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Saw this on FB. It has a point...

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jan 2013 - 03:05
Categories: News

Why ASFO is Bad

Furry Reddit - Tue 1 Jan 2013 - 02:39

I've been a long time user of Omegle to talk with other fuzzy folk. While I'm on I always run into the ubiquitous "ASFO". I thought I'd share my thoughts on that. I know that I'm fighting an up hill battle here, but I still think that if even a few people read this and take it to heart, its worth While.


When you are opening a conversation with another person, both you and the stranger are engaging in a mutual exchange of time. Time is currency on Omegle. No one wants to waste their time. Everyone wants to get to the highest quality conversation with the least time waisted.

Similar to ASL, ASFO is asking some pretty basic facts about your conversation partner. We all want to know who we are talking to generally. It would seem to make sense to figure those basics out first thing but Unfortunately ASFO has been co-opted largely for the use of finding RP partners.

It is a way of quickly sorting out people who are incompatible with your demands. You have no reason to spend all the time to introduce yourself if the person is just going to be another goddamn fox and you want nothing to do with them, right? For this reason people take the shotgun approach of asking ASFO first and only continuing the conversation if they find something they like. This would be fine except that it doesn't work.

The problem is this: asking ASFO minimizes your commitment to the conversation. Asking that means you are being selective of your partner. At this point you have not investment in the conversation and your partner has no investment in the conversation. There is nothing nothing to either of you from leaving. your partner knows that 3/4 of the time you will disconnect the instant they give their ASFO so why bother even type it out? it makes more sense to just move on. Asking for ASFO makes it advantageous for the other person to leave without answering your question.

A much more courteous and effective way of having this interchange is to engage in what is called a handshake. A handshake is basically going through 2-3 lines of basic text such as "Hello. How are you? I'm fine". This creates a small investment in the conversation for both partners and makes it less likely that either will disconnect unexpectedly. Both parties feel more comfortable now that they have that security and they can move on the the real steak and potatoes of the conversation.

If you would like to go a step further, give your name. Most names (though not always the case within the furry world) will tell your partner your gender along with introducing you.

submitted by Victor_the_Innept
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Wolf-sona feral ;P

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 22:45
Categories: News

For you macros out there.

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 22:29
Categories: News

[NSFW] What do y'all think?

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 22:24
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 07

TigerTails Radio - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 20:21
TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 07
For some reason this uploaded to the main TigerTails account (TKTiger) and not the TigerTails Radio account, hence why it's appearing after the New Year's show, but this was recorded before the New Year's show. It's the part of the show with a pretence at structure of sorts, unlike the New Year's show which is a lot of waffle and stuffs. Starring TK as the disembodied voice, Felis and guest host AngelDarkSong. Backing music by Sanxion7. From: TigerTails Radio Views: 17 1 ratings Time: 02:01:43 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 7 New Year Special

TigerTails Radio - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 19:20
TigerTails Radio Season 7 New Year Special
From: TigerTails Radio Views: 0 2 ratings Time: 01:46:10 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

[Meta] Faces of /r/furry?

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 18:31

What d'yall look like?

furry or irl

submitted by I_RAPE_FURSUITERS
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Categories: News

New art! - Feed Your Head

Furry Reddit - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 18:20
Categories: News

New Year's Special is Live!

TigerTails Radio - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 17:30

We are back!  All ready to see in 2012 with a bang!  :D  TubeCast of Episode 7 isn't showing up in the Processing section of the TigerTails Radio YouTube account, which is a little concerning, so hopefully the TubeCast will be up soon (if it hasn't all ready happened by the time this is posted).

So, yea.  We're live from now until just after the start of 2013.  Whooo!

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Categories: Podcasts

Furry Struggles with His Fursona Dark Side

Ask Papabear - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 16:02
Dear Papabear,

To get straight to the point, how does one find inner balance?

Sorry, I like to get to the point of things but I'll give you some background to better understand the question.

Yes, I am a fur, in case you were wondering. I'm also a homosexual, a Christian, and part of the military as well. What I want to know is how can I find the Equilibrium I'm searching for. My 'fursona' in reality is not one, but two. Eruantien, the German Shepherd Hyena mix that is a sweet heart, everything my adoptive parents taught me to be, and a good deal of the better Christian part of me. The second fursona is Thel, the kangaroo dragon mix, whom is all the military has taught me to be, all that life has shaped, and the colder half of my heart.

This obviously isn't something that happens over a night of sleep, this happened over months and next thing I knew, my closest friends tell me after time of not being together that I'm the same as always, I haven't changed, but there's times when they see my 'Dark side' and are astonished I could be that way.

When I look at them as simple projections of myself, I see Thel as the shell, rough and tough, cold, calculating, practical, blunt and insensitive self protecting my heart, soft, emotional and usually too sweet for his own good, Eru.

My only issue is the switch between both, at times I'm too good that I'm a doormat, at others I'm told to be very cold and hostile that people fear me and don't want to know me. Honest to God, I really don't mind. I tend to be on the anti-social side and if I talk to you and let you in, it's rare and a moment the heavens opened to say Hallelujah.

Moving along, I'm trying to find a balance, but with the few labels I gave away and how people are very prejudiced and almost instantly label, stereotype, and assume things about you and your life, it's not all that hard to believe why I choose not to open up and share, why I love simply being cold and indifferent...

Sadly, this has been brought up to my attention by those that care about me. Just today I was given a little intervention by three of my closest loved ones, my adoptive parents and my high school chem teacher whom I keep in touch with after all these years. They feel that my apathy and reluctance to admit I'm gay, which I hate the word, I'm a damned homosexual, get it right, geez, the hostile attitude, the cold way I look at people and that it comes off as a superiority complex, which I don't have because I swear I don't think I'm better than anyone else, I just don't really socialize unless I HAVE to, and so on and so forth and lets add some blah blah blah to it there as stuffing.

Sorry, let me take a moment to actually chuckle, (snorts and laughs), I guess now what I'm trying to do is be aware of what they say, but I can't seem to find the in-between of my two halves? 

Don't tell me I have MPD, I don't think I should add that to my list of labels.

Much love and appreciation,
happy new year's while I'm at it!
-Eru Thel Tecuani

* * *

Hi, Eru Thel Tecuani, and Happy New Year to you, too!

No, I will not tell you that you have Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). I’m no expert, but based on what you said, I would not label you as such.

Furries having multiple fursonas is not at all uncommon. We adopt our fursonas for many reasons. One reason is that it allows us to express a side of our personality that we don’t really show in public. Or, it can serve as a way to enhance the qualities in ourselves that people do know about but don’t see very often.

As for your “dark side,” everyone has one. People are often startled to find that I have one as well. If you ever saw a pic of my human face, I look like kind of a geeky, pleasant, white bread guy, but I do have aspects about me that are not readily apparent. Similarly, like you, I have a very antisocial side. There are many times I would just like to be left alone and not have anyone disturb me, not even my mate. But I am not like that all the time. Two very important things in my life help me to achieve social balance: the furry community and my mate. They compel me to meet new people and become more open to others.

Your two fursonas are a way for you to deal with the two aspects of your personality. The only problem I’m seeing—and you see it, too—is that the colder, less sociable side of you is dominating over the sweet, gentler side. Part of this might be because of your military training and experience, and part could be about a lack of trust you have developed for other human beings. You don’t mention anything about your childhood or other experiences, but I would infer that some things may have happened to you in your life that have caused you to raise your shields and become defensive and protective of your emotions.

The only way you will achieve balance, then, is to regain some of that trust for other people that you have evidently lost in your life. That is something that can take a lot of time and a lot of work. It involves your reconnecting to those you love, such as your stepparents.

In a way, you have become addicted to being cold and distant. You have found that it works for you in that it prevents you from being hurt. The side effect of this strategy, though, is what you are feeling now: this lack of balance. You are, in fact, sacrificing that part of you that you know is loving and caring and that wants more out of life than what you are providing by building this tough exterior.

But there is another side of this, too. You mention that when you open up your gentler side you end up being a doormat. Hoo, boy! Have I been there, too! Your bad experiences with that probably also contribute to your tougher side’s domination of your personality in a kind of snowballing effect toward the “dark side” (i.e., I’m guessing you are Thel more often than you are Eru). I suspect that the doormat effect comes about because you do not have enough experience in opening up to people, and so you need practice in being a better judge of character. More practice will help you figure out who is more likely to take advantage of your kinder side and who won’t do that to you.

So, now you have a choice: you can continue what you are doing or you can try and change it. I feel you have a desire to change it, which is good. You will need to chip away at that outer shell and learn to let people in again. You don’t have to rush into that. Proceed slowly. Spend more time with people you like and trust and do things together with them. Start having more conversations with those you love, like family members, about what you are feeling inside.

Also, if you are not aware of them already, there are a number of Christian Furry and Military Furry groups out there on Facebook, Furry4Life, and other sites. You could probably get a lot of help by joining such groups and talking about the complexities of being gay, being a soldier, being a Christian, and being a furry all at the same time. Support from people who share your experiences is a great way to gain trust in others and friendships that can last a lifetime.

Back to your fursonas. Since fursonas are a good way to protect yourself while interacting with society, I would like to suggest you spend more and more time being Eru and less time being Thel. You might not realize this but Eru, being an alter ego to your human side, can be just as effective a protector as Thel. As a fursona, he is a buffer between you and human interaction, even when his outer shell is one of love and friendship rather than strength and stoicism.

I hope that makes sense. Write again if I wasn’t being clear enough and we can talk further.

I wish you luck and happiness and love,


Get the furry FAQs on PeterCat's Furry InfoPage! - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 15:45
Archive-name: furry/infopage
Posting-Frequency: Posted every other Monday.
Last-Modified: May 29, 2001

For the most up-to-date collection of FAQs and facts about furries and
furry fandom, point your Web browser to:


Many thanks to Tigerwolf for hosting the pages at (And if

Categories: News

NOVEMBER 28 (PM = POST MINSTRAL) - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 15:45
I still believe, after careful examination of all angles and circumferences,
that facebook is really just a fucking joke. After all, why would anyone
post all this personal info. Like anyone really gives a fiddler's fuck,

So, I therefore say to those who might wish to complain, "Go fuck

Categories: News

I LOVE TO FINGER FUCK - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 15:45
very yung gurlz.

So what?

The lions tremble at his approach.

Categories: News

Gary Sokolich - 3089 - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 15:45

W Gary Sokolich
801 Kings Road
Newport Beach, CA 92663-5715
(949) 650-5379
Local PD

1029 S Point View St
Los Angeles CA 90035
(310) 650-5379

5309 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90043


Categories: News

APPROACH THE COLONEL - Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 15:45
But make sure yer on hands 'n knees.
Thank you again for yer kind support.

Colonel Edmund J. Burke
U.S. Army, ret.

The lions tremble at his approach.

Categories: News