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FNN June 2012 Featured Fursuiter: Coopertom

Furries In The Media - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 15:23
The June 2012 Featured Fursuiter of the Month story just went live on Furry News Network, and I was quite fortunate to get another high-profile fursuiting ambassador, Coopertom, for this month's feature. Huge thanks to him for being such a great interview and rounding up some great photos to run with the article.

Coopertom - June 2012 Featured Fursuiter of the Month


And... here are links to previous months' features if you missed them:

J.D. Puppy - April 2012
Skroy - February 2012
Bucktown Tiger - December 2011
Kiwa Lyon - October 2011
Nicodemus Rat - September 2011
Dogbomb - August 2011
Yippee Coyote - July 2011
Categories: News

Coopertom – June 2012 Featured Fursuiter of the Month

Furry News Network - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 15:00
From feline to Fender: ‘Planets aligned’ for New Jersey native By Tim “Kijani” Watanabe It may be difficult to believe that as little as three years ago, you could mention the name “Coopertom” in fursuiting circles and get a lot of blank stares of non-recognition. In the relatively short amount of time he’s been active [...]
Categories: News

Courtney Love says, "Kurt Cobain was raped by The Muppets!" - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 14:45
It's time to sip Rohypnol
It's time to dim the lights
It's time for rape by Muppets
On the the Muppet Show tonight...


Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 14:21
Categories: News

Ursa Major Winners for 2011

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 13:51

Hey there, we’re back among the living. Your ever-lovin’ ed-otter has been down with a very, very nasty sinus infection for no less than two weeks, and is only just now getting back to his feet. So it’s time to play some major catch-up with In-Fur-Nation, yes?

The winners of the Ursa Major Awards were recently announced at a Saturday afternoon ceremony at CaliFur in Irvine, California. The June 2nd show was emcee’d by CaliFur’s own Gary Whalen. Greenreaper was on hand to accept Flayrah’s award for Best Anthropomorphic Magazine. The full list of winners for 2011 looks like this:

Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture: Kung Fu Panda 2 (Directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson)

Best Anthropomorphic Dramatic Series or Short Work: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Produced by Studio DHX)

Best Anthropomorphic Novel: Isolation Play, by Kyell Gold

Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction: “How to Get Through the Day”, by Kyell Gold

Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work: Nordguard, Book One, by Tess Garman & Teagan Gavet

Best Anthropomorphic Graphic Story: Furthia High, by QuetzaDrake

Best Anthropomorphic Comic Strip: Housepets!, by Rick Griffin

Best Anthropomorphic Magazine: Flayrah

Best Anthropomorphic Website: Equestria Daily

Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration: Blotch, for the cover of Nordguard, Book One

Best Anthropomorphic Game: Pokemon: Black and White

In addition, the Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association (ALAA), which administers the Ursa Major Awards, announced a new “ALAA’s Choice” award for a nominee which the committee felt deserved special mention for its merit. This year that award went to the graphic story Red Lantern by Rukis and Alectorfencer.

The Ursa Major Awards are the “People’s Choice Awards” for anthropomorphic fandom, nominated and awarded every year by votes from regular fans like you. Want to get involved?  Make suggestions? Visit to find out more. And start thinking about what to nominate for 2012!

image c. 2012 ALAA

Categories: News

Doing Free Sketch Requests

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 13:45

I'm doing requests because I really need the practice. Nothing NSFW and please give a picture reference if you have one.

You can ask for a request here or you can send me a note on FA:

EDIT: By the way, I'm going to be taking my time doing these, but don't worry, I'll finish them once I get to them. I'm not going in any particular order, if one ends up being too hard, I'll put it off and get back to it. I shouldn't rush myself or it'll look like crap and could end up discouraging myself from continuing.

submitted by CrypticRanger
[link] [24 comments]
Categories: News

Got myself a collar!

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 12:42
Categories: News

Movie teaser: ‘Wreck-It Ralph’, Disney’s next theatrical animated feature, due for November 2 release

Furry News Network - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 04:24
Author: Fred Disney’s next CGI animated feature, Wreck-It Ralph, coming November 2, is about a reluctant video-game villain who escapes from his game to become a Good Guy. Although most of the characters are realistic and cartoony humans, there are a lot of anthropomorphic animals and “things” as background and supporting characters. As with Pixar’s [...]
Categories: News

Dear r/furry. IAMA user who has shaky hands, but wants to create art for the community.

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 02:43

I say this because I really want to know if there is any way for me to stop my hands from shaking or to at least dull down the shaking. Also what art tips do you guys have as I know next to nothing about drawing anything decent.

EDIT: I will update this as time goes on to show you guys what i can draw. I am on vacation for right now the updates will not be till next week.

submitted by Keflingmaster
[link] [24 comments]
Categories: News

Fuzzy novel #5, ‘Caveat Fuzzy’, finished and coming soon

Furry News Network - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 02:24
Author: Fred I have just been asked to proofread Caveat Fuzzy, Wolfgang Diehr’s sequel to his Fuzzy Ergo Sum (review), the “fourth” novel in the mega-popular Little Fuzzy series. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

Loneliness and the Need to Connect

Ask Papabear - Fri 8 Jun 2012 - 01:20
Dear Papa Bear,

I feel like I haven't connected with anyone my entire life. I've had and have good friends, and I'm very open about myself with them regarding my feelings and secrets. At the same time, I can't help but feel a wall between us. It's been this way with everyone.

When I started making furry friends, I was able to openly discuss the furry aspect of my life, which felt wonderful and liberating. Eventually I realized that there was still some kind of barrier; even after breaking through to a deep part of me, my furry part, I still feel disconnected from everyone. Even my family, who I am very close with, is at a distance. This is not for lack of opening up; I'm very honest about myself with the people I care about, and I'm very self-aware. I just feel dissimilar, like I stand apart (in a non-arrogant way).

I'm not near as socially awkward as I used to be, and I've actually much improved. I get out occasionally, and do things with people when I feel like it, which is more often than it used to be. I'm actually moving away this Summer and hoping to get a new start with some friends, rooming with them in their apartment. The only reason I haven't tried to move yet is because some old friends have come back for the Summer, and I thought maybe I'd catch up and spend some time with them while I still can. It's nice, though it's not as thrilling as I thought it would be; again, lack of connection.

In fact, I actually tend to feel sadder with my friends around some times. It emphasizes how much we aren't really connected, how much I know I'm alone, and it can feel like a knife in the heart when it's at its worst.

It's vaguely sad to me that I can't connect, but I feel like I could deal with being alone mentally, even if I'm not alone physically, if I really need to. I've come to realize that seeking affirmation for my existence by bouncing conversation off of others isn't the way to be happy (I've given up facebook, which is a haven for that type of behavior). I would still like to connect, though. I don't really like being alone.


Blue Jay

* * *

Dear Blue Jay,

In the original series Star Trek episode “Is There in Truth No Beauty?” Spock temporarily merges his mind with that of a Medusan, a noncoporeal species that, nevertheless, is considered so ugly that to look upon it with unprotected eyes means certain madness. Once they merge, the Medusan (Kollos by name) almost weeps because he senses the utter aloneness of the human species because we are each encased in flesh and, no matter what, cannot truly merge with others around us as the Medusan can.

To be human is to be alone, but only if you limit your experience to a purely corporeal existence. Blue Jay, have you explored your spiritual side? You mention getting in touch with your furry side, and that perhaps that helped a little, but I think you need to go deeper. To truly connect to those around you, you need more than conversation, more than just going out and doing things together. You need to get in touch with the soul (spirit, if you prefer) that resides in each one of us.

There are many ways to do this. Many people turn to traditional religions, and this can bring you comfort, indeed. But worship of God (or pick a deity name you prefer) is not enough to keep you from being lonely. The Big Three, as Papabear calls them—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—focus on the servitude of man to God, that we need to worship Him and do all things for His glory. This is only part of the picture. The Spiritual Existence that some limit to a godhead actually imbues all living and even inanimate things around us. We carry a bit of it within each of us, and it is THIS that you need to connect to in order to have the borders between you and others that cause your loneliness to dissipate.

The ways to connect to the spiritual world around you have been known for years by the spiritual leaders who preceded the current religious traditions of the West and Middle East. I speak, of course, of pagan traditions, Wicca, shamanism, Native American interpretations of the spirit world, and so on. I would encourage you to try exploring these through everything from meditation to spiritual sex—that is, the release of self-control through the sexual act in order to achieve a higher state of consciousness. Here’s an interesting article on the subject:

Papabear realizes some of what he just said could be highly controversial.  The point I’m trying to make is to explore your spiritual side more, and, through this, you will also achieve a stronger connection to the souls around you.


Avian furs, I have a question! =)

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 23:48

This may or may not be a really stupid question, but I'm curious to know: Does your bird'sona have arms separate from their wings, or do their wings work as arms as well? I've seen them both ways, but I want to know about yours!

Being a mammalian fur, I can't really start this off. Sorry~

submitted by Kavyle
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News

FC-87 1-Upping Grandpa

Furry News Network - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 22:32
Author: E-Mail Hidden (..::XANA::.. Creations) WELL THIS EPISODE WAS BETTER THAN LAST WEEK’S, SO YOU SHOULD ALL LISTEN TO THIS ONE AND NOT THAT ONE THAT TOTALLY NEVER HAPPEND. THERE’S A DOWNLOAD BUTTON AND EVERYTHING! SEE? PLEASE? Pleaseee? We have cookies! Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) News: Nuka-Kitty New Furry Research Data Available Ask Papabear: What [...] FC-87 1-Upping Grandpa
Categories: News

FursonaPod Ep. 42 – Where Does the Fandom Sit in Society?

Furry News Network - Thu 7 Jun 2012 - 22:30
Author: Find the full article here: FURSONAPOD.COM The contents of this Podcast may have adult language and adult themes. The content is not produced by Furry News Network, but is posted for your convenience. FursonaPod Ep. 42 – Where Does the Fandom Sit in Society?
Categories: News