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IPad wallpapers

Furry Reddit - Sun 20 May 2012 - 23:23

Looking for some non porn iPad wallpapers. Anybody have any?

submitted by YoshiDan
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Categories: News

Dealing with an artist, advice needed

Furry Reddit - Sun 20 May 2012 - 23:07

So, lately I’ve been having issues with an artist that was commissioned way-back-when.. as in, since January 11th, 2011. What I commissioned was a 15-page comic that was initially only going to be inked, for just a hair over $1,000.

After accepting countless delays (in the name of charity, as this commission was won through a charity auction for eye-surgery) such as suicidal depression and a lack of motivation, it’s finally finished. I’m pretty excited to work with the artist to post it on our respective profiles and get ALL the views!

Well, as it turns out, no. The artist came up to me today and told me. “Hey, Vandell, the comic is totally done and I’m ready to send it out.. however, I need to ask you a favour. Do you mind not posting it until the end of July?” See, what they did was submit the comic to an for-pay art anthology set because their friend got sick and couldn’t finish their half.

That, I don’t mind. But after waiting a year and a half for the comic, I wasn’t willing to wait any longer. I put my foot down and said no, I’d rather not wait. The ensuing conversation was maddening to behold, especially since I had to be at work inside of ten minutes.

So, he pulls out “the gift card”. Lets put this into context, first: throughout the year and a half of waiting, many things happened. One, the guy grew severely depressed and made an attempt on his life by swallowing a bottle of pills. It failed, thankfully, and soon afterwards he presented to me the idea of paying to have the comic fully coloured. Being the gullible nice guy I am, I consented and he agreed to another $350ish dollars for it - that was all I could afford at the time, and he was in desperate need of the money.

Two, he and his co-partner drew me a couple of pictures for free, without my prior knowledge, because the artist was feeling fairly guilty about the whole thing (I guess) - ergo, one can conclude this was a gift. When received, I was delighted by the unexpected gestures and thanked them. And three, he decided to increase the quality of the comic from flat colours to shaded colours without my input, thereby making this another gift, which was awesome. Throughout the entire 1.5 years, I did my damnedest to not be rude or press the guy for progress, and I didn’t. Literally once a month (tops) I’d ask how things are going.

Okay, so.. “the gift card”, as I mentioned, is that the artist essentially told me I was being a petulant bitch to not allow this since they had given me so many gifts. I reposed by saying I wasn’t aware I was being held accountable by said gifts (since I never asked for them or requested them), and he flipped his shit at me and has cut off all contact. To his credit, he did finally give me the comics.

He then went on to create a policy rule regarding commissions called “The Vandell Policy”, a very negatively-worded thing about refunds (which I didn’t request, at all) and gift-giving.

TLDR; Artist finished my commissioned comic and posted it to a pay-for anthology without my prior knowledge. I didn't care, but I did care that he wanted to delay me posting it to my profile for another two months after waiting 1.5 years.

For those that know who I am, it shouldn’t be too hard to sleuth out what and who all this is about, but I’m not going to give any hints otherwise. All I want to ask is: Am I in the wrong for not allowing it? If not, should I make a more in-depth Artist_Beware post on LiveJournal? Any other advice would be appreciated.

Sorry for the drama-bomb. I’m pretty miffed.

submitted by getintheVandell
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Categories: News

Live From the Hop Inn 414

Furry News Network - Sun 20 May 2012 - 22:39
Author: Bunnyman made me promise that there would be dozens of web links referencing all the stuff that we talked about in this podcast as well as links to the mysterious "lost podcasts" between here and the last few months. Here are the notes that The BunnyMan took for this episode:- std podacst- last week- [...] Live From the Hop Inn 414
Categories: News

My leather buldge

DailyFurBlog - Sun 20 May 2012 - 19:34

Well this some murry-purry news all over your muzzle. Looks like Tokifuji has some great folio pics he wants to share in his second book titled “Leatherette” (maybe a take from the Heatherette brand?) . Tokifuji does some amazing drawings which have some muscled slender furries in them (of course my fav. is the horse stuffz). For only $10 you can get a lot of stuff in this thing, so head over HERE for pre-order and check it!

Categories: News

So, after 8 or so months of being a Brony, I just joined the furry fandom yesterday.

Furry Reddit - Sun 20 May 2012 - 18:27

Hey guys, yesterday I decided I would check out the furry fandom, after being curious about it for a while. I've been a brony for about 8 months, and I decided that furries seemed interesting, so here I am. Hello, everybody. ^^

I joined the IRC, and everybody in there is awesome! I'm really glad to have given it a try. :3

submitted by Fiftyniner
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 20 May 2012 - 18:25
Categories: News

Two new anthologies of Furry short fiction coming in June

Furry News Network - Sun 20 May 2012 - 16:24
Author: Fred
Categories: News

UnFurled: Episode 45 – Unzipped: In Your Mouth

Furry News Network - Sun 20 May 2012 - 15:22
Author: Vox Don’t do it…. Find the full article here: UnFurled » Podcast UnFurled: Episode 45 – Unzipped: In Your Mouth
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 20 May 2012 - 11:24
Categories: News

I got a little chuckle out of this :P

Furry Reddit - Sun 20 May 2012 - 11:20
Categories: News

021 - Ricky Steamboating - Another good one! We reveal the results of the NERO petition you guys signed, invent "Steamboati...

The Dragget Show - Sun 20 May 2012 - 11:17
Another good one! We reveal the results of the NERO petition you guys signed, invent "Steamboating," do a couple listener questions, and more! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 021 - Ricky Steamboating - Another good one! We reveal the results of the NERO petition you guys signed, invent "Steamboati...
Categories: Podcasts

Cakeday dragon >:3~

Furry Reddit - Sun 20 May 2012 - 05:44
Categories: News

Review: ‘Legend of a Rabbit’ is impossible to enjoy

Furry News Network - Sun 20 May 2012 - 02:24
Author: dronon Part of my fate in the fandom seems to involve finding bad foreign animated films. Granted, most folks in the fandom couldn’t be bothered to know about them anyway, but if I can stop even a handful of people from wasting their time, that’s a good thing. So: Don’t bother watching Legend of [...]
Categories: News

Po’s New Comic Book Series

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 20 May 2012 - 01:25

There’s just no getting around the Kung Fu Panda.  (Of course not! He takes up too much room!). First off Ape Entertainment’s’ Kizoic imprint is releasing the popular Kung Fu Panda comic-book miniseries from last year as a collected trade paperback called Kung Fu Panda: Kung Fu Fighting. And then this July, Po and the Furious Five (and Master Shifu, of course!) return in a brand-new full-color monthly series, Kung Fu Panda: Tales of the Dragon Warrior (written by Quinn Johnson and illustrated by Massimo Asaro). Find out more about all of these at Things From Another World.

image c. 2012 Ape Entertainment

Categories: News

FC-85 Secreting Gay Demons - There are no words.

FurCast - Sat 19 May 2012 - 22:59

There are no words.

Download MP3

Watch Video News: E-mails:
  • SilverGatoman – “I love you guys”
  • Landon Ottawe – “Noya’s email from episode 79″
  • Ferian Christian – “(no subject)”
BREAKING NEWS: E-mails Again:
  • Glynt – “Glynt is in need of support”
Tales of the Blue Vulpine:
  • Fireworks and Alcohol
FC-85 Secreting Gay Demons - There are no words.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-85 Secreting Gay Demons - There are no words.

FurCast - Sat 19 May 2012 - 22:59

There are no words.

Download MP3

Watch Video News: E-mails:
  • SilverGatoman – “I love you guys”
  • Landon Ottawe – “Noya’s email from episode 79″
  • Ferian Christian – “(no subject)”
BREAKING NEWS: E-mails Again:
  • Glynt – “Glynt is in need of support”
Tales of the Blue Vulpine:
  • Fireworks and Alcohol
FC-85 Secreting Gay Demons - There are no words.
Categories: Podcasts

Hearing Problems Cause Roommate Aggravation

Ask Papabear - Sat 19 May 2012 - 20:57
Dear Papa Bear,

Right now, I live in a household with three other furs, and two of these furs are past mates of mine. For the sake of this e-mail, I'll refer to my past mates as 'mates', and the third person as my 'friend' to avoid confusion.

One major issue that somewhat forces me to isolate myself is a really bad issue with noise sensitivity. Over the last several months, my hearing has reached a point where, even if I am locked in my room, the door closed and whatnot, I can hear my mates in the house as if they are standing right beside me. Most of the time, I can't hear them, but once in a while, they get a little loud, either by the TV getting turned up or some of them talking in a louder voice in attempt to get each other's attention.

An issue with the way this situation works out is that the third of these roommates, my friend, ALSO has a hearing issue, but with him, we have to talk a little louder to get him to hear us.

I don't really LIKE to be isolated in my room, but it's the only place I can be where the loud talking doesn't bother me as much. And yet, even in my room, when I come out to ask my mates to be a little quieter, they are, but its only for a few minutes, then they seem to conveniently forget that I asked them to keep their voices down, and they get loud again. Most of the time, the getting loud ISN'T because they're talking to my friend either. They're just talking to each other and they get louder.

My mates seem to have no issue RAISING their voices for my friend because of HIS hearing issue, but they seem to have an issue LOWERING their voices when it comes to mine. I'm starting to think they do this because they believe, since I used to be mates with them, but am no longer, they no longer have to listen to me. I don't seem to have this issue with my friend, just the two that used to be my mates.

I can't very well ask for complete and total silence, because there's nowhere on the planet I could get that, but my mates don't seem to understand that the constant disregard for my hearing issue is actually making matters worse. Talking nice doesn't work, yelling doesn't work. I'm at a loss for what to do.
Can you offer any advice on how I should handle this?

Hugs and love,

* * *
Dear Bobby,

Yours is a rather complicated situation.  Papabear doesn’t know how you wound up in a situation in which you are living with two ex-mates.  Frankly, most people would find it intolerable trying to get  along with former lovers.  Usually, hurt feelings are involved, and the situation is unbearable until someone moves out.  

Before we get into the social dynamics of it, let’s talk about the medical issue. You seem to have hypersensitivity regarding hearing, while one of your former mates has hearing loss. The obvious solution would be for your former mate to get a hearing aid, and you, perhaps, to get earplugs or wear headphones so you do not hear the noise so much.

Papabear is beginning to guess that a big issue here is money, that you are living together not because you want to but because you have to because money is short; and that the person with hearing loss cannot afford a hearing aid. Hearing aids can cost thousands of dollars, as you might already know. If you cannot get help from insurance or other programs, you might try the Help American Hear program sponsored by the Foundation for Sight and Sound at They might be able to help with this situation.

As for your sensitive hearing, have you seen a doctor about it? If not, perhaps you should. If so, and they can do nothing, have you tried simply using ear plugs? Or, as mentioned above, head phones?  Papabear’s mother wore earplugs all the time because his father snored very loudly!

Okay, so those are the direct, medical possibilities (and, remember, I’m not a doctor, so always consult a doctor first about medical issues!), but what of the social ones? You mention that your friend and other mate seem to have no problem raising their voices so that mate 2 can hear them, yet they have trouble doing the opposite, lowering their voices for very long so as not to bother you.  It sounds (pardon the pun) that perhaps it is simply more natural for them to speak loudly, and so they do not really have to think hard when it comes to shouting so that the one mate can hear them.  

Keeping fairly quiet, on the other hand, seems and effort.  If you’re all in the same room together, Papabear can see how this would be trying for everyone. “Okay! Gotta speak loudly now because we’re talking to YOU, but wait, we gotta keep quiet because our other friend is pained by loud noises.”  So, I do not believe they are “conveniently forgetting” about your hearing; it just gets too complicated raising voices, lowering voices, talking in a normal voice, so they seem to have largely settled on talking loudly so at least most are satisfied. Also, if you’re in the other room, they might simply forget about keeping their voices lower because “out of sight, out of mind.” Once again, the easiest solution would be for you to wear earplugs of some sort to lessen the noise.

Now, there is also the unpleasant possibility that they are doing this deliberately to hurt you in some way, as they are both your former mates and you were clear that the one person who was not your mate has no problem respecting your wishes. Perhaps they are “getting back at you” in a passive aggressive way. That’s not a pleasant prospect, but it is a possibility.

If earplugs don’t work, and moving out on your own is not an option, and if talking to them reasonably does not work, either, then you are indeed between a rock and a hard place. If Papabear were you, he would do what he could to find a new place to live, such as finding new roommates to help pay the bills.

I hope this helps to at least put the situation in perspective, and wish you well.

Bear Hugs,
