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Why are you furries?

Furry Reddit - Sat 4 Aug 2012 - 03:30

Hello, I have a few question about this fandom and why you do what you do. Not trying to be rude just curious. (Brony here btw)

What is the appeal to the fur random? Why do you guys dress up is fur suits? Do you all just do it for the XXX? How does the pubic eye view you? Thanks!

submitted by wiggilymagicmushroom
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Categories: News

re: comic offer - Sat 4 Aug 2012 - 01:45
A long while back, I posted here offering to give away some comics,
and I got inquiries from a couple people. I was going to send out
these comics to them, but I ended up moving immediately after and
those comics got lost. I doubt that they read a.f.f. anymore, but I
just thought for what it's worth I'd toss an apology their way for not
Categories: News

Plushies vs. Creepy Dolls

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 4 Aug 2012 - 01:20

Breaking out of the pages of Womanthology (a successful all-female-created comic anthology from last year) comes A Stuffed Bunny in Doll Land: The Furry War Begins, written by Anya Martin and illustrated in full color by Mado Pena. Here’s the basic description from their web site: “In Womanthology: Heroic, Munny, a lone stuffed bunny, showed her inner hero and entered the frightening world of dolls to save her best friend, Elephant, with only a butter knife and a sugar bowl lid. But the dolls are not pleased to lose their new pet and ready to launch an expedition of their own to take him back. Now Munny has to return to Doll-Land and venture deep, deep into their dark world of strange beauty and unexpected horror, accompanied only by a valiant band of fellow stuffed animals.” New updates for this on-line comic are coming soon.

image c. 2012 by Mado Pena

Categories: News

Deciphering licks? ^^

Furry Reddit - Sat 4 Aug 2012 - 00:20

I've seen this floating around on a few sites and it's always a little different.. I've made my own edits, too, but I was wondering if anyone else had any input. :3

I don't think that licks ALWAYS mean these things.. you can just lick inadvertently of course :P but when I want to say something I like to convey that I really MEAN it in the context of this list.

  • ?~Meaning Of A Lick~?
  • *Lick on the Ear: I think you are cute!
  • *Lick on the Hand: Asking permission/I'm ready.
  • *Lick on the Forehead: For comfort.
  • *Lick over the Face: Stay here with me.
  • *Lick on the Paw/Hand: You're my everything.
  • *Lick below the Chin: I like you.
  • *Lick on the Nose: I love you.
  • *Lick on the Finger: You're so sweet!
  • *Lick on the Neck: We belong together.
  • *Lick on the Shoulder: I want you.
  • *Lick on the Leg: You're sexy.
  • *Lick on the Chest: I love being close to you.
  • *Lick on the Lips: I wanna be with you when you need me.
  • *Lick on the Back: For fun!
  • *Lick on the Cheek: I missed you.
  • *Lick on the Tongue: Ultimate expression for love.
  • *Lick on the Eye: I'm embarrassed.
  • *Lick on the Side: Be my pet?
  • *Lick on the Belly: Be my master?
  • *Lick on the Tail: Will you be my mate?
submitted by Koguu
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Categories: News

Does anyone know if this furry fic was ever finished?

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Aug 2012 - 22:10

I found it on TV Tropes a while back, but all I could get to was the first chapter. Here's the link, but it's on hold right now, apparently. I don't know what that means. It was called "I Wish I Was Furry!" and I can't remember who it was by, but I remember that their fursona was a Kangaroo. I've wanted to read the rest for a while, and it's been hanging out in the back of my mind, but I guess I didn't think to ask you guys...

I mean, it's a little gross, I guess, but it was the first furry fic I read and I was so bummed when all I could read was the first chapter.

If it ever was finished, and possibly mirrored, does anyone have a working link? I tried Googling, and I gave up after a few pages because apparently there are a lot of fics concerning the entire world suddenly becoming furry, and even more journals saying something similar.

EDIT: Oh! And it was about a British kid that wanted to become his apparently ultra-buff super sexy wolf sona. He falls asleep and the next day wakes up as the wolf, but can't actually function right anymore because the wolf has completely taken over. At one point he finds a dolphin almost completely dried out on the ground. And a giraffe between some wrecked cars.

submitted by Kavyle
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Categories: News

Fursuit with necomimi ears!

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Aug 2012 - 21:24
Categories: News

House Pets: Episode VI

Furry News Network - Fri 3 Aug 2012 - 20:26
Author: VI will be recorded this Saturday, it will likely just finish off Imaginate Macbeth arc if we can’t get Slice or a guest host to join us on Saturday. Expect it’s release this Sunday. Find the full article here: Radio Free Housepets! House Pets: Episode VI
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Aug 2012 - 19:18
Categories: News

When Should You Come Out as Gay?

Ask Papabear - Fri 3 Aug 2012 - 13:00
Lately I’ve been having temptations to tell my parents I’m gay, but I want to know when’s the right time and if I should have some of my other friends that are gay come for support and back me up. Thanks for reading.


* * *

Dear Sniper,

This is a great question, Sniper, thank you for writing. Let’s start with when it is NOT a good time to tell your parents.  It is not a good time to tell your parents when:

1) You are in the middle of a big fight.  The last thing you want to do is blurt out that you are gay when you and your parents are fighting about something else, as this will come across as your just wanting to hurt them at a time when emotions are already high.

2) At a special occasion, such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary, or funeral.  At those times, the attention should be on the occasion and the person(s) being celebrated, and not on your urge to come out. Doing so will not only wreck the event but make you look like an attention hog.

3) Do not come out to your parents if you know they are homophobic and have said or done things that are overtly anti-gay. If your parents are like that, coming out to them will just ruin any relationship you have with them.

4) Do not come out to your parents if you are financially or physically dependent on them and you suspect they might cut you off if they find out you are gay UNLESS you have a backup plan and can make other living arrangements.

5) Do not come out if you have a strong feeling they will not accept you as being gay.

You have a great idea in gathering up supporters who will back you up on your decision; however, you should keep them on the sidelines and not bring them with you when you tell your parents because this will make it feel to your parents as if you are, in essence, ganging up on them. If you feel comfortable telling your parents, do so in the privacy of your home, in a calm setting, and just between you and those you wish to tell.

Coming out to one’s family, when feasible, is a great thing to do. Studies show that gay men and women who are out to their families tend to be happier and psychologically healthier than those who do not. Unfortunately, it is not always a possible to come out to those who are not accepting of homosexuals.

Sniper, I’d like to recommend a book to you by Dr. Michael C. LaSala called Coming Out, Coming Home, which you can find out about at

Good luck!


What hell you buying?

DailyFurBlog - Fri 3 Aug 2012 - 09:38

Well my NYM today is a short and simple one on, “Buying art”. My theory on the matter is, let’s put down no more than $100 for a nice piece of art that is very well made. Come on- I have art structured around my room with horses and wolves with the penises all over the place. What is with people who spend $500 for a picture that a sketch or $800 for a full piece of art that has already been mass duplicated and this is the original? 

When did the fandom turn into Picasso and Da Vinci art pieces? Just a few days ago I saw a ,”Insert your character here” type of bidding which was well into $500, ARE YOU FOR REAL? If I were to pay that much from an artist I think I would want the whole damn photo done to my liking and be in every color imaginable.

If everyone is so eager to spend money on art (who buys a lot of art) then why do these people have issues spending money to go to a con? Please discuss, I would like to hear thoughts on this matter. Do remember I don’t mind spending money on something that is worth the price tag. But what constitutes that the price is right?

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