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Any PA furs (if so ASL?)

Furry Reddit - Fri 30 Nov 2012 - 00:10

Not to be creepy just looking for some other furs to maybe hang with some times

Im in old forge Pa like by scranton/wilkes barre area.. and im 19 and i am a female

submitted by Geek143
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Categories: News

What are some good furry role playing sites? Can be nws

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 23:34

Seriously? I can't seem to find many active sites. I've been getting back into the Vulping Imperium but activity is very sparse. I say it can be nws because I don't mind writing graphic scenes however it's not the main draw for me.

submitted by letmedieinthetub
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Categories: News

One point for the furries in CT

DailyFurBlog - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 22:34
So my friend Yawni posted a great tweet. Found from FurFright the news reporters apparently did a little number one furries. They did a bang up job at explaining how things went and gave the public a little better view. So we get a +1 on this round fandom! Take a look at the video HERE.
Categories: News

FC-103 Dick With A Chick

Furry News Network - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 22:32
Author: E-Mail Hidden (..::XANA::.. Creations) Me am Mattox. Dick with a chick. Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) Watch Video   MIDWEST FURFEST RECAP! TALES OF THE BLUE VULPINE: Manly Bikini Glass Horse Heads Galore VIDEO: Revit’s MFF 2012 Recap Video   NEWS: ‘SWAT Kats’ to return, thanks to Kickstarter? by RingtailedFox Stalking Cat confirmed dead [...] FC-103 Dick With A Chick
Categories: News

Hey guys, I'm new here.

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 19:28

I'm brand new to the fandom. I've always liked anthropomorphic art and such, but I didn't know about the furry fandom until my junior year (I'm a senior in high school now). I'm just a little overwhelmed by everything that's here. I decided on a fursona, I'm a Border Collie named Thadious. But what exactly is a reference sheet? How do I make one etc. I'm just new to all this and would like maybe a basic intro. to the fandom, and how to go about getting a commission of my Fursona done. Sorry if this a little vague but I really don't know where to start.

tl;dr: I'm new here, help!

submitted by Thadious_James
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Categories: News

I dare you! (xpost from /funny)

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 17:33
Categories: News

They Dress Up Too

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 17:28

Next February Marvel Comics (with the help of Disney and Pixar, of course) presents a new Monsters Inc. one-shot full-color comic. In Monster’s Inc.: The Humanween Party, “It’s that time of year again: Humanween! Monstropolis’ version of Halloween – where monsters dress up as humans – comes but once a year, and this time the annual party is at Mike and Sulley’s home. Mike goes into panic mode when he learns of an unplanned visit from his mother the day after the big bash!” It’s written by Alessandro Ferrari and illustrated by Elisabetta Melaranci, Federica Salfo, Michela Frare, and Paco Desiato (whew!). Look for more Monsters Inc. tie-in items in 2013 as the new animated sequel, Monsters University, gets closer. In the meantime, check out Humanween at Things from Another World.

image c. 2012 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

r/furry I would like to paint your characters!

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 17:09

I need some inspiration! I'm in the mood for (digitally) painting some colorful critters so throw your 'sonas and characters at me! If you'd like to take a look at my art check here

Oh give me a word or two about the character so I can try to make it more like your character and less like a plain portrait.

I'm really looking for colorful characters but feel free to throw your neutrals and blanks at me too. ;)

submitted by logcabinsyrup
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Categories: News

Do you consider yourselves more as xenophiles rather than strictly people into anthropomorphic animals?

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 16:37

Throughout my life, I've always been interested in meeting people from other countries and especially, those from different ethnic backgrounds. I would also consider myself someone who would be interested in learning about and contacting alien races if we happened to live in a society like in Star Wars, where alien contact is regular.

I feel that I approach the entire furry community in the same way. I don't tend to view the characters as familiar animals, but as a new species that we have so much to learn about. Of course, I have a soft spot for furry creatures, as I'm sure all of you do, but in reality I'm more interested in the unknowns of the character when I look at art or read fiction rather than how cute or realistic this anthro animal looks. Does anyone else feel the same, or have I completely failed to explain my thoughts?

submitted by jktstance
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Categories: News

First real drawing of sona.

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 16:33
Categories: News

So... do we have too many subreddits?

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 15:35

I know, I know - it's another one of THESE posts. But I've been a lurker for a fairly long time, and sometimes it seems ridiculous the number of subreddits we have. I also saw another post recently about how there aren't very many furry redditors, and I don't think that's necessarily the case.

I just think that we're all spread out among the various subreddits. If we consolidated, I'm pretty sure our r/furry page would behave a lot more like other reddits, with more upvotes on new and interesting content - and with a lot more content to one reddit, instead of sparse content spread across all ten of our subdivisions.


submitted by levibevi
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Categories: News

Damn you technical error! :'{ [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 14:48
Categories: News

How Many Of You Would Say There Is A "Furry Dream"?

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 13:28

I have been in this Fandom a long while and I have seen it go through some trials, but each time it has made true on the promise that everyone has a chance in this Fandom. Everyone has a chance at making something of themselves and changing their life for the better. I find that this Fandom offers a promise of a peaceful place to explore the depths of your imagination, free of judgement. Most of all I find that it offers people with no social standing a wealth of friendship and comradery. Does anyone else find this Promise to be something that was given to you, and upheld?

submitted by Hemms3
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Categories: News

Bank card! Now extra fuzzy!

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 12:36

I just got a new bank card, and I want to personalize it! Can you send me links to your favourite clean artwork? (Can we try for a theme of music?) SFW work only. (Obvs)

submitted by ZayneMeadows
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Categories: News

In the vein of that app thread.. are there any coding projects furries would like to see?

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 12:34

I'm a software engineer, having been in the industry for 10 years+ , and I'm curious if there's any applications/programs/websites people are interested in, or are interested in collaborating on. I think we have a lot of talented techies, and there are a lot of ideas out there, but I'm wondering if we can get those all together and produce some neat things for the fandom. Thanks!

submitted by PyPURR
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Categories: News

"Let's Just Be Friends" . . . Ouch

Ask Papabear - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 08:38
Please help me, Papabear :(

I am trying to recover from my date bringing us back to "just friends" status about a month ago. And he says he thinks we shouldn't go further anymore at all.

I don't know if I can handle that, Papabear.... I really loved it to be with him :'( sometimes it hurts just to be with him. He says he wants to stay friends with me, and I'm not sure ... somehow my life still wanted me with him somewhere.

Papabear, I need help to let go. I don't want to get hurt anymore. I want to get him out of my pain, but still be his friend.... That's possible, right?

I don't want to get plagued all my life, wondering "what if." I want to find someone who will love me, I wanna start dating and loving again, and not get hurt when I see him happy with someone else. :'(

I need help—what do I do to let go, to forgive him and forget all the pain he caused me by not being my mate?

I know it's possible for us to be friends again for real.... I once regarded him as my "bro" but after we dated and it didn't work out, I dunno what to do.

Please help, Papabear.

--from BW Mena 

* * *

Hi, BW,

Papabear feels your pain. Your situation is similar to one I have gone through, though not exactly the same. As many of my readers know, I am divorced, yet I still care very much about the woman who is my ex, even after realizing I am a gay bear. We both realized that, because of my sexual orientation, continuing the marriage was no longer feasible. While the breakup was very painful, it had to be done. 

It was actually a very amicable divorce. We came to an agreement on how to split the assets, and we parted friends. I even helped her paint her new house after the breakup, and she has been supportive of me, as well. So, to answer your question, yes, it is possible to remain friends with an ex.

During times like the holidays, it can make me very sad and nostalgic about how things were and, as you say, the “what if” of the future that never happened. The problem with this is sometimes I idealize the past. It’s wonderful to remember the good things, but it wasn’t all good, and if I am honest with myself, going back really isn’t an option. I can’t go back to an idealized marriage that really never existed; and if I did manage to go back somehow, I would only find myself becoming discontented again in some way.

What I’m trying to say, BW, is that there must have been a reason why the person you love just wants to be friends now (don’t undervalue friends—true friends are almost as rare as true loves). He sees you as a good person, someone he would like to be a friend with, but he is looking for something in a mate that you just don’t possess. That doesn’t mean you aren’t lovable, just that you aren’t the match for him.

So, you see, your dreams of “what if” are just as illusory as mine. There is no chance of a “what if” because he doesn’t love you the way you love him.

At this point, I need to pause for a moment. I find it peculiar that, at the beginning of your email, you call him “your date.” Is that an odd typo or a Freudian slip? A date implies that you weren’t even at the serious stage of a committed relationship yet and were just, well, dating. If that’s the case, then you are being a little overdramatic here because we’re not talking about a painful breakup between two lovers but, rather, simply two people who were dating and you, clearly, were more into him than vice versa. The other guy was just “testing the waters” at this point and concluding that he would like to date other people to find a deeper relationship.

Reading between the lines, you might have actually driven him away by being too intense, too fast when he wasn’t ready for it. Is that a possibility?

Either way, the result is the same. The guy likes you, but not to the point of wanting a loving, committed relationship. Young love can be intense, and painful, but this experience will hopefully mature you a bit and help you realize that not every relationship works out. In fact, given statistics, the majority of them don’t work out. 

This was not the guy for you, BW, but Papabear is sure that, with time, you will find someone in your life who loves you as much as you love them. Start seeing other people. Stop obsessing on the woulda, coulda, shoulda, and the pain you are feeling right now will subside. Who knows? You might even discover at one point that the guy you had a major crush on is really not what you thought. At which point, you might think, “Whew! Dodged that bullet!”

Life is about experiences and learning from those experiences. Take notes, remember the lesson, maintain your friendship if you can, but don’t worry if you can’t. That’s life, BW.

Wishing You a Greater Love in the Near Future,


Hi I just recently got interested in the fandom but..

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Nov 2012 - 07:20

.. I feel like I'm joining it pretty late in my life. I wasn't interested in at back in high school or college but for some reason I am. But now I'm interested and want to dive right in but I feel kinda awkward trying to join a community this late. Should I just not even bother? Should I just fuck it, I might die somewhere in my thirties and just blend in?

edit: I'm 29 btw

edit: wow, thanks for the encouragement everyone! This fandom can be so supportive :3

submitted by late_to_furry
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