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Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Nov 2012 - 00:49

So the guy talked to me a bit and I smiled and nodded a bit, but after all that recent shit went down I decided to just block him. Not that easy.

submitted by Catso
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Categories: News

i need help

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 21:50

i am a girl and i am looking for furry boy shorts and a tail does any one know any good sites ?

submitted by emilee94
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Categories: News

looking for someone to draw a picture of my rat

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 19:15

Here is a picture for reference:

I want him to be in this position with his nose in the air and also his front paws, and his tail curled in front of him. I want the picture in grey scale because I plan to get it as a tattoo. I also have other pictures for reference if you need them.

depending on price and your skills I am willing to pay for this.

submitted by XdinosXgoXrawrX
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Categories: News

Season One is Magic

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 16:13

Over at the Ursa Major Award-winning site Equestria Daily, lead pony Sethisto has a review of the new first season DVD of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (which also won an Ursa Major Award). Not only does the 4-disc box set include all 26 episodes from the first season, but it also includes creative commentaries on six of those episodes by the likes of Hasbro reps Brian Lenard and Robert Fukes; directors Jayson Thiessen and James “Wootie” Wootton; composer Daniel Ingram; art director Ridd Sorensen; and voice actors Cathy Weseluck, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St. Germain, and Nicole Oliver. The DVD is available exclusively on Amazon, so head over there and check it out. It’s hitting the air starting December 4th.

image c. 2012 Hasbro Studios

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Part 1 of my coverage of MFF

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 15:43
Categories: News

Why is the furry community here on Reddit so small? :O Has anyone noticed this?

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 12:51

Just browsing some of the subreddits here, I just see such a small community. Reddit is such a big place. Maybe there are too many lurkers like I was for such a loooooooooong time?

submitted by SirRocketBlaze
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Categories: News

How Many Friends Must One Have to Have a Healthy Social Life?

Ask Papabear - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 12:08

This is my first time writing to an advice column and this question is not really a furry-related one but I have a very limited number of ways to seek unbiased feedback on this and since it's probably not uncommon with furs I figured I'd ask :)

I am not a social person. I'm not a misanthrope, I actually quite like people, I just have a very limited amount of socialization I can do before I burn out and need to be alone. I'm mentally ill (Schizo-affective disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and depressive bipolar. All but the first one are severe and the first one might also be, but I disagree with that diagnosis, so take my opinion on it with a grain of salt!), but it's under control and so I function on an emotional level more or less the same way a sane person does, but the nature of mental illness could prevent me from seeing its influence in the first place so it might be worth putting out there. Anyway, I've been seeing a lot of stuff lately basically saying that you NEED to have an active social life or you are a miserable loser and I get the impression that people (such as my partner's family) think either that I must be severely depressed or severely delusional to be alone so much.

Thing is, I really don't feel like I am. I live with my partner and see him every day, I have about 10 or so online friends I am quite close with who I speak with every other day, and my best friend IRL who I see every couple of months. This is a very, very low number and part of me feels like it should be alarming, but the rest of me is very defiant of that shame. Despite being disabled and neither working nor in school I have very little difficulty meeting people if I choose to, and getting along socially is effortless. I feel like it's an issue of knowing my boundaries and what I can handle so I don't end up making more friends I just won't have the mental energy for and end up neglecting.

An example--my partner and I met a couple local furs for drinks and dinner recently and I had a good time, I really liked them, and I have zero desire to meet them again. It's not that they weren't up to my standards or something silly, it's just that the commitment involved in maintaining two new additional friendships when I'm at capacity just isn't feasible for me so I feel it's best not to let it get to the point where my not showing up is taken as a personal thing.

I dunno, I'm rambling a bit trying to explain where I'm coming from, but the bottom line is that I know that my social life is abnormal and can be seen as a giant red flag but the only part of it that causes me any pain is how much I worry about if I'm "a normal person," I guess because growing up mentally ill it's been kind of a scramble since recovering to understand what about me is a Big Bad Problem vs. what's just an issue of perspective. Anyway, if you could maybe weigh in on if I sound healthy or not (at least in this regard) I would appreciate it :)


* * *

Hi, K-Bunz,

Questions from Papabear’s readers do not necessarily have to directly relate to furries and the fandom. Any question that is of a concern to one of this bear’s furry brothers or sisters is legitimate and will be addressed with all earnestness. Thanks for writing.

While for most people, sane or not, social interaction is beneficial to their emotional and mental well-being, there is no law that says such a guideline has to be enforced. It is important to emphasize here that there is a HUGE difference between being—let’s call it—asocial and being anti-social. Anti-social people don’t like other human beings, sometimes to the point of wanting to cause them harm. Asocial people are generally indifferent to other people but are not a danger to others.

Papabear wouldn’t even go so far as to say you are asocial because you state quite emphatically that you DO like people, you just don’t see a need to have lots and lots and lots of friends. A pawful suffices. Part of the reason for this being that you struggle to maintain a worthwhile contact with more than a few people (possibly related to your anxiety disorder). In other words, you favor a few quality relationships over having a large quantity of less substantial relationships.

Given the choice between a few really good relationships, like with your partner and best friend, and hundreds of mere acquaintances, I would certainly choose the former. There are many people out there who have numerous “friends” out there but are miserable because they don’t have a love in their life. You, on the other paw, have that, which puts you way ahead of most furries who have written me in the past.

Bunz, don’t worry about what other people say you should be or how you should live your life. Sounds to this bear that, even with your mental disadvantages, you are ahead of the crowd. Relax, take a deep breath, hug your partner, be good to the friends and family you have. You’re doing great.



Snarky Fursona

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 12:04
Categories: News

-Wolf1 draws some amusing comics

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 11:09
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 07:16
Categories: News

Are there any good furry iOS apps?

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 05:40
Categories: News

TUMBLERS? I INTONED............... - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 02:45
Dear Pleasance:

In the future, kindly refrain from purchasing these narrow tumblers. I find
them refractory as well as difficult to wash.

Colonel Edmund J. Burke

The lions tremble at his approach.

Categories: News

THANKS FER RE-NIGGING - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 02:45
I hope y'all get yer arses bent over the old pickle barrel now.

The lions tremble at his approach.

Categories: News

Anthro armadillo ‘Fuleco’ picked as 2014 World Cup mascot

Furry News Network - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 02:25
Author: Fred Brazilians cast almost 1.7 million votes in choosing Fuleco, an anthropomorphic three-banded armadillo, as the mascot for the 2014 FIFA World Cup games (soccer). A fursuited mascot is featured in the BBC’s TV coverage. As one of the most high-profile ambassadors of the event and a member of a vulnerable species, the Official [...]
Categories: News

My roommate is buying me a DA print! What should I get?

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Nov 2012 - 00:49

I am looking for something furry, but still pretty artistic/ classy; it will be on display in my room. Anyone got any favorites on DA that can be printed?

submitted by WebWolf7
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Categories: News

Is that a big buldge in those football pants?

DailyFurBlog - Mon 26 Nov 2012 - 23:17
Oh yehhh!! Just what hawtness you were waiting for out soon! Above is the cover art by the Blotch team. This is Kylle Gold’s new novel ” Divisions” which is the third from the series “Out of Position” . You can get some hot action sport furries in the locker room being naughty and I’m sure some hot knotty scenes of other furries feeln’ up those tiger like muscles. Yeh, these are the novels you want to sit back keep your undies on get em’ wet. Check out the BOOK HERE SOON.
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