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Remember proper behavior, fuzzies!

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 21:21
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Sir Foxingtons!

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 20:52
Categories: News

A friend of mine came across this fursuit (Link in the info) and wonders what species it is (more specifically the ears)?

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 20:08

Here is a link to the video: He came across this and has been watching it over and over again for a good two weeks now, he has been trying to work out what species the character is.

Can somebody help please?

submitted by VayneKuagari
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Categories: News

Jak & Daxter Joining PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Cast

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 20:07


A new challenger approaches! This time, he's carrying a furry wise-cracking friend! Jak and Daxter have been announced as a duo playable character in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.They will be a team that fights together (like the Ice Climbers in Super Smash Bros.) and join Sly Cooper, Parappa the Rappa, and Toro as anthro characters in the game. 

Cole McGrath was also announced at the San Diego Comic-Con event. But he doesn't have fur. His trailer is here though!

Check out the trailer below! 


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Ratchet & Clank Collection Releasing Aug. 28th with Sly Demo

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 19:48


The HD Ratchet & Clank Collection now has a release date! It will be available August 28th in retail and on PSN for $29.99. The Collection features 1080p HD remasters of three PS2 Ratchet & Clank classics: Ratchet & Clank, Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, and Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. In addition, these three games have Trophy and 3D support (in 720p), and the fine folks over at Idol Minds have restored online play to Up Your Arsenal. It has been available in Europe since May 16. So, YEAH WE'RE LAST. Since we had to wait, the game will also come with an "exclusive first access" demo to Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Sweet!


Categories: News

Mexio has furries

DailyFurBlog - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 19:28

Okay not sure how a Missouri town decided to place this on their website, but I found it (maybe a slow news day) .  So this quick clip is a Reuters segment on a Mexican furry and no it’s not speedy Gonzales.  The report sort of says things correct, minus she only thinks there is on convention. Check out the vid HERE.

Categories: News

'Furry movement' sweeps Mexico

Furries In The Media - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 16:55

An article on (Independent Television News, a British-based news and content provider). Dated July 17, 2012.

Dozens of people are dressing up as furry animals in Mexico as part of the furry movement, which expresses love for animals and human beings.

Furries are mostly young people who design and create cartoon or mascot animal costumes and wear them out in the street.

There are thousands of followers across the globe and the movement even has its own convention called Anthrocon, which took place this year in Pennsylvania.

Adrian Diaz, who dresses as a fox says followers are still treated as oddities by the general public: "Here in Mexico, when people don't understand things, it bothers them.

"There are many people that accept it and think it's fun, but the majority don't accept it very much."

Cesar Clemente, a furry who goes by the nickname "Zorillo", or "Little Fox" says: "To me, being a furry means living the life you have.

"When I have the suit on I feel like I can do things that I otherwise wouldn't. I can be friendlier, more affectionate. I think people think it's more acceptable like this than if I didn't have the costume on."

Fans claim to have a significant following internationally, with websites and online games all part of the furry role playing.
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I feel out of place in the fandom...

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 15:33

I feel badly out of place within the fandom because I can't draw.

This bothers me greatly because there is a strange preconceived notion that all furs are some form of artist, and I find it hard to connect with other furs because of it.

And the problem goes even further in the fact that there is the other preconceived notion I've encountered that you MUST have art of your fursona or nobody will believe your really a fur. The only "art" of my 'sona I have are a couple of badly done private photoshops I've done of existing art. (because I can't draw worth shit, and wanted to somehow visualize my concept.)

Are there any other furs out there who have/had this problem fitting in?

submitted by KVoksel
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Categories: News

THE DOGS OF WAR--Tails & Tactics

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 10:11

I'd play it!

submitted by RaizaMane
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Categories: News

After 10 Bad Relationships, Furry Is Reluctant to Trust in New Love

Ask Papabear - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 09:51
Dear Papabear:

I don’t exactly know how to say this, but I’m in love... and it scared the crap out of me. Let me explain:

I have a history of bad breakups (10 in all since 2009). There were only a few of them that have hurt me to the point of crying though. This last one, we had gotten together in November 2011, he seemed perfect, but slowly, I started noticing things. He would hide his phone from me when texting, he would ignore me for a week after I stayed with him for a few days. He would get jealous of my friends. Hell, he even said that if I watched porn without him, he called it cheating on him. Well, one day, he was sleeping and I snooped through his phone. I found out that I wasn’t his only boyfriend. but I was weak and kept it inside, only telling a close friend. He and I were together 6 months. then he left me, the day after my birthday (5 days after our 6 month mark) but I didn’t know until he was gone that he had left me to move in with his fiancé (he has 3, all of them in different states.) I had loaned him money that he had promised to pay back, but I know I’ll never see any of it. That leads me to my problem.

The fur that I am in love with is the very close friend that I confided this stuff to, but what scares me is my past... I don’t want what happened with my ex to happen again. Sometimes when I text the guy, I feel like I’m being annoying. I’ve thrown walls up to protect myself, but he has seemed to get past all of them and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be hurt again, so my question is, what do I do? I need an outside opinion and would gratefully appreciate yours.

Ingavar Khaos

* * *

Dear Ingavar,

Here’s a little riddle for you. Say you take a die in your paw and you roll that die 10 times. Each time you roll it, the die bounces across the table and eventually settles down with the number 6 at the top. Ten rolls, ten 6’s. Now, you roll the die one more time. What are the chances that the number 6 will end up on top again?

The answer is 1 out of 6, or 16.7%.  Just because you got the same result 10 times before doesn’t change the odds to mean that landing a number 6 this next roll is a 100% possibility. Likewise, just because you had 10 bad experiences with boyfriends, doesn’t mean boyfriend Number 11 is going to be like the other 10.

My initial response to your query is that you are not giving your current boyfriend credit. He is not your last boyfriend, so why would you assume he is going to behave like your last boyfriend? A possible answer to this is that you always pick boyfriends with the same qualities and, therefore, they tend to act in a similar fashion.

What do you look for in a boyfriend, Ingavar? Some people are rather shallow when they seek out a mate, picking people based on their looks or their income or if they have a cool job. If you are one of those, then I could see why you have a bad record of picking mates.

On the other paw, you are hopefully a person who picks people who seem to have good qualities, such as intelligence, a sense of humor, and compassion. Then the explanation of your bad track record could just be bad luck, or that you are meeting people who are really good at faking sincerity and kindness.

But this person you are with now is someone who was there for you and who you felt good enough about to confide in. He even has navigated around the barriers and walls you set up to shield your emotions, penetrating them and being what sounds to me like a real cool guy. That sounds to Papabear like a very good start.

What do you do? Drop those barriers! You go into this relationship trusting your new mate. Assume that things will go well and that he is a good person. I know that, with your track record, it is hard to trust your instincts, but from what you have told me this new guy sounds like he has potential. This is a new roll of the die, and there is always a chance you’ll come up with that 6 again, but there is an even better chance you won’t.

If you go into this assuming that the relationship will fail and assuming that your new boyfriend is untrustworthy, then you will create what is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. After a while, your boyfriend will sense that you don’t trust him and that you think he will cheat on you (you are already risking this by the effort you made to shield yourself up until now). He will become resentful, wondering what he has done to be treated this way, which will lead to bitterness and, eventually, he will think to himself, “Well, if she doesn’t trust me anyway, I might as well cheat.”

Don’t do that. Like I said, time to start fresh, a blank slate, tabula rasa, as they say in literature class. This man is not your old boyfriend. Love him, trust him, go forth into your new relationship with joy and hope and your new love will feel that strong, positive energy coming off you like warm sunshine breaking through storm clouds, greatly increasing your chances of a happy romance.

Love is a risky thing, but it is worth taking another chance.



Bloosh the fox

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 09:31
Categories: News

From an alternate universe

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 07:14
Categories: News

The problem with ponies

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 06:56
Categories: News

Open for pinup commissions!

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 06:00
Categories: News

MLP-FIM comes to comic books

Furry News Network - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 04:24
Author: Fred Wired magazine reports from the Comic-Con International just past that a My Little Pony comic book about Ponyville is coming in November from IDW Publishing. But will it be anthropomorphic? Read more: Friendship is Magic on the Printed PageEQD: My Little Pony Comic Series AnnouncedComments from artist Andy Price Find the full article [...]
Categories: News

is there any good comics out there wit furrys???

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Jul 2012 - 04:11


submitted by Onosos
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