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Looking for artists to commission

Furry Reddit - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 21:27

Hey /r/furry! Relatively new to the sub, though I've "been" a furry for years now, I've never actually had a Fursona..

I've got an idea for a character in mind, but I'm struggling on finding commissionable artists, everyone I seem to find is either closed or the prices are a little out of my range.

Anyone know any artists open for commission? :D

Edit: Crikey, thanks for all your links people! I think I've decided, but I'll keep you all in mind for any future commissions I'm sure to get! :D

submitted by ZeiferRei
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Categories: News

Best wishes to the family and friends and those involved in the fatal wreck this morning near Yreka, California.

Furry Reddit - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 18:40

Wolf, Lonewolf, Duskwuff, and Emptyset were in a highway accident this morning. Their minivan had a head on with a semi truck for an as yet unknown reason (I haven't heard who crossed what line for what reason).

The last I had read injured parties were transported to the hospital with traumas ranging from severe to mild. No details on who was hurt how.

I believe there was one fatality at the scene (Wolf).

The dispatch report can be seen here

Top left, select Yreka from the drop down menu, choose #00196

This is a very rough deal so if you know these folks please reach out to help them any way you can.

Edit: I'm told the others in the wreck are expected to be discharged from the hospital some time tomorrow, however this is second hand information. I'm quite sure healing is going to take a lot longer than that. Again, My condolences go out to them.

submitted by JayGryph
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Categories: News

Ever wanted a commission of your Fursona and didn't want to pay?

Furry Reddit - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 18:21

Well the first 5 redditors who post their response and a refrence sheet/picture of their character/characters, ill make them a picture :3 I can do multiple characters in a picture and i can do nsfw for you as well. (If you want a specific size leave that in the comments) a few things ive done (im not very good 3:) (this is my best and most recent style) ...all of this is really random and most of my stuff is on another computer... Anyway, Let the requests begin :3 [[CLOSED]]

submitted by HarmonyHeartstrings
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Categories: News

Your Character Here Auction (NSFW)

Furry Reddit - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 18:09
Categories: News

Toys: After Happy Beaver and Trickster Fox, … what?

Furry News Network - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 16:27
Author: Fred Pixar story artist Jeff Pidgeon (Toy Story, etc.) is a toy fanatic. Not just a collector – he designs his own. After designing and manufacturing Happy Beaver and Trickster Fox, he has decided to open an online store to sell them and others that he will create. They will also be available at “select [...]
Categories: News

Some great music you all might like.

Furry Reddit - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 14:54
Categories: News

Upcoming furry comics for January 2013 (Previews and Marvel Previews)

Furry News Network - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 12:25
Author: crossaffliction Due to technical difficulties, I was unable to get the December Previews list out before December, so there is a short hiatus in the archives. However, since there was a year and a half hiatus just before and nobody complained, I’m guessing I’m not going to catch much flak. read more Find the [...]
Categories: News

Have a Yiffy Holiday!

DailyFurBlog - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 10:44
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all my viewers. I wanted to say thank you for reading and hope many more reads will make you wiggle and jizz in 2013. With the new site almost ready to go I hope for reading sake things will be easier on your eyes. Also I’ll be pushing out ads into the public and contests to gain viewership. Finally, I’ll be also getting into the YouTube so that you can see my pretty face giving you insight on the fandom. Ho!Ho!Ho! *cough* YiFF! *cough* (Yes that is a pic. I took of my Grandmom’s cookies and no I do not share)
Categories: News

When did you discover the fandom.

Furry Reddit - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 02:28

I first discovered it when I was 12 (2002) at a Fry's Electronics in Phoenix. I was playing the little ddr setup they had there while my parents shoped and this probably 20 year old couple walked up behind me. When it was the woman's turn she had a shirt from a con that year (can't remember which one) and it had a sexy fox thing on it. I asked her about it and they took the next 40 minutes to explain it to me. I stayed up all nite looking stuff up about it. Turns out I was always a furry, just never new there were others.

TL:DR 2 furs at Fry's electronics showed me in 2002.

submitted by NefasDesidia
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Categories: News

How i feel at a furcon

Furry Reddit - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 02:14
Categories: News

deviantArt point commissions!

Furry Reddit - Wed 26 Dec 2012 - 00:07

Hey guys! If you check out my journal, I am doing cheap point commissions. They are 100 points, which is equivalent to $1.20. Here is the link to my deviantArt page~

submitted by youreuglyasfu
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Categories: News

Merry fucking Christmas

Furry Reddit - Tue 25 Dec 2012 - 20:25
Categories: News

7 years ago today I discovered the Fandom and it changed my life.

Furry Reddit - Tue 25 Dec 2012 - 19:04

Thank you for existing, all of you, and for giving me something to work to uphold. I love this Fandom and I love being a Furry. Murry Christmas.

submitted by Hemms3
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Categories: News

A Little Girl and a Tiger

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 25 Dec 2012 - 15:43

First off: Merry Christmas! And thank you for making us part of your lives for another year ^^

Also over at Cartoon Brew there’s a teaser trailer for a new short animation project by world-famous animator Andreas Deja. Here’s what they say: “Andreas Deja is a modern-day animation legend. He worked for 30 years at Disney where he was responsible for classic characters such as Gaston in Beauty and the Beast, Jafar in Aladdin, Scar in The Lion King, and Lilo in Lilo and Stitch. He left the studio a couple years ago to focus on personal projects, including producing independent animated films. This morning, Andreas teased audiences with a preview from his short film Mushka, featuring a girl and tiger as the lead characters. The film, which will be animated in a colored pencil style, is ‘a story of love and sacrifice set in Russia.’ On his blog, which also includes development sketches of the characters, Deja pointed out that he still has a long road ahead of him. He’s been working on story and pre-production this year, and plans to animate the film in 2013.”

image c. 2012 Andreas Deja

Categories: News