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Finally made some Ref. Check it!

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 22:30
Categories: News

So I started dating a furry girl. Gimme some tips...

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 22:21

Thought she was just your everyday cat girl, but turns out shes a furry. Seeing how she is really into it, I need some tips on how to make this furry girl happy!

Oh and I draw a lot but never drawn animal-people before. Can someone show me a guide on how to draw furry people?

submitted by delacruzzz
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Categories: News

Hello to any Renard fans here, a greeting from /r/LapfoxTrax :D

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 20:17

Just popping in to put the word out about /r/lapfoxtrax. I've finally gotten around to finishing up the styling I was working on for it and have been putting out the word to grow our subs :D

I'm sure there are at least a few fans in this subreddit, so if are, hopefully you'll join us over there and help us grow!

If you've never heard of Renard, he produces music under a number of aliases, with a different alias and fursona for each different genre he produces.

His older music is on YouTube under nsrrenard and his more recent work is under Lapfox Official.

Hope to see some of you around /r/lapfoxtrax soon! :)

submitted by warchamp7
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Categories: News

Feral video 7

DailyFurBlog - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 19:28

Oh shit it’s another Camp Feral video this one is 7 of the 8, which means Feral is only a week away! Check out the other videos of course and thumbs up it. This episode has some more crazynes and N.A.Y.O makes his “wow he is real” video appearance. The acting is better now and the laughs just as rough. Hope the last video gives us more insight on what is going on and maybe some special effects? YAY FERAL!! This year will rock with so many new furries and special guests I can’t wait!!

Categories: News

Goyte and furries

DailyFurBlog - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 19:17

So I have posted before “Someone I used to know” by Goyte and the amazing video by Colson, Foxamoore and video by Blender. Now with the YouTube fans of Goyte out there, some guy created an amazing piece with the group of you tubers from all over playing the song. The video has over a million videos in a few days, so it did good for itself. Colson and group got their spot at about 5mins in and it’s still my fav. one! Check out the site here too.

Categories: News

Mario is a Furry

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 17:18
Categories: News

I need a name for my fursona

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 14:07
Categories: News

New here, what do I do next?

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 02:00

Hello everyone, I recently have become a part of this furry fandom and I just had a question for everyone here. If I wanted to get to know this community even more, what are some sites I can visit to learn more about this community? I'd really appreciate any help you guys can give me and I'll be patiently waiting for your replies. Love, Owsie<3

submitted by Owsie
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Categories: News

Lonely Furry Is Jealous of Fur-Parents' Love

Ask Papabear - Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 01:26
Dear Papabear,

Lately I've been feeling unsure about what to do.

I have two fur-parents, whom I love so very much. I visit them often, and often I end up feeling depressed. I’ve just been feeling alone, because they have each other and, I haven't got anybody to call my own or the sort, I haven't got a mate. So when I'm around them I end up just getting a little depressed, because they're so happy together and there's no one for me to be like that with. They know about how I feel, but of course there's nothing that they can do, it's not like they can just stop loving each other when I'm around.

So I'm not sure what to do about it, I don't want to be depressed about it, but I don't know how to just stop feeling like that.

We've talked about it, and I know that I've got people that love me back, but as friends and family, but there's the one kind that's not there that makes me feel upset.

It probably doesn't help that I might have a bit of a crush on one of them but I know very well that they are together and I'm no reason for them to separate. They're happy together and I don't want to change that.

But what do I do?


* * *

Dear Blitz,

Jealousy is a rather ugly thing and something to be avoided at all costs, whether it is jealousy for another furry’s shiny or for another furry’s mate. You must immediately try and get over any kind of crush you might have on this fur-parent of yours.  Papabear realizes you told yourself you don’t want to break up their relationship, but even entertaining the slightest thought of love for this person is a HUGE red flag and you need to back off of it right away. Not doing so will lead to nothing but misery for all three of you.

That said, Papabear understands the yearning for a mate and how not having one can make you feel depressed and anxious.  I’ve seen a number of furries get this way, and after a while they start to exude a positively sickening stink of desperation about them, an aura if you will, that drives off others who might otherwise have been interested in them.

What you need, Blitz, is to take a break from this obsession with finding a mate and focus on yourself: your school, your work, your hobbies, self-improvement in general. Some people don’t feel complete without a mate, but that is often because they haven’t bothered to complete themselves yet.  The picture of the well-adjusted person is someone who enjoys the pleasure his or her own company.  Can you say that about yourself, Blitz? 

This doesn’t mean you are self-involved and selfish, no, not at all.  It means that you have come to a point where you are not needy.  The problem with being needy is that you often glomp on to someone who isn’t right for you just because they seem willing to be with you, which can lead to an unhealthy relationship indeed, and many regrets.

Being at peace with yourself will also allow you to be happy and rejoice in your fur-parents love for each other, rather than getting depressed by it.

Papabear is a strong believer in the idea that Love finds you, not the other way around. This happens when you are involved in activities that include lots of other people and they see you as someone who is happy and content with herself. This is a very attractive characteristic in someone that will cause people—including potential mates—to gravitate toward you.

Trust in love, and it will find you. In the meantime, chill out and enjoy life itself and all the things it has to offer.



Twenty most expressionless Furry costumes at Rocky Mountain Fur Con

Furries In The Media - Mon 13 Aug 2012 - 22:15

More than 800 people -- most of them dressed in costumes or not adverse to snuggling up to one -- flocked to the DoubleTree Hotel this weekend for Rocky Mountain Fur Con 2012: Furry Apocalypse, an unabashed annual celebration of Furry fandom. But while the anthropomorphic lifestyle offers a lot of costume options for those who are so inclined, it doesn't offer a lot of facial expressions. Photographer Jim Wills stopped by this weekend to capture attendees in various states of joy, anger, sorrow and elation -- none of which you can tell from these photos. Click through for our rundown of the twenty most fixed Furry gazes.
Photo gallery of con:
This year's Rocky Mountain Fur Con filled the DoubleTree Hotel with more than 800 furries and fans for on acting, costume building, animation, art and design. Photographer Jim Wills brings back these photos from Saturday's program.

Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Aug 2012 - 19:27

Here's some of the badges I had commissioned at IFC this year minus a few that I left in my friend's car. I'll be uploading those soon, too! I had an absolute blast at my first con and made several new friends. Hope to see you guys at MFF here in the next few months! :3

submitted by Poloroid457
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Categories: News