi Ri. This book consists of Bloom’s LiveJournal entries from 2002 to 2007, as edited into novel format by Victoria Borah Bloom. Further LiveJournal entries to 2016 have been novelized in four Kindle books; Dragon Student, Ambassador to a Monster, Wizard’s Vacation, and City of Advanced Magic.

Screen Shot 2017-03-09 at 3.39.00 PMSythyry’s Journal covers zir notebook entries from 1 Chirreb 4260 when zie gets zir notebook, to 15 Thory 4262. Two years in a college co-ed’s rambling diary are what you might expect. Except that this co-ed happens to be a small blue, flying, fire-breathing dragonet, at a college of magic in Vheshrame, a city-state (of one branch of the World Tree):

“Classes begin tomorrow, and Havune and Thery assure me that I won’t have the seventh part of a second to spare to myself once they begin. I have chosen Ancient Ketherian History, the Study of Differences, Elementary Theory of Tempador Magic, and Current Politics of Aradrueia, and, for the gymnastic requirement, Flirtatious Dancing.

I was going to take Choinxeian Politics, but Thery warned me – and more seriously than that warning about spare time – that Professor Thistro of Choinxeian Politics was a pompous monstrosity who reveled in reciting a hundred kings a minute, and Professor Urastra of Aradrueian was actually worth listening to. Therefore I shall wait for another three months on the Choinxeian Politics.)

In the afternoon, I went flying, then hunting. In Vheshrame, pigeons are plentiful, and, fortunately, not fireproof. I brought a brace of them home, flapping slowly after me from a Ruloc Corpador improvisation. It’s dignified for hunters to carry their catch that way, but not for shoppers to carry theirs. Etiquette is a twisty subject, of which I shall complain further on future days and centuries.” (p. 7)

Classes can be rather exotic:

“Flirtatious Dance is proving to be a good bit of exercise. Not the kind I was hoping for; not yet. The teachers – there are four of them, for it is a rather popular class among the unmarried students – started with a dance to try to scare students out of the class. A traditional Thanish triafrella is a bit of an energetic dance. For a modern flourish, or perhaps for extra humiliation, they made us dance it with apples in our muzzles.

It is hard to flirt properly with an apple in your mouth. It is hard to even pant properly with an apple in your muzzle; the Cani especially were looking rather miserable by the end of the class. I daresay I was looking rather miserable too: not hot of course, it takes a goodly fire to do that, but I’m far and away the smallest person in the class, and they didn’t shrink the set that I have to run around. Yes, run, my hind legs on the floor, my forelegs carrying two glasses of wine, and my wings trying desperately not to tangle anyone’s tail. A proper fool I looked – just like everyone else in the room.” (p. 9)

51BcQJo7P1LSythyry is rather wordy, as readers will have noticed. This is good in terms of bringing the college to vivid life. And zie’s social life can get especially complex:

“Now for some worrisome questions. Shall I be a mysterious cryptic lizard sage, or shall I date other students? Shall I date full-mammals, or, perhaps, Herethroy? How much physical affection is proper, since there is no-one else of my own species in the city except for my half-sibling? How much is dignified? Or consonant with a potent degree of decorum and mystery?” (p. 10)

Yes, there is sex. Eventually. With a mammal:

“It was warm and awkward. And surprisingly sticky at the end.

And that, O monsters who are reading for prurient interest, is all I have to say about the details.” (pgs. 237-238)

Oh, no, it isn’t. Although zie still leaves out the details. This is a comedy of manners, after all.

There are the nagging letters from parents:

“~Mother~ reminds me to take at least half my classes in magic. To my lips this brings a vast and smoky sigh. I have plenty of time to learn and practice magic – I have neither desire nor impulse nor wish to become a great wizard before mid-Surprise, nor yet by Midwinter’s day next year. I can do it by degrees (and not the kind that Vheshrame Academy grants!) over a century or so! I can work as, I don’t care so much, a banker or a book-seller or some such, and bind spells on the side, or cast them for friends, or whatnot. There ae no lack of fearsomely mighty people in the family as it is. I imagine it would take me ten thousand years to get to where Glikkonen is after only four – even if I studied constantly, he invented some of the basic magical techniques, he bickered with gods – those things don’t happen in the modern world!

~Mother~ has the very best of intentions, I do not doubt that for half a moment, but zie’s half the World Tree’s lifetime old, and I doubt zie’s been out of her amber tower two months since I hatched. Zie can’t really understand modern life, can zie?” (p. 14)

A note on Sythyry’s size:

“Now we have a cat. She is named Pazi-Pazi; her fur is very bright blue; she weighs a bit more than I do. She enjoys stalking me. Fortunately she is not fireproof, so if I stoke my bed well enough she does not molest me there – she lurks on mantelpiece, leering at me hungrily or playfully.

I am not the one that she is supposed to hunt.” (p. 23)

Sythyry’s Journal will immerse you in the exotic world of the World Tree in general, and of Vheshrame Academy and environs, and Sythyry’s experiences there, in particular. Familiarity with the World Tree role-playing game is helpful but not necessary. Readers who want a smaller World Tree novel are recommended to try Bard Bloom’s A Marriage of Insects; it’s only 193 pages.

Fred Patten

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Categories: News

Animal Jam Comes To Comics

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 10 Mar 2017 - 02:49

So how’d we go and let this phenomenon pass us by? Animal Jam is an on-line MMORPG gaming environment, launched in 2010 by the National Geographic Society. It was designed to use a fantasy setting to teach young children about zoology, natural history, and ecology. According to Wikipedia, “Animal Jam takes place in a fictional area known as Jamaa, containing various biomes and cartoon player-created animals. Players can create an animal with an anonymous 3-part name, such as ‘Crashing Magicshark’, dress it up with virtual clothing, and control it in the gameplay environment. The original six virtual animals that could be created were the panda, rabbit, tiger, wolf, koala, and monkey. Many more animals have been added following the six, letting players have the possibility of seeing one of their favorite animals in the game.” Now, after years on line, Dynamite Entertainment have announced the premier of the first Animal Jam comic book series, coming later in 2017. There’s an article about it over at News-a-rama. The first appearance of the new comic will be part of Dynamite’s contribution to this year’s Free Comic Book Day in May.

image c. 2017 National Geographic

Categories: News

Thaitails 2017: Into the Ocean

Furry.Today - Thu 9 Mar 2017 - 16:11

Furry convention in Bancock? Nice to see the conventions all over the world like this. [1] Thanks to sysable for pointing this one out. [1]
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Categories: Videos

Wild Games

Furry.Today - Wed 8 Mar 2017 - 21:36

Zootopia/Sherlock Holmes mashup done by Russians? Here you go.
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Categories: Videos

FA 061 Accepting Love as a Damaged Individual - Can polyamory be an asset to a marriage? How can you overcome your own past experiences to feel comfortable in loving again? How can you find friends when you are terminally shy? All this, and more, on this

Feral Attraction - Wed 8 Mar 2017 - 19:44

Hello Everyone!

We open this week's show with a discussion on how polyamory helps some people love being married. While some people view polyamory and marriage as being mutually exclusive, we look at an article on how polyamory has opened the door to love and longing in a marriage and how to overcome fear and trepidation at saying the things you are most afraid to say. 

Our main topic is on accepting love as a damaged individual. Within the fandom (and especially the LGBTQ+ community) many people face hardships and abuse. Perhaps it is a parent who hates that you are trans*. Perhaps it is a mate who acts in an abusive fashion. Maybe it is a lifetime of feeling rejected, or not belonging. It could be that you have depression or anxiety issues. Regardless, plenty of people feel that they are too broken, or they have too much baggage, to accept love from anyone or anything.

We go over ways to overcome this mindset and to help you as an individual reintegrate within the vast, beautiful kaleidoscope that is love and accepting love. We talk about our own lives, and ways that we overcame (and still work on overcoming) our inner saboteur. It's a heartfelt episode and one of our most requested topics. 

We close out the show with a question on finding love and friendship when you're shy. Yes, we said there were two questions but, as it turns out, the second question is more involved and we wanted to give it its own space and time to truly dive into. Enjoy the minor gaffe (and later explanation) on this: it's a great episode.

For more information, including a list of topics, see our Show Notes for this episode.

Thanks and, as always, be well!

FA 061 Accepting Love as a Damaged Individual - Can polyamory be an asset to a marriage? How can you overcome your own past experiences to feel comfortable in loving again? How can you find friends when you are terminally shy? All this, and more, on this week's Feral Attraction!
Categories: Podcasts

A Portrait of the Puppet Master

Furry.Today - Tue 7 Mar 2017 - 22:53

Here is a short documentary on Barnaby Dixon the 26-year-old puppeteer that does the cute dabchick videos. "Puppets—they’re child’s play, right? Spend five minutes watching Barnaby Dixon and you’ll surely disagree. At first, it might seem strange for a 26-year-old to be hand-building puppets in his bedroom and shooting videos of his performances for a living, but the puppet prodigy’s creations are completely original and totally addicting to watch. Barnaby started his career solely to make YouTube videos (, but recently hit it big after winning a 50,000 Euro grand prize on the German puppet talent show, "Die Puppenstars.""
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Categories: Videos

She Wants to Do Volunteer Fursuiting at Her Local Hospital

Ask Papabear - Tue 7 Mar 2017 - 13:00
I've always been a furry since I was little, but only now am I getting a fursuit. They'll be finishing it next week, so I'll have it soon. Since my fursuit will be of the pokemon Solgaleo,my suit is a kid icon. I'm thinking of going to a children's hospital to visit kids in a fun pokemon suit. But I'm not sure what to do. How would I act around the kids, what would I say?
Jaelyn (age 13)
* * *
Hi, Jaelyn,
Since you are 13, I kind of doubt a hospital or other company or organization will permit you to visit kids in fursuit, even with your good intentions, unless you were part of some formal organization or other, such as a church or other nonprofit.
I admire and respect your desire to put your fursuiting towards a good cause, but would recommend you wait awhile (until you are 18). In the meantime, get some fursuiting and live performance experience while in fursuit. It's not as easy as it looks, and when you are old enough to do some charity work you will be able to perform much better.
When that time comes, here's what you do: go to the hospital where you wish to fursuit and find the Volunteer Services department. Make an appointment there and then explain what you wish to do. Hospitals will have guidelines for how their entertainers must conduct themselves with patients, and these policies might vary from hospital to hospital. Give the Volunteer Services coordinator a clear idea of what you wish to do and why. Hopefully, they will be open to it, but if they say "No, thanks," you can always try a different hospital.
Happy Fursuiting!

He’s a Fox. Just a Fox.

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 7 Mar 2017 - 02:57

StupidFox is a fox. But is he stupid, or just misunderstood? Does he maybe have just a simple way of looking at a complex world? That’s the endless question pondered by creator E.Y. Chan in her full-color on-line comic strip called StupidFox — yes, spelled as one word. At her web site you’ll find not only the comic but a link to her shop full of prints, books, plush dolls, key-chains, and other cute items all graced by the simple fox and his friends.

image c. 2017 by E.Y. Chan

Categories: News

ep 156 - Pit Of Puppies - an all new episode just for you! Yes, you! Sera…

The Dragget Show - Tue 7 Mar 2017 - 02:04

an all new episode just for you! Yes, you! Serathin's amazing Dragget Show story! - Chaotic Ravings podcast, reviewing Fur Squared! - Reminder: We're on Patreon! If you could kick us a buck or two, we'd greatly appreciate it. ALSO, we're not just on SoundCloud, you can also subscribe to this on most podcast services like iTunes! Don't forget to hang out in our telegram chat, now w/ over 100 members! ep 156 - Pit Of Puppies - an all new episode just for you! Yes, you! Sera…
Categories: Podcasts

You Can Also Do It Too As Well: Episode 1

Furry.Today - Mon 6 Mar 2017 - 20:28

Here we have a cute new series a bit like an old 80s old PBS show. "Dr. Pegasus tackles the creative and rewarding world of interior lighting to make her home a brighter and more welcoming place!" (The anal video pedantic in me still cringes a little when people try to make something look old but still make it 16:9 but I'll forgive it due to extreme cuteness)
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Categories: Videos

TigerTails Radio Season 10 Episode 14

TigerTails Radio - Mon 6 Mar 2017 - 17:42
Categories: Podcasts

S6 Episode 12 – It’s My Fetish - It's an episode six seasons in the making - Roo and Tugs are thrilled to be joined by Kris Patrick (aka Sheen), creator of the popular "The Bedfellows" series of comics, animations, and now game! Yours truly explores the o

Fur What It's Worth - Mon 6 Mar 2017 - 17:39
It's an episode six seasons in the making - Roo and Tugs are thrilled to be joined by Kris Patrick (aka Sheen), creator of the popular "The Bedfellows" series of comics, animations, and now game! Yours truly explores the origin of the series, what goes into making the content, and what the future of the series is like, including their new game "Bedfellows Frenzy". Is Fatigue real? Where did "Keys, Keys, Keys" come from? Are Sheen and Fatigue really like their animated counterparts? What goes into an episode? We explore this and a lot more! And if that's not enough, we have a full 30 minute show bonus with the series musician, Buck Riley from Husky In Denial, about what goes into the series' soundtrack.

We also have Space News, Get Psyched, Fifty Sheds of Grey, an Olde Timey Ad, and more! This is one hell of an episode you don't want to miss!


Show Notes


 is now on STEAM for PC! Help the series out and buy a copy today! Then buy a copy for your friend!

Special Thanks

Kris Patrick, our guest, and creator of "The Bedfellows". Check out his game and YouTube Channel.
Axikor, for the ident
Mfalme Lion
Moss Fox


Opening Theme: Husky In Denial – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2015. ©2015 Fur What It’s Worth and Husky in Denial. Based on Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Some music was provided by Kevin MacLeod at Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. We used the following pieces:

Spy Glass

Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing Theme: Husky In Denial – Cloud Fields (Headnodic Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2015. ©2015 Fur What It’s Worth and Husky in Denial. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Our interstitial bumpers were all from the Bedfellows Frenzy Original Soundtrack by Husky in Denial. You can buy a copy as a bundled item on Steam with the game or purchase it separately at Bandcamp. The music we used was 2 Fools, 1 Shop; Fools of Destruction; Ska 4 Life; all of which are ©2017 Husky in Denial.

Show Bonus
Tugs sat down with Buck Riley of Husky in Denial and composer of the Bedfellows animated series and Frenzy soundtrack to explore his involvement in the series. It's a good laugh so check it out right here!

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Next episode: Body Image, Nerd Stereotypes, and the Fandom. Do you have long hair? Are you overweight? Do you groom yourself or find it less important? Is body image something you think of or find important in others? What have you done to work on or not work on your body image? Let us know by Friday, March 10, 2017. S6 Episode 12 – It’s My Fetish - It's an episode six seasons in the making - Roo and Tugs are thrilled to be joined by Kris Patrick (aka Sheen), creator of the popular "The Bedfellows" series of comics, animations, and now game! Yours truly explores the o
Categories: Podcasts

Damage Control Needs to Be Done to Reverse Girlfriend's Bad Views of the Fandom

Ask Papabear - Mon 6 Mar 2017 - 12:24
Dear Papabear,

I don't want to beat around the bush. I am, obviously, a furry and I got a girlfriend and she is not ok with it. This bothers me a lot, but I never say that to avoid further, sometimes even embarrassing, discussions.

To give you some background: I always loved cats and by pure chance I discovered Nekos which in term led me to the furry fandom quite quickly. The first time I joined a furry chatroom was about two years ago, but I haven't gone to any furry conventions yet. I already was in a relationship with my girlfriend at this point. I didn't think the fandom would stick on me like that, but I quickly found friends and I'm friends with them to this date, although we live on different continents and rarely do something together outside of the chatroom.

And I yiffed and yiff to this day, though less frequently than before.

I admit, I shouldn't. To my girlfriend, it's cheating, to me it means nothing. I also know that she thinks of people yiffing left and right when she hears the word "furry" and a friend of ours, also a furry, is a good example of this. When we discussed about them, i tried to defend me and the fandom, but I can't make her change her opinion on them.

But I do love her! She means more to me than anyone else and leaving her is not an option for either of us, but I don't want to torture her or me by keeping it secret. I'm certain that I can change my behavior about yiffing, which would make the situation manageable, but I cannot change her.

I don't want to betray my girlfriend and/or myself. How do I convince her that furries are not a group of people to hate?
Fia (the Braixen) (age 18)
* * *
Dear Fia,
Your girlfriend, like many other non-furries, believes that the fandom is about kinky, weird sex. You and this other friend, by apparently indulging a lot in yiff, have reinforced this conception she has.
Since you assert that you love your girlfriend and don’t want to lose her, and since you also say that you are willing and able to cut down (or perhaps eliminate entirely) your yiffing behavior, I would start there. I would then recommend you try to expose her to all the great stuff in the fandom that has absolutely nothing to do with yiff. To change her views about the fandom, you see, she needs a lot of evidence to contradict what she has already seen and heard about furries. Here’s a pretty good article about misconceptions and the fandom published in the UK’s Guardian.
Because you started off on the wrong paw, you’re going to have to do some damage control, and this will likely take quite a bit of time. Be patient and diligent, and hopefully she will come to see that the fandom isn’t just about fuzzy kinkiness.
Good Luck!

Interlude: A Series of Shorts, by M. R. Anglin – Book Review by Fred Patten

Dogpatch Press - Mon 6 Mar 2017 - 10:00

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

51rarobPhyLInterlude: A Series of Shorts, by M. R. Anglin.
Seattle, WA, CreateSpace, August 2016, trade paperback $5.99 (79 [+ 1] pages, Kindle $1.99.

This fifth book in Anglin’s Silver Foxes series is only eight connected short stories of about ten pages each. It is an interlude, taking place between the action of the third and fourth novels and, presumably, the next to come.

The first five stories are set at the Isle de Lossierres, the Kingdom of Drymairad’s most exclusive resort. Xenatha (Xena), the adolescent Silver Fox (it’s a secret) who was the protagonist of Into Expermia, and her family are the “guests” of her foster father J.R.’s unwilling sister Chloe, the wolf businessman sister who owns the island.

The Isle is a rich, luxurious vacation spot, but they are there to hide out, not to enjoy themselves. It’s J.R.’s old family home. Xena wears an illegal image generator to pass as an ordinary gray-furred fox.

Although they are hiding out, they also have their first chance since they all came together to relax a bit as a family. J.R., a notorious criminal to the world, is their wolf Daddy. Xena and her younger sister Katheraine (Kathra), a white fox 11 years old, are his foster kits. Xena has an extremely rare genetic disorder that makes her build up metals in her fur, giving her the Silver Fox appearance and an attraction/control of electricity. Karalaina, a vixen with salmon-colored fur, is the girls’ mother who has just rediscovered them after ten years and came to claim them. They persuaded her to stay and join their family. Chloe Dunsworth is a rich wolf businesswoman, J.R.’s sister who is outraged when he shows up after so long with the others, asking to stay quietly on the family’s island resort.

In these first five stories, they begin to relax and bond as a family. The reader of the first four novels learns more about J. R. Dunsworth’s background, as well. The girls go to the beach, where Xena is introduced to other teen girls (chameleon, raccoon, and tigress) by Mira (wolf), her foster cousin. Her boyfriend Hunter conversates with a ghostly German Shepherd who may be a guardian angel (see Anglin’s Silver Foxes short story in the anthology Gods with Fur). When a flying squirrel swimmer almost drowns, Hunter and Kathra save him.

In the next two stories, the focus shifts to those whom they are hiding from: Maximilian (red fox), the former Minister of Defense of Drymairad who has engineered his becoming its king; Celeste, his wife, now Drymairad’s queen; and Jordan (leopard), Max’s henchman who has been rewarded by being made Captain of the Royal Guard. Celeste makes no secret of not trusting Jordan or Jané, his black panther assistant, and when nobody listens to her, she stomps off to do something about it.

The final story, only three pages, shows what is happening to an Expermian fox fanatic who is in an Outsider (Drymairadian?) prison. He is broken out. We’ll presumably see him again …

The cover of Interlude is by Tazia Hall, who did the covers of all four previous Silver Foxes books.

Fred Patten

Categories: News

Voolah Voo?

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 6 Mar 2017 - 02:42

Another discovery from the recent Long Beach Comic Expo. On his web page, here’s how this artist describes himself: “Walter De Leon is an artist in the entertainment industry working on various video games and animated properties for clients such as Disney and Stan Lee. In his free time he would create and come up with various ideas for books in the hopes to inspire others to get out there with their own ideas.” To that end he started Voolah Voolah Press as a vehicle for his own illustrated stories and sketchbooks. He is also looking for other creative people to join the fold! His own books include titles like Bunny Chop!, Dear Mr. Bear, and drawing portfolios of birds, dragons, and monsters.

image c. 2017 Voolah Voolah Press

Categories: News

Hey, Your Dog Can Be Geeky Too!

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 5 Mar 2017 - 02:33

Peachy Keen Pets is a Canadian craft service that specializes in “cute and quirky pet accessories and apparel”. That means fandom-themed collars, leashes, and other accessories for your pet; and pet-themed t-shirts for you. “Fun and functional, Peachy Keen Pets strives to provide the ultimate in quality, comfort and originality for your pet! Not only do we make stylish dog collars, harnesses, and leashes, but fabulous accessories like bowties, bandanas, leash pouches and more!  Your pet is an original and should stand out on your block, and we’ve got that covered!” Take a look at their web site to see what they currently offer. Woof!

image c. 2017 Peachy Keen Pets

Categories: News

Don't Label Yourself If You Don't Want To

Ask Papabear - Sun 5 Mar 2017 - 02:00
Hi Papabear,

When I was trying to figure out my gender identity, I finally settled on 'agender' because it felt right. I can't explain it...but I suppose it's the same as knowing yes, you are male, or female, or etc.! It's a gut feeling, IMO.

This isn't a letter about gender identity at all, though, heh. I bring this up because of the term 'furry.' I have two fursuits in the works, I'm wild about animals, and I like some furry stuff, but I really don't identify as a furry. The term doesn't feel right to me -- not because of the fandom's reputation (I'm past caring about that) but because I just...well, don't identify! The same gut feeling as when I figured out my gender identity.

(This is also not to say that furry is a gender identity or anything. Just using a comparison.)

However, I'm reminded of that old saying: "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck..." etc. I like fursuits and some furry stuff. Does that mean I owe it to myself to take on the furry label? I always considered myself just a person who likes costumes, animals, and good art. I also have plenty of hobbies outside the fandom, so it's not like I can't read a book or watch a show if there isn't a talking squirrel in it. 

I've had a friend tell me, "Well, if a guy liked only guys but refused to say he was gay, wouldn't you raise an eyebrow?" The answer to that is no: I respect people's labels even when they fly in the face of my own reality. Thing is, other folks are probably gonna think I'm in denial, and I'd hate to be seen as dishonest or immature.

Sorry for the long, winding letter, and thanks for all you do,
Wee Lioness (23)
* * *
Hi, Wee,
Here’s a little secret: Papabear hates labels. People are much more complex than that, and trying to fit someone into one category or another can be an exercise in futility. For example, I could say I’m a gay man, but being gay is just one aspect of a much more complex personality. I’m also a furry, but I don’t go around introducing myself to people as a furry. I’m a writer and editor, too. I’m an amateur philosopher. I’m a brother. I’m a boyfriend. I’m Caucasian. I’m American. I’m a Virgo. I’m a spiritualist. I’m an empath. You see where I’m going with this. You know what I say when I introduce myself to people? “Hi, I’m Kevin Hile.” I’m not a label; I’m me.
Just because you like some furry art, fursuits, and some of the stuff associated with furries doesn’t mean you are now required to participate in any furry community activities, nor are you “denying you’re a furry.” The talented woman who made my fursuit, Beastcub, is not a furry, but she loves making fursuits for people. Maybe you’re like that. It begs the questions, doesn’t it, as to what really makes a furry? Obviously, it’s not what you wear or what you call yourself that matters. It’s what you are comfortable with, and if you don’t want to call yourself a furry, then don’t call yourself a furry.