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Editorial: Furry fandom and the D-word; a dire warning from Penn State

Furry News Network - Sat 21 Jul 2012 - 02:24
Author: Sonious Drama: it’s a complicated little word that with a large negative connotation when used within the furry fandom. There are those who don’t always see the best in furry; who point out flaws in what sometimes seem an overbearing manner, and decry some within the fandom from their own corner of the web. [...]
Categories: News

BBF AC2012 Video is out!

DailyFurBlog - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 22:48

Okay here we go furries… I watched a long BBF (BigBlueFox) video production which you can see here(user: bbfvideo pass:nomnom). Yes, it will take time to download it but it is worth watching even if you skim over it. Now it’s time to have my say into this thing starting with the good.

First, I am in the first section like 3-5 mins in did you see me acting derp? Shit I’m a dumb ass sometime in suit. Great video was had through the film with nose beeps, camera swallowing and mouse beeps. The camera angles and swift movements were perfect making it enjoyable. There was things in the video I had no idea I saw, including people I met who turned out to be DJs and dancers. So watching this video made me realize damn I miss a lot in furry life.

I have to say the scenes with Sardyuon, Matthew Ebel and the Celtic cats on the roof were ones to watch with entertainment. They had some real pow to and those suiters give amazing talent.  There were other kats …umm….cats … that were acting all derp and asking for fruit loops, which was for lack of a better term “wow furries” .I have to also admit I liked the new “crawl on the floor for the cam” was bad-ass. Those nose raping scenes was to splooge for really. Finally, I liked the camera getting beer’ed on … mostly because I like destruction.

OMG! (who was there with the devil FYI)  I’m going to go into the meehhh parts so shut up.  The camera pole scenes were nice until it got a little mehh, like way too much. There are some parts of the video if you were there you could skip over if you were at the event, that’s a derp! of course ya would. There was also parts that could have been cut down so much more, which areas I will not say for lack of spoilers. I watched over 2 hours and 20mins of video, yes it’s long, but I did see EVERYTHING.

Could the video use a new twist and give a host or some character to focus on? Yes, I think BBF should think about adding some talking and or give a narrative throughout the thing to help those who didn’t understand what was happening a little more insight. Watch some ComicCon videos you’ll see it’s a different layout then fur cons.

In the long run would I show this to someone who didn’t see it? Hell YES, this video showed what it’s like to be at a con and how things really are when you go. Yes, there was flaws but they were small and I think BBF did a great job at showing everyone and everything he could at the con. I still would really like if he laid it out differently and gave us sort of a story or interviews. Let’s see if my advise gets somewhere, otherwise head over and see his stuff! DO NOT forget to watch his past videos to help further your experience in other cons.  Thank you BBF for a great video and yes you pass to the next round in furry fandom, congratulations.

Categories: News

[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 217

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 22:39
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 217
Categories: News

FC-91 Love Puddles

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 22:32
Author: E-Mail Hidden (..::XANA::.. Creations) Puddles of love. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE. SO MANY PUDDLES. D: Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) News: Media reports on alcohol and ‘simulated sex’ at NJ FurBQ by GreenReaper ‘My Little Pony’ fan erotica magazine tops $ 1000 at auction by GreenReaper Opinion: Supreme Court decision a good deal for U.S. furs by [...] FC-91 Love Puddles
Categories: News

A new subreddit! Come on down to r/scaley, the place for furries of the scaled persuasion!

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 21:46

Now that I've got your attention, I'd like to bring up a new subreddit I've adopted called /r/Scaley

The general idea of the subreddit is a place for furries with more scales than fur. This can be anything from dragons to nagas, lizards to fish, and everything inbetween!

Link and text submissions are allowed, with image sourcing suggested when available.

Nsfw content is allowed, but must be tagged appropriately.

TL;DR: /r/scaley is a new subreddit for the scaled furries amongst us, come have a look!

submitted by Paulthemediocre
[link] [5 comments]
Categories: News

A chat-roulette for furries!

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 21:26
Categories: News

Alleyway Sneak drawn by me

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 18:35
Categories: News

Avatar? o.O

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 14:39
Categories: News

Doctor Who commission

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 14:08

Me and my buddy Guf as the 10th and 4th Doctor in front of the Tardis

submitted by kailin_fox_85
[link] [1 comment]
Categories: News

Unusual species couples?

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 12:30

I was musing on how odd it can be for some furry species to pair up with others (Case in point, I'm a lady tiger and my mate's a gentleman squirrel - drawing that can be kinda weird sometimes!).

What weird combinations have you guys seen? Have you been IN a weird combo?

submitted by MangyJenks
[link] [30 comments]
Categories: News

Inkbunny deploys community keyword suggestion system

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 06:25
Author: GreenReaper Furry art community Inkbunny has deployed a means for users to suggest and approve keywords. The long-anticipated feature was rolled out after several days of testing, leading to the addition of keyword history. The feature had been requested by users wishing to improve the site experience for others, as keywords are used heavily [...]
Categories: News

[adjective][species] on cub porn

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 04:25
Author: bastett [adjective][species] has an interesting article on cub porn and its impact on the furry community. Controversial topic but worth a read. On sites where it is allowed (and even sometimes when it is not), it’s ubiquitous. A full 3% (out of 200,000) of posts on are tagged “cub”. Yet attraction to underage [...]
Categories: News

Two furs badly injured, four dogs killed in horrific 80MPH hit-and-run

Furry News Network - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 02:24
Author: banrai Just after nightfall on Monday, July 16, Gemily West (Wolfgem) and her boyfriend Harison Long-Randall (Elden) were waking their four Australian Cattle dogs home from a visit to their local park in the Carmichael neighborhood of Sacremento, California, when they were struck by a drunk driver. Witnesses reported that the light-brown Nissan Maxima [...]
Categories: News

OCD and Alienation

Ask Papabear - Fri 20 Jul 2012 - 00:54
Dear Papabear,

I suffer depression issues and need to be in control. Well this month is the 3 year anniversary of two of my best friends deaths so I'm kinda freaking. Mix that with my boyfriend has been driving me crazy with little things like not really answering when I say things to him. I have always been bad about being in a room with friends and feeling completely alone and unloved, right now is worse then I have ever been. I am fight my ocd of touching or doing things in 5's. 

A very stressed Ari

* * *

[Note to readers: Ari and Papabear also talked in other emails in which Ari confirmed she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; she also said that her main question was how to relieve her stress.]

Dear Ari,

Your OCD is likely what is leading to your obsessing about your friends’ deaths and your boyfriend issues.  By definition, you are obsessing about something that happened three years ago and about which you cannot do anything. While it, of course, takes time to heal from such a painful experience, “freaking” about it will not do you any good and is symptomatic of your neurosis. Likewise, you are probably obsessing about little things your boyfriend does that most people would shrug off as unimportant. For these two issues, Papabear admits he is not qualified to offer you any treatment (although it’s pretty clear your desire for “control” is a reaction to the death of your friends and desire to control the world around you so that such tragedies no longer enter your life), since this belongs under the purview of a trained therapist.

Therefore, as you and I spoke about in our other emails, let us focus instead on your alienation problem. I’m glad you brought this topic up, Ari, because it is a problem that I think is particularly pronounced withing the furry community.

What is “alienation”? Sociologist Melvin Seeman (no jokes, please—oh, all right, go ahead) defined six aspects of alienation, including:

1.  Powerlessness:  "Nothing I do makes a difference."  "You can't fight city hall."
2.  Normlessness:  "Being 'good' just won't cut it anymore."  "Nice guys finish last."
3.  Meaninglessness:  "I can't make sense of it all anymore."  "What's it all about?"
4.  Cultural estrangement:  "My culture's values aren't mine."  "What is 'success,' anyway?"
5.  Self-estrangement:  "My work doesn't mean much to me."  "What I learn in school isn't relevant."
6.  Social isolation:  "I'm alone."  "I don't fit in."  "No one visits me anymore."

A lot of this comes from allowing others to define for you what is right and wrong, what is success and failure, what you should believe in, how you should behave, what friends and lovers you should have, even what god to believe in.

The solution is to stop listening to them and, instead, listen to your own heart and that inner voice in you that provides your self-identity and guides you toward what is right for you. Ari, your email does not provide a whole lot of information to go on, but Papabear also senses that you are feeling “alone and unloved” because you haven’t found the right people to be around yet. I mean, if you feel unloved around people who are supposed to be your friends, then why do you consider them to be your friends? The very definition of “friend” is a person with whom you have an emotional bond, someone you trust, an ally and companion. If you aren’t getting that, then they are not your friends.

The best way to counteract this is to find people in your life with whom you share interests and, possibly, even a background. Not to put too thick a coat on it, but have you ever talked to other people who have OCD? Shared a little with them and offered each other some emotional support? Also, you are a furry, so are you hanging out with other furries with whom you have other things in common?

Once you do this, your friends can do a lot to help relieve your stress by having someone to share with, hang out with, and bond with. Other than that, a lot of your stress is probably caused by your OCD, which is a very stressful disorder.

Seeing a therapist is the best thing for this, although in one of your emails you said you didn’t have the money for treatment. If you haven’t already tried them, check out the International OCD Foundation at The site offers some basic information, help finding a therapist, and also links to phone support and online help that appears to be free or low-cost to you.

I hope that helps you at least get a boost on finding some help, Ari.

Good Luck,
