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Artist Needs a Little Encouragement

Ask Papabear - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 01:37
Hello Papabear, 

Um first time reader and writer to your website.

I've been trying to get back into drawing lately, but haven't been able to get into the flow of it and get frustrated and toss my sketch away, but when I get told to take a break from drawing that is the opposite of what I wanna do. 

What advice could you give to get my head outta the gutter and get me back to drawing or sketching?


* * *

Dear Krew,

Drawing is similar to writing in that they are both artistic endeavors; therefore, some of the same rules apply to both. Have you ever heard of the 10,000-hour rule? This theory says that anyone can become an expert at something if they stick to it religiously for 10,000 hours. That means if you worked at it for 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, you would become a fabulous artist in about 6 and a half years or so. A less stringent guideline is the 1,000 hour rule that says you can become pretty good at something with 1,000 hours of practice.

That’s just a general notion, I suppose. Some people are gifted with natural artistic talent, and for them they can achieve much more in a much shorter time. But even if you are a terrible artist now, the point is that anyone can improve with lots of hard work.

What you need to do, Krew, is set aside specific hours each week to concentrate on your drawing. Find a place where you can focus without distraction and enjoy the process of drawing. It is clearly in your blood because when you aren’t drawing it is all you think about, right?

Now the other thing you need to do is get rid of that inner critic—the artist’s worst enemy, the one that makes you throw away your sketches as soon as you draw them. Instead of tossing them, keep them, even the ones you really hate. Keep them in folders and date them. Then keep drawing. Then, a few months, or maybe a year or more from now, go back and look at them and compare them to what you are currently drawing. If you have been practicing at least 10 or more hours a week, Papabear bets you will see considerable improvement.

Here’s some evidence to back up: 
Picture Yours truly, a nonartist, drew it after a few lessons.

Maybe not great art, but not bad, right? Papabear would love to see some of your art sometime.

Bear Hugs,


Looking to get a commission!

Furry Reddit - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 01:08

Hey I really am into this fandom and want to learn more i have talked to some furries and they led me to believe some things so i want to get a drawing done maybe of what i think my fursona is... if you are willing to help let me know

submitted by Phantomwillz
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Categories: News

Special – KnotLogic – Episode Triangle - So, this week while everyone was away to Anthrocon, Shiva of Knotcast, (, invited us to join our podcasts together to meld some crazy unusual creature while all of her hosts were away at con. Th

Fuzzy Logic - Tue 19 Jun 2012 - 00:44

So, this week while everyone was away to Anthrocon, Shiva of Knotcast, (, invited us to join our podcasts together to meld some crazy unusual creature while all of her hosts were away at con. This special episode is full of rants, comedy, and a good amount of the serious face. We got into some of our Emails and caught up on some of our backlog. Also Knotcast shared some of their emails with us to share.

This episode recounts on the many tales of the famed vagoo and the mystery workings of the “teeth and gears” that surround it. Knotcast’s topic for the week was Women in the Fandom which we melded with out Gossip topic to create a most…interesting combination.

We are almost caught up on our emails but we urge you to send us e-mails as we are here to assit! Next episode will be business as normal and The bunny will be retelling his Anthrocon adventures! Next episode topic we will be revising CONVENTIONS. Given that Anthrocon is still fresh in everyone’s minds, send in you recaps of Anthrocon, or any other conventions for that matter. Anything convention related, and of course any other emails will get read so send them on in! Write in and let us know, we’re here to lend a hand!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Special – KnotLogic – Episode Triangle - So, this week while everyone was away to Anthrocon, Shiva of Knotcast, (, invited us to join our podcasts together to meld some crazy unusual creature while all of her hosts were away at con. This special [...]
Categories: Podcasts

Tell me about yourself r/furry

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 23:52

I don't know any furries IRL so I was just wondering what you guys do for fun. You know hobbies, interests, so on and so forth. I'm also interested in the most common religion among furs so you can post it if you wish. I'll start. I am a Thai Boxer (not pro learning). Also I enjoy running. I also like to go target shooting, and I am especially fond of skeet shooting. I also play X-box with my friend, mainly battlefield 3. I love horror games, and I especially love Resident Evil. Some of my favorite shows are Dexter, House, Scrubs, Breaking Bad, and the Simpsons. Finally I am an Atheist, however I have nothing against religion, and don't argue about it. Well that's all. If you don't feel like posting move on, but if you do I'm interested in knowing about my fellow furs. Edit: Forgot to mention I'm a high school student, and I have minor artistic ability. Edit 2: Also forgot that I love knives, and I both collect them and mess around with them on a daily basses. Also forgot to mention I love the show firefly. Final Edit: I am aninjawolf on FA, and 0beseninja on twitter for anyone who wishes to contact me, or if you just want to follow/watch.

submitted by obeseninja12
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Categories: News

Question for furries in the Portland/Eugene, OR, area:

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 23:40

Is there much of a community in Portland? And, more importantly (as I'm not the most social type), are there any shops or places I could go to find a tail or something similar? I figure that, Portland being as weird as it prides itself on being, there must be something along those lines (maybe even at the Saturday Market?), but I've had no luck thus far.

Thanks in advance!


(p.s. When I say "tails", I obviously mean the synthetic sort...)

submitted by bootcampthrowaway
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Categories: News

Furrit, I am looking to commission a nice, laminated con badge.

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 23:15

If you guys are interested, let me know or if you guys could point me in the direction of any top-notch commissioners. I would like something to tote around for Otakon in a month.

submitted by Seebaren
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Categories: News

Furry sketch, her names Sasha

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 22:59
Categories: News

Where can I find paws? / Who is a good person to commission paws from?

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 22:34

Title says all. I'm looking to find paws to wear around like you would find in a partial. They can even be shorter in length (like gloves that go halfway to your elbow). I looked around Anthrocon all weekend, but normal fox paws seem rare (that or I looked too late into the weekend). Google has also proved worthless in this venture as I can't find anything through that either.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

submitted by Alch_Fox
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Categories: News

S2 Episode 6 – Enhanced Furries - On this episode Roo and Tugs discussed enhanced furries - furries who take their characters from fantasy origins or enhance existing animals as they express themselves. Some new features debut this episode, including Top

Fur What It's Worth - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 22:10
On this episode Roo and Tugs discussed enhanced furries - furries who take their characters from fantasy origins or enhance existing animals as they express themselves. Some new features debut this episode, including Top 10, the News, and a few other surprises.

Download: S2 Episode 6 - Enhanced Furries

Show Notes


Parade Videos

News Stories

Anthrocon Story - from The Statesman - Austin, TX
Anthrocon Story -CBS 2 - Pittsburgh, PA
Closure of Fernando's Cafe - from The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Pittsburgh, PA


Special Thanks

Mika provided this episode's art. Thank you!


Creative Commons Attributions

News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Album - furries in a blender- Lapfox Trax: Hardcore Disco, Love Me Master of Diagrams (Remix) - (Intro), Kung-Fu Fighter (Remix) - (Outtro)

  S2 Episode 6 – Enhanced Furries - On this episode Roo and Tugs discussed enhanced furries - furries who take their characters from fantasy origins or enhance existing animals as they express themselves. Some new features debut this episode, including Top
Categories: Podcasts

Why is Marijuana use so controversial on /r/furry?

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 21:41

I just saw all the downvotes to this post. We are all aware that Marijuana is the #1 safest recreational substance that you can enjoy right?

I just love getting high at furry cons and then seeing all the fursuiters all around me. It's awesome!

submitted by evilsibe
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Categories: News

Redditfurs Steamgroup needs you!

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 20:37
Categories: News

Renard @ Anthrocon 2012

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 20:27
Categories: News

hello world!

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 18:14

(i apologize in advance if im not to do this for an intro and also i apologize for my bad grammar and such. anyway,) hello, my name is Scrapyard :) after a while of trying to decide, i finally made a reddit. so here i am. theres not a whole lot to say. im just a wolf who loves to make friends despite my silent and shy nature and slight short temper. i do a fair amount of artwork. from drawing to sculpting and so on. i also follow the dark carnival( WHOOP WHOOP!!). well here i am to say hello :)

submitted by Scrapyard
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Categories: News

Thank you r/Furry. You are amazing.

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 17:45

So, many months back, I came here looking for advice on what species to pick for my fursona (see here) as I had tried for years but was never really sucessful before and felt I needed help. I received many wonderful suggestions for species and tips for how to think about finding one (or how not to think about it depending on the post). I dappled with many of them, and came to a number of conclusions about myself in the process.

While test-driving a dragon, I realized that I could never be that overtly strong and powerful. It was nice feeling confident and self-assured, but after a while, I knew I could never connect with one since it was too far away from the normal me.

Seeing the lightheartedness, playfulness and versatility of the foxes, wolves and cats I had seen on r/furry and elsewhere, I tried each of them on for size. It was better, but they were all I couldn't place it really, but I knew they just weren't me.

After much reluctance, I tried a bat. I absolutely adored having wings and the concept of flight, but I couldn't shake the dark dreary feeling associated with the species. But, it still fit on so many levels and was by far the closest I had tried.

Then, like you all said it would, it hit. Like a ten-tonne bag of bricks I suddenly knew what my inner self was.

A mouse.

While initially disappointing, but the more I thought about it, the more it fit.

I'm quiet and I hate confrontation. I'm generally overlooked as I'm surrounded by people who are larger and more obviously talented than I. I work hard and sacrifice much for minimal results, but I'm good at noticing the details others don't. I don't shy away from challenges, but I'm terrified of approaching people. And, while it doesn't happen often, I'm known to be good in a pinch and able to make things work when no one else can.

Like I said: a ten tonne sack of bricks.

Given what I do for a living, the mouse inner me may cause some conflicts of interests later on, but for now, I can't think of a species which fits me more completely...

Anyways, I still don't know what she looks like or... anything about her really, but I finally recognized my inner furry in all her unassuming glory.

And for that, I owe you all a great deal of thanks. I owe it all to you for giving your suggestions, your tips and all the support I've found from you.

You are an amazing group of people, and I'm glad I can finally walk among as one of you and not just an outsider looking in. So, from the bottom of my heart r/furrry: Thank you.

TL;DR: A bunch of furries from r/furry helped me figure out that my inner me is a mouse after years of not being able to figure it out. You are amazing. All of you. Thank you!

submitted by Stellalune
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Categories: News

Dragonboy @ Anthrocon 2012

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 17:27
Dragonboy @ Anthrocon 2012 submitted by Rad2
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Categories: News

This is "furry" music, right?

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 16:31
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 43 - IRC Banning

TigerTails Radio - Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 16:00
A packed studio this week, with Felis, DeeJay, Salamander3, and Floating Lime joining TK, Eeve3, and Xavier for this week's fun and frolics. Technical difficulties with the broadcasting software delayed the start of the show, and then the chatting in IRC was nerfed by Anthrochat banning the studio's IP as we had apparently triggered some attack protection. For Done and Dusted TK waffles about Eddie Izzard and his show Dressed To Kill, Xavier reviews the second book of the Hunger Games - Catching Fire by Susan Colins. Salamander3 gives us his throughts on Bioshock 1 and 2, while Felis gives us a live review of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. Starring TK, Xavier, Eeve3, Salamander3, DeeJay, Floating Lime and Felis. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 43 - IRC Banning
Categories: Podcasts