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PLease read...Im in dire need of money So im doing emergency commissions ..

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 13:19

Soo today i just figured out i only got paid 55 $ this week and this week is also the week for us to buy groceries .. i only have 200 left in my account which also goes to gas as well i will probably be out of money by the begining of next week and im soo scared Im in the process of making a new price sheet right now Im gonna have to up my prices because i think its gonna start turning into my main source of income since my job is not giving me any hours.. So again im taking commissions only doodles until i get the price sheet up They are 10$ Here is some examples Im very desperate right now so any money is good All i ask is that if you cant buy please PLEASE spread it every where Also if you spread it enter my raffle and you could win I just need support now guys so just please help me out

submitted by Geek143
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Categories: News

Any good Furry merchandise websites?

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 13:12

Hey fuzzies, i'm looking to get a few shirts and maybe a few furry stickers that I could place on my macbook to give it an awesome flare.

I just have no idea to look at all. I don't know where I could find any stickers. The only furry site I know of is kittylovesmonster and they only have one sticker available.

I'm looking for just like, a generic paw sticker or something along those lines. Thanks for the help!

submitted by katakos
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Categories: News

HELP! Still learning to draw! Need someone to draw my sona for me:)

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 12:46

As the title says, I need someone to draw my fursona. The problem is I am completely broke... Can someone help a fur out by getting a little practice in, and drawing me a portrait for my new FA page?

submitted by Mou5beat515
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Categories: News

Itinerant trout raises awareness of Colorado’s water resources

Furry News Network - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 12:24
Author: Higgs Raccoon We’ve had a Treeless Squirrel; now we have a Waterless Trout. Environmental groups in Colorado, USA, are trying to stop the diversion of large amounts of water out of the Fraser River, one of the tributaries of the Colorado River. 60% of the river’s flow is already diverted to supply the Front [...]
Categories: News

Video critique: ‘The ABCs of Cryptids’

Furry News Network - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 08:24
Author: Isiah Jacobs Purchase – Vote at the Ursa Majors Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

Tailly continues to wag on Indiegogo

Furry News Network - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 06:24
Author: Huskyteer Following an unsuccessful campaign on Kickstarter (covered last month), Shota Ishiwatari has moved fundraising for Tailly, ‘the tail that wags when you get excited’, over to Indiegogo. Tailly responds to the wearer’s heartbeat, wagging fast when a raised heartbeat indicates high emotion and slowing with the pulse to a swing. This time, the [...]
Categories: News

MY COCK 'N BALLZ ARE FURRY - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 05:45
How does that rate in this most ridiculous newsgroup?

I have killfiled the assworm. He is my prisoner.

Categories: News

Review: ‘Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two’ for the Wii

Furry News Network - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 04:24
Author: crossaffliction This game is a nostalgia trip. Much like the original Epic Mickey, it highlights a diverse cast of classic Disney characters that don’t always get the spotlight; sure, there’s a matchmaking questline that unites Donald and Daisy Duck as romantic partners, but there’s also one featuring Clarabelle Cow and Horace Horsecollar. When was [...]
Categories: News

‘Inherit the Earth 2? Kickstarter cancelled after poor reception

Furry News Network - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 02:25
Author: AuldWolf Wyrmkeep Entertainment, who recently launched a Kickstarter project to fund a sequel to their perennial point & click adventure, have cancelled it, admitting the campaign was insufficiently compelling to non-fans. A post-mortem of the project is underway. The original Inherit the Earth was released in ’94 for IBM-PC and Macintosh computers, and has [...]
Categories: News

Gold steps it back

DailyFurBlog - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 01:19
With the latest Ursa Majors Awards coming back around again Kyell Gold has respectively stepped out of the award section. He noted that the Ursa Awards while not making changes in ranking because of popularity, just may do the opposite . He sites that others have had the same issue and not just himself. Listing only the popular books, art, etc… is showing only those who make a lot of popularity, while others who do great work are not noted at the top of their lists. Gold comments, “In addition, this allows me to recommend other books in the fandom for you to read, other stories to look at, without being conflicted. I would really like you guys to keep reading and keep voting in the awards, because that’s important to the fandom.” He also dully noted that you should not step back from voting or cause drama. This comes at a quite a cost to himself and would only be pushed if only thought in best interests.
Categories: News

Bedfellows gives us just the tip

DailyFurBlog - Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 01:08
So BedFellows gives a little wanky-wanky of a promo for this coming season. A cute little opening of somethings to come for BedFellows cartoons on YouTube. Check out the link and be sure to subscribe to them for upcoming things!! YouTube LINK
Categories: News

Episode 74 – Candy Heart

Furry News Network - Mon 28 Jan 2013 - 22:32
Author: admin Sorry for the lateness of this week’s episode! Istanbul was doing a thing for charity all this weekend, and became dead for a short time. This week’s episode starts off with juice boxes that make you gay, and leads right into Kyo’s rendition of Hava Negilah! Yeah, it’s like that. Istanbul mentions the [...] Episode 74 – Candy Heart
Categories: News

Episode 74 – Candy Heart - Sorry for the lateness of this week’s episode! Istanbul was doing a thing for charity all this weekend, and became dead for a short time. This week’s episode starts off with juice boxes that make you gay, and lead[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Mon 28 Jan 2013 - 21:32

Sorry for the lateness of this week’s episode! Istanbul was doing a thing for charity all this weekend, and became dead for a short time. This week’s episode starts off with juice boxes that make you gay, and leads right into Kyo’s rendition of Hava Negilah! Yeah, it’s like that. Istanbul mentions the Kotaku article about Further Confusion, and Kyo’s sexy Dr. Robotnik makes Isty nope himself clear out of the room! Isty also talks about the polo shirt sizes for charity that will be available at Furry Fiesta, and Kyo waxes philosophical – for him – about his frothing hatred of children, especially children with bad parents. Smokey finishes by mentioning some of the new Wii U games coming out, and then it’s on to the e-mails!

Once the e-mails get going, Ryo gives more information about his home life, and Marcus Noble shares news on his job search, both positive and negative. We get one listener talking about his low sex drive, and the cast generally agrees that while sex is fun, it’s not the end-all-be-all. We even get incriminated in a listener’s supposed near-death experience! Ladies and gentlemen, our podcast is officially marked Handle With Care! The cast gives their opinions about romance vs. sex, everyone seems to agree that bar pickups are skeevy and parentally-arranged pickups are even worse, and a good time is had by all!

Next week’s topic is all about waste. Things you are wasting, things you have wasted, listening to us wasted, how to deal with others’ waste, and all other topics related! Remember, you’re not limited to that topic, so write in and let us help, and spread the word about us!

One more thing! We have our topic for the Fiesta show: Addiction! Things you can’t live without, addictions you’re trying to break, and coping with the addictions of the people around you. DON’T FORGET: If you have an e-mail you want us to read in the live show for Fiesta, please include “Live Show” in the subject line so that we know to save it!

Music: 99 Floors Underground from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team from OC Remix

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 74 – Candy Heart
File modified January 28, 2013 – 71.2 MB – downloaded 451 times so far

Episode 74 – Candy Heart - Sorry for the lateness of this week’s episode! Istanbul was doing a thing for charity all this weekend, and became dead for a short time. This week’s episode starts off with juice boxes that make you gay, and lead[...]
Categories: Podcasts

May we have a moment of your time?

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Jan 2013 - 20:37


I am a researcher working for an independent group of people, and i've been asked to relay a few questions from the group to you, the community. i'm not going to expect or ask for upvotes, and all we want is some information. if you have questions of us, we will try to answer them as quickly as we can.

Group questions: (you don't have to answer all, or any if you wish. but any feedback would be appreciated)

"when did you first know you were a furry?"

"what does it mean to be a furry? in your own words?"

"has it changed anything for you?"

"what's your favorite aspect of the fandom?"

"Did you ever "come out?" what was it like? did you need to?"

"Have you ever met anyone else who is a furry? how did it go?"

More questions may be asked depending on the feedback we get.

Thank you for reading!

submitted by kejani_researcher
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Categories: News

Emergency Commissions! Please help

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Jan 2013 - 19:23

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted here in a while but hopefully you remember me.

Yesterday I had to take my pet rat Mason the the emergency vet because he had a respiratory infection and he was having a lot of difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, I'm now out almost $200 (or more for his treatment, depending on if he gets worse.) And I still have to take in my two younger rats for a check-in to make sure they didn't get infected as well.

Because of this, I am now open for emergency commissions. The slots are only $20.

Here are a few examples of the quality.

I will draw almost anything for these commissions, but please remember that there are some things that I am unwilling to draw, usually just because I am not good at drawing them. Feel free to message or note me here or on my furaffinity.

Thank you.

submitted by silverfennec
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Categories: News

The Flash Player is BACK!

TigerTails Radio - Mon 28 Jan 2013 - 19:03

Finally, only 11 weeks after the season started properly, the way to bring back the best feature of the old version of the TigerTails Radio website has been discovered.  We can reinstate the Flash Player at long last.

The podcasts are held off-site at, and the nice people there provide a media player for the files stored on their site.  We've only just discovered this media player supports embedding in a form that our website host allows - Yey!  Okay, silly us for not discovering this sooner, but better late than never, right?

All previous podcast posts have been edited and the flash player added (or it might be HTML5, I have no idea, and nor do I care so long it works), so a couple of forced refreshes might be required to get them to display properly.  Each new podcast related post should have the player from the get-go.  Note:  I say should.  

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Categories: Podcasts