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Hit and Run (originally published 7-18-12)

Ask Papabear - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 00:51
Hi, Everyone,

I'm not doing a letter today. I just wanted to take a moment to talk about what happened last Monday to Beastcub's sister, Gemily West; her boyfriend, Harison Long-Randall; and Gemily's dogs, Evie, Bindie, Zury, and Winry. Here is the story (not for the weak-of-stomach)

First of all, my friends Palomino Pony and LostWolf have been posting regular updates, including the latest news from the Sacramento Bee at

Harison lost his leg saving Gemily's life. He is a true hero. I feel they will both recover, though they are going through a lot of pain, not only physical but also emotional because all four dogs are now dead.

I don't know what caused this person who drove the car to do this. Papabear knows that people are not perfect, and sometimes we do the wrong thing and sometimes we do things by accident.

Sometimes, though, there are people out there who, for lack of a better term, are just plain evil. The man or woman behind the wheel of the car did something unforgivably wicked. I can think of no reasonable excuse for running down two people and four dogs with a car going 80 miles an hour. None.

[Update: the man driving the car was a soused moron with a criminal record. Here's the story

How do we deal with evil in the world? For one thing, we step up to help those who were the victims, and Papabear is proud to say that he has seen a lot of furries try and help the families struck by this tragedy.

What we should not do is try and seek revenge or become angry and bitter about what happened. When we do this, it is not the perpetrator who loses, it is us. Papabear was very angry at first at this news, then sad. That is natural and we have to work through those emotions. Now it is time to get to work.

We all need to come together counteract the evil that was done to Gemily, Harison, their pets, and their families. I ask you all to pray for them in whatever manner you are comfortable with. I ask you all to send them love, to give them an outpouring of support, affection, generosity, and kindness. Here's whom to contact:

Harison Long-Randall/Gemily West Fund c/o Pam Dinsmore
Community Affairs Director
The Sacramento Bee
2100 Q St.
Sacramento, CA 95816  

It is only in this way that all of us can pull together and fight against the evil that exists in the world. 

Let's show our fellow furries that we are their extended family. That we love and support them and are here for them. You don't have to do a lot. Send them a card. Send a flower. Anything at all will help.

Thank you,


Update: 7-21-12

Beastcub posted the following on her FurAffinity page

I just wanted to say things are looking better over here, unless Hari gets an infection he is in the clear, he has an operation every 24-48 hours to keep his open wounds clean and he is on ventilator and feeding tube and cannot talk. He will be bed bound in the ICU for 3 weeks, after that he will be in the recovery ward. 

Gemily is doing well enough considering the double trauma of both her BF and dogs being part of this. With the rod in her leg she should be able to use it right away but what the media fails to report is she is missing chunks of flesh from that leg and is all covered in bruises, and her foot is all swollen.
I got to see her at last today, and she finally laughed a bit for the first time today and she and I both ate decently since this happened.

There also now an official paypal donation, you can send donations to longrandallwestfund[at] 
Hari needs the money more than us, his home will have to be modified and his family members will be unable to work while caring for him. So every little bit helps.

Oh and you can sent a check too - from the Sacramento Bee:

Fund set up for hit and run victims
Readers responding to Monday night's horrific hit and run crash in Carmichael are offering donations to help the families involved.
Anyone wanting to contribute may send checks made out to the Harison Long-Randall/Gemily West Fund and send them to:

Pam Dinsmore
Community Affairs Director
The Sacramento Bee
2100 Q St.
Sacramento, CA 95816 

UPDATE: July 29, 2012

According to a post from my friend Palomino Pony, Harrison Long-Randall has died from his injuries from the hit and run. I'm sure all of you will join with me in a prayer for Gemily West and her and her mate's families.  Here is the story: Also, Beastcub (Gemily's sister) posted on FA:

‘The Croods’ print distributed at Comic-Con

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 00:24
Author: Fred Cartoon Brew reports that animator/director Chris Sanders (Lilo & Stitch) was giving out this colored print for The Croods, the coming 2013 Disney animated feature, at the Comic-Con last week. We don’t know yet if any of its animals are anthropomorphic, but there are enough exotic non-human critters to please most Furry fans. [...]
Categories: News

Looking for long lost Picture/Wallpaper! Help?

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:51

I used to have a picture on my computer a few years back that i had found while poking around on a art website. It was of a wolf, that looked to be injured or mental, stumbling/walking down a checkered hallway? If i can remember right the picture had a kind of blue feel to it, on the tiles at least.

I've been going out of my mind trying to remember where it was, and i would appreciate the help! <3

submitted by toxicxrequiem
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Categories: News

[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 218

Furry News Network - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:39
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 218
Categories: News

030 - Cream Corn! - This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and...

The Dragget Show - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:24
This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and put a twist on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Also, LOTS of listener questions answered! Also, check out and share highlights at our YouTube channel, updating it all the time! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 030 - Cream Corn! - This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and...
Categories: Podcasts

030 - Cream Corn! - This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and...

The Dragget Show - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:24
This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and put a twist on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Also, LOTS of listener questions answered! Also, check out and share highlights at our YouTube channel, updating it all the time! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 030 - Cream Corn! - This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and...
Categories: Podcasts

Pet fox anyone?

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 22:16
Categories: News

did you know the BBC invented furries?

Furries In The Media - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 18:44
durr hurr
Categories: News

Future Camp #5… it’s like WTF?

DailyFurBlog - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 18:12

I can’t say that Episode four was my fav. , but episode five has made me giggle. What am I talking about you ask? Well look at the video above and you’ll be watchn’ the 5th episode in the series of “Future Camp” a Camp Feral production. We are only days away from the fun times in the woods of Ontario, Canada with furries. This episode brings you the “Ask Timber” commercial with “Ball” and gets a nice twist at the end in a WTF moment. As always thumbs up these Canadian’s and watch em’ right here!  . Still have no clue what Camp Feral is, well that’s a derp! cause I didn’t tell you so click here!

Categories: News

Housepets! Book One… has been ordered

Furry News Network - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 05:26
Author: Housepets! Book One… has been ordered, it is enroute to HP!R’s place of recording, YAY! Now we wait for book two…. Find the full article here: Radio Free Housepets! Housepets! Book One… has been ordered
Categories: News

Join the Zoo

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 01:48

Animator Chris Ayers became well-known for his Daily Zoo project, in which he drew one new animal character every day for a year — therapy while he recovered from a life-threatening illness.  Two Daily Zoo books have been released so far… but his latest book takes a different tack. My Daily Zoo is a softcover book featuring over 96 pages of interactive black & white drawing exercises where you unleash your creativity and draw new cartoon animals. You can find out more about Chris, his inspiring story, and his works at his web site.

image c. 2012 Chris Ayers

Categories: News

FoxAmoore does another BAM! in your pants!

DailyFurBlog - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 01:42

OMG!!! Foxamoore I *heart symbol I forgot how to make in symbols* you ! With the work this time of Ashley Serena  with  Vocals, karuno on Flute, jariswolf for Character and as always  alectorfencer for that art work cover . This new piece titled “Rite of Vengeance” is one of the best in the series of his work. Full of vocals and such amazing movie like music it made me squirt a little.  So come here and check it out! Don’t forget to check out this guy HERE too.

Categories: News

Okay, who here actively does commissions?

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Jul 2012 - 00:36

I've been searching around DeviantArt and FA for skilled people who are a) open for commissions, b) decently priced (I mean, I'm not expecting to get cel-shading or anything cheap, but $30 for a lineart is way over my range), and c) actually get back to their potential customers. Thus far I've managed to find the first two, but those seem to be mutually exclusive with the third, as both artists I've contacted have failed to get back to me after a week and a half.

So, who do we know who is actually looking for commissions? If it helps narrow it down, my character is a coyote and I prefer people who don't use anime-type styles. I'm also not looking to commission anything that's NSFW/pornographic.

Thanks in advance! -Krim

submitted by maeEast
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Categories: News

Looking for someone to create a reference sheet for my vixen Stella - will pay ^^

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Jul 2012 - 23:22

I'm not quite sure where to start looking and I have been browsing FA. I was hoping to get some input from someone that could create one for me or if anyone knew of someone that did an amazing job for them. I will definitely pay. Thanks!!

submitted by spottedunicorn
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Categories: News