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How to draw a ferret

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 17:54
Categories: News

Drinking on a cloudy day

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 15:39
Categories: News

FursonaPod Ep. 42 - Where Does the Fandom Sit in Society?

FursonaPod - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 15:23
In this episode we discuss where we think the fandom sits within society FursonaPod Ep. 42 - Where Does the Fandom Sit in Society?
Categories: Podcasts

Need dialog lines for Improv games at AC!

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 12:23

I'm going to be running improv games at Anthrocon 2012 with Pandez (hopefully to be joined by Alkali), and two of our games require advance preparation - things to print out onto little slips of paper that can be drawn from a hat. So we need your suggestions! The two games are:

First game: Scenes from a hat (basically, one-joke quick sketch ideas). Examples:

  • Why aliens keep invading Earth

  • Really hard test questions

  • Things you don't want to hear your barber say

(Don't suggest anything beginning with "Worst / World's worst / Most inappropriate", because that's a separate game where we get the suggestions live from the audience.)

  • 1.

  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 4.

Second game: Whose Line (lines of dialog to throw into a sketch). Examples:

  • (suggestive): Mine's bigger. (Nothing NSFW, but you can get really close!)

  • (non-sequiturs): I collect stuffed possums.

  • (adds new scene detail): You look fabulous in that dress!

  • (plot twist): You! You're an impostor!

Please don't suggest questions, they usually slow the scene instead of advancing it. (Not always, but usually.) Or MLP quotes, we already have those. :P

  • 1.

  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 4.

submitted by dro25
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Categories: News

Does /r/furry like roo's ?

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 05:29
Categories: News

Video: ‘The Guild’ goes behind the seams of mystery fursuiter

Furry News Network - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 04:25
Author: GreenReaper Season 5 of The Guild (on Amazon), features a mysterious fursuiter in episodes three, four, five, six, seven and nine. In a behind-the-scenes special [silverdrake3], fursuit-makers Bobby Bristow (Saberfire) and Colleen Campbell explain their involvement, and the cast reaction. Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full [...]
Categories: News

I have a rather large issue with my password....

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 03:40

Okay, so, i never logged off of FA, so i forgot my password.

I went to retrieve it, to send the verification code to my e-mail, but then i realised i had forgotten the password for my profile on the site where i created my e-mail....

I know my e-mail problems are my own, that's why i'm asking about FA, who can i trun to to help me out on this? I'm really in a tight spot, i hate to think that my FA profile will just be left to rot :(

submitted by Enleat
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Categories: News

Should He Room with Ex Mate?

Ask Papabear - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 01:40
Dear Papabear,

I have a friend who will be moving in with me soon as a roommate, there is only one problem he's my ex. I’m worried that old feeling will hurt him or us. I am confidant in myself being calm about our break up since it was nice and easy and very understanding (though mostly my fault). The thing that worries me the most is his family they are very conservative and sound as though they barely accept his sexuality of being gay. I want to help him and I kind of have by giving him some confidence to get out from under his parents thumb, but the problem lies in the fact that with him living with me (since I now kinda see him as a goofy lil brother) he will become a little dependent on me since his parents have always been there for him (he’s now in his early 20s). I’m not entirely sure how things will play out and I can't tell him that it won't work as roommate because he has nowhere else to go and I am in such a financial bind right now I can't be too picky about my roommate (there are other reasons as well but that is the biggest one.)

So yeah that’s all I got thanks again.


* * *

Dear Okamiketto,

Papabear thinks it is great that you are still good friends with your ex and that you want to help him grow as a person and gain his independence from his parents.  That said, I would not recommend that anyone become roommates with a former lover.  The potential for hurt and misunderstanding is just too great—you are walking into an emotional mine field, Okamiketto.  Furthermore, you could inflame the sensitive issue between your friend and his parents, who don’t understand his being gay and more than likely know that the two of you were lovers at one point. They likely won’t buy it when you tell them that the two of you are just friends now.  Thirdly, you are already concerned that he might become too dependent on you, which is a problem emotionally as well as financially, since you admit your piggy bank is a bit low right now.

Papabear is very familiar with furries who have broken up and then moved in together as roommates and it got very ugly. Hurt feelings and past arguments inevitably flared up, and now they hate each other’s guts. Papabear would not want that to happen to you and your friend.

You say that he has nowhere else to go, but it would be far better if you helped him find other roommates to live with, while still being there as a supportive friend.  As for you, there are lots of young people looking for a place to live who would be happy to be your roommate, I’m sure.

That might not be what you wanted to hear, but my suggestion is for you not to be roommates. Doesn’t mean you can’t be there for him in other ways, but living together is a bad idea.



Just a quick thank you... and a shout out to MythicalRedFox.

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 01:20

Hey, all. I recently posted talking about how I've recently come to the point where I started to accept that I am who I am regardless of what social norms dictate. I was pretty nervous about posting here, actually, but your collective responses have given me renewed courage. You guys made me realize that I was completely sick of pretending to be something that I wasn't. So I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented on my last self-post here. You guys helped, and I appreciate the time you put in to making a new-found fur feel welcomed.

Thanks a lot, especially to you, MythicalRedFox - for some reason, you seemed to help a LOT.

I joined FA, too, as many suggested I should. Username there is the same as here.

Thanks again, everyone. Your warm welcomes were, and are, appreciated.

submitted by candid_canid
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Categories: News

How to increase confidence is drawing?

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 01:10

As the title says I have never been confident in my drawings of furries (or anything for that matter) I was just wondering if anyone had any quick tips to improve.

Edit: I want to improve my confidence in my art. But general tips about drawing would be helpful as well.

submitted by TheRedWox
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Categories: News

furrified video game characters

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 23:33

if you could be any video game character that was turned into an anthro who would it be and what would be the species. Id be Raiden from MGS4 as a shadow folf

submitted by JackShadowfox974
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Categories: News

Bronies get explained

DailyFurBlog - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 21:25
So are you a Brony fan... yeh I'm sure ya are since I would say 70% of the fandom went down that road in life. So above is the which this guy (like many of his other videos) explains how Bronies have changed the meaning in "Masculinity". So say good-bye to those muscle cars and manly sports boys it's time to make way for ponies in many colors!
Categories: News

Good furry communities/comics/etc?

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 19:52

Hey, i've only been in the fandom for a little more than month, and I've been trying to find places for more art/comcis and fursuiting.

I know about Fur Affinity and have been hanging there, but does anybody know any other great places? Would appreciate any help!

submitted by burakki422
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Categories: News

Review: ‘Will of the Alpha’, edited by Rechan and Kandrel

Furry News Network - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 18:24
Author: Fred Will of the Alpha is a work of anthropomorphic fiction for adult readers only. (publisher’s advisory) That is especially true of this anthology of a dozen short stories. “A little over a year ago”, co-editor Rechan says in his Forward [sic.], “I noticed that there was very few furry media products aimed specifically [...]
Categories: News