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Probably a repost but What was the first furry related thing you ever saw?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 16:33

(((Really sorry if this is a repost)))This came to mind because I just suddenly thought of it and I suddenly remembered. I saw and episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, idk why but he pulled out a bear costume and my brothers were all like 'LOL' and i was like 'LOL, what?' And then my brother was like 'he's a furry, lol' But until about 3-4 years later, i actually got into the community and have been in it for about 4 year now.

submitted by Kyxx
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Categories: News

Pizza Time Theater's The KING

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 16:03
Categories: News

how much is to much

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 16:01

some of you may remember a while back i had posts about wearing a tail to school. well after 2 days, it was a success with only a few harsh comments. this coming year i am going to wear it to school on a regular basis. my question is how much is to much to wear a tail. or how often should i wear it

submitted by cobracol
[link] [31 comments]
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 45 - Hot and Bothered

TigerTails Radio - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 16:00
TK, Xavier, and Eeve3 are joined by Felis and DeeJay again (as is normal these days) for more fun and chaos in a studio that gets hotter and hotter for TK, causing him to post pictures to Facebook for sympathy. For Done and Dusted TK mutters a bit about the animated film Rock and Rule after hearing Werewolfe's review in episode 03. Xavier reviews the film Chronicle, Startcraft 2: Wings of Liberty, and MLG. Felis talks about the Mass Effect 3 new endings. Werewolfe is back this week, and reviews Pootie Tang. Starring TK, Xavier, Eeve3, DeeJay and Felis. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 45 - Hot and Bothered
Categories: Podcasts

Afraid of Furries - Big Train sketch

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 13:28
Categories: News

The Hypnotic Beast

[adjective][species] - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 13:00

Hypnobeast is the cheery face of furry hypnotism. Best known for his retro FurAffinity banner ads, HB is a qualified hypnotist offering a service tailored to the furry community.

I enjoyed a long chat with him recently where we talked about the utility of hypnotism within furry, the trials of being a professional furry, and how to react when people ask you to rape them.

My reflections and some highlights follow in the article below.

Hypnotism is a natural pursuit for furries. The trance state is like a vivid waking dream: hyper-alert yet perfectly relaxed. This state, with guidance, is the closest that any of us will get to living and feeling our imaginary furry bodies.

It helps that furries usually have strong imaginations and vivid internal lives. Our furry alter egos are already well realized within the community: hypnotism allows us to take that a half-step further.

In a session with HB, he will ask you about your furry identity and your reasons for choosing their form. Given the premise that furries craft their avatar with great care, HB will reflect the language of that creation. So if you associate (say) your inner fox with intelligence and creativity, HB will use language during the session that reinforces those concepts.

The process itself is simple enough: a few minutes of relaxation, followed by some image-rich wordplay designed to engage your imagination, followed by exploration of your furry body as if you were inside it. The experience is different for everyone, but the biggest variable is the skill of the hypnotist.

HB is a proper old school furry. He started by lurking around as a tween in the early 90s, eventually graduating into the growing furry world. Like a lot of furries who discover the community at a young age, HB found high school difficult and was drawn into the open-minded, respectful, and tolerant online furry community as his primary social outlet.

HB developed an interest in hypnosis and dabbled amongst other amateurs online. I suspect that HB’s interest in hypnotism originated from a desire to draw away from life where he was an outcast, to feel closer to the virtual furry world where he was accepted and loved.

After school, HB earned a degree in psychology and, with no interest in becoming a therapist, underwent formal training as a hypnotist. Nowadays, he works as a hypnotist inside furry (as Hypnobeast) in combination with a more traditional practice out in the real world. He has an office but, curiously for a profession that requires a close connection between practitioner and client, prefers to use Skype.

Hypnobeast is his professional virtual furry hypnotist. The Hypnobeast identity allows HB to separate his furry work from his regular practice. It also provides distance from his personal furry identity. This simple idea has proved surprisingly complex… but more on that later.

The cheesy imagery of Hypnobeast – all swinging pendulums and mesmeric spirals – is probably a marketing masterstroke. HB is a little less sure because he only gets exposed to the extreme reactions: either prospective furry clients or those making fun of Hypnobeast’s 1930s-travelling-mesmerist image. But it’s attention-grabbing, fun, and unforgettable.

HB’s marketing may suggest that his style is dazzling and demanding, yet this is not the reality. HB is an Ericksonian hypnotist, which means that his style is friendly and permissive. He will look for, and ask for, regular feedback during a hypnosis session.

He controls the rhythm of his voice and chooses carefully crafted phrases, delivered to guide you into a relaxed state. He does this while reflecting your own words and conversational style, noted during the getting-to-know you chat at the beginning of a session.

Craftsmanship is the value of a professional hypnotist, and HB is a true craftsman of words. HB understands the language of furry introspection.

Early in our chat, HB told me that he is shy, which he immediately disproved by happily chatting away with a relative stranger for the next hour or two. He might be better described as vulnerable, as he reveals a lot of himself in conversation. The rapport between hypnotist and client is all important, and HB’s openness is charming and disarming.

While chatting about his path into becoming a hypnotist, HB was open about his difficult and relatively unhappy adolescence. Throughout school, he coped by disengaging from the world and spending a lot of time inside his own head. Like a lot of people who study psychology, I suspect that HB chose his degree because he was hoping to learn about himself.

Starting up as a professional hypnotist is a difficult task. There are set up costs – insurance, office space, union fees – and no client base. The task is especially difficult because hypnotists are usually focussed on treating a symptom rather than exploring a cause. Most clients will see a hypnotist two or three times. Regular clients (like a therapist might have) are rare.

HB is less interested in hypnotism as a cure. He sees his ideal role as providing relaxation sessions, on the premise that relaxation is good for long-term physical and mental health. And inside the furry community, HB hopes to build up a client base who appreciate the joy of an occasional walk inside their furry body.

It’s tough for anyone looking to be a professional furry and HB is no different. He has found new clients to be rare, and last-minute cancellations to be common. He has found it difficult to market himself in person: he’s attended cons in a professional capacity, but learned that a well-dressed professional hypnotist won’t receive walk-up trade; he’s performed free group hypnosis sessions at Further Confusion and Califur, for which he received positive feedback but little paid follow-up.

HB has had most success by advertising on FA directing people to His current offer – $5 for a first session – is going well, drawing some new clients and increasing his visibility inside the community. But his business has not yet grown to a significant number of paid furry sessions.

And then there is the sex. The trope of hypnotist-as-rapist is common in furry erotica and pornography, and it tests HB’s patience and ethics.

HB isn’t anti-sex, and advocates hypnosis to enhance sex. Hypnosis is commonly used to treat sexual problems – erectile dysfunction, or management of vaginal pain during intercourse are probably the two most common – and also to broaden sexual horizons. This requires utmost professionalism from the hypnotist, to ensure a controlled environment for the client. This does not work well with furries.

One of the strengths of the furry community is its openness towards sex. Furries are okay talking about sex freely but this leads to problems in a therapeutic context. HB has found it challenging to maintain a professional bubble when dealing with sex-related issues: amongst furries, there is a fine line between discussing sex and flirting.

After a few clients who looked to inappropriately cross HB’s professional boundaries, he has become wary of offering such services. Hypnobeast, the character, has been created to provide a professional identity. Professional conduct is important, not just for HB’s integrity but also under the terms of his insurance.

It’s nice to be considered an object of lust. Hypnobeast is such an object in the eyes of many furries, and some have been very direct in suggesting rape-fantasy roleplay. HB has asked me to keep details confidential, but suffice to say that some of the sexual offers he has received via Hypnobeast are surprising in their complexity, scope, and creativity.

HB is a professional and gives short shrift to anyone flirting with/at Hypnobeast. In a lighter moment, he expressed wry frustration that his personal furry characters rarely, if ever, receive such attention. Or, as he puts it: “please, please, stop hitting on Hypnobeast”.

  • Hypnobeast is currently offering $5 sessions for new furry clients – see here.

Review: ‘Forest Tales’, by Bernard Doove

Furry News Network - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 12:24
Author: Fred Before Transformations and More Terrible Than Chains, so much more happened. Learn about one chakat family’s lives and customs, loves and hates, friends and foes. Join with us as Chakat Forestwalker recounts tales of hir experiences and those of hir family and friends. (back-cover blurb) Melbourne Furry fan Bernard Doove has been writing [...]
Categories: News

If I had a tail

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 10:44
Categories: News

A Bit of Communication Is Needed in the Bedroom

Ask Papabear - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 09:45
Hi, Papabear,

Well, my mate and I have been mating and she seems to have problems reaching orgasm and other times I reach it fast. My question is what we can do to really enjoy sex?

Lovely Cow

* * *

Dear Lovely Cow,

As with anything else in a relationship, problems in the bedroom are best solved with communication. Your letter is really short, and thus undetailed, so Papabear will have to respond in general. The assumption I will make in my response is that both of you are in good physical and mental health, ruling out bad health as a possibility of her problems reaching a climax.

Many people, especially at the beginning of a relationship in which sex has become a part, go to bed and start doing stuff to their partner that either they themselves enjoy or they think their partner will enjoy. When you do something with your partner that they don’t enjoy at that point, the partner can do one of a couple of things: 1) tell you right away something to the effect of, “Hey, I don’t really enjoy that,” 2) not say anything to the point that you think they actually DO like it, which can lead to misunderstandings down the road, or 3) not say anything but also make it pretty apparent they aren’t having a good time, leaving the first person thinking they are just a lousy lover.

What is happening to you might be because you actually are not pleasing your mate, but she is too embarrassed to tell you so or doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. You need to talk about this in an open and frank conversation and discuss what both of you enjoy and do not enjoy. In this way, you will hopefully come to a nice understanding and it will greatly improve your bedroom experience.

Hope this helps!


Hai guys! - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 09:45
Hey all, I've heard so much about the newsgroup, and now
i'm finally posting to it.

How's everyone?

My name is Coyo Stormcaller, I'm a black and green coyote daemon.
Pleasure to meet all of you!

If anyone wants to play games, i'm coyotama on steam, and if anyone
wants to chat on xmpp, my xmpp is

Categories: News

Review: ‘The Man With Two Shadows’, by Tristan Black Wolf

Furry News Network - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 06:24
Author: Fred Tristan Black Wolf, a resident of Syracuse, NY, is a member of the Furry Writers’ Guild and of North American Fur, and has stories in both volumes to date of Allasso, the “publication dedicated to finding new experiences within anthropomorphic writing and art.” The Man With Two Shadows is his first novel. Jeremiah [...]
Categories: News

Please, help me.<br />My name is Sergei

Furries In The Media - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 05:26
Please, help me.
My name is Sergei Dudnik (my nickname Seronheliya). I'm from Ukraine.
I am an orphan, and I'm openly gay.
I fear for my life. I posted the video on my video blog 2 years, every homophobe knows my face.
I want to get political asylum. But all the embassies have ignored me.
I can not leave the country legally, I can not get a passport because I do not have a residence permit, I do not have a residence permit, I have no home.
Here all the orphans are homeless.
I live with my boyfriend.
Everyone knows my address.
Each month, we are under attack homophobic fascist group near my home.
LGBT organizations in Ukraine can not help.
Help! Please tell my story to those who could help me to leave Ukraine.
My vlog
my e-mail
Categories: News

Review: ‘Brave’ illustrates my problem with Pixar

Furry News Network - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 04:24
Author: crossaffliction Pixar’s newest movie, Brave, is about a princess who turns her mother into a bear. I have a problem with Pixar, and in reviewing Brave, I would like to get up on a soapbox for a bit and explain that problem. Many people really like Pixar movies, and think they are the best [...]
Categories: News

Interview with Rukis on her new release; ‘Red Lantern, Vol. 1: The Crimson Divine’

Furry News Network - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 02:24
Author: Earl_Madness At Anthrocon this year, I was able to get a brief time with Rukis (while she was busy manning her dealer’s booth) to discuss her most recent publication; Red Lantern, Vol. 1: The Crimson Divine, out now as a graphic novel for $ 29.95 from Sofawolf. Among plot and time zone complications, we [...]
Categories: News

the existence of were-wolfs?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 01:15

do you believe were-wolfs actually exist? Edit: I kinda hope so

submitted by JackShadowfox974
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 01:11

I'm hosting a raffle on my FA page and figured the Reddit community would like to get in to it!!

here's the journal for you all to see:

submitted by jessikaye
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

June 2012 Newsbytes archive

Furry News Network - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 00:25
Author: crossaffliction This month’s contributors include Rakuen Growlithe, RingtailedFox, crossaffliction, Kakurady, dronon, GreenReaper, Higgs Raccoon, Equivamp, Fred and Sonious. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

S2 Episode 7 – Welcome to Furry High: Popufurs - In this episode Roo and Tugs kick it with guest Scott J. Fox, as they delve into his take on the phenomenon known as the Popufur.  Is this a high school carryover, or just blown out of proportion? Do Popufu

Fur What It's Worth - Mon 2 Jul 2012 - 00:09
In this episode Roo and Tugs kick it with guest Scott J. Fox, as they delve into his take on the phenomenon known as the Popufur.  Is this a high school carryover, or just blown out of proportion? Do Popufurs get special perks? Scott shares his thoughts on this and more. We also torture him with "Know Your Popufur" and share the Top 10 Ways to know if You're a Popufur.


Bonus! Roo Chicken and Waffles Ringtone. Let us know if you download it!

News Links

Tails and Tactics Kickstarter -
Wreck-it Ralph Trailer:

Bonus Top 10s - Ways to Know if You're a Popufur

 Tweet about how many fanboys you have.
Wait, you're not a husky?
Drama...How dare they!


Opening: Fredrik Miller - Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here - support your fellow furs!)
Topic Opening: Stephen Schwartz (composer) and Kristin Chenoweth (artist) - Popular. New York City: Verve, 2003.  Licensed by ASCAP.
Break 1: Kylie Minogue - Timebomb. London: Parlophone, 2012. Licensed by ASCAP.
Break 2: Fredrik Miller - Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here - support your fellow furs!)
Closing: Fredrik Miller - Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here - support your fellow furs!)
Breaking news: Joseph Saba and Stewart Winter - Emergency Beat, Date/location/label unknown. Licensed by ASCAP.
Know Your Popufur music: Shiela Cole - The Price is Right. Date/location/label unknown. Licensed by ASCAP.


Creative Commons Attributions:

News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. S2 Episode 7 – Welcome to Furry High: Popufurs - In this episode Roo and Tugs kick it with guest Scott J. Fox, as they delve into his take on the phenomenon known as the Popufur.  Is this a high school carryover, or just blown out of proportion? Do Popufu
Categories: Podcasts