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Furry Reddit - Fri 10 Feb 2012 - 17:20
Categories: News

Episode 33 – Luffins - That’s right, our thirty-third episode is up, and boy does it start out weird! We go into everything from Proposition 8 to littering, from tunnel vision to anti-Ellen activists, from Smokey’s Word of the Week to F[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Fri 10 Feb 2012 - 12:11

That’s right, our thirty-third episode is up, and boy does it start out weird! We go into everything from Proposition 8 to littering, from tunnel vision to anti-Ellen activists, from Smokey’s Word of the Week to FurAffinity’s upcoming downtime…and that’s before we even hit the e-mails! We’ve got only two this week, one of them discussing the merits of sex vs. love and the other discussing how not to ruin Valentine’s Day – or other holidays – if you’re single. Remember, be considerate of the people around you, and you’ll be a much happier person!

Our next episode will be recorded LIVE at Furry Fiesta, and we need your e-mails! These will be read live in front of our audience and replied to…and hey, if you’re going to be at Furry Fiesta, just bring up a topic and we’ll go for it on-the-spot! We won’t have a recording on the 16th of February, because, well…first, the week before Furry Fiesta is going to be turbo-insane, and second, we want to save our e-mails for the live show! Get in contact with us and help us put on a great show!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 33 – Luffins
File modified February 10, 2012 – 43.6 MB – downloaded 1044 times so far

Episode 33 – Luffins - That’s right, our thirty-third episode is up, and boy does it start out weird! We go into everything from Proposition 8 to littering, from tunnel vision to anti-Ellen activists, from Smokey’s Word of the Week to F[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Ask Papabear: furry mate might have BPD

Furry News Network - Fri 10 Feb 2012 - 12:05

Dear Papabear,

I have been having a bit of relationship troubles and some problems with my furry ‘family’ as well. My mate, the lovable tiger that he is, is sometimes a bit of a handful. He’s really paranoid and reads too deep into what people say. If you say you don’t like what he likes, he will get really upset assuming you are saying you hate the opposite. A sort of bianary mentality about things. If its not one way, then it must obviously be the exact opposite. This leads to him jumping to conclusions and making wild assumptions and yelling at people he just meets because they say something wrong. Lastly, when someone tries to bring up that they are having a problem, he will interject with one of his problems and when we tell him we’re trying to help the other fur, he assumes we don’t care about him leading to us spending several hours trying to cheer him up having to completely ignore the other fur’s problem. This, as you can assume, leads to a lot of drama.

I am the one who has to clean up the drama because I just happen to be the one who is capable of managing emotions. So most of my time talking with my friends is spent being a drama janitor. Its really stressful because everyone is so fragile and easily upset so I have to always tiptoe through my words. The worst part though is that since these furs seem emotionally helpless, I dont get to express my problems, but most of the time, I dont need to express my problems because I enjoy helping people with their problems. I love being helpful amd making people smile. Sadly the problems I have to deal with are petty and if I point out that the one who is upset is actually at fault and not the victim, I get barked at. How do I handle them?

Pardon me if I rambled.

Tired Pup

* * *

Dear  Tired Pup,

It sounds to Papabear as if your tiger mate might be suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. Remembering that this bear is not a medical professional, I urge you to look at some of the links I will provide you below.

BPD’s symptoms include seeing everything in black-and-white terms (what you call a “binary mentality”) and having inappropriate overreactions to other people’s comments and observations. Depending on the degree of the BPD, sufferers of this affliction may or may not be able to function well in society. Treatment is available for those with BPD, and often involves a combination of therapy and medications.

Tired Pup, though you are very brave and sweet to try to handle this problem on your own, Papabear urges you to try and get some help for your mate, if at all possible. In addition, don’t forget about yourself. You sound like a very giving person, but every now and then try and give yourself some “me time.” Find a place where you can be alone and relax, meditate, go see a movie, go enjoy the outdoors. Try and do this at least once a week and it should help relieve some of the stress.

In the meantime, here are some links for you:

Good Luck!



Opinions and advice expressed in the “Ask Papabear” column are not necessarily those of the Furry News Network, its staff, sponsors, or advertisers. Papabear is not a trained therapist, physician, or social worker, and the author of “Ask Papabear” will refer readers to licensed professionals in cases where such recommendations seem in order.

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Categories: News

Fucking taboo stats in here

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 Feb 2012 - 03:29
Categories: News

Man’s Best Friend

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 10 Feb 2012 - 02:42

Rebellion/2000AD, the folks who brought you Judge Dredd, now bring you Kingdom: Call of the Wild, a new full-color trade paperback written by Dan Abnett and illustrated by Richard Elson. “Earth, the far-future. With the planet now overrun by gigantic alien insects, mankind is all but extinct. Genetically engineered dog soldier, Gene the Hackman, now protects one of the last remaining human beings, a young girl named Leezee Sower, and the two of them have traveled to the land of Auxtralia, straight into the territory of a new pack!” Look for it this March, or find out more at The Book Depository.

image c. 2012 Rebellion/2000AD

Categories: News

Furo Gaming Weekend! (NSFW Page, VERY FUN GAMING EVENT, read inside!)

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 Feb 2012 - 00:57

Seppel, the brilliant mind behind the hit adult furry trading card game Furoticon, is holding a gaming event in Virginia! There will be board games, card games, video games, and even full prepared meals and drinks! He's trying to expand his audience and fund his future, and everyone would LOVE to see this become huge!

If you sign up for the Free Play option you will also receive over 100 dollars worth of Furoticon tournament entries, and tons of cards from the sealed and draft events that will no doubt be held, possibly including new cards from the new set, Tribes of Tanglebrook!

Click the link below for more info, directions, local hotel info and registration forms! And thank you for your consideration. Lets try and make this event huge! (NSFW link)

submitted by captainbozo
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

FC-72 Straight Fox Blood - It exists, and it's blue. Beware.

FurCast - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 23:59

It exists, and it’s blue. Beware.

Download MP3

  • WereMagnus – “New listener & an art-related question”
  • Xavfox – “A long but interesting E-mail. Georgia Fur”
  • Regret the Kitsune – “question”
  • Landon – “Not Just You, Fayroe.”
  • Tyler ‘Biotails’ Lykin Druth – “‘Generic’ origins”
  • Nemuri – “Hearing in a Fursuit Idea”
  • Sven – “2nd email ^^”
  • Phemoris Stormgale – “Bear with a big platter of Curry.”
  • Rave Wolf – “Hugs from Sweden!”
  • Anonymous – “How”
  • Joe, Fawxtrot – “New Fur, Secret Fur”
  • Flakke – “Local Furries (issues)”
  • Aeowyn – “Shout out from South Africa”
  • Aves Cyanis – “Friend stalker relations (correct version)”
FC-72 Straight Fox Blood - It exists, and it's blue. Beware.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-72 Straight Fox Blood - It exists, and it's blue. Beware.

FurCast - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 23:59

It exists, and it’s blue. Beware.

Download MP3

  • WereMagnus – “New listener & an art-related question”
  • Xavfox – “A long but interesting E-mail. Georgia Fur”
  • Regret the Kitsune – “question”
  • Landon – “Not Just You, Fayroe.”
  • Tyler ‘Biotails’ Lykin Druth – “‘Generic’ origins”
  • Nemuri – “Hearing in a Fursuit Idea”
  • Sven – “2nd email ^^”
  • Phemoris Stormgale – “Bear with a big platter of Curry.”
  • Rave Wolf – “Hugs from Sweden!”
  • Anonymous – “How”
  • Joe, Fawxtrot – “New Fur, Secret Fur”
  • Flakke – “Local Furries (issues)”
  • Aeowyn – “Shout out from South Africa”
  • Aves Cyanis – “Friend stalker relations (correct version)”
FC-72 Straight Fox Blood - It exists, and it's blue. Beware.
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 165 - YaffYaffMurr

Southpaws - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 23:12
This episode is kinda crazy. This what the menfolk were blabbing about. Not what you'd expect. Friendship Is Still Magic Bitch Episode 165 - YaffYaffMurr
Categories: Podcasts


Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 13:17

Hello Fellow redditors.

I don't like reaching out like this, but I really need the cash. NO i dont have a drug addiction XD I'm going through law school and havea few more bills to pay that i currently Cannot. So please, I don't dissapoint :) browse my galleries if you want. If you can't commission, watch :) Anything to help. Thanks guys.

FA version of Commission prices:

Deviantart Version:

submitted by AA0X
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

A sketch of my fursona

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 08:03
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 06:46
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 05:53
Categories: News

"Son’s ‘furry’ interest doesn’t mean he’s unbalanced"

Furries In The Media - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 02:21

Q: My husband and I have raised five amazing children in a happy home where we’ve constantly encouraged and praised them. Last summer, our youngest, 14, started behaving oddly — isolating himself, saying he relates better to animals and that humans are destroying the earth.

Lately, he’s been dressing up in a furry costume, even publicly. I warned him that if he is seen by schoolmates it might cause bullying. He says he doesn’t care — this is who he is.

My husband and I have no clue how to approach this behaviour. We know nothing about “furries.” Our smart and talented son is perfect in every other aspect.

Very Worried

A: Approach this issue through his intelligence and interests. Ask him to help you understand the “furry” concept and get informed yourself. There’s information available on the Internet — e.g. a “furry” is a person with an interest in anthropomorphism (ascribing human characteristics to animals). This interest can range from an innocuous hobby of furry fandom and fanzines to a fetish.

Your son is grappling with the gap between idealism and reality, which some young people feel acutely. Be on his side, encouraging his desire to improve the world rather than being scared or thinking he’s weird.

You and your husband should talk to a therapist who is experienced in working with highly sensitive teens. It doesn’t mean your son is unbalanced. I’m suggesting you get guidance, professionally, about how to deal with the direction he’s taken.

Also, stay closely supportive so that he doesn’t feel the need to rebel in other areas, like school. And monitor his Internet contacts to make sure he isn’t being influenced toward anything harmful.
Categories: News

What is the general attitude towards minors at Furry Conventions?

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Feb 2012 - 00:14

So I was considering going to Anthrocon this year and making a fur suit, but then I realized something. I have been to similar events before, and I was treated very rudely just because I was under 18. I was wondering how people act towards those of us who are members of the fandom and who are not 18 yet.

submitted by Harke
[link] [29 comments]
Categories: News