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Need help where do i get a furry fox tail.

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 15:57

Yeah..Im looking to order online that can deliver to england(united kingdom) No real furr please. Thanks

submitted by Hazfox
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Categories: News

Hi, I'm new to the furry fandom!

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 15:06

Hey, I'm sort of new to the furry fandom. I've read some furry webcomics and I think that the anthro art is awesome :>. I can't draw very well, so I'm not an artist myself, but it seems like an awesome community. I enjoy writing so I might write a story or somthing :D My PC is broken, but I hope I can make friends, I've recently joined FA too. So if you wanna talk or somthing i'd be glad too (Apart from the fact that I have no PC...)

submitted by lukfen
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Categories: News

IRC channel not working for me.

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 13:58

Or rather, I'm not sure how to get it to work on my iPhone.

submitted by Wolfen32
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Categories: News

Who's going to Anthrocon?

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 12:34

Anypony going to the MLP Meet and Greet?

Any cute single girls going? ;)

submitted by faithamor1337
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Categories: News

Any furs from Santa Fe, NM?

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 11:11

Just wondering. Moved to this little town a month ago with my boyfriend, and I'm just curious to know if the furry fandom is present in this area. Just came from California and there are tons of communities there. Not that I was active in them to begin with.

submitted by KNassor
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Categories: News

Any Chicago furs? Going to be here for two months!

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 08:31

Hi guys!

I'm currently staying west river for the summer while I have an internship, and seeing as I have absolutely no friends and nearly no family in this city, I was wondering if there might be anyone that might either want to hang out, or simply just know that there's a fellow enthusiast in the area. I'd really like to see if there's any names I'd recognize, and I figure that at the least, no one will reply. If you want to know a little more about me, my FA, Twitter, and Steam accounts all have the same name as here. Thanks!

submitted by Marjask
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Categories: News

E3 Day 1 Stream Recap

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 05:04


We had an amazing turnout for what turned out to be a pretty up and down day across the industry. There were quite a number of surprises across almost all press conferences. If you missed any of our streams, you can rewatch them all here!

Once again, thanks to all that joined us today. Be sure to join us for the Nintendo show tomorrow, GF Roundtable on Wednesday, and the wrap-up show on Thursday!


Xbox Press Briefing:

Note: Audio is muted until 34:50 mark. Sorry! >_<

EA & Ubisoft Briefings:

EA show starts at 19:45 | Break w/commentary at 1:27:17 | Ubisoft show starts at 2:23:43

Sony & Staff Opinions/Wrap-up:

Sony show starts at 18:00 | E3 Press Briefing Reactions and Wrap up starts at 1:50:25

Categories: News

Califur keychains

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 02:11
Categories: News

Accomplished Woman Is Having Trouble Finding a Man Who Measures Up

Ask Papabear - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 01:26
Dear Papa Bear,

Not to toot my own horn, but I am someone whom people typically label as exceptional. I have several awards of various kinds under my belt and have accomplished things that most others in my age group have not. I am typically viewed by society as highly gifted and have been in accelerated programs throughout my entire life.

Why, then, do I constantly have feelings of inferiority regarding my boyfriends? When I ask my friends for advice regarding this problem, I'm typically met with comments such as, "well, HE should be the one who's jealous, not you," and, "you are so much better than the rest of us, how can you be jealous?" This sort of rhetoric is not helpful to me at all as it does not address the root of the problem. I doubt that it has anything to do with self esteem; I have mostly been happy with my life so far and look forward to where it will go in the future.

How can I get around these feelings? I try to date people who are going somewhere in life and it seems like the simple solution would be to date someone who is going nowhere, but I know that there must be a better solution than this one. Do you have any advice?

--Anonymous Tailwagger

* * * 

Dear Tailwagger,

What an interesting paradox you introduce here. You have high self-esteem (for good reason, it sounds like), yet you feel inferior to your potential boyfriends. You sound like you are attracted to men who are highly intelligent and ambitious; aiming high, you wind up with potential mates who are even more “accomplished” than you are, I would bet, and that makes you feel inferior.

I’d like to tell you a true story, if you’ll indulge me.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman. She was college educated, tall, fun-loving, and loved to travel. When she was in her 20s, she went to Europe, where she was a tour guide for U.S. military men in Germany. 

While she was there, she met a sergeant. He was kind, handsome, and she started to fall in love with him. But a couple things held her back: he did not have a college degree, and he was shorter than she was (she was very self-conscious about her height). So, after a while, she met a man who was a captain, had a college degree in chemistry, and stood 6’ 4” tall and was quite good looking. She decided to tell her sergeant good-bye, and when she returned to the U.S. and the captain left the army, she married him instead of the sergeant.

Well, at first it went okay, but it didn’t take long before the man she married began to mistreat her. He sold her car without telling her and kept the money; he became verbally abusive and controlling. Still, she stayed faithful to him and bore him two children. He got a job as a salesman, and a couple years later, she found out he was having an affair. Nevertheless, she stayed married for her children’s sake until they left and went to college. She then left her husband and got a divorce, feeling like she wasted over twenty years of her life.

The lesson here—if it’s not already painfully obvious—is that you shouldn’t pick a boyfriend based on his education, career, money, awards, etc. On the opposite end of the scale, don’t pick a boyfriend because he seems like, well, a loser in comparison to you so that you feel better about yourself.

What you should look for is character. Is this man a good person? Will he stick by you when you need his help or abandon you? Will he love you no matter what?  Look for a man with soul. Look for a companion in life. Someone you can laugh and cry with. Someone who shares your interests.  This isn’t a job interview.  You are not looking for a guy with an impressive resume.  You are looking for love and friendship. Put the measuring stick aside because you don’t count character by the number of awards on a wall or a 4.0 GPA.  

Once you do that, thoughts of inferiority or superiority or whatever will not even occur to you.

Bear Hugs,


In need of a furry friend.

Furry Reddit - Mon 4 Jun 2012 - 23:48

I've been feeling quite depressed/sad lately. I think it is because I feel "lonely" in terms that I don't have any friends that are furries. I can't share my interest with anyone exept my non-furry friend that doesn't really care and usually tries to change the subject quickly. Basically, I just need a friend I can talk to freely. My computer is broken at the moment and I'm using an iPod, so If anyone has ffm that would be nice.

TL;DR I need a friend that is a furry. (Is tl;dr the right letters? I don't know anymore. xD) EDIT: I tried to get Skype on my iPod and it says I need iOS 3 or 4. D: My computer should be fixed soon, so I'll get Skype when it is repaired. For those who have text plus or FFM, my username is madisgrey for both. c;

submitted by Madisaurus
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Categories: News

Review: ‘Dangerous Jade’, by Malcolm “foozzzball” Cross

Furry News Network - Mon 4 Jun 2012 - 20:24
Author: Isiah Jacobs Isiah reviews Dangerous Jade, foozzzball‘s thylacine-filled romantic drama. Compare: Fred Patten’s review of Dangerous Jade Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

French comic ‘De Cape et de Crocs’ ends with vol. 10 in April

Furry News Network - Mon 4 Jun 2012 - 18:24
Author: Fred The French anthropomorphic bandes dessinees series De Cape et de Crocs (roughly With Capes and Fangs), featuring the exploits of a gentleman fox and wolf adventurers in 17th century Europe and on the Moon, has finally come to an end with Act 10, “De la Lune à la Terre” (“From the Moon to [...]
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 41 - Post Microsoft at E3

TigerTails Radio - Mon 4 Jun 2012 - 16:00
DeeJay pays us another visit and joins TK, Eeve3, Xavier, and Felis for the show that happened in the middle of E3. Gaming news was E3-less, however, as the cast save their views for the forthcoming E3 Podcast Special, due to be recorded in the next few days. For Done and Dusted Xavier reviews The Dresden Files book "Bloodrite" by Jim Butcher, and "Fear Itself" which is a graphic novel series by Marvel. Felis talks about BattleStar Galactica. Starring TK, Xavier, Eeve3, DeeJay and Felis. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 41 - Post Microsoft at E3
Categories: Podcasts