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Where First We Met Lyra

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 4 Oct 2017 - 01:17

On the heels of the news that Philip Pullman’s new Book of Dust novel is finally coming out we have word that Knopf Publishing have collected the recent graphic novel of The Golden Compass into a single large hardcover, The Golden Compass: Complete Edition. Adapted from the original novel by Stephanie Melchio and illustrated by Clement Oubrerie, the Complete Edition is available now. Publisher’s Weekly says, “The story’s signature fantasies—the dæmons, the armored mercenary polar bears, and the alethiometer—are realized with compelling force. [This] retelling will bring Pullman’s work new fans and give previous readers new pleasure.” Look for it at Amazon.

image c. 2017 New Line Cinema

Categories: News

Faithless by Graveyard Greg

Furry Book Review - Tue 3 Oct 2017 - 21:40
Ivan might be a "finder," but now that the Holy Grail is in his paws, a whole cast of supernatural forces are out to find him ... and to wrench the relic from him through any means necessary. The game is afoot, but what's a finder to do when his allies, his enemies, and the fabric of reality cannot be believed?Faithless is a part of a series about Ivan, a "finder" who battles supernatural forces to find, recover, or destroy powerful items. Though part of a series, the book gives enough clues as to Ivan's past for the reader to dive in on his new adventure. Which seems simple. Ivan has the Holy Grail, and the powers that be, ALL the powers that be, want to own it. Very quickly, Ivan becomes the prize in an all out battle between God and the Devil. They can't take it unless he gives it over willingly, but these are the most powerful beings in existence, and they're up to their very best tricks. Ivan learns quickly that nothing is what it seems, no one is telling the truth, and more than just his possession of the Grail is on the line. If Ivan can't figure out who to trust, and what to do with the Grail, he'll lose everything. And the whole world could take a tumble straight for the apocalypse. Ivan's adventure is part Indiana Jones and part Faustian morality tale. It's a fast paced ride with enough twists to keep the reader guessing and enough fun characters to delight and entertain. It does stand alone, but references past events enough that I wanted to go back and read previous volumes right away. While occasionally rough around the edges, Faithless is a good, fun, read full of supernatural conflict. Anyone with an eye for adventure stories will enjoy reading Graveyard Greg's Faithless. The book has enough mythology and action for the Urban Fantasy fan, and anyone interested in biblical legend, demons, angels, artifacts or just plain furry fun.
Categories: News

The Kingdom of the Sun and Moon, by Lowell H. Press – book review by Fred Patten

Dogpatch Press - Tue 3 Oct 2017 - 10:36

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

The kingdom of the Sun and Moon CoverThe Kingdom of the Sun and Moon, by Lowell H. Press. Maps.

Bellevue, WA, Parkers Mill Publishing, September 2014, trade paperback $11.99 ([xv +] 297 [+ 1] pages), Kindle $0.99.

This Young Adult fantasy (winner of a 2015 Benjamin Franklin Award, for Teen Fiction (13-18 Years), of the Independent Book Publishers Association) is set in Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, home of the Habsburg monarchs of Austria, about 1820. In those days almost all royal palaces had large populations of mice (so did the average citizens’ houses), so the 19th century map of the palace and its grounds is accurate as to the location of the fictional mouse Kingdom of the Double-Headed Eagle.

The König is a tyrant.

His subjects are starving.

And all-out war is fast approaching.

Will a pair of young, courageous

Brothers save their kingdom? (blurb)

The König is the monarch of the mouse kingdom within the Schönbrunn Palace and its grounds. Brothers Sommer and Nesbit live in Long Meadow, a mouse colony in the palace gardens that is far away from the König’s court in the palace itself – but not far enough away.

“It was just as Nesbit was about to set off across the grass to warn his father of the potential intruder that an old mouse – the source of the scent – appeared from under the hedgerow. The mouse spotted Lavendel [Nesbit’s father] and hobbled toward him. Nesbit immediately recognized the visitor, and became unnerved. No! Not him!, he thought, sitting back and anxiously rubbing his snout. He began to shake with apprehension. This is bad – very, very bad!

The visitor, Field Marshal Osterglocke, was no ordinary mouse. He was commander of the entire Thistle Guard, the army of mice tasked with keeping order among the dozens of colonies scattered throughout the massive garden.” (pgs. 4-5)

Winter is coming, and the colonies need all the Essen, the food they have foraged during the summer and fall, to survive. They do not want to pay it in taxes to the palace. Worse, it is expected that the forest mice under Emperor Wolfsmilch, with a Forest Army of 100,000 mice, will invade to steal their Essen. The König does not want just a tax; he wants all the Essen removed to the palace “for safekeeping”, and Osterglocke wants Sommer for the Thistle Guard. When Nesbit protests both, Osterglocke exiles him to the Forest of Lost Life, the furthest colony in the palace gardens – a death sentence — but then appears to relent and cancel his order.

“Sommer watched as the three troublemakers scurried away. He then approached his father, who was clearly disheartened.

‘Why did he suddenly change his mind about Nesbit?’ he asked.

Lavendel thought about it as he stared at the spot where Osterglocke had left the meadow.

‘I’m not sure he did,’ he replied.” (pgs. 16-17)

The Kingdom of the Sun and Moon is a fast-moving adventure full of action, palace intrigue, wild predators, the König’s betrayal, hairbreadth escapes, cartloads of cats, revolution, an unexpected friend, and murine religion. Press shows an impressive vocabulary, including simplistic German. When Nesbit appears to control a predator, he becomes known as the Hexenmeister. The actual size and physique of the mice plays a large part.

“Nesbit knew that if he hesitated, he was a dead mouse. He clambered higher along the slippery bark, not looking down until he reached the top of the main trunk, where the tree split into two large boughs. Acker and Zimbel [Osterglocke’s henchmice] would be on him in no time. He gazed up, into the wind-whipped canopy. Branches smacked loudly against one another and dislodged leaves upward into a swirling vortex. Nesbit closed his eyes in an effort to regain his equilibrium and used his whiskers to process the chaos in the air, but nothing helped. He was losing all sense of up and down. He gripped the edges of the bark as firmly as he could with his claws, but still he feared being blown away at any moment.” (p. 25)

The story splits into two parts: Sommer’s adventures (pages 37 to 134) within the palace (he quickly becomes a commander of the Palace Guard), and Nesbit’s adventures (pages 137 to 188) in the garden. It seems that Emperor Wolfsmilch of the forest mice has agreed to call off his invasion if the Sacred Goldessen of the Sun and Moon (the palace’s best food) is delivered to him; so the König assigns endless squads of the Palace Guard on suicide missions to find the Sacred Goldessen (nobody knows what it is; they hope to find it by its “best scent”) in the Royal Kitchen and bring it back, despite the “cartloads of cats” within the kitchen for rodent control.

“Meir thought for a moment before deciding to endorse Edgemoor’s plan. ‘I never imagined I’d hear anyone say that too many cats was an advantage, but your plan seems the best chance we’ve got,’ he conceded. ‘I say we try it. But it’s Sommer’s decision.’

‘Yes, let’s do it,’ said Sommer. ‘Sergeant, you know the ins and outs better than anyone. Can you help us find some other ways into the kitchen?’

‘I’ll do my best, but this is the only way I know for sure,’ Taubnessel said.

‘If we search hard enough, I know we’ll find more,’ Sommer reassured him. Now fully in command, he turned to the others. ‘Once we’re all in and we’ve found our hiding places, we’ll need to move higher, away from the cats. With a good vantage, maybe we’ll be able to spot the Sacred Goldessen, if we haven’t already picked up the scent by then. I don’t know what it actually looks or smells like, but it will be unique.’” (p. 110)

Nesbit’s adventures in the palace gardens are in places named by the mice the Fountain of Certain Death (a fountain with steep slippery sides; any mouse that falls in can’t get out and drowns), the Dying Land (an open area exposed to eagles, hawks, owls, foxes, badgers, weasels, snakes, and other wild predators), the Forest of Lost Life, and so on. Nesbit quickly learns that his escapes have made him the rallying point for every garden mouse who has become opposed to the König’s rule.

“‘We’re ready to follow your every command. And there are hundreds more like us all over the garden who are sick and tired of the König taking all our Essen and letting us starve when the freeze comes. You’ve started the uprising, now tell us what to do.’” (p. 142)

The story returns to the palace on page 191, and Sommer and Nesbit are together for the final hundred pages. The very end of The Kingdom of the Sun and Moon (cover painting of Schönbrunn Palace by Bernardo Bellotto; cover elements manipulated by RD Studio) shows too clearly that Press has read Watership Down, but it is an admirably original story otherwise. “Teen Fiction” in this case means that it is an All Ages book that Furry fans will definitely enjoy.

Fred Patten

Like the article? It takes a lot of effort to share these. Please consider supporting Dogpatch Press on Patreon.  You can access exclusive stuff for just $1, or get Con*Tact Caffeine Soap as a reward.  They’re a popular furry business seen in dealer dens. Be an extra-perky patron – or just order direct from Con*Tact.

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Trailer: Paddington 2

Furry.Today - Tue 3 Oct 2017 - 10:33

This seems a like Wes Anderson lite. In this installment Paddington goes to jail ... let's hope for less earwax jokes.
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Rip-Roaring Resurrection: Griff the Winged Lion

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 3 Oct 2017 - 05:29
 Griff the Winged Lion

Kickstarter is a hit and miss, it’s a mixed bag and it’s responsible for successes such as Rad Rodgers, Shovel Knight, Undertale, and Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (in spite of it’s inferior to its predecessor, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse). There are times when some indie video game developing teams manage to meet the promises which they’ve set out to do in the first place and there are a few disgraceful rotten apples that didn’t bother to deliver the physical or digital backer rewards. I’m looking at all of you, Dante Basco, Jonah Feingold and the movie team behind Bangarang: A Short Film Before Rufio! Aside from Mighty No. 9 and Yooka-Laylee, this monstrosity of a horrendously mediocre film will be forever be named, shamed and frowned upon. If Dante Basco, Jonah Feingold and the film team have the gall to show their dishonourable faces on Kickstarter again in the future, you can bet I won’t be supporting them whatsoever under no circumstances.

As a result, potential and future backers refuse to trust Kickstarter with their hard-earned money. When I take my current frustrating experience as a backer with Bangarang: A Short Film Before Rufio into account, I can’t say I blame them. Therefore, this is why I usually back projects at the last minute, if not never at all and why I’m, admittedly, still sceptical about Griff the Winged Lion due to how slow it’s raking in cash by the dozen at the moment. It depends on what the project is about.

Categories: News

They’re Back to Move It Move It

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 3 Oct 2017 - 01:58

Our zoo friends from New York… er, Africa… er, Monte Carlo… WHATEVER are back in a new full-color comic collection. Madagascar: Escape Plans brings together issues #1 through #4 of the comic book series from Joe Books in one trade paperback. “Join Marty, Alex, Melman and the whole Madagascar crew on hilarious adventures… Featuring a buddy-cop adventure starring Alex and his arch nemesis Nana, a zany escape plan from Madagascar, a struggle between King Julien and the usurper who’s stolen his throne, and more!” Written by Patrick Storck and illustrated by Rik Hoskin, it’s coming on October 10th.

image c. 2017 Joe Books

Categories: News

Chatting Mr.Cat

Furry.Today - Mon 2 Oct 2017 - 17:36

Here is a wonderful music video from Indonesian furry filmmakers Chirros White & Gao Yu. Also they made the stickers in the video are available here: [1] "This film is inspired by some stories from an online relationship in the Furry Community. Today is the day that Mr.Cat and his crush going for a date. But unfortunately they both living far away from each others. So Mr.Cat going to do the date by keeping in touch with Her while he going out and explore around. Film by Chirros White & Gao Yu Featuring Gao Yu as Mr.Cat Shot, Edit, Animate by Chirros White Gao is visiting Indonesia back in August and he want to see Mt.Tangkuban Perahu. so we drove all the way from Jakarta to Lembang and decided to make a little film together!" [1]
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TigerTails Radio Season 10 Episode 44

TigerTails Radio - Mon 2 Oct 2017 - 16:24
Categories: Podcasts

A furry’s brush with fascism – authorities “don’t understand the seriousness of the threat.”

Dogpatch Press - Mon 2 Oct 2017 - 10:00

(Comment from blog linked below.)

Sugar-coating helps fascism worm its way inside a community. Even with cartoon animals when Altfurry brings Trojan-horse hate to furry fandom. See tagged stories here.

A regional furry organizer shared this story.  ID is withheld so their job can be discussed. They’re an airport terminal worker.

“Just encountered something that I never expected to see.

A line of badged, patched, and uniformed fascists just came through my airport. Like any other passenger group, I was assisting them. Noticing their crossed hammer imagery in red and white, I thought… maybe I was mistaken.

I asked them if they were Pink Floyd fans (imagery from The Wall). I got blank stares, followed by laughter.

“No” one of them said, “We’re humanitarians, on our way to go clean up Puerto Rico!”

Laughter from the others.

“We’re plumbers too, and carpenters, gonna rebuild this place!”

More chuckles.

Noticing the very particular tattoos a few of them bore, I knew. Still, I asked. “Oh cool, glad you’re reaching out, what organization are you with?”

One of them winked at me. Pointed at his patch. “How about you look this up. We’re doing great work”.

Fair enough. Finished helping him and the five others. And then researched the image they bore.

Hammerskins. A white supremacist group that’s been planning a rally in the area.

I just came face to face with hate. And. I still feel uneasy inside. Especially as they found it amusing that I politely pretended not to recognize what they represented.

But professional is all I can be in such scenarios . But inside. I need a shower.

And give Pink Floyd their hammers back. You missed the message.”

What did their symbols look like?

“They had pins and patches of this logo and symbol.”

Hammerskins are the most violent Skinhead Neo-Nazis in the US. What brought them to the location?

“There was a fascist/nationalist/white supremacist rally in the area, hosted by this group.  It was outside of town. I was safe. But seeing actual members coming through caught me off guard.”

Were they actually going to Puerto Rico at all? It’s a classic two-faced tactic to do nice things for people down on their luck, to sugar-coat and manipulate.

“They were flying out. I didn’t see their boarding passes to confirm. Last I heard Puerto Rico was still shut, so I think they were being sarcastic.”

“Stronger community”?

Was there followup?

“I reported this to my boss. I was laughed at. “Do you need us to send you home or something?”

One of the reasons that society isn’t improving is that a lot of people in positions of authority either don’t understand the seriousness of the threat OR are afraid to act on it because they don’t want to get involved.

I did do further followup, and could not confirm their destination but did what I could to have the situation monitored. I learned that every one of them went through additional screening and search at the airport. They had no contraband. Only hate imagery and dress. They’re being monitored.

More info

A music blog reported about their festival: “the roster also includes Definite Hate, a North Carolina RAC (rock against communism) band that was once the subject of a GQ article. Their lineup once included Wade Michael Page, the suspect in the 2012 Sihk Temple shooting in Wisconsin that killed six people.”

Final words from the furry source:

“Coming face to face with a hate group was a very unpleasant experience, that left me feeling rather ill for hours afterward. But at the same time, it gives me perspective on just how far things can go when people forget how to relate to each other.

In our fandom, we pride ourselves on how inclusive we are. We have people of all walks of life, and we love coming together to party, socialize, and express our anthropomorphic selves. That freedom and fun leaves us wanting more, and missing those experiences when they end.

Online though, large issues sometimes come up, and often, people find themselves on opposing sides. Online, it’s easy to filter out opposing views, block, unfollow, unfriend, and isolate themselves from that which challenges their point of view, and sometimes burn the bridges of understanding.

At the heart of all anger is a sense of having been disrespected. Whether its by the establishment, by each other, by how we feel at our job or in our craft. All of us are more agreeable to each other when we feel respected.

Perhaps every hate group can remind us of what we should not be. How we should strive every day to make sure that we understand that we’re all people, all fallible, but also capable of understanding if given the chance.

Building relationships and trust takes effort and time. Even if it’s hard, sometimes mutual respect alone is enough to get two people to agree to disagree. After all, you don’t always have to win the argument. If you remain friends at the end you’ve both won.

Let’s never see that kind of hate creep its way into the fandom. This is a remarkable place with so much capacity to lift each other up and make us better versions of ourselves. I suppose that’s how I feel about the world as a whole. If we foster mutual respect and communication from the start, extremists might never develop.

I spend time online trying to calm debates, encourage logic and try to reduce the anger people feel by being someone that will listen. If we all tried to do something, we could make a world of difference.  This doesn’t mean acceptance of extremism or illegal or abusive things. Just general differences. If we’re good to each other, that’s good for all of us.”

Like the article? It takes a lot of effort to share these. Please consider supporting Dogpatch Press on Patreon.  You can access exclusive stuff for just $1. Or get Con*Tact Caffeine Soap as a patron reward.  

Con*Tact Caffeine Soap is a popular furry business seen in dealer dens. (We wouldn’t mix any other kind with furry news.) For musky huskies or stinky skunks, you can be extra-perky and support furry writing too.  Patrons get a surprise soap in the mail every other month – or just order direct from Con*Tact.

Categories: News

Meet The Dinosaur Next Door

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 2 Oct 2017 - 01:55

Bolivar is a new hardcover graphic novel written and illustrated by Sean Rubin and published by Archaia. Here’s what Sean says on his blog: “When a young girl named Sybil moves to New York, she discovers that her next-door neighbor is a little unusual, even by local standards. Bolivar is the world’s last living dinosaur, but everyone in the city is too busy to notice him.When Sybil and Bolivar are pulled into an adventure that spans from City Hall to New York’s Natural History Museum, Bolivar must make a choice: He can continue to live unnoticed, or he can let the city see who he really is.” Turns out that Bolivar is already under development at Warner Brothers as a feature film, possibly to be directed by Kealan O’Rourke. Stay tuned for more about that.

image c. 2017 Archaia


Categories: News

Unfortunately, They Come in Twos…

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 1 Oct 2017 - 01:56

And speaking of Aftershock, they also have a completely different sort of scary story: A new comic series called Dark Ark. “The wickedness of mankind has moved the Creator to destroy the world by way of the flood. Noah has been tasked with building an ark to save his family and the animals of the world. But this is not Noah’s story. For darker powers have commanded the sorcerer Shrae to build his own ark and save the unnatural creatures of the world — such as the vampires, the dragons, the naga, and the manticore. But what will happen on a vessel crawling with monsters, where insidious intrigue and horrific violence are the rule of law? From writer Cullen Bunn (X-Men Blue, Deadpool, Venom) and artist Juan Doe (American Monster, World Reader) comes a sinister tale of biblical proportions.” Issue #1 is out now, and there’s a review at Bleeding Cool.

image c. 2017 Aftershock

Categories: News

What Should You Do When You Observe Bad Behavior at a Furcon?

Ask Papabear - Sat 30 Sep 2017 - 14:29
Dear Papabear, 

Firstly, I'd like to say thank you for taking the time to respond to my letter. It is fantastic to have some where to go to ask questions or even just talk about things related to the fandom.
Secondly, I've had some thoughts on my mind related to the type of image our fandom presents to the public. I would like to know if you might be able to provide some words of wisdom for myself and others to avoid potentially damaging publicity while in the presence of those who aren't associated with the fandom.

Specifically, I've noticed that often times we can be our own worst enemy and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of policing each other when some of our (usually well meaning) folks decide to be lewd or inappropriate. This usually tends to be at conventions where the hotel is being shared with people who have no idea what a furry even is. It can be as simple as a poorly timed 
naughty joke (pun not intended) or sometimes as serious as inappropriate PDA.

Now with that in mind, I love that we have come as far as we have with replacing negative stereotypes through acts of kindness and good folks but I fear the damage that can be done by being complacent around this behavior could undo all of that. Ultimately, we are all ambassadors for this fandom and people are watching to see what we're about.

It really worries me how quickly someone’s curiosity can go to disgust just because of a joke. We are certainly familiar with our own brand of comedy among other things but to someone experiencing it for the first time it may be disturbing.

On a couple of occasions I've tried to politely address the issue with some furs but, unfortunately, they didn't seem to be worried about it.

I've thought about going to the convention staff but there is not really anything they can do about it unless they catch someone in the act. Most of the time it’s just a few people out of the hundreds or thousands that are attending.

So, Papa Bear, do you have any advice for handling these situations? In addition to that would it be best for me to just let it go? 


* * *
Dear 0w0:

When it comes to conventions, each organization that runs a furcon has security people staffing the place. They also have codes of behavior, such as are listed on this page on the Anthrocon website. Con attendees are expected to adhere to these guidelines, and, if they cause considerable trouble, they will be evicted from the event. Usually, such great lengths are reserved for heinous behaviors, such as hard drug use, damaging hotel property, assault and battery, etc. etc.
Minor things such as displays of public affection (PDAs) or an off-color joke are not serious enough for such action (unless the PDA involves nudity or something like dry-humping someone, I would assume). Conventions can be problematic because you can get attendees who are young, undisciplined, and, when away from parental supervision, act like felines high on catnip. Naturally, if they are acting like derps and someone who has no authority (such as you) tells them to knock it off, they are going to cop an attitude about it and either ignore you or tell you to take a hike (probably using more colorful words than that).
Usually, minor, slightly offensive behavior is not a problem because you are surrounded by other furries, but yes, many times there can be other guests at a hotel that is hosting a furcon. In my experience, such guests usually look at you with a befuddled stare and think you're nuts, while others smile and think it is amusing, no harm done. As long as you are leaving the other guests alone, it should not be a problem.
So, I'm guessing what you might be talking about is some naughty verbal interactions between furries that are observed by mundane guests and how this might make all furries look bad. But if you see such behavior and admonish the culprits, by then it is too late; the mundane guests have viewed or heard the bad behavior and their impressions have been influenced accordingly.
Papabear's view is this: if you see a violation of furcon policy you should report it to security or to the people staffing Operations. Anything else, don't worry about it. You cannot control the behavior of all the immature derps out there; just not gonna work out and is more likely to give you acid indigestion than actually improve the situation. Let it be and focus on having a good time and behaving like a good furry. Give the mundane guests an example of what it is to be a good furry.

We individual furries are not in charge of the reputation of the furry fandom, just our own behavior within it. Control what you can control and let the rest go. Yes, we are all "ambassadors" of the fandom, but that just goes as far as your own behavior. Trying to control everyone else's will just drive you crazy.
Bear Hugs,


Behind the World Where Animals Rule

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 30 Sep 2017 - 01:55

Of course we’ve already talked about Animosity, the dystopia/black comedy comic book series from writer Marguerite Bennett. Well now Aftershock Comics are back with another one-shot tie-in called World of Animosity. “A journey through an apocalypse like none ever imagined—this singular one-shot brings readers and fans alike an exclusive look at the characters, creatures, maps, mysteries, enemies, histories, and the road-so-far in a world where the Animals have risen up to take revenge. This standalone collection includes a variant cover gallery, character designs, never-before-seen artwork, and summaries that will not only bring new readers up to speed, but allow existing readers to dive deep with new information into stories they already love!” It’s on the shelves now, and the Hollywood Reporter has a interview with Ms. Bennett.  Hmmm, could that mean a movie adaptation is in the works…?

image c. 2017 Aftershock

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LondonFurs Music Video

Furry.Today - Fri 29 Sep 2017 - 17:42

It's fursuit friday and here is a nice music video from LondonFurs fur meet. So many furmeets these days!
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The Animal Guild Series – Book Reviews by Fred Patten

Dogpatch Press - Fri 29 Sep 2017 - 10:00

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

The Animal Guild Series

The Animal Guild, by Jennifer Sowle. 2nd Edition.
Seattle, WA, CreateSpace, May 2015, trade paperback, $11.97 ([5 +] 307 pages), Kindle $0.99.

Monsters in the Territory, by Jennifer Sowle. 2nd Edition.
Seattle, WA, CreateSpace, February 2015, trade paperback, $12.99 ([5 +] 340 pages), Kindle $3.99.

The Marrhob War, by Jennifer Sowle. 2nd Edition.
Seattle, WA, CreateSpace, February 2015, trade paperback, $12.47 ([5 +] 320 pages), Kindle $3.99.

The Nhorn, by Jennifer Sowle. 2nd Edition.
Seattle, WA, CreateSpace, March 2015, trade paperback, $11.97 ([5 +] 278 pages), Kindle $3.99.

Sowle’s Amazon “About the Author” says that she has been writing this Young Adult series since the age of 13. (Wikipedia says she was born in 1977.) Book 1 was published by CreateSpace on August 22, 2012, with this Second Edition on May 13, 2015. Book 2 was published on August 15, 2013 with this Second Edition on February 8, 2015. Book 3, March 6, 2014 and February 26, 2015. Book 4, June 8, 2014 and March 10, 2015. Book 5, January 26, 2015 and April 13, 2015. Further books are first editions.

What is the Animal Guild, and who is in it? The story is deliberately murky at the beginning:

“Corto dove between the mesquites and just missed the spiny cholla they cosseted under their branches. It was exactly how he’d cut his forepaw an hour ago and started the blood trail. Drok take every piece of cactus in this desert and chuck it over the white gates of Hell.

He didn’t continue the puerile curse because coyote scent wafted toward him again, stronger and closer. He hadn’t shaken his pursuers, attracted by the blood, and until he could hole up and stop the bleeding, he wouldn’t. The cairn terrier ran past the offensive cholla, which had been lurking in wait behind the mesquite, and wished again that he was a bit taller. […]” (The Animal Guild, p. 1)

In the opening pages the reader learns that Corto is a cairn terrier fleeing from coyotes through a desert. He is on a lone-dog mission, but he is resigned to being eaten by the pursuing coyotes, until he is unexpectedly saved by a fox. But wildies don’t associate with guilders like Corto, do they?

In the first chapter the reader is introduced to Corto and Reynard the fox. Conversation establishes that the animals are divided into wildies and dommies (domesticates), and that some of the dommies are guilders. Can a wildie be a guilder? Corto doesn’t think so, but read on. Corto swears by Drok Wardog and Reynard by Fenig First Fox, the gods of the dogs and foxes respectively; the two also refer to Kithis Singer, the coyote god.

Subsequent chapters are similarly mysterious. Reynard saves Corto’s life a second time, in circumstances so dramatic that Corto interrupts his mission to demand that Reynard tell him what the Hell is gong on.

“‘Speak for yourself [Reynard says]. Can you see a hog anywhere out there?’

‘Eh?’ Corto’s worries were confirmed; the head wound had addled Renard’s mind. ‘Why would a hog be out here?’

He heard something between a grunt and a snort. ‘A hawk.”

Corto blinked. ‘Same question. Why would a –’

Wind and sand swooshed over him. He looked up and saw yellow talons and dark feathers, then scrambled into a defensive crouch while a hawk landed in the creosote several feet away. He registered its slate-blue wings and white-speckled breast while it flapped debris in all directions. He swallowed his instinctive fear when its beady red eyes flicked to him, but he wouldn’t run; he wouldn’t leave –’

A dry nose poked him from behind. He nearly lost his balance and would have tumbled straight at the hawk if his nails hadn’t been gripping the earth so tightly. ‘She’s with me,’ Renard puffed, head and one foreleg sticking out of the hole. ‘She won’t attack unless you do.’

Corto had to sit down in numbed shock. With him? Birds and animals didn’t mix, and certainly not raptors who hunted animals. A low rumble vibrated beneath his pads. He stared at the hawk, his memory tweaked by something he’d heard during his months as a guilder, something about a bird who traveled with animals, but he couldn’t quite remember.

‘Corto.’ Renard said while the rumbling vibration increased. ‘I could really use some help here.’” (p. 14)

And this is only up to page 14 of Book 1. Sowle keeps up the action and tension, but only gradually expands on what’s going on. Of course, the reader can always skip to the back of the book where there is a five-page “Glossary of Concepts, Characters and Gods”. “Guild. An animal community that provides fellowship, camaraderie and safety among the dangers of the wild. Vegetarian by necessity [they eat insects, too], guilds are scattered throughout the West, but less common in the East. Usually hidden from humans in large caves or burrows, […]” (pgs. 287-288)

Corto, who has only recently joined the 235th guild, has been sent out alone to practice Training as an Officer Training School applicant:

“He needed to know what to expect even though he was technically cheating – scoping out the area before the exercise began. General Hannon hadn’t told him not to travel through the town, but it took him fifteen miles west of his destination, and trainees weren’t supposed to have foreknowledge of the physical layout of exercises. It didn’t matter; Corto had been born a domesticate, despite what he’d told the peculiar wildie Renard a month ago. He already knew cities, so it was hardly cheating to –” (p. 25)

It breaks off there for another action sequence. Who is General Hannon? Why did Corto leave his dommie home for the wild? Renard is revealed as the leader of The Fearless Four; the others are Valon, a goshawk, … never mind; you’ll meet them all eventually.

Since Sowle is so deliberately mysterious, almost any plot description is frustratingly a spoiler. Here is another early dramatic quote to whet your appetite:

“Both sloshed warily out of the current without shaking off, then stopped a few feet from Munk. The rottie’s glossy brown and black coat was marred by small scars on neck and sides, ample warning of her lifestyle if her eyes, confident and hostile, hadn’t already revealed her attitude. Her gaze moved casually from Renard to Munk, but the fox could tell this was her first wolverine. The tom’s eyes traveled down Munk’s solid body and fixed, wide and dilating, on his formidable claws.

‘Nice day,’ Renard said. He flexed his own pads, hidden in the sedge, because he knew how this meeting would end.

‘Is it?’ the rottie countered. Her rough voice oozed sarcasm.

‘Kind of far from the guild, aren’t you?’

‘Not too far.’ Renard smiled, aware that Munk was tensing, ‘I’m Renard and this is Munk. Are you from town?’

The rottie smiled back – most unpleasantly – while the tom snorted. ‘You’re in Nikki’s territory,’ he said. ‘Nobody gets through here without her permission. Even the 91st patrols stay to the south. I’m Rinker.’

‘Why do they stay south?’

‘Because they’re scared of me,’ Nikki said. Her gaze held Renard’s, challenging him. ‘If you’re headed for the 91st, you’re going the wrong way. Shall I show you what I do to people who get lost in my territory?’” (p. 43)

The Animal Guild (cover by B. Sowle & K. Womack) ends more-or-less satisfactorily, but it is followed by the first 13-page chapter of the first sequel, Monsters in the Territory. In fact, Monsters in the Territory is the first book of a trilogy within the series. It’s not much of a spoiler to quote Monsters in the Territory’s back-cover blurb:

“Two years after the adventures of The Animal Guild, Corto and Renard serve as the senior command of a new guild. [They transfer from the 235th to the 233rd guild.] But things are going wrong in the territory that Granite Council has assigned them; the guild that had lived there has mysteriously vanished, monstrous creatures abound, and most importantly, something has happened to derail the friendship between the dog and fox. Can they end their bitter feud before the monsters in the territory end it — along with them and everyone they love? Monsters in the Territory is the first of a trilogy of books within The Animal Guild Series, followed by The Marrhob War and The Nhorn (so be warned: cliff-hanger ending alerts!). By the end of the trilogy, the world of animal guilds will be changed forever.”

This trilogy can largely be described as the adventures of the 233rd guild, or that part of it that investigates what has happened to the 178th guild. To give away some spoilers in this trilogy, the monsters are the Marrhob, who consider any animals to be food. Another major danger are the Shagus, part plant and part spider (featured on the cover of Monsters in the Territory). Important characters besides Corto and Renard are guilders Morgen the vixen, Fist the kitten, Hercules the cocker spaniel puppy, and the wildie bear Rethus. Here is a quote from The Marrhob War:

“He [Renard] was well aware that he should return to his duties. The guild had to prepare for the skunk threat, while the next step in the 178th search – the exploration of Shagus lairs – had to be organized. He knew Corto depended on his help, whether or not the terrier would admit it, but Renard couldn’t focus on anyone but Hercules. So be it. He dismissed the guild and curled up against the cocker, mindful of Folroe’s [a wildie raccoon healer] instructions to keep Hercules warm. He draped his heavy brush over the dog, waiting until Hercules’ body warmed from his own. When he felt fatigue finally catch up with him, he let go and drifted into uneasy sleep. (The Marrhob War, p. 4)

Humans are introduced in the later books. The covers for Books 2 and 4 are by Shilo Quetchenbach, and for Book 3 by Quetchenbach & Jennifer Sowle. There are eight books published so far, with Book 9, Sev’s Vision – Sev the ferret is introduced in Book 1 — in progress. More are planned. They are The Animal Guild, August 2, 2012; Monsters in the Territory, August 14, 2013; The Marrhob War, March 6, 2014; The Nhorn, June 8, 2014; Outcasts, January 26, 2015; The Hikum, July 24, 2015; Seven Secrets in the Upper Attic, May 27, 2016; and The Rogan Treasures, May 9, 2017. The first five are in second revised editions (Sowle revised them all during 2015); the others are still in their first printings.

Action, action, action!, with non-stop drama and suspense. Plus a cast of anthro animals who aren’t just funny animals. And an admirably rich vocabulary. Sowle’s Animal Guild series will keep you reading for months.

Fred Patten

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Beware of the Crow King

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 29 Sep 2017 - 01:48

Well, somehow this passed under our noses… fortunately, they brought it back! We’ve talked before about the comic Hero Cats of Stellar City. Turns out that issues #16 to #18 took things in a whole new direction. Now Action Labs Entertainment have collected those issues together in a single trade paperback, Hero Cats of Skyworld. Bandit (a Hero Cat from Earth) and his robot friend (of course) are transported to Skyworld, a magical realm ruled with a scaly fist by Corvus the Crow King. There, Bandit meets a whole new group of Hero Cats and enlists their aid in his quest. Written by Kyle Puttkammer and illustrated by Omaka Schultz, this new graphic novel is available now. There’s an extensive review over at Comicosity, including several preview pages.

image c. 2017 Action Lab

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Trailer: The Jungle Bunch

Furry.Today - Thu 28 Sep 2017 - 14:36

Just your typical french Kung Fu pro Penguin raised by a tiger jungle avengers-esque superhero-ish film? Did somebody take furry TV Tropes then stick it in a blender and hit puree? Also, TIL: I can't get youtube to force translated subtitles to turn on by default ... not that the translations helped much. "Maurice looks like a penguin, but inside, he's all tiger! Raised by a tigress, this penguin is far from awkward and has become a kung fu pro. With his friends, the Jungle Bunch, Maurice, following in his mother's footsteps, intends to ensure that order and justice will reign from now on in the jungle. But Igor, an evil koala, surrounded by his gang of not very smart baboon mercenaries, plans to destroy the jungle... The Jungle Bunch to the rescue!"
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