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Unsheathed #67 - Don't flip over the podcast, Donryu!

Unsheathed - Tue 18 Jan 2011 - 03:00
Donryu joins us to talk about art, storytelling, and how awesome he is. (THIS...IS...DONOVAN!) Unsheathed #67 - Don't flip over the podcast, Donryu!
Categories: Podcasts

Furry Pinups

Furry Reddit - Tue 18 Jan 2011 - 01:31
table trtd a href= src= alt=Furry Pinups title=Furry Pinups //a /tdtd submitted by a href= Ragingsquism /a br/ a href=[link]/a a href=""[6 comments]/a /td/tr/table
Categories: News

1997-1998 Huzzah! issues up for auction on eBay! - Tue 18 Jan 2011 - 00:45
Please take a look, I'd appreciate it: br a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a
Categories: News

Season 5 - Show 35

TigerTails Radio - Mon 17 Jan 2011 - 20:00
TK's been moving stuff around, cue a quick tour of the mess. Mortal Kombat, How to Train Your Dragon, Book of Eli (film), and video game film Press Start all get the Done and Dusted treatment.
Categories: Podcasts

Furries in The Simpsons

Furries In The Media - Mon 17 Jan 2011 - 17:45
I don't think it gets much more mainstream than this. First American Dad and now The Simpsons! :D

From the most recent episode (season 22, episode 11 - aired last night in the US).
Categories: News

Woyro's Warren eps 113 & 114---foreign furry cons pts 2 & 3

Furries In The Media - Mon 17 Jan 2011 - 13:33

doing some catch-up in posting my shows.  as always, the show is available through iTunes. 

i also post the show at mevio (formerly podshow);

and, also at divshare, for those who cant use the other 2.  here are the links to the files for the last 2 shows.  114 was just posted this morning and 113 was posted just hours before the last day of 2010.

Woyro's Warren 113:

Woyro's Warren 114: top it's the player thingie for the latest episode. 

Categories: News

Julie Bunny Must Die - a play by Ned Wilkinson - Mon 17 Jan 2011 - 11:27
Springfield, MO; Jan. 7-16. In this light-hearted charming musical by the author of Dawg Pound Blues and Little Vegas, cartoonist Adam Chase and his creation Julie Bunny: International Spy battle villains not only in Adam's cartoon world, but also his life. While Julie fights her nemesis Chef Albertson, it is up to Adam to keep his boss, clingy girlfriend and obsessed fan in balance. As Adam's worlds collide, he must figure out how best to stay in control and not to be defeated by the baddies. The SCT production follows Julie Bunny's hit premiere at the 2010 Orlando Intl. Fringe Festival.

5 Vote(s)
Categories: News

[] A Furry Comic Book List - Sun 16 Jan 2011 - 22:45
Archive-name: furry/comics-list br Posting-Frequency: Posted on the 13th and 30th of each month, and Feb. 28 br URL: a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a br Last-Modified: December 24, 2005 br A Not Quite Complete, but None the Less, Very Thorough Furry Comic Book List br (Updated December 24, 2005)
Categories: News

Downvote doggie fursuit

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Jan 2011 - 21:31
Categories: News

Furries on the Simpsons.

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Jan 2011 - 21:02
Categories: News

[] Publishers of Furry Comics - Sun 16 Jan 2011 - 09:45
Archive-name: furry/comics-addresses br Posting-Frequency: Posted on the 13th and 30th of each month, and Feb. 28 br URL: a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a br Last-Modified: April 30, 2005 br Publishers Addresses br (all addresses are U.S.A. unless otherwise specified)
Categories: News

YAOI MANGA - Sun 16 Jan 2011 - 09:45
_ br E N T E R __ H E R E ::: br ~~~gt;gt; a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a lt;lt;~~~ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br _ br Yaoi Manga br Free Yaoi Manga br Little Butterly Yaoi Manga br Yaoi Manga Downloads br Fruits Basket Yaoi Manga br Yaoi Manga Download br Little Butterfly Yaoi Manga
Categories: News

FC-24 Slaves With Lasers - With emails coming in faster than they can read, the show hosts sat down for 3 hours, and read every single email. Categorized, organized, and ready to roll, episode 24 was cranked out on a cold Saturday night. Successful and ef

FurCast - Sat 15 Jan 2011 - 23:59

With emails coming in faster than they can read, the show hosts sat down for 3 hours, and read every single email. Categorized, organized, and ready to roll, episode 24 was cranked out on a cold Saturday night. Successful and efficient, the radio headed furries deemed another successful broadcast, and another step closer to what ever the the goal of this show is even supposed to be. w00t

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FC-24 Slaves With Lasers - With emails coming in faster than they can read, the show hosts sat down for 3 hours, and read every single email. Categorized, organized, and ready to roll, episode 24 was cranked out on a cold Saturday night. Successful and efficient,
Categories: Podcasts

FC-24 Slaves With Lasers - With emails coming in faster than they can read, the show hosts sat down for 3 hours, and read every single email. Categorized, organized, and ready to roll, episode 24 was cranked out on a cold Saturday night. Successful and ef

FurCast - Sat 15 Jan 2011 - 23:59

With emails coming in faster than they can read, the show hosts sat down for 3 hours, and read every single email. Categorized, organized, and ready to roll, episode 24 was cranked out on a cold Saturday night. Successful and efficient, the radio headed furries deemed another successful broadcast, and another step closer to what ever the the goal of this show is even supposed to be. w00t

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FC-24 Slaves With Lasers - With emails coming in faster than they can read, the show hosts sat down for 3 hours, and read every single email. Categorized, organized, and ready to roll, episode 24 was cranked out on a cold Saturday night. Successful and efficient,
Categories: Podcasts