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KnotCast: Episode 208 – KOAOT

Furry News Network - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 22:31
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week on KnotCast, Fuzz, Shiva, and Savrin catch up on two weeks of email. Theres guns, poly, and pony. And a topic for next week about art and writing. Links for this week! Jeeves the Roo Kickstarter. AD in HD podcast “Should I stick my dick in it?” calculator. Use our [...] KnotCast: Episode 208 – KOAOT
Categories: News

Furry art.

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 16:45
Categories: News

More Chuck Jones than you can shake a cartoonist at!

Furry News Network - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 16:24
Author: Fred On Presidents’ Day weekend in Los Angeles, February 16 – 18, The Cinefamily and the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity will present a three-day Chuck Jones Centennial Celebration, in honor of the 100th anniversary of his birth (which was on September 21, 1912 actually, but what’s a few months among friends?), at the [...]
Categories: News

A quick drawing of a young raccoon

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 16:19
Categories: News

Another quick question since you fellas were so kind to my scaley self.

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 13:16

Do any of you know where I can roleplay? Non sexual? (Maybe sexual if the other guy is good at roleplaying like myself.)

submitted by Iheartdragonsmore
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Categories: News

Anyone know any good fursuit makers who make anime style fursuits

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 11:32

Basically i already have a partical but i want to get my head refurbished to look more anime looking and have an actual long hair wig i want her to look moore like her anthro form Im also looking if anyone knows who makes costumes or outfits for fursuits as well

Any suggestions

submitted by Geek143
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Categories: News

Recommendations for partial fursuit commissions

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 10:46

Hi! I'm looking for any recommendations for a good partial fursuit commission. currently only looking for the ears, paws, and tail with long term plans of getting a full head and body. If you're an artist, this is the ref sheet for my character - (Yes, I am TigMc)

submitted by littggr
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Categories: News

Tom Broadbent: At Home with the Furries coverage

Furries In The Media - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 10:37
The ordinary home lives of dragons, gryphons, and mystical deer

Over the last few years, photographe Tom Broadbent ad been getting to know and photographing people who participate in furry fandom, fursuits and all. His ongoing serie At Home with the Furries hows fursuited folks in ordinary settings doing ordinary things. On the one hand, his photos show the mundane side of folks who participate in the fandom, but on the other, they create fantastic scenes in which mythical creatures have to do their laundry and make their breakfast just like everyone else.

You can see many more photos from this series on Broadbent's website.

Tom Broadbent Documents All Those Furries That You See on Forums

If you’re used to creeping around 4Chan or Reddit, you’ll know the story about furries. For the rest of us, they’re a meme of a sort that started at a Sci-Fi con as a drawing and then went viral. At the heart, they’re personified animals–and they digg sexy time the way humans do. We’ll stop right there.

Tom Broadbent ecently did a project documenting people who cosplay as these characters, but wanted to show them doing daily everyday tasks. This is similar to the project documentin superheros during daily life hat was done previous.

Head over t Tom’s site or the best web viewing experience.

It's a surreal life, 'At Home with the Furries'

Tom Broadbent has spent the past few years photographing "Furries" — people who spend parts of their lives dressed as anthropomorphic animals — away from the confines o conventions and events. He's published his work a At Home with the Furries a series depicting furries in everyday scenes. The result is a whimsical, fantastic set of images, that plays the furries' spectacular costumes against the stark contrast of some truly mundane settings.

Categories: News

Toony Attempt

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 10:35
Categories: News

A Valentine's Day Quandary

Ask Papabear - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 09:36
Dear Papabear, 

I live in the Northeast and Valentine’s Day is coming up fast. I have promised my wife a memorable Valentine’s Day filled with dinner, a hotel room for the night, and a hot tub soak..... The issue I am having now is there have been these..."surprise expenses" that I seem to run into every week I get a paycheck. For example new shoes, replacement cell, and now I am going to need to buy a new belt..... I don’t make a lot of money and what I do make usually is gone by the end of the month. so my question is this....... How do I tell her I may have to take her out for a more memorable night later in the month (or later) without getting into a big fight or crushing her hopes.... I feel so lost and confused because she means a lot to me and I don’t want to see her sad....

-lonely & confused puppy

* * *

Dear Puppy,

It’s wonderful that you care about your wife and wish to make her happy. I’m sure she’s a lovely person, and, as a lovely person, she would love you whether you were a king or a pauper. As your spouse, she must surely also be aware of your income and that things may be tight because of some added expenses. I’m guessing that if you told her honestly what happened and that you are really sorry, she would understand.

But, you actually don’t have to disappoint her at all. Here’s what you do:  

  1. Make her a hand-made Valentine’s Day card. Doesn’t have to be fancy. Maybe a heart with a little lace around it and on the inside a heartfelt sentiment; 
  2. Go to the grocery store and buy some of her favorite foods and, when evening comes, cook her dinner (much cheaper than dinner out); 
  3. Buy her a small box of truffles (4 pieces is sufficient), and also a bottle of bubble bath soap (see below); 
  4. You can purchase reasonable roses at many grocery stores and even at 7 Elevens these days; get a couple, pluck off the petals of all but one, and scatter them on your bed; get some candles and put them in the bedroom and light them; lay the one remaining rose on a pillow next to the box of chocolates; (oh, and if it needs it, give the house a good cleaning);
  5. Put on your sexiest clothes, spray on some cologne; 
  6. Make sure to prepare all this while she’s not around; if necessary, ask her to run an errand or two; 
  7. Set out your best plates and napkins, candles, and maybe a runner on your table;
  8. When she gets home, surprise her with the dinner, present her with the card and tell her, “I love you. This Valentine’s Day is all about you. I appreciate so much all the things you do for me that I wanted to try and cook for you and be at your service tonight”; 
  9. After a lovely dinner during which you attend to her every need, sit on the couch for a while and give her a nice foot massage; then, take her to the bedroom (put a sign on the door, such as “Hotel Chez Furry” and it becomes your hotel room) where the candles and flowers and chocolates are prepared and.... well, let nature take it’s course (don’t forget the romantic music);
  10. After some fun in the hotel room, fix her a hot bubble bath, continue to play the soft music and set candles in the bath as well. Afterwards, massage her in bed until she is ready to cuddle up and go to sleep in your loving arms....

Takes a lot of effort? Yeah, it does, but you can do all of the above for a very reasonable price while giving your wife what she really wants: your time and love and appreciation and attention. Anyone can take their wife to a restaurant and a hotel. It takes a special guy to really show his wife she is worth a bit more effort than melting a credit card.

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!


20 years ago. Wow. . .

Furries In The Media - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 08:32
Categories: News

Episode 208 - KOAOT

Southpaws - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 07:44
This week on KnotCast, Fuzz, Shiva, and Savrin catch up on two weeks of email. Theres guns, poly, and pony. And a topic for next week about art and writing. Links for this week! Jeeves the Roo Kickstarter: AD in HD podcast "Should I stick my dick in it?" calculator: Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal. Episode 208 - KOAOT
Categories: Podcasts

Re: And the puke recruit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 07:14
You sure did. However, Pleasance and I were not here.
Love & Kisses--
The Colonel with the massive cock

I have killfiled the assworm. He is my prisoner.

Categories: News

Call Me Maybe...

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 07:09
Categories: News

How To Link to FurAffinity and Other Image Websites

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 01:37

I've seen this more than once? People are trying to link directly to the image in question, rather than the gallery page.

Please don't.

Here's an example of a good link: (Note: it won't actually go to anything, it's just for show.)

Or, you can post it as a hyperlink, like so.

This is an example of a bad link:

Why is this bad?

  1. You only get the image. You don't get the comments section, or any text, or a vote/favorite button. You also don't get to know who the artist is, unless you care to decipher the URL and pull their name out of it. That's not very friendly. :(

  2. It doesn't work when you first click it. Instead, you get Error 403: Forbidden That's because you're trying to access an area of the site that is reserved for content server queries. The URL, That stands for "FurAffinity Content Delivery Network". Sure, you can hit F5 to refresh, and it'll come up? But you're not supposed to be there in the first place.

  3. Technically, you're doing a form of leeching. Because you're going directly to the image, you're bypassing the normal system that FA uses to track usage, server statistics and advertising. I'll be the first to admit that the flashing, animated ads on FA are distracting? But they are furry related. So I accept them. But if you can't bring yourself to accept the adverts, then just use AdBlock, but please make sure to link correctly? Things like server stats and bandwidth usage aren't visible to us, but they sure as Hell are visible to the owners when the monthly bills come in.

So please make sure the artists get the full exposure when you showcase them here, and link properly! I'm lazy, and don't wanna dig their names out of a link after hitting F5 over and over again.

Just my $.02.

submitted by IonOtter
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Categories: News