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Furry Needs to Be Careful about Inviting Guests into His Uncle's Mansion

Ask Papabear - Tue 16 Apr 2013 - 11:44
Dear Papabear,

Me: Hello? Kyuubi (not real surname) residence, Foxy speaking.

Xavier (furry pseudonym): Foxy, dude! It's me!

Me: Xavier? Funny hearing your voice at these dates and also you calling me. So what's up? Why'd ya call?

Xavier: Just wanted to chat a bit before I go Back playing with the other boys. So, how's life?

Me: Neh... Been here, done that. 

Xavier: Hey... Mind if I could ask you something?

Me: Ask away. But if it involves around money, I'm putting down the phone.

Xavier: No, never about money. But... Could me and the boys come over stay for the vacation? We needed a place to stay.

Me: Eh?! What about the dorms?

Xavier: Eck. We wanted a new scenery and I heard you got a big place. So how about it?

Me: I dunno. I still got homework to do...

Xavier: School's out man! No homework until the next semester.

Me: You got me!

Xavier: So how about it?

Me: *sigh* Fine. There's just no way I could resist you.

Xavier: Great! The boys'll be glad! *kiss sound* See then love. *hangs up*

Me: Yeah... you too, honey...


That conversation was pretty accurate. So they're coming over and stay for the vacation and we are talking about his entire group. A group of studly jocks!

What he know and heard of is that I lived in a big place. What he didn't know is that my place is an actual mansion! Not my parent's but from uncle's. He said I can come over anytime I wanted live there like I own the place. To be honest, getting addressed with 'sir' or 'senior' requires some getting used to. I asked him about the predicament and he just said yes without 'thinking about it'. Uncle said that it's perfect timing to have more residence in the manor because he is leaving for some long business trip.

The mansion is filled with things that some only dream to have. Game room, bar, sports facilities, pool, Jacuzzi, beach, collections, cellars, you name it! I don't venture into the sports facilities often save for the badminton and air-soft/paintball courses. Knowing they are the active and sporty-types I'll most likely get dragged into watching them play but Xavier is there so it'll be worth it... I hope.

As you might have guessed it, Xavier is now my boyfriend... and it is he who made the first move, so go tease him not me!

They'll be arriving around next week. How am I suppose to explain to him and them that I'm not a rich kid to be pushed on *shiver*? Should I state the house rules (because guys like them likes to do things their way)? What if the boys started flirting on the maids that are the same age as them (yeah my uncle hires teens who are in need of money)? Papabear help...


Foxy the Blessed... and the Worried.

PS. Xavier and all his boys have a fursona so woohoo... (is that a good thing?)

* * *

Dear Foxy,

Oy, vey. You have just opened up a giant can of worms to get used by a bunch of people you don’t even know, except for Xavier. While your uncle is being very cool about this, you could be in for some real headaches, and, frankly, Xavier is being very rude foisting his friends on you and pressuring you like this. 

But, you let yourself be taken in, so now you need to prepare. I know this sounds bad, but if I were you the first thing I would do would be to hide away all the valuables in the mansion that are easily pocketed and carried off, such as jewelry and small electronic devices (seriously). You don’t know these guys and you have no clue what they are capable of. Contact Xavier and tell him that certain rules will need to be adhered to, including (my suggested list):

  1. No making sexual advances on the maids or any of the staff. NONE. PERIOD. (You don’t want to open up the possibility of legal action against your very kind uncle).
  2. You clean up your own messes each night before going to bed. The staff is not being paid to pick up your dishes and trash etc. They already have their normal duties.
  3. You bring your own food and cook your own meals or go out to a restaurant.
  4. Break something? YOU pay for it or get it repaired.
  5. No blasting of music or doing anything that disturbs the neighbors.
  7. If they are underage (and I’m guessing they are), NO BOOZE! Even if just some are underage and others are not, no bringing booze into the house (if you have a liquor cabinet, lock it).
  8. If anything goes missing, ALL guests will share responsibility and ALL guests will have to leave the house (this way, they police each other).
  9. NO fighting. No violent misbehavior will be tolerated. If I have to call the cops, you will all have to leave immediately. 
  10. As long as you are considerate of the above conditions, you are free to use the facilities of the house. Be respectful and there will be no problems.

Once you lay down the law, if they break it YOU MUST follow through with your promise that there will be consequences. NO SECOND CHANCES. Because once you give them a second chance, they will see your rules as total B.S. and that’s when all hell will break loose.

This might sound harsh, but this is NOT your home you are staying in and your uncle is trusting you with it. Again, you don’t know these guys and you don’t know what they are capable of. They are already taking advantage of you for something you were clearly hesitant to permit (and you were right to be hesitant). Don’t set yourself up to be a tool. 

Don’t get used. I’m sorry, but I have run into a LOT of users in the fandom and it is very unpleasant. Many furries see someone with money and nice things and latch onto you like leeches in a swamp. Ugly, but true. There are MANY NICE furries whom I love dearly, but there are a LOT who have no qualms about taking advantage of your kindness. And lending them this mansion is the equivalent of giving them a lot of money, even if it isn’t cash. You don't want this to happen

Good luck, you’ll need it.


Doing some sketch art requests on FA if you're interested!

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 22:12

I've gotten out of the groove of drawing, so for an hour I'm going to do some request sketches for an hour or two. All kinds of requests are welcomed! I'll be doing it at, so feel free to send me a PM on there or request here in the comments! I might only get around to a few tonight, so some might have to be done over the next few days.

submitted by OnAnAxle
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Categories: News

I think that /r/furry needs a /r/furrygaming sub-reddit.

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 21:14

Anyone else think so? Just a suggestion, I need more furry friends on my friends lists. Xbl: Cirrus Blackpaw Psn: Cirrus_Blackpaw

submitted by CirrusBlackpaw
[link] [9 comments]
Categories: News

Bed time - NSFW

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 19:26
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 22

TigerTails Radio - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 16:49
TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 22
Website's a little late on the update due to having to spend a lot of time yesterday both job hunting and going to Ikea to get a new sofa for the lounge. Still, better late than never. This week's show had things return to normal somewhat, with TK being in control of the sound effects, and Felis almost not having a thing for Done and Dusted until a few moments before the show started. We even only over-ran by 26 minutes... Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7. From: TigerTails Radio Views: 0 3 ratings Time: 02:22:26 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

Still a bit confused about the furry fandom. Can anyone explain why you are a "furry?"

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 16:43

I read the side-bar about the furry fandom, but I'm still wondering about it. Mostly why are you a furry or just some explanations as to why some people might like this stuff.

If this came off as offensive, sorry. I'm just kinda curious about this mostly because I run a convention and one of our staff members was able to get SophieCabra and he keeps saying she is a big part of the furry fandom.

submitted by ajtexasranger
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Categories: News

American Dad Gives Voice to Kink

DailyFurBlog - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 14:47

Ever thought of doing something to spice up your sex life but were nervous of sounding too knotty to your mate? Well on American Dad someone discovers they have a kink for being spanked. Murr….Sorry what was I saying? Oh yes. Spanking. When it comes out the person is instantly vilified but thanks to a catchy little musical number their partner discovers they too must have a kink. During this glorious song it just so happens furries come into view. With Patrick Stewart dressed as a great purple bear singing the last lines of the song. What is so great about that? Well somebody certainly did their homework. They made sure to put a fox and a bunny on the very bottom. So, what’s your kink?

Click here to see the full screen shot.

Categories: News

Pandez does standup at FCN2013

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 14:33
Categories: News

Tired of the hate and ignorance against Furries

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 14:26

just read a post relating furries to lolicon lovers. general theme was Furries like fucking animals. im sorry if that was the criteria i wouldnt be a furry.

submitted by cthom124
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Categories: News

Through Dust by *Tatchit on deviantART

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 13:02
Categories: News

Episode 66 - FCN '13 LIVE! - See that pic? We filled the room for the live recording at FCN '13, and THAT'S the $171 they don...

The Dragget Show - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 02:36
See that pic? We filled the room for the live recording at FCN '13, and THAT'S the $171 they donated to the con charity at the end of this episode in the name of the show! We love our listeners, their generosity knows no bounds. This episode is also co-hosted by our good friends Pandez and Draggor (AKA "The Bulge"). Lots of fun! ALSO! Keep an eye on the YouTube channel! FCN stand-up routines from Xander, Alkali, and friends of the show will be showing up there. There's 3 new ones up there now! we have a message board/forum! ---> Leave us an iTunes review! Leave us feedback or a question for the next show! Episode 66 - FCN '13 LIVE! - See that pic? We filled the room for the live recording at FCN '13, and THAT'S the $171 they don...
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 66 - FCN '13 LIVE! - See that pic? We filled the room for the live recording at FCN '13, and THAT'S the $171 they don...

The Dragget Show - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 02:36
See that pic? We filled the room for the live recording at FCN '13, and THAT'S the $171 they donated to the con charity at the end of this episode in the name of the show! We love our listeners, their generosity knows no bounds. This episode is also co-hosted by our good friends Pandez and Draggor (AKA "The Bulge"). Lots of fun! ALSO! Keep an eye on the YouTube channel! FCN stand-up routines from Xander, Alkali, and friends of the show will be showing up there. There's 3 new ones up there now! we have a message board/forum! ---> Leave us an iTunes review! Leave us feedback or a question for the next show! Episode 66 - FCN '13 LIVE! - See that pic? We filled the room for the live recording at FCN '13, and THAT'S the $171 they don...
Categories: Podcasts

"Hi, Mom! I'm Moving to Australia to Live with My Online Love!"

Ask Papabear - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 00:59
Hi there, Papabear, 

You helped me out before with a question I had about my friends and we are doing a lot better now, so I wanted to thank you for that, but I have a different question now about myself. For the last couple of years I have been making plans and saving up to move out of my mom’s house, and move overseas with my mate. I've told a few friends and they think that I'm crazy for wanting to move over from the states to go to Australia to be with someone whom I've never met but am in love with. But, like I said, me and her have been making these plans pretty much since we started going out 3 years ago, getting the visa, passport, saving up for the ticket and everything. 

I have almost everything done in preparations, except for one thing: how do I tell my mom? I know you might not be able to help me out, but you are so good at helping furs with a problem and I've been having this one ever since I started making plans. My mom is overprotective of me and was scared when I went to go visit a friend on the other side of the U.S., not much less go to another continent. Me and her have a great relationship between each other since my father left and I don't want to make her worry or to try and guilt trip me, trying to change my mind on something that I know is set in stone. So I guess I'm asking, “What is the right time and how do I bring it up to her and explain it to her?” I hope to hear back from you soon, thank you in advance.

~Samantha Toxx

* * *

Hi, Samantha,

You’re most welcome, and so glad I could help. Now, about your concerns. A few things I can say on this topic.... For one, if I were you I would be extremely careful about moving across the world, let alone closer by, for someone you met on the Internet and have never seen in person. I know, I know, you’re in love with your online mate, but Papabear has known several cases of couples who met over the Internet, then moved in together and it didn’t work out. So, think of this scenario: you move clear across the world, move in with your mate, and after a couple months you’re driving each other crazy and she kicks you out (an Internet relationship in no way resembles a living-together relationship; trust me on this one). What then? Would you stay in Australia? Would you try and move back? Consider all the possibilities and make plans for all contingencies before you make such a huge move in your life, both geographically and emotionally.

That being said, you are 21 years old, which is old enough to make your own decisions. Unless there is some big reason for it that you’re not telling me in your letter (such as you have an illness of some kind), then it is really time for your mother to stop being overprotective and recognize you’re a grown woman. This, too, is assuming that you are making this big move using your own resources and not by borrowing money from your family. If that's the case, then the people you're borrowing money from have a say in this.

Now then, let’s say that everything between you and your mate will go hunky dory and you can pay for the trip yourself and everything is a go! To your questions: how to tell Mom? When to tell Mom? The answer is to tell her now. Certainly, don’t wait until the last minute, as in, “Can’t make dinner tonight, Mom, I’m leaving for Australia.” That would just be a slap in the face for someone who has cared for you all her life. You say you have a great relationship with your mom. If that is true, then great communication should be no problem. Tell her now what your plans are. Bad enough you’ve been planning this for three years behind her back, so don’t keep this news from her any longer.

How do you bring it up to her.... Well, I would also hope that she knows you’re a lesbian. If she’s cool with that already, then that is very promising that she’s a good mom. Next, does she know your mate at all? Does she know you’ve been talking to this other woman all this time? If not, you have got to introduce her now. If she does know her, then great! That should ease her mind somewhat that you aren’t moving into a stranger’s place in a foreign country. Give her all the background information first, and then tell her about your moving plans.

The best way to bring things up like this is to make sure all the cards are on the table and play fairly with your mother. Consider that your move is going to make it very difficult for her to see you and that she will miss you terribly and it will be very hard on her. Be kind to a mother’s heart.

All those precautions being stated, I hope that it works out for you and that you are very happy with your mate in Australia.

Good luck!


Furries on American Dad (again)

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Apr 2013 - 00:11
Categories: News