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Your favourite movie(s) with furry characters?

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 04:57

I was just thinking- so many movies must catch people's interest in the way of their anthropomorphic characters, and I think that's what partially draws some of us into the furry fandom.

After seeing this post about a movie with furry characters, Spirited Away (my favourite movie EVER) was brought to mind. I'm sure lots of us have seen it, but for those who don't know it has a character in it called Haku, who is a boy whose true form is a dragon, which he can transform into. Here's a wiki page:

Another movie I really love which is undoubtedly furry is Where the Wild Things Are. Although I've only seen it once, it's a beautiful movie, and I had the book it's based on read to me many times as a child.

So what are your favourite movies with furry characters, and which characters are they?

submitted by Ashtalon
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Categories: News

Unsheathed Live at FC 2012 - Live at Further Confusion 2012

Unsheathed - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 04:00
Kyell, K.M., and Kit return to FC, sans Dick Powers, but with good times and wine and lots of questions! Unsheathed Live at FC 2012 - Live at Further Confusion 2012
Categories: Podcasts

Elusive by Falvie

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 02:53
Categories: News

Review: ‘Pokémon Conquest’ for the Nintendo DS

Furry News Network - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 02:25
Author: crossaffliction With The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers hitting theaters this summer and together making approximately all of the money, conversations at work have gotten weird. I mean, I have definite opinions on which superhero would win against which superhero in a fight (for the record, Squirrel Girl always wins, Batman never loses [...]
Categories: News

Saddest Thing Ever... :c

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 00:09
Categories: News

[Hypothetical Situation] If you woke up one morning as your fursona, What would you do?

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 22:18

Alright, Here's the situation. You went to sleep one night. Normal human you. You woke up. And whatever your furry character would be, that was you. And you were the only person that this happened to. What would your first moments in your course of action be? I'd love to see your opinion of what you would do in the comments.

Me? First thing. I would wake up, spend a couple of minutes looking in the mirror, and freak out a little bit. I'd attempt to then try my various controls, to see if I know how to walk in the new body, or can still speak English for that matter. My next move would be to probably cut a hole in the back of some shorts to actually fit that tail through and wear something. Then, if I can talk, I would probably call up to all various places, and call in some sick time. Disappear from the radar for a little while. After that, I would make sure that a friend could run to the store and grab me a couple of bottles of shampoo (You've gotta clean that entire body of fur somehow). After that, I'd start to get into the swing of things. Doing the usual computer routine, and try to even type. Once I have accomplished that, I'd actually go outside. Contact some close family, explain the situation. Maybe get a few pictures up online of myself after having explained it all, and try to raise general publicity. That way, it would avoid me becoming some kind of new science experiment and hauled off to a lab. If I disappeared again, a bunch of people would notice. Once I can get into the general swing of things again, I would just try to live out my usual day-to-day life and enjoy everything.

EDIT: Tell me if you want more of these things. I've got plenty of 'em in my head!

submitted by NightWolf105
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Categories: News

FA is back!(Partially)

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 21:08
Categories: News

An Elephant… Forgotten

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 20:38

Word has come out of Florida a few days ago that Digital Domain are closing down their new animation studio, Tradition, effective immediately, and will instead focus their California and Vancouver, Canada studios on movie special effects. Tradition was an attempt by Digital Domain (a well-known special effects house created by Stan Winston, Scott Ross, and director James Cameron) to follow in the steps of another FX house, Sony Pictureworks, into the realm of animated features (as Sony did successfully with Open Season, Surf’s Up, and other films). Now, 300 people have been let go in Florida, and — from a furry fan perspective, perhaps another sad thing — work has stopped on The Legend of Tembo, Tradition’s first film, which would have followed the adventures of a young elephant. Cartoon Brew have been following this story closely, so check it out — but be prepared for some harsh words.

image c. 2012 Digital Domain

Categories: News

New fur looking to be part of the community

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 20:01

Hey everyone, I've only recently started to embrace the fact that I'm a furry and will be attending my first con (FurFright) later this year. I'm really curious, though, on how one becomes active and involved in the Furry community?

Any tips?

Also, if anyone is situated in or around Worcester, MA, give a shout out.


submitted by Fenria
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Categories: News

Eurofurence video found!

DailyFurBlog - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 17:37

As more of the EuroFurence XVIII  (Aug 31st 2012) footage comes in I found this, exclusive “Savannah Revolution” concert Rock’n'Rome .The revolution guys are a group of furry musicians, much like the ones I tend to bump into at Camp Feral ( there is a lot). These guys got their stuff down and look pretty damn sexy up there too. I feel the vibe in my pelvis I might start to swing it. Would be pretty kick ass now I think of it to get all the music peeps together and sing one big song.

Categories: News

Your "kickstarter" into fandom?

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 16:40

I would like to know which picture/video/event/whatever you look back to and say: "Since that moment I knew I'm a furry."

As for myself, one year ago a small reference to the game Solatorobo on an online gaming magazine from Germany, called 4Players, caught my eye and I got fascinated by the art style and googled around for more pictures and eventually got to know the furry fandom. A few weeks later I had first thoughts about being a furry myself, but I'm self-assured being and calling me one since the beginning of this year or so. So all in all, this picture here started the snowball for me:

submitted by FakerXXL
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Categories: News