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"A Sly Raccoon" (webcomic)

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Dec 2011 - 21:08
Categories: News

Art: Overheard – ChrisGoodwin@FA

[adjective][species] - Wed 21 Dec 2011 - 19:00

It was suggested by a few folks that it would be good to do a semi-regular feature on some of the wonderful art that gets lost in the torrent of furry porn (which certainly has its place in our fandom).  For this post, we’ll be taking a look at Chris Goodwin on FA, who has been posting small drawings and paintings to his “Overheard” series for a while now.

Overheard - No, it's fine...

Overheard - No, it's fine...

Taking overheard snippets of conversations and turning them into short two- or three-panel cartoons, Goodwin has created several small slice-of-life images, humorous and touching both.  While they contain anthropomorphic animals, these images aren’t strictly Just Furry, but represent conversations anyone could imagine themselves having or hearing out in the world at large.

Overheard - I just don't think it's that cold

I’m really no art writer, but one of the most striking and beautiful things about these images is the way each of the panels are tied together, both stylistically with their thin, sketchy lines, and through the use of a dominant color scheme.

Overheard - I will speak with you when you are not

Each of these comics can be read on its own, there is no arc, of course, but taking them all in one right after another gives the impression of travelling through Boston on a cold-ish day, stopping by a coffee shop on the way to the station.

Overheard - Well, maybe it's just a phase

The composition and art is beautiful, the colors captivating, and the subject matter often touching or heart-breaking.  Please, check out this awesome set on FA.

If you have or have found some interesting, out-of-the-ordinary art and would like to have it featured here, please let us know, and we’ll see about creating a small write-up here.  The only guidelines are that it should be unique in some way, different from the flood of porn that seems to take up most of the art sites out there; and that it should be either a set of images or a larger work, such as a graphic novel or comic.

Bo drzemie w nich futrzasta dusza!

Furries In The Media - Wed 21 Dec 2011 - 17:01

picture urls:,single,photos,article,33041,p,5,single,photos,article,33041,p,4


Google Translated:

White wolf, husky and sympathetic snow leopard prowled Square yesterday after walking costumes Piast intrigues, behavior and mainly positive "animal" energy.

Hotel owner Robert Futerhendler Caspar was very surprised when it turned out that score so unconventional lovers of "furry", ie those referring to disguise and animal behavior.

The term "furry" is derived from English and means the furry and "futrzasto??". Specifies the person or community that is interested in and it takes creativity associated with the so-called. the art of "furry" as well as their behavior is trying to make the way of being an animal. Sometimes it also refers to the form of combining human and animal features, occurring in several forms. Persons belonging to the furry fandom are called the "furry" or called "furry".

Futrzasto?? as a lifestyle can be defined by a create equitable in character, behavior or appearance of the so-called. fursony, or animal form. A person who is "furry" may take different personality traits considered characteristic of the species of the animal, which has as its object to follow.

Some first discovered in the animal realm, others first learned about associations furry. In Poland, about 50 people involved in this peculiar hobby, but only eight have full dress your pet. At gatherings of world meet at about a thousand fans, of which 300 is sometimes dressed up. The cost of professional costumes ranging from a thousand dollars or more. Furry lovers dress up as cats, lions, horses, bears, birds and even ... snakes, even though neither the birds nor snakes have fur.

- Some people regard this as a hobby others as a lifestyle. Present yourself as an anthropomorphic animal in the flesh. We feel the characteristics of specific animals and for them to we change. I dressed as a snow leopard, because I like to move, I like to swim. It is a quiet animal, seems almost sounds merely growls, it flies very well and jumps on top of the mountain, is very agile and quick. I started my first fascination with the wolf, and a half years ago I went to the snow leopard, because I thought that the more I reflect - Kamil confessed Stachyra from Slupsk.

This fascination is not only the dressing in the form of animal, but also with the deepening of knowledge about them and collect a variety of gadgets such as figures, pictures or mascots. To Jelenia Gora arrived as tourists, together with two colleagues. One comes from Katowice, the other from Switzerland. We went to the streets in disguise and had fun together. Passers-by were delighted and made us a picture - he added.

"Fursona" is a furry character that can play different roles: the story of an ordinary hero or model, to the inner, more animal alter-ego or the object to follow for a person belonging to the furry community. Often, furry feel a very deep bond with his character. Sometimes even to the extent that they consider it as their own source of spiritual inspiration. Some even believe that in the human body is a real animal trapped soul.
"Felines" have promised that this year will return to Jelenia Gora.
Categories: News

Odd couples/Normal Couples

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Dec 2011 - 15:03

For some reason I find it extra cute when couples don't quite "match-up." Example, I'm a Raccoon and my partner is a Goat. Are you oddly coupled? Tell me! I'd love links to art to see your happiness. Also, are you "perfectly matched" like a horse and a horse? I'd love to see that too! I'd love to hear if you switched animals for a mate, got lucky, or were only interested in your own breed.

(Please take the title lightly.)

Edit five hours after posting: Thanks so much for the responses! I've read everything so far and I'm really happy to hear so much feedback and see so many cute pictures. I hope I see more soon. :3 <3

submitted by NeonOnion
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Categories: News

Convention Mystique

[adjective][species] - Wed 21 Dec 2011 - 14:00

I was too excited to sleep, the night before Anthrocon 2005.  It was the first convention I would be going to, I’d be meeting some truly awesome people for the first time basically the minute I stepped into the hotel, and sleep just wasn’t going to happen.  In order to make sure that I could make it down to the airport without crashing or anything, I planned on subsisting almost completely on black tea through the night, then stopping on Starbucks twice on the way down from Fort Collins to Denver.  Unfortunately, both my roommates were asleep, so I was listening to music on my headphones.  I had forgotten that I had put the kettle on for tea, so I was interrupted from my jittery reverie by my roommate knocking on my door to inform me that the kettle had been whistling for five minutes or so by that point.  I was lucky I hadn’t boiled it dry.

With the lack of sleep and my excitement, I was basically useless for the first day of the convention.  I got into Philadelphia at around 2:30 or so in the afternoon and to the hotel by 3PM.  I stumbled into the lobby and met, for the first time, my friends, some of whom I had known for five years, by that point.

Due to my age and some lingering doubts about meeting furries, I had never really planned on going to a convention, at least not until the beginning of 2005.  I had met furries in person before, of course; my partner and I had visited each other on several occasions for the years previous, and I had a small group of furry friends around me throughout high school and moving into college.  It wasn’t really until March or April of 2005 that I started really meeting more and more members of the fandom, and then only when I was dragged to a local furmeet by a friend of mine, where I had plenty of fun.

The problem with conventions for me until that point was two-fold: first of all, there was this negative stereotype floating around about who furries were and how they interacted with each other – the most succinct comment to this was the oft-quoted “by and large, furries are bi and large” – which I found vaguely disturbing; and secondly, I was so used to interacting with my friends online that I wasn’t quite sure how well interacting in person with them was going to work out.  I knew, for instance, that my friend was a five and a half foot tall red fox on the Internet, but I had been assured that he was a good bit taller and most likely not actually a fox in person.  How would I interact with him?  I knew for sure that I wasn’t also a fox, so there were probably certain things that we were used to doing that wouldn’t likely happen in person: no swishing, for instance, and there would probably a dearth of nuzzling, murring, and all the rest.

Having started to interact more with furs offline, however, much of my fears were allayed, and I warmed quickly to the concept of heading out to a convention.  The people I had been meeting were normal people, and we had a ready-made topic of conversation.  I figured things would be fine with a few more of them around.  I pulled my money together and flew out to the final Anthrocon in Philly.  Rather than finding a bunch of normal people milling around with a ready-made topic of conversation, though, I found that conventions were a little more complicated than just that.

For me, the first con was all about validation.  It wasn’t so much that I was around a bunch of people who could talk about the latest fursuit they’d seen or bit of gossip they heard.  It was more than just a group of people, period.  Furry wasn’t something we did, it was something we were.  I hadn’t understood the concept of a furry lifestyle until then, but that certainly cemented home the fact that we weren’t just partaking in a hobby, but interacting with others who also had this integral part of their lives, and expressing that with them.  I don’t really mean to wax rhapsodic about my first con, it wasn’t all sunshine and scritches, just that it was certainly more than I had hoped for: my friends and I got along just as wonderfully in person as we did online.

It also helped drive home the idea that conventions are more than just a bunch of people interacting in person rather than online.  I talked to several of my friends that I had met at the local furmeet online and interacting in either location was just a matter of either typing or talking, it didn’t matter which.  A convention, however, is more a unique medium.  It’s not just a big furmeet, and it’s not just furries interacting offline instead of on; everything works slightly differently in a con setting.  It’s as if, after a certain number of attendees (lets say twenty five), or in a certain location (almost always a hotel), we cease being interested parties and become a little society of our own, with our own mores and modes of interaction.

Since I was pretty effectively hooked after that first convention, I did my best to head to several more after that, making several more Anthrocons and man Further Confusions, as well.  While I enjoyed my first few conventions in a near ecstatic state, I settled down soon after to relax and enjoy my time in these new surroundings and  in this new society.  Conventions have a rhythm to them, a tempo, or a curve.  There’s the building excitement leading up to the trip, the hassle of packing and flying, and the first exciting few hours catching up with your friends and having a few drinks, then the sustained joy over the next few days until things start to wind down, with more people leaving the area, having to go to bed early to make their early flights, crying in the hallways, lobby, and airport.  It’s something you settle into like a comfortable sort of routine.  Every convention’s different, of course, but I think the general experience follows that same ramp up, sustained level, then tapering off, even if, in the case of Camp Feral, there’s that last trip back out of the woods tossed in.

There are a few other seeming universals tossed in along with the convention.  It does seem possible to break the attendees down into several fairly constant categories:

  • The New Attendee - Bright eyed, in the throes of ecstasy, the new attendee is easy to pick out from all other groups (excepting perhaps The Nut) as the one who is mostly gung-ho about everything.  They want to go to all the events, the want to ogle all the suits, they want to hug all their friends.  These folks are really relatively harmless, and they help keep the conventions exciting for those who frequent them.
  • The Nut - Similar to The New Attendee, this person is totally gung-ho about everything, except that it’s almost certainly not their first con.  They have the relentless, determined enthusiasm that drives many groups to go to events or check out new restaurants in the area, or, on the flipside, drives many people nuts.  While it’s nice to keep some of that joy from the first visit to a furry con, and it certainly is good to keep experiencing them, sometimes it’s best to just calm down, breathe…
  •  The Lobby Lounger - Sitting in the lobby and ordering a ceaseless round of drinks (even if they’re just waters), drawing and kibitzing, texting all their friends to tell them to “just meet me in the lobby”, this attendee is a near permanent fixture in the lobby of the main hotel, preferring to soak the con up rather than necessarily go out and experience it in panels and the like.
  • The Wanderer - Wandering from lobby to Dealer’s Den to Artist’s Alley to the panels to their room to restaurants to the lobby ad nauseum, this person is easy to find, but not so easy to pin down for plans – why stop? They might miss something!  Of course, having spent the whole convention wandering around, there’s a chance they actually saw less than the might have otherwise.  An important sub-category of this is The Fursuiter, who wanders around with good reason – it’s hard to do anything in one place for long without overheating or, heaven forbid, not get quite enough attention.
  • The Worker - There’s always money to be made at conventions, or if not money, a little bit of power, however benign.  The Worker is the artist who will work their way through the con to hopefully come out of the affair net positive, or the volunteer who will check badges at the door to do their part for the convention.  Even if it might be difficult to to see them for more than a few minutes at a time, they’re still an integral part of the con atmosphere.

There’s another universal almost too obvious to mention: convention badges.  Most any convention has their own, obviously, but within our fandom, it’s customary to not only wear the membership badge, but also art badges created specifically for the wearer.  These small, commissioned bits of wearable art represent the owner’s character, another unique artifact of the difference between our selves and our characters.  So unique, in fact, that, concurrent with the upcoming Further Confusion, there will be a portion of a gallery exhibition in San Jose dedicated strictly to the art of the con badge.  They act as a way to help carry our characters into our real-life interactions and blur the line between the two somewhat.  We may not all be dressed up like our creations, nor can we all swish and bark and so on, but at least we have a sign of just who we are visible to those around us.

Of course, anyone who has been to a furry convention knows the basic duck-and-weave of the con greeting.  With the near-absolute saturation of con badges, it’s be come standard practice to approach someone looking at their chest, sleeves, or belt, wherever they’ve hung their badges.  Depending on how friendly you are and whether or not you know the other person, you might jump straight into a hug after that, or start chattering right away.  If you don’t know them, of course, you still know more about them after that brief glance than you might if you had just met on the street, and that’s something we’ve written about before.  It gives a whole new meaning to “my face is up here” (and, of course, if you put a QR code on your badge, now they’re pointing a camera at their chest…).

The mystique surrounding the convention and the medium of interaction that it represents is an integral part of the fandom.  For many, our conventions are the high point of the year, a time to both see friends we rarely get the chance to see and blur the line between our selves and our characters.  It’s the time when we get to let down our guard somewhat and show some of our back-stage selves, show some emotion with how we feel about our little subculture, and maybe even act a fool in a giant animal costume.  They’re the time for us to live out our culture in person.  It’s interesting that, with a group based so strongly on interaction on the Internet, some of our highest points are the times when we get off the ‘net and hang out in person – whether it be to relax, to have fun, or to make money.

I’ll see you guys at Further Confusion 2012!

Being A Secret Santa For A Furry Should Be Considered Lucky!

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Dec 2011 - 09:30

Honestly, a furry is the easiest person to shop for when you think about it. Plus a small statue/plush/picture of a person's favorite animal is usually rather inexpensive as well!

submitted by Eclipser
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Categories: News

"Blaze" cover by SilentRavyn

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Dec 2011 - 22:36
Categories: News

Vidya Furries!

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Dec 2011 - 22:18

Looking to find more furbros to play vidyas with? Post your Steam/PSN/XBL names here!

I only play on the PC master race, click me!

submitted by chasezas
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Categories: News

Furoticon (Adult furry trading card game) is giving out some free cards! Go claim yours!

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Dec 2011 - 19:28

Over at they are giving away some free cards! You can get a pack easily by signing up and claiming your 100 Furos. Just tell them that I (captainbozo) sent you~

submitted by captainbozo
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Categories: News

Ear porn

DailyFurBlog - Tue 20 Dec 2011 - 19:12


Yeh the title did get ya! So Eternal Frost is here by Foxamoore , nimrais , ant & the pome by : sendokidu . It’s one the best ones yet I think … like porn to my ears …. music of course . Take a listen and check Foxamorre site for details!

Categories: News

Geico Commercial

Furries In The Media - Tue 20 Dec 2011 - 17:46
A cute commercial I saw on TV that I thought I'd share. It features a cute animatronic bear suit.
Categories: News

Today, it dawned on me why and when i became a furry (short story).....

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Dec 2011 - 14:57

I hated every day in that school....

I hated every, single step i would take, every waking moment i spent sitting in those uncomfortable wooden chairs next to people who loathed me.

I can remember the pain i felt when my dad would wake me up to tell me to get dressed and go to school.

Eight. Long. Years.

I can..... feel, the emotional pain of walking to school, and the pain and strange relief i felt walking out of it, only to know that the next day won't be much better. How i'll be forced to sit next to those....things and go through various beratings, beatings and such.

In the back of my head i can hear my memories of gym useless i felt.....

I can see myself shrinking as they yelled at how stupid i was, how i couldn't do anything right.

How i despised their smug, arrogant faces when they would walk up to me and ask me various awkward questions just to mess with me....

"Hey Anthony, how do you jerk off!"

"Hey Anthony, would you fuck that one... yeah i bet you would!"

"Do you know that everyone talks behind your back?"

I wanted nothing more than to kill them... torture them.... destroy them....

I was a......socially inept, whitdrawn, ostracized hermit with no real friends.....oh God.......i was so lonely......

I hated myself.

I hated how skinny, ugly and unlikeable i was. I hated how i would always go away from everyone else, while my only wish was that someone gave me one kind word...... that i could just trade places with one of them.... to be smart. To be liked and popular..... to feel like i was wanted.....

On field trips, i was the one always walking away from everyone else, and then taking the first chance i could to try and bond with one of them....i was a leech... i wouldn't go until they told me.....

The only thing the.....liked.... was my art (not yet anthro). The only time i would feel liked.

I feel so stupid now when i remember the moments when i would make a fool of myself to impress them...make them laugh.....

How i would "play along" while they took my shoes and hid them in the bathroom.

The one that stuck with me the most was when a guy berated me three times in a row.... what stuck with me most was how he told me that i was better off dead.....that my mother regrets birthing me.....

I needed an escape.... i found one.....

I can still remember the day. It was monday, and i just came back from school and my mom happily greeted me and told me that she had something for me.

My heart jumped as i saw the beautiful red book she bought for me. It was a fantasy book about dragons. Dragonology it was called.

I never let it out of my hand. My young mind wanted so much for all those dragons to exist.

One dragon cought my attention. It was named a frost dragon and i fell in love with the design.

He was my escape.

I feel shy to talk about it... He was the first anthro i created.... a polar image of me... strong, brave...loved.

A social outcast who becomes a hero.

I called him...Arronax....

I would imagine him in various adventures, fantasy, sci-fi, normal, everyday situations.

He was my escape. He was who i wanted to be, and not a day wouldn't go by without me praying that i wake up one day like him, so that i could show those assholes who's boss.....

Years later....he's still here. He's still my favorote and most important character i created.

I matured, of course, and he became an independent character, someone new, interesting. No longer a Marry Sue, thankfully.

Im a little embarrased talking about this, but only today did i see that he was the reason im a furry. A product of my lonelyness and depression.

He's no longer a dragon, but the design is more or less the same. He's completely changed, for the better.

Thank you, Arronax......for everything......

submitted by Enleat
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Categories: News

Good Furry Musicians?

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Dec 2011 - 14:45

I am on a quest to broaden my furry music collection. Can you guys tell me your favorite furry artists and links to them? And yes, I already know about Renard and his alternate fursona artists.

submitted by Arxl
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Categories: News

I need a tad bit of help to help a friend

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Dec 2011 - 13:07

Ok im a tad bit new to the furry reddit (posted a couple things of my art which many people have viewed and Favorited, which i thank you all very much for) But i have found it best to advertise stuff here i guess and really this is a bit more of a question. so here is the post from my journal

Oh ya and other news my friends little brother sold his (my friends) PS3 and bought an Xbox behind my friends back. Because of this outrageous outrage (the little brother was not significantly punished) I have decided to consider starting doing commisions to buy my friend a new ps3 for his birthday (its not for several months but still) how many of you would be interested?

submitted by Greynois
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Categories: News