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Review: ‘Save the Day’, by D.J. Fahl

Furry News Network - Sat 14 Jul 2012 - 16:02
Author: dronon Save the Day by D.J. Fahl is a 2010 novel published by FurPlanet; it’s both a gay-coming-out story and a superhero drama. It’s a decent read, although there’s room for improvement. The novel is set in contemporary America (Portland, mainly), except superheroes are a new phenomenon that have only appeared in the last [...]
Categories: News

Furry Is Having an Identity Crisis

Ask Papabear - Sat 14 Jul 2012 - 15:43

In my life, I have always been rather confused about myself. I identify as furry, I identify as otherkin, and know I don't feel human. Through my various identities, I have made a lot of friends who are also furry...Yet sometimes I feel like everyone knows who they are, and yet I do not. 

I'm currently 23, biologically female, and have struggled with my identity since I was 15. When I was younger, I simply knew my identity isn't human... I still know that. Yet, no matter what I do, I keep "changing" my fursona, kintype, etc. My friends think I'm a shifter, yet I suspect there's something more psychological going on ... blocking me from myself. I knew myself better when I was younger.

Now I have no idea what my fursona, kintype, etc. is...

The things I do know are:

I mentally do think like an animal. I growl when angry, make a "crowr" sound, I whimper, I even mental shift. I chew affectionately, I'm possessive of food, so on. All these things come very naturally to me. Yet they sound quite generic, I am told.

I also know that I identify as, to an extent, a unicorn, but I feel as if there's something else there...As I have sometimes described it, I am a unicorn, I AM an animal, meaning that I'm a unicorn in soul, but otherwise I am something else entirely. (Aside from human, of course). I see that something else as being a mental state, and very ingrained. Sometimes I'm not sure which one is the more legitimate identity.

I've been going on and on with my search since I was 15, and people have doubted me a lot, and tell me quite frequently that I change all the time, why should they listen this time?

I just don't know what to do, I have no idea what feels like me anymore, or what I feel like....

I need some help with sorting through my confusion. Do you have any advice?


* * *

Dear Epona,

The physical forms that we inhabit in this present life can be viewed of as if they were a shell or articles of clothing or, perhaps more apropos, fursuits. As you seem to realize, our real selves lie within these shells, and this real self is actually only a piece of a larger part which is the Spirit that informs all of Reality.

Most people in the world, for lack of a better phrase, “buy in” to the idea that they are their outer forms. This is about as logical as saying, "I am an Armani suit," or "I am a football uniform." So, a person who is born as, say, a white male is raised and comes to believe that this is what he truly is. But that is not really the case. A great non-furry example of this is people who struggle with gender identity, such as a male who believes with complete certainty that he is actually a female trapped inside a male form. The medical community is doing more and more to alleviate this conflict in such people through surgery and hormone therapy.

This disparity doesn’t necessarily apply to just gender, of course. Papabear, for example, believes that he has bear spirit within him. But this, again, is just one aspect of my personality. Many furries feel a connection to just one other type of animal, but it doesn’t always have to be so limited. Some furries feel connection to more than one type of animal, or even to creatures (such as unicorns) that are mythological on this planet (but who is to say there are not unicorns, dragons, or other fabulous creatures on other worlds or in other realities?)

Epona, you are one of those people who is apparently gifted with a more open spirit that can connect to multiple aspects of yourself. What you need to realize is that you are confusing form with spirit. Just as my spirit is not the same as my human or even my bear form, your spirit is not just a human, a unicorn, or some other type of creature. These are just shapes, outer appearances and behaviors.

So, what I recommend is that you stop being obsessed with finding out who you are in terms of species and instead find out who you are in terms of the spirit that has no outer form. I always recommend some form of meditation for this type of exploration, whatever works for you, as long as you take some time to try and focus on your spirit regardless of form. What are your qualities? Your feminine and/or masculine aspects, your intellectual aspects, your emotional aspects, and your spiritual aspects. Discover your spirit first. Once you do this, it will be like a person who is getting measurements made for a custom outfit. Once you know what your inner dimensions are, you can then figure out best what outer form fits you the best. But always remember, this is just an outer form and not as important as what is underneath.

I hope that helps.



Browsing FA

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Jul 2012 - 13:43
Categories: News

A dragon I drew for a commissioner. :)

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Jul 2012 - 06:52
Categories: News

Anyone in cambridge MA area?

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Jul 2012 - 01:20

I was at T.T. and the Bears tonight and there were a lot of people that had ears and tails on. I was wondering if anyone from /r/furry was there.

submitted by dunkcat123
[link] [1 comment]
Categories: News

[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 223

Furry News Network - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 22:39
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 223
Categories: News

Furries featured in finitefoto issue 17: Vice

Furries In The Media - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 20:41

I've been following this guys tumblr for a while now: and he takes a good neutral observer stance on the  fandom. now an art/portfolio magazine has decided to show his work along with others in 17th issue. :)
Categories: News

Any firefurs out there?

Furry Reddit - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 18:41
Categories: News

One Animaniac — Live!

Furry News Network - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 18:25
Author: Fred The Cartoon Brew reports that at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, July 27, at the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club in North Hollywood, voice actor Rob Paulsen who played Yakko on the Spielberg/WB animated TV series Animaniacs, and composer Randy Rogel who wrote the songs, will present a 1 ½-hour live medly of Animaniacs songs, [...]
Categories: News

Does anyone want me to draw them something? :)

Furry Reddit - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 16:46

I want to learn how do draw a lot of different animals.

edit: Please remember that these are free requests, so they're not going to be perfect and you may not get exactly what you want. I'm trying my hardest.

edit: I'm doing them all in order, so I'm sorry if it takes a while for me to get to yours. I will finish all of them, don't worry.

Edit: I forgot to edit this earlier, I'm not doing anthros anymore. I apologize, but they take too long for me and there are a lot of people waiting. Also, this is a self post, so I get no karma for it. (Just in case anyone thinks I'm karma whoring)

10:52pm PST done for today :) I'll hopefully finish up tomorrow.

submitted by silverfennec
[link] [134 comments]
Categories: News

Dammit bob, you had one job.

Furry Reddit - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 16:24
Categories: News

Guest Fiction Post: Unintended Grace – Convention (Paul C.)

[adjective][species] - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 13:00

This is a section of Paul Calhoun’s second story in the Unplanned Adventures that starts and ends in the middle of the plot. This provides a good idea of what you can expect from the rest of the series. It also ends right in a place where the reader wants to know what the heck happens next. Well, as Q says in his audio version of ‘I, Q’ “You’ll have the buy the book to find that out.”

His Kindle store is where you can get this story for $1 and the rest for a reasonable price. Of course, if you’re a member of Amazon Prime you get all this for free. That’s not a commercial, just a reminder to the people who already are.

After getting their key cards, picking up their badges and materials, they went up to their room to get settled. Victor sat down in the armchair in the corner and opened the program booklet. “Usually the really interesting stuff happens on Saturday, but I’ve rarely had an hour slot with nothing I wanted to see. Yup. Next slot has a discussion on the construction and proper use of doomsday weapons. That’s my afternoon right there. You?”

Mike looked at his schedule grid. “There’s a welcoming session in one of the ballrooms for new furs and a place for previous members to catch up with each other. I think I’ll take Jamina down and see who’s here.”

“Not wasting any time, I see. It’s a good thing I set things up so your badge wouldn’t have your real name on it. Well, have fun. I actually think I’ll skip Saliaven for the weekend. I’m feeling like this is going to be more of a fen sort of con for me.” He stayed long enough to help Mike into the suit, then hurried to his panel while his son was still trying to find the right dress or skirt for the occasion.


Jamina floated down the hallway, luxuriating in the feeling of her multilayered skirts swishing about her legs as her large fluffy tail bounced. The dress she’d chosen had been intended for this use and had a hole in the rear that allowed her tail to bob freely behind her. She’s brushed her black tresses and light ochre body fur until she was sure that she looked as good as possible for this first appearance. The voice modulator turned Mike’s quiet chuckles into a light giggle as Jamina thought about how she’d wow everyone there. She’d thought about using the braced tail with elastic spine, but since she didn’t know how much room there would be or whether she’d have to sit, she’d gone with the large one that hung all the way down. Besides, Mike didn’t quite trust the padding on his butt to hide the necessary support for the tail, and he wanted Jamina to look as real as possible.

Despite knowing that she’d done everything possible to make herself presentable, Jamina still found herself checking in every mirror she passed, and the hotel had many. She never stopped, but she did slow down a couple of times when she noticed some of her raven-colored hair falling over her eyes and muzzle. She’d brush it back self-consiously and wonder if she should go back for a hairbar. Then the still-active core of Mike would smile inside the shy-eyed Jamina and keep going. His confidence wasn’t entirely in character for the young vixen, but it was necessary if she was going to meet anyone.

Jamina’s first reaction when she walked into the ballroom was the thought that perhaps she was overdressed. There were very few people suited and those who were weren’t wearing clothes. Well, except for that dashing wolf near the snack table who was wearing a leather vest and a wide-brimmed hat. Yum!

The lustful reaction made Mike flush inside of Jamina, who felt pretty embarrassed herself. Still, the grey-furred, yellow-eyed dish seemed to be the most animate person there. Though Jamina’s innocent green eyes were made to look at whoever looked back, the blue irises behind them kept glancing at the wolf even as Jamina went over to the welcome table.

The girl behind the table, wearing only a pair of ears for comfort’s sake, gave Jamina a warm welcome and complimented her on her suit. “One of the best constructions I’ve seen at this con.” She said.

Jamina inclined her head, brushing her black hair back before it could fall too far. “Thanks!” She said brightly. “I wish I could tell you who made it, but it’s not mine originally and I’ve forgotten. My dad made some alterations, though. Victor Falkner?”

The girl smiled. “I didn’t know Victor had a daughter. Tall? Tends to have odd equipment on his person at all times?”

Jamina laughed. “That’s dad, alright.”

The girl said, “He doesn’t show up at our functions too often, but he’s big on felines as I recall, and the Chronicle.” She looked at Jamina’s nametag. “You too? Well, it is a favorite in the fandom. I’m sure you’ll be recognized by plenty of people.”

Jamina turned as if to leave, but decided she had to ask. “Do you know who that wolf is?” She asked, pointing with a short black claw.

The girl leaned to the side to look. “Him? New as far as I know, or at least the fursona is. He didn’t come over here, so perhaps it’s one of our regulars with a new aspect.”

“Thanks.” Jamina talked with a few of the other new members, and one or two regulars who were there to help welcome them, but she continued to be drawn towards the wolf, who was still talking animatedly to anyone who approached him near the food table. No one seemed to know who he was, though, and eventually Jamina decided she’d had enough. Though such presumption wasn’t exactly in character, she reminded herself she was a Resonating Node, a Mage First Class in rank and no lupine with a hat was going to cow her.

She crossed the room over to where the wolf was drinking a soda through a long straw. Jamina picked one up for herself and said, “Hello.”

The wolf, who was taller than she’d realized replied, “Hi.” In a voice that seemed artificially deep. Like someone with a higher pitched voice who was trying to seem throaty. Considering his choice in suit, it seemed likely to Jamina that he was trying to go for the kind of voice his fursona would have.

Jamina tried to think of a way to continue when the wolf said, “I see from your badge that you’re Jamina. From the crossed-staves on bronze sticker, would it be too presumptuous to guess your last name to be Karia’tur?”

Jamina leapt at the opening. “Not at all,” she replied. “Your name, however, seems more of a mystery. Your badge is flipped the wrong way and so you have the advantage of me.”

The wolf bowed. “If only I could keep such an advantage. But for such a lovely young lady, I could hardly be so rude as not to identify myself. I am Wortag. Big Mad Wortag.”

Jamina stifled a laugh. This reference she knew. “Big…Mad…Wortag.” She replied with exaggerated skepticism. “Is that what’s sewn on your vest?”

“As a matter of fact,” Wortag said, his voice showing the rakish grin that must lie under his suit. “It is.” He pulled back one side of the vest to show ‘BMW’ on the side.

Jamina countered, “And how do I know you’re not just a car lover?”

“Ah, a wit to match my own!” The wolf cried.

Jamina did laugh at that. “I see that we have similar tastes. Perhaps I’ll be seeing more of you at the con.”

The wolf bowed again, sweeping his hat off. “I can only hope so, and that I’ll see more of you as well.”

Jamina knew that no one else in the room was going to top that introduction, and she felt justified in leaving to let Mike see a panel or two before dinner. As for Saturday… Well, Jamina fully intended to seek Wortag out if she didn’t run into him by lunch. This looked to be an interesting weekend for both her and Mike. She thought about Wortag’s over-the-top behavior as she walked back to the room and giggled to herself. She didn’t look once at the mirrors as she went.

Chapter 3:


Mike had spent the early morning before programming started setting his schedule up so that Jamina could go to the morning panels and lunch, and he could join the afternoon panels. Evening and the masquerade would be whatever he felt like, though he expected Jamina to go to the parties.

Jamina had decided on a long, green, single layer skirt with a blue midriff. Something more casual and easier to get around in. She saw and greeted a couple of the people she’d met the day before, but didn’t see Wortag before the first panel. She’d picked them with the hope of seeing him there, and she wasn’t disappointed when she arrived to find him already seated. She slid in next to him and he looked at her. “Pretty lady.” He said in greeting. “Do I have a companion for the day?”

Jamina giggled and looked down at her program book. “Look at what I have circled for the morning and you can tell me.”

Wortag brought the page up close to his muzzle and said, “Well, well. I do believe we’ll be spending the morning together. How convenient.”

They fell silent as the panel started, a discussion on the merits and problems with popular furry fiction. A little past the halfway point, the audience started getting involved and Wortag and Jamina began to compete on who could make the best relevant point. Wortag fell silent first, though Jamina suspected that was so that he could turn slightly and watch her. Mike flushed more than usual as Jamina caught him leaning over and admiring his figure as Jamina stood up to make a point.

They talked and laughed as they went to the next panel, dealing with construction methodology. Panel’s members were more loquacious and audience participation was minimal. It was still interesting, and when they left, Wortag pronounced himself hungry enough to skip the next program item and take an hour for lunch. Jamina said, “I could eat like this, but I’d rather have my mouth closer to my food, if you get my drift.”

Wortag leaned on a wall nonchalantly and said, “Sure. I wouldn’t mind changing into something easier to eat in as well.”

Jamina replied, “My room’s right on the corridor. We don’t even have to take the elevator.”

Wortag’s tone was impressed. “Nice. That must be handy when you’re suited.”

“It is.” Jamina said. “My dad’s told me about some of his more difficult elevator rides.” She sniffed. “Not something I’d want to do my first con.”

Wortag laughed. “My delicate little vixen. Well, I’d need to grab some clothes from my room first. Meet you there?”

Jamina nodded. “It’s 364.”

“364,”Wortag confirmed. “Be right there.” Before Jamina could turn to leave,

Wortag walked right up to her. “One of your ears is flopping over,” he said as he reached out a paw to set it upright again. Mike felt even hotter in the suit again, but didn’t reply as Wortag took his leave.

Wortag was faster than Jamina had expected, and was carrying a bundle when he knocked on the door scarcely a minute after Jamina had arrived and gotten out her own change of clothes. She opened the door and Wortag came in. “I hope you don’t mind that I decided to come here first.”

“Not at all,” Jamina said. “Actually, I think it’s better this way. I know I should have told you this earlier, but-” She pulled off her fursuit head and Mike said, “I’m really sorry, but I didn’t know how to tell you. It just occurred to me that I ought to have been clearer.”

Wortag had taken a step back when Mike had pulled off his head and now he made a grinding sound in the back of his throat. Mike was afraid the wolf would start shouting at him, or storm out. Instead, Wortag lifted his own head off. “Dammit! Dammit, dammit, dammit!” He said in a much higher tone. Brown hair cascaded down to Wortag’s upper back as the girl shook her head to free it.

Make sure to catch the rest, snag a copy from Amazon!

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Ask Papabear - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 10:14
Dear Papabear:

First, I'd like to thank you for having this column, am sure you hear it a lot in every letter you receive, but still, my upbringing instills that I express such gratitude. Enough about you, about me.

I have a dilemma I've been dealing with for the past couple years, hope you can provide a direction for me go, I'm truly lost at what I should do. Obviously, the right thing. I've been in a relationship with my current partner for about 13 years, and it's been great up til the past 3. That's when things started to really go downhill. Over that time, my anxiety is worse than it ever has been, and all he did was bury himself in his video games. I've turned to my furry friends for support, and they've been there a lot better than my partner, which I am so grateful for. The connection between me and my partner has practically gone to nothing, all because he's been playing those games. Meanwhile, I immerse myself into the fandom, where I have love and support, away from him. In that process, I cheated on my partner with others in this quest for affection. I think I'm finally finding the right person for me, but all of a sudden, my partner is either getting jealous of my time with my friends, now trying to make things work. I just feel it's too late for that, and I want to settle down with this new person, that I've found and started bonding with the past 9 months. My question to you is how can I break off this old relationship for this new one without offending my old partner.. I mean, am willing still to be friends, I just don't love anymore (or, shall I say, in love with him). I'm just so burned from the lack of respect from him, but I don’t want to hurt him either.. But then I didn't help my cause by cheating on him either. I just don’t want to be unhappy anymore. and don't want to be this way 15 years down the road.. what shall I do?


* * *

Dear Anonymous,

You have a right to be happy, as does your mate. Reading your letter, it is clear that your mind is made up to break up with your current mate and have a go at your new relationship, so I wish you well in your new romantic endeavor, although I do have one question: could it be that your partner has a serious game addiction problem? And did you try and resolve it? Or is he just using games to avoid talking to you and being with you?

Because I don’t have that information, I will proceed by assuming he does not have a game addiction problem and the issue is your relationship.

The question currently on your plate, then, is how to politely break up with your current mate without hurting his feelings. It sounds like he is just now getting the idea that the two of you are on the skids and that is why he is acting jealously, which sounds to me like he really doesn’t want to lose you and his behavior over the last couple of years has been—most likely—symptomatic of his taking you for granted. So, this probably won’t be an easy break-up, as you yourself seem to realize.

You both are responsible for what is about to happen: he is because of how he has ignored you, and you are because you might not have tried enough to revive his feelings for you before cheating on him.

The best thing you can do in any break-up is be honest with your partner. Tell him exactly what you have told me, that you just feel the magic and love has gone out of your relationship and that you want to move on—as friends, if possible, but either way you now want to be with your new partner. You might ease his hurt somewhat by telling him how much he means to you still and how wonderful the first ten years have been, but you feel you have grown apart. Tell him you don’t really want to place blame on anyone and that he will always be special to you.

This can work. I know, because I did the same thing with my first partner with whom I had a twenty-one year relationship. Both of us grew a lot during that time—heck, we were just out of college when we married and were little more than kids. It was extremely painful to break up, but we were both different people (me more so than her, perhaps), and, after a couple of hard years, we remain good friends.

It’s wonderful that you are not bitter about this and that you want to have what I would call a very mature break-up. If you talk to him, being very mindful of the truth and of his feelings, there is a good chance you can remain friends, at least, and that is a very valuable thing to have.

Good Luck,


The otter and me by Eclipsewolf

Furry Reddit - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 09:50
Categories: News

My wolf/roe deer hybrid, Rigani

Furry Reddit - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 08:25
Categories: News

Interview: Rukis reflects on ‘Unconditional’

Furry News Network - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 08:25
Author: Isiah Jacobs To celebrate the recent premiere of Red Lantern: Conviction, Isiah sat down with Rukis to discuss her latest publication, Unconditional. Isiah Jacobs: Hello again, Rukis! It’s so nice to have you on the show again! It’s been too long! Rukis: That it has. Wait . . . it’s been like a few [...]
Categories: News

LOLCats r in ur artificial intelligenz… and now ur cities

Furry News Network - Fri 13 Jul 2012 - 06:24
Author: Rakuen Growlithe Maru may be the biggest star in all the interwebz. The Scottish Fold has previously been voted the internet’s favourite cat, and cats may just be the Internet’s favourite meme. To quote Katie Milner, a student at the London School of Economics and Political Science who recently submitted a thesis entitled “Srsly [...]
Categories: News