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Some Moving Words for Halloween

Furry News Network - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 22:32

Author: mbulsht 

By rights, this little entry of mine should be posted next Monday, as part of my weekly “Quotes” series, but it was addressed to us on Ponychan for this particular day. As it was anonymously posted, I cannot speak to its validity. But in spite of that, I would like to share it with you anyway, as it is well written, and a very moving story. Here are the words of an anonymous poster on Ponychan.………………………………………………………………………………….

“I have a sad but heartwarming story of friendship and magic, bronies…

Every so often, I volunteer in my city’s Children’s Hospital and provide some youthful fun to the young kids there. A while ago, I developed a good friendship with this ten year old girl named Sarah. She’s simply adorable, but she was fighting cancer. She’s a First Nations girl, and her parents gave her up, essentially not wanting to deal with her intensive care. When she hasn’t been in the hospital, she’s been in an orphanage. I came to be something of a big brother to her, and she was another little sister to me. We’d tell each other jokes, play games, and talk about what happened that day.

One day, I asked her if she could keep a very important secret. She eagerly said “Of course!” I told her I was a brony. She laughed so hard, people in the wing turned to look at us and ask what was so funny. True to her word, she replied with the usual “nothing”. She told me she had never seen the show and couldn’t understand how I, a guy twice her age, could like a girl’s show. So I did the only thing I could think of; bring my laptop to the hospital and watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic with her.

We watched all the episodes together, and discussed our favorite ponies. I couldn’t help but be rather somber when she told who her favorite was. Sarah’s favorite pony is Pinkie Pie, and let me tell you why. Sarah told me that Pinkie Pie was her favorite because she helped her face her fear of dying. Pinkie taught her to laugh when she was afraid or sad, and to always keep your chin up when you’re feeling down. It was her birthday about a month ago, so I bought her a Pinkie Pie pony from Toys ‘R Us (I got so many weird looks in the store). She was feeling really sick that day (from chemo), but her face lit up when she opened the box to see a brand new Pinkie Pie. Her Pinkie Pie, to help keep her safe and happy. She told me it was the best gift she had ever gotten in her entire life.

The last time I saw her was six days ago, just a few days before my birthday. She had been getting worse with each month, but she was always happy to get a visit from me. This time was different. She was hooked up to more equipment that usual, and couldn’t even sit up. She gave me an early birthday card, which had a hand drawn Fluttershy inside. She also gave me a balloon she had received from an orderly. I asked her how she and Pinkie Pie were doing and she just smiled weakly at me and said that they were doing great, even though she knew she was getting worse. I told her I would come visit her on Monday for Halloween and give her some candy if she could stomach it. She smiled again, and said she looked forward to seeing all the costumes around the hospital.

I got a call today that I knew would come, but had always dreaded. Sarah had passed away. When I got off work, I just sort of stumbled around in a daze, got on the bus to the hospital, and practically sleepwalked into the hospital. I finally came to Sarah’s room, which was now empty. No more Sarah. The bed had been made, and most of the medical equipment moved. I wondered if I had entered the wrong room, but I knew it was the right one. As I walked out holding back tears, a nurse called out to me. “Excuse me sir, are you Anon?” I told her I was and she told me heavily that Sarah had passed away. I told her that I was aware, but had hoped to say goodbye at least. The nurse then brought me to her desk telling me that Sarah had left me something.

I saw Sarah’s Pinkie Pie lying there on the desk.

The nurse told me that shortly before Sarah died, she asked her if I had stopped by and referred to me as her brother. Sarah told her I was indeed her brother, but that I was going to see her on Halloween. Sarah passed away with Pinkie Pie in her hand, and the nurse said it felt right that I should have it as a memento.

I’ve rarely cried so hard in my life.

I’m looking at her Pinkie Pie right now, looking back at me. It’s comforting to know that this pink little pony helped get this girl through something I cannot even begin to understand or know how to deal with. All I ask is that when you all are out trick or treating or partying on Halloween, please do so in honor of Sarah. She wasn’t a sister by blood, but she was my sister in spirit, and ponies have helped us in the darkest of times.

Love and tolerance.”



Friendship is indeed magic, bronies. Tonight I raise my celebratory Halloween glass in honor of Sarah.

-Ben Sims

Find the full article here: BronyShow

Categories: News

So I think I belong here...

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 22:09

I've always felt like I wanted to be something different, I guess you could call it more animalistic, and I think this is where I belong...

Though I'm not sure. I imagine myself as a cat-person. Not fully a cat, and definitely not completely human. I'm not sure what the norm is around here, but I don't like the idea of a full furry suit (for myself-what ever anyone else likes is their own business). I envision myself as a humanoid with cat-like (specifically lion) augments to my person.

Part of the real reason I'm joining an online community is that my friends (my pride) are going to be graduating and leaving me this spring and I have no idea how to meet new people.

So if there is anyone out there looking to add a new lioness into their pride/pack/herd/what-have-you, drop me a comment or a message, it will seriously make my day and possibly earn you a life-long friend.

submitted by kittycatclaws
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Categories: News

Female furries

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 21:34

We're the only girls who put on MORE clothing than usual for Halloween!

[Edit- sorry for the Karma-whoring. That thought just struck me as funny. Thanks for all the compliments! :D Been a little down lately looking for work, I needed the boost! You guys rock! :3 )

submitted by ChatGarou
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Categories: News

TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 10 - Just Before The NaNo - Part Two

TigerTails Radio - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 17:12
Part two of Episode 10 - due to TK, er, Technical hicKups that is ... Starring TK, Xavier, and Eeve3. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 10 - Just Before The NaNo - Part Two
Categories: Podcasts

Vincent Price: fursuiter

Furries In The Media - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 16:45
Categories: News

Bitter Lake: disappointing?

Furries In The Media - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 16:16

"The clincher that irrevocably destroyed any remaining hope of salvaging the movie is the final 'climactic' death. What makes this one any different from the others? Nothing...except for a particularly trite stock sound effect that many folks ought to recognize by now. That single effect transformed this movie from 'a good concept with potential' into 'a pathetic waste of time.'"

Would that be the Wilhelm scream?
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 10 - Just Before The NaNo - Part One

TigerTails Radio - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 16:00
It has been a busy week seeing as the cast have been to book signings, live gigs, and getting ready for the National Novel Writing Month. The countdown clock for the NaNo was on TK's screen for most of the show. Lots of technical problems for some reason during the show, resulting in a section of the show being lost and the archive being in two parts. On the plus side, TK discovered that he can broadcast both Soutcast and Livestream from the same PC, which pleases him greatly. For Done and Dusted TK rambles a bit about Kung Fu Panda 2 and the game Killer Instinct, Xavier watched Misfits Season 3 Episode 1 and played Arkham City on the PS3. Eeve3 played Terraria and Gundemonium and tells us about them. Felis gives us his views on inFamous on the PS3, and Werewolfe reviews Japanese film Cat Shit One. Starring TK, Xavier, and Eeve3. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 10 - Just Before The NaNo - Part One
Categories: Podcasts

"My Little Pony: FiM" - Season Two Starts 9/17 - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 11:45
A heads up for MLP fans. The second season starts this Saturday,
9/17, at 9AM on the Hub.


Here's a sneak preview clip featuring the show's new villain, with a
familiar voice (and persona?) for the trekkers.


Categories: News

Pulp Foreskin - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 11:45

Exquisite Corpse done the Usenet way.


This is the blog--my web site is still under construction :(

Dig up my old Usenet friends/fans and drop by


Categories: News

The Yiffening

Furries In The Media - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 07:46
Webcomic Eat That Toast! has a furry reference in today's comic :P

Categories: News

Penguins vs. Possums

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 01:56

There’s a title you’re gonna notice, right? Penguins vs. Possums is a new black & white comic Sebastian Kadlecik and John Bring, published by JBSK Comics. “Forget all you think you know. Since the dawn of time, a war has been fought in secret; the inter-species Armageddon between Penguins and Possums. A conflict this monumental can only stay in the shadows for so long. Choose a side!” You read it here. You can also find out more about this monumental conflict (including how the creators came up with this!) at their web site,

Categories: News

Eerie Werewolf Painting

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 01:52
Categories: News

Mario is a furry [animation]

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Oct 2011 - 00:07
Categories: News

I'm having trouble picking a species for my fursona. Please r/furry, can you help me?

Furry Reddit - Sun 30 Oct 2011 - 23:56

As a bit of background, I'm pretty much the classic nerdy girl. I'm a big lover of science (in my third year of a biomedical sciences degree) while at he same time I hold true to my geeky pastimes (the furry fandom being one of them). I'm generally a quiet person, but I have my moments of giddy talkativeness when the opportunity arises.

I've always adored listening and seeing the fursonas that other people have made. However, I've never even come close to finding something that works for me. I can't even get past the "What animal represents you?" stage. So, I figured why not ask the experts?

I know it's a lot r/furry, but is there anyways you can help a girl out? Where do I start? Do you have any tips or tricks for me about how you found your furry spirit? Anything you're willing to share would be amazing. Thank you!

submitted by Stellalune
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Categories: News

I am confused.

Furry Reddit - Sun 30 Oct 2011 - 23:16

Sometimes I happen to come across discussion boards in various places on the Internet where furries are trying to defend themselves. The claim I usually witness is that there are "bad" furries who yiff, fuck animals, and draw pornographic artwork, which is said to give the fandom a bad name. I've also heard other "good" ones that just like to dress up and donate money just because they like animals. Is there really discontent among the so-called "good" and "bad" furries (or is there really even such thing as "good" or "bad"), or did I just happen to see one person trying to speak for thousands?

submitted by Nicodimus27
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Categories: News