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AD 035 - Shreddy and the Zomb-Dogs - This episode was supposed to posted before the end of October, but Santa claimed his revenge for "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and the freak snowstorm that hit the North East knocked out power for most of this week.

Anthropomorphic Dreams - Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 16:24

This episode was supposed to posted before the end of October, but Santa claimed his revenge for "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and the freak snowstorm that hit the North East knocked out power for most of this week.

So Happy Halloween, better late than never. We have a treat for you tonight, a dark-fantasy adventure with a character you might remember.

“Shreddy and the Zomb-Dogs” by Mary E. Lowd

Read by Peter Katt

Music cues by Infinity Squared

AD 035 - Shreddy and the Zomb-Dogs - This episode was supposed to posted before the end of October, but Santa claimed his revenge for "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and the freak snowstorm that hit the North East knocked out power for most of this week. So Happy Halloween, better late...
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 22 – Holiday Bloat - Looks like not a lot of you wanted to talk about the holiday season! (Touchy topic, maybe?) We’ve got one e-mail from a distinctly descriptive listener, but it was big enough to divide into two; half for Halfwit, and ha[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 02:24

Looks like not a lot of you wanted to talk about the holiday season! (Touchy topic, maybe?) We’ve got one e-mail from a distinctly descriptive listener, but it was big enough to divide into two; half for Halfwit, and half for Kyo! This episode seems to have a secondary theme of CANDY, with all cast members torturing poor Kyo by eating candy in front of him! NaNoWriMo is mentioned (as is No-Shave Month), accents, Kyo’s grandma, and more!

Also, we have a new opener! Fresh off of his new CD called Ready Fur The World (available at, Bucktown has allowed us to use the first fifteen seconds or so from the track “All Y’all”. This podcast is, after all, about and for all y’all!

Next week’s episode is about coping with loss. October has been really difficult for a lot of people, with many people losing friends and/or family members, and we know that it can be difficult getting through the process of moving on with one’s life. We’re here to listen and help as best we can, and we want to use our own personal experience in this matter to help you out.

Finally, keep in mind that EVERY week is open topic week. The topic suggestions we post are just that, suggestions! If you have something you want to write in about, drop us a line! We always have time for you!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 22 – Holiday Bloat
File modified November 4, 2011 – 37.7 MB – downloaded 333 times so far

Episode 22 – Holiday Bloat - Looks like not a lot of you wanted to talk about the holiday season! (Touchy topic, maybe?) We’ve got one e-mail from a distinctly descriptive listener, but it was big enough to divide into two; half for Halfwit, and ha[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Training Dragons on TV

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 01:58

Here’s a scoop that we stumbled across recently: Dreamworks Animation is not only hard at work on a sequel to 2010′s Ursa Major Award-winning film How to Train Your Dragon, but they are also working on a TV series to be aired on Cartoon Network beginning in late 2012. have been following the story closely, and they recently featured an article that includes an interview with executive producer Tim Johnson from According to Mr. Johnson, How to Train Your Dragon 2 (the working title) will be released in the latter part of 2013. Dean Deblois, co-director of the original film, will this time serve as sole writer and director for the sequel. Original co-director Chris Sanders will be on as an executive producer, along with original producer Bonnie Arnold. Most of the original voice cast will return for the sequel, including Jay Baruchel, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, TJ Miller, and Kristen Wiig. It’s unclear right now if any of them will also be involved in the TV series. Also unclear at this point is what the plot of either the TV series or the sequel film will be like, although Tim Johnson has said that the TV series will likely be a bit more mature, perhaps even darker, than the current Dreamworks TV spin-off series, Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness.

image c. 2011 Dreamworks Animation


Categories: News

Furst World Problem : Grooming

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Nov 2011 - 23:42
Categories: News

PSA: Roleplaying with asterisks on reddit.

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Nov 2011 - 21:32

I frequently see furs here trying to roleplay in italics. This comes across as quite silly, so I thought I'd share a little secret:

To get an asterisk to show up normally, you have to type the escape character, backslash, before it. (This is the one above the enter key, not next to Shift.)

\*Just like this\*

Enjoy! *waves*

submitted by MurryPurryFurry
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Categories: News

Meet Hustler!

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Nov 2011 - 14:46
Categories: News

In terms of stories, how does FurAffinity fare?

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Nov 2011 - 13:42

Im thinking of posting a fantasy story, but i was meaning to ask if there are any other sites which specialize in stories, or is FurAffinity just the better choice? Do stories even get noticed on FA? I can't know since i don't go there so i seek enlightenment :P

submitted by Enleat
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Categories: News

OC : Grumpy catgirl

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Nov 2011 - 07:47
Categories: News

Makyo’s Intro Post: Just Like the Rest

[adjective][species] - Wed 2 Nov 2011 - 16:53

I can almost pinpoint the time I realized that furry was just a slice of humanity as a whole, and not some special fandom elevated above the dregs of the world.  I think it came sometime in around 2007, and it probably happened in a text-only, electronic gay bar on the Internet (and I’m pretty sure it was while pretending to man-sized fox wearing a nice suit on the internet, but that’s a given).

The subject was girls.  In the Purple Nurple (t tpn on FurryMUCK), this comes up occasionally.  Being a gay bar of sorts, the e-bar tends to attract some very gay people.  Which is to say, it attracts everyone, but since it’s a gay bar, most people tend to gay it up pretty hard while there, and so when girls come up, reactions are pretty much as you’d exepct:

  • The nice folk – a few who are probably a Kinsey 6, but most who are somewhere less than that – tend to just ignore the topic.
  • A few who are feeling pretty snarky or eager to fit into the very-gay scene will pull the “ew girls!” card out and wave it around.
  • The token straight guy will start “throwing people out the window”.
  • Any girls present seem to fall into two categories:
    • Those with female players will likely roll their eyes. Whether they act that out on the MUCK or not is up in the air.
    • Those with male players will pout, get defensive, or say nothing, depending on why they’re pretending to be a female animal-person on the internet.

This sort of scenario seems to come up every once in a while in the Nurple, where females are mentioned in a sexual context among a group made up of primarily homosexual males; and that’s not a grammar gaffe: several homosexual males I’ve met online seem to base a large portion of their personality and social interaction on the fact that they’re homosexual.

While I don’t remember for sure, what I think happened is that I was dwelling on this as it was happening some time around early 2007.  It was a pretty introspective time of my life, with bits of college working out very well while others collapsed around me in ruins.  I was spending a lot of time reminiscing about high school and the way I had changed as I grew up.  When I was depressed, it would border on “where did I go wrong?”, and when I wasn’t, it tended towards “how did I get here and how can I get where I want?”. It was the romantic, introspective springtime of youth that all young foxes must go through at some point or another.

During high school, I had been part of a support group of sorts, OASOS: Open and Affirming Sexual Orientation (and gender identity) Support.  It was a group organized by the Boulder County Health Department, and was made up almost entirely of young men and women trying to find the easiest way to fit into their imagined roles of gay and lesbian, or, more accurately, GAY and LESBIAN.  One of the defining moments of my life came from this group when I met a female-to-male transgender guy by the name of Michael.  The reason this was a defining moment in my life (and part of the reason Michael and I started dating) was because it helped me to understand the difference between sex and gender, and more importantly, how that changed my outlook on how these young GAYs and LESBIANs were acting within their stereotyped roles.

Something clicked inside, that day in 2007 as I was sitting in a fake gay bar on the internet populated with fake animal people. Being somewhere less than a Kinsey 6 myself, I was one of the ones who kept quiet, and as I watched, I realized that this was OASOS all over again.  These were almost all GAY young adults saying “ew, girls” while the STRAIGHT young adult e-threw them out the i-windows.  Those in the Nurple who I had perceived as basing a large portion of their personality on the fact that they were homosexual were really no different than those at OASOS struggling to do exactly the same thing (though, being older, those in the Nurple were probably a little less fraught with hormones and acne – but maybe not, who knows).

I feel it’s important that I say that I love all the wonderful people I’ve met online and in the Nurple especially, and I really don’t mean to cast aspersions on those who hold true to the Kinsey 6s and 0s out there.  My point here is that society contains several sets of roles that, in the western world, tend toward heteronormative. My discovery those years ago was that these roles existed through all of western society and permeated even into my messy little fandom – furries really were just a slice of society as a whole, trying to carve themselves a new, more exclusive role.  Perhaps this change in my perception began even sooner, though, and the shift in thought was more the final step after a long build-up.

I had been to a few conventions by this point – I believe AnthroCon ’06 and FurtherConfusion ’07 – as well as a few considerably large parties down in Denver and the normal weekly furmeets.  When I had stopped hanging out with furries solely online and moved my interaction to real life as well, perhaps that’s when my slow realization began.  It was undeniably fun to head out with a group of people who wore tails and ears, who made their stupid noises and were overly affectionate in public (if not to me, than certainly to the non-furs around us).  It felt good to belong to this exclusive group with shared interests and ready conversations.

After I’d suffered my sea change, however, the boundaries between our little (or big) groups and the world around us started to blur, for me.  I saw the same societal currents moving within the fandom that were moving in the world around me, and I began to see furries more as a group of mostly middle class, mostly western, mostly young adults.

The changes in perspective were subtle at first.  ”Perhaps furry is just more welcoming of the misfits and the minorities than other groups,” I thought.  ”Maybe the preponderance of homosexuality within the fandom is due to the more liberal attitudes therein.”  Over time, however, these views have changed, though only slightly.  I feel it would be more accurate in both cases to put the sentiments in the subjunctive mood: “Furry wants to be seen as more welcoming of the misfits and minorities than other groups”; “The preponderance of homosexuality in the fandom is due to the liberal attitudes the fandom wants to be perceived by the outside world.”

This, of course, makes it all seem a little sinister, though it’s nothing of the sort.  This is just the politicking that happens with any subset of humanity in order to increase its chances of survival.  If the western world as a whole is shifting towards more liberal attitudes towards homosexuality and minority groups, then a group can “get ahead” by being perceived as having liberal attitudes those things.  The fandom is really just like the rest.

I see this same thing played out time and again within subsets of the community around different issues.  Recently, our local furs went through something of a upheaval due to the very same gender issue as above.  There have been  issues surrounding the use of one site over another, issues over those who like fursuits and those who don’t, and even within that, issues between those who like fursuits with certain holes and those who don’t.  It’s even been claimed that the fandom is more drama-filled than any other group or the society as a whole; a claim that’s easily debunked by listening to an episode of This American Life (really, just pick any one, it doesn’t matter!) or by watching any news around election season.

Our only real claim to uniqueness is that we do tend to be more interconnected than most other groups of people.  Currently, I would hazard a guess that furry is much more interconnected than most other social groups, thanks to the internet.  However, if you had asked me that five years ago, I would’ve suggested that it be twice as interconnected.  This is an arms race we’re going to lose, and that’s okay.  We really don’t need to be different or better or more distinct than other social groups; we’ve cemented our place in western society already and our little supposed enclave is secure for the foreseeable future.  Just that we’re all just like the rest, is all.

Buying Fur

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Nov 2011 - 10:18

I am building a fursuit and it is time to get some fur. Where are some good places to get quality fur that wont kill my wallet?

submitted by Ragingsquism
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Categories: News

Bigfoot: Private Eye

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 2 Nov 2011 - 01:28

Okay here’s a different take on things: Mr. Foot, aka Bigfoot, is a sasquatch private eye. Having received a letter from his long-lost brother Yeti, Mr. Foot enlists the aid of his friend The Jersey Devil to fly him to the arctic — only to find that Yeti has been beheaded. Now the reluctant Mr. Foot must bring together his old gang of cryptozoological friends — including Nessie and the Megaladon (or giant shark) and others — to find the killer and bring them to justice. It’s all there in Footprints, a new black & white comic book series from 215 Ink. It’s written by Joey Esposito (the comic book editor for IGN Publishing) and illustrated by Jonathan Moore (FUBAR). Alternative Magazine On Line has an extended preview of the comic up on their web site.

image c. 2011 Jonathan Moore

Categories: News

Are there any furry Minecraft servers?

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Nov 2011 - 14:00
Categories: News

Furry Battlefield 3 / PC platoons and servers

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Nov 2011 - 13:47

I play Battlefield 3 on PC. I'm looking for some furry servers to play on and some furry platoons to join.

Anyone other furry redditors playing this game?

submitted by skrowl
[link] [1 comment]
Categories: News